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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
He's mexican, from Monterrey to be exact.
Knche has a pretty good DDD, too (he's from Guatemala), and I think that's about it, there are no other notable DDDs (mine is still pretty new).

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Be your own gd hero.

That way, when the guy you look up to disappoints you, you can do something about instead of whining like babies



❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
I don't.
default colors, color names, and other texts to display are well... poor...

I liked my old layout more, not because i don't like change, but because I don't like good features to get removed...


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
Well what are some of these good features that got removed? I noticed that tables are a bit ****ed up atm but I'm certain that in the next few days the forum will look even better as changes and other things are implemented.

I for one am loving the new forum. I think there are some things that could be improved on, but hey, nothings perfect~


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Default posting colors, displaying info (like location, etc), postbits instead of labels, and colored names.
Having the user's info box above the whole post (the way I had it, was optional), and many BB codes and icons were lost (I hope they return later, though).
Also, I guess I was just used to F5 istead of recieving notifications...


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Well what are some of these good features that got removed? I noticed that tables are a bit ****ed up atm but I'm certain that in the next few days the forum will look even better as changes and other things are implemented.
The following posts answer your bolded question:
Also, I noticed that we can no longer multi-quote posts anymore. :(
I kinda dislike how there's no border between a person's actual post and his sig. It's kinda hard to differentiate between what he wants to say and random gibberish that has nothing to do with the current topic. An excellent example is 1PokeMastr's post (post #31) above. :ohwell:

Edit: Upon closer scrutiny, I noticed that there is a border, but it's extremely, EXTREMELY faint. It might as well not even be there.
Ah, I see. Also, I found out how to "multi-quote". Every time you click "Reply", the sub-forum flings you to the message box, which automatically quotes the message you're replying to. If you click on more "Reply" links, the quotes stack up in your message box. This would be extremely cool IF doing this didn't continuously bring me to the message box EVERY time I clicked "Reply". :mad:
I kinda miss how I used to be able to 'Quick Edit' my posts directly without getting a pop-up or a new page or anything. Oh well, I can live without... :ohwell:
Keep in mind that these are only the issues that other people didn't mention. There are several things that other people said which I also agree with. If you want to see the 'Official Complaints' thread about XenForo Smashboards:

I also am not sure I like this whole FB-esque "like" system that SWF has going now. One of the things I loved about SWF was that I never really had a reason to avoid speaking my mind, aside from getting on people's nerves and being put on their ignore lists (which I could care less about). For this reason, I greatly disliked Smashmod's rating system, especially since it fostered a 'Oh, you downrated me? Well I guess I'll downrate you in return' attitude. It would be better, IMO, if we weren't 'persuaded' to make 'likable' posts just to get likes. That's my stance on the issue.

Don't get me wrong. I think that this new format introduced a lot of really nifty things, but it also removed some key things I liked.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Oakdale MN
It also doesn't look as nice when you zoom in while viewing on a mobile phone. Can't see the post and who posted it at the same time which is annoying.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
So I got 4/43 at a tournament on Sunday while going almost all DDD (I used Falco/GW vs. another DDD and I used MK in WR1).

I once again lost to Falco and then Fox. I think that I finally understand how to get in on Falco by option-selecting his non-silent laser in his face with grab/spot dodge/roll away, but I just got completely overwhelmed by Fox. I was getting conditioned to the point where I was letting him jump around me for free and letting him set-up good positioning for him (e.g. getting out perfect Bairs on my block).

I guess that it comes down to me just not understanding what to do vs. Fox at neutral; he's so fast that I feel like I can't risk whiffing anything and I can't react on my reads like I want to (I've tried to Fair him on reaction to him moving forward at the other end of Battlefield and still had his Fair stuff mine).


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
yea i know ^^". In that 2nd match I tried going for a swallocide to end the set like 10 minutes earlier since I kind of already knew id win the set. If it wasnt for that It wouldve not been close. Hope that helps u exdeath. as far as falco goes, I sent yoss my vids vs him so u can take a look at those since u both live nearby I think? That or get someone to upload them from tampa.

lol just rewatched the vid, that ftilt was meant to be an upltilt on that last stock 2nd match xD

Deleted member 189823

Those Side-B attempt punishes were amazing, although I think it's his fault for trying and trying and trying when he could've aimed for the ledge. Still a decent Fox, imo.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
Trump is indeed the :fox: I lost to. Yoss and a certain Red 'Berd are the :falcomelee:s are my only concern; SFL's :falcomelee:s are considerably worse (at the MU and in general).

If you send me the replays I can upload them to FL's video channel.


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2008
Lately I've been thinking of using headphones and wearing a print of this avatar on my face during tournament sets to ease the stress.


How does one deal with a rambling crowd during serious games? I'm a nervous wreck every time. I want to take it easy, keep calm and carry on and such.
This last tournament I played, I botched it real hard at the end. Losing to that bat in a horrible fashion again? Should I resign myself to playing for 2nd place?
Cant deal with it? Penguin too bad?

What are we fighting for


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
At first its annoying but you kind of have to deal with it to become a stronger player. If I could I'd wear headphones but I kind of need to hear projectiles so I can powershield on point and what not, if I was always able to plug in headphones into the tv all the time I would. Is it possible to plug the headphones into a wii though and still listen to the brawl music? Id definately go with that if thats an option.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
I believe that :dedede:'s best/most practical kill moves are Bair and Side-B.

At first its annoying but you kind of have to deal with it to become a stronger player. If I could I'd wear headphones but I kind of need to hear projectiles so I can powershield on point and what not, if I was always able to plug in headphones into the tv all the time I would. Is it possible to plug the headphones into a wii though and still listen to the brawl music? Id definately go with that if thats an option.
I was actually just talking with ZMT about that a couple of days ago. What he's doing is bringing a pair of headphones with a splitter so that he can plug the Wii's audio directly into the headphones. I'm sure that you can find a reasonably priced pair (reasonable being ~$30) on Amazon.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Depends on what you get by "practical", because "in practice" people screw up a lot and utilt is a good option.

Deleted member 189823

I believe that :dedede:'s best/most practical kill moves are Bair and Side-B.
I suppose you mean "most reliable". In that case, Side-B isn't really realiable when there's a very low chance you'll actually get a Gordo.
B-Air is pretty reliable for killing, but so might F-Air be offstage out of a read. Also U-Tilt. :3


((((((((((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gotta go fast!
Writing Team
Jul 13, 2011
watched threads is ****ed

also where the hell is the section to make suggestions? this site needs a button at the top that links to the IRC chat


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Watched threads isn't too bad except because I lost my ability to watch forums and see infractions in the same page.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
I suppose you mean "most reliable". In that case, Side-B isn't really realiable when there's a very low chance you'll actually get a Gordo.
B-Air is pretty reliable for killing, but so might F-Air be offstage out of a read. Also U-Tilt. :3
Unless it's a Waddle Doo, it kills most of the cast in a juggle mix-up at a very reasonable % and it's one of the most common kill situations to occur since air dodge>DI out of :dedede:'s Bair/Fair range is so potent.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Looolz! About the earphones topic, I actually have this AWESOME CRT TV that's kinda bizarre (in a really good way). It has an earphone jack, but instead of muting the external speakers when I plug earphones into that, it simply plays the sound through both the speakers AND my earphones, so I can listen to the music/SFX and drown out the sounds of the crowd without doing an injustice to my opponent(s). :)

So I got 4/43 at a tournament on Sunday while going almost all DDD (I used Falco/GW vs. another DDD and I used MK in WR1).
Good job! Kudos on avoiding the ditto. As cheap as that sounds, the DDD ditto is one of the most fraudulent MUs in the universe. Don't put yourself through that undue stress. (-_-') G&W:DDD is about even anyway. :p

I once again lost to Falco and then Fox. I think that I finally understand how to get in on Falco by option-selecting his non-silent laser in his face with grab/spot dodge/roll away, but I just got completely overwhelmed by Fox. I was getting conditioned to the point where I was letting him jump around me for free and letting him set-up good positioning for him (e.g. getting out perfect Bairs on my block)
I have some decent experience against Fox, and I find that you can approach him in largely the same way you approach Falco. The only difference is that Fox has a better non-Phantasm 'forward burst' option in fair. However, in return, Fox's attacks are somewhat easily shieldgrabbed, in my experience. YOU are the one who must do the "conditioning", as you are playing the slower char who depends more on good positioning, IMO. In most MUs (in all Smash games), if you let the much faster char condition you, the MU becomes literal hell as he continually mind-games and scares you with fast options. We can't really stop him from laser camping if he really wants to do it, but setting up perfect aerials on your shield is something that should NOT be happening. Your bair outspaces his. Keep this in mind and be aggressive.

I guess that it comes down to me just not understanding what to do vs. Fox at neutral; he's so fast that I feel like I can't risk whiffing anything and I can't react on my reads like I want to (I've tried to Fair him on reaction to him moving forward at the other end of Battlefield and still had his Fair stuff mine).
Yes, this refers to what I mentioned earlier. If you let the much faster character condition you, the MU becomes extremely scary. However, why are you trying to fair him out of his stuff, on reaction no less? :confused: Fox is too fast to be doing that. If you're trying to stuff Fox's moves like that, bair is your move. It also outspaces Fox's everything and it's just a safer, faster move.

IMO, at neutral, you get in past the lasers (Waddles can help with this) to mid-range. Then you space aggressively with shieldgrabs, tilts, and bairs. Grabs lead into f/bthrow for damage and sending him offstage and into dthrow for tech-chases and also sending him offstage at a bad angle. As I see this MU, optimally, the Fox should never be approaching for no reason. He should be camping his heart out, and when you finally get close, he should be reacting extremely defensively to your actions (he still goes in, but he does it when you reveal an opening or you force an action from him, not before that). Otherwise, he's liable to get outspaced and stuffed or shieldgrabbed. Use this to your advantage. If the Fox isn't camping and playing defensively, this MU is in our favor. If he isn't doing this, then you should either:
  1. Scare him into playing that way by utilizing your options.
  2. Severely punish him for NOT playing this way.
That's my take on that MU.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Double post. It's been well over an hour.
I believe that :dedede:'s best/most practical kill moves are Bair and Side-B.
DDD's "best/most practical kill moves" are bair and utilt, followed by dtilt and fair, followed by dsmash and usmash, followed by uair and dair, followed by fsmash (good reads) and Inhale (swallowcide). Notice how sideB isn't on that list. :p

also where the hell is the section to make suggestions? this site needs a button at the top that links to the IRC chat

Watched threads isn't too bad except because I lost my ability to watch forums and see infractions in the same page.
Watched Threads is TERRIBLE compared to the "Unread Posts" in the old User CP. Literally all the old convenience is just.....gone. There's no accessible button at the top, this new SWF is making every thread from 2012 'unread', and there's no way (that I've found) to simply go to the OP/1st page of an 'unread Watched Thread' unless the unread post in question WAS the OP/1st page. :mad:

Unless it's a Waddle Doo, it kills most of the cast in a juggle mix-up at a very reasonable % and it's one of the most common kill situations to occur since air dodge>DI out of :dedede:'s Bair/Fair range is so potent.
Lolz, no. :p First off, "unless it's a Waddle Doo"? I'll need confirmation, but aren't Doos stronger than Dees? :confused: Secondly, thrown Dees and Doos alike simply don't kill anyone until well past 150% (walking Waddles are a different story ENTIRELY). That's neither 'good' nor "practical". Yes, they can lead into juggle situations, but they don't kill off of juggle situations nor are you guaranteed a follow-up off of a hit with one of them (although they can 'combo'/frame-trap into some nice stuff on-hit). If you're so close that the opponent is trying to avoid the fair/bair, just go with the fair/bair, lolz! They cover each other. Bair is fast and safe when spaced. Fair punishes ADs meant to dodge bair and it frame-traps into bair if you do it 'through' the opponent's AD. Waddles are extremely unsafe at anything closer than mid-range.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Watched Threads is TERRIBLE compared to the "Unread Posts" in the old User CP. Literally all the old convenience is just.....gone. There's no accessible button at the top, this new SWF is making every thread from 2012 'unread', and there's no way (that I've found) to simply go to the OP/1st page of an 'unread Watched Thread' unless the unread post in question WAS the OP/1st page. :mad:.
Below the thread title there are three links:
Social DDD Social: Legion of (mostly) tall people.
Xiivi, Apr 8, 2009, King Dedede

The first one (lime) gets you the author of the thread, the last one (cyan), to the board it is on, and the date on the middle (yellow) gets you to the Opening Post.
Am I the only one who clicks everything?


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Lolz! :facepalm: Why would they make the date the thing you click on to go to the OP? Furthermore, it's still badly designed because there are THREE ways to go to the first unread post (click on thread name, click on blue circle NEXT to the thread name, or simply click on "Go To First Unread" once you get inside the thread) when there's only one obscure way to get to the OP if the thread was unread. That's a bit much.

You may be the only one who clicks everything but that doesn't make the way this feature was designed any better or excusable. Rather, the fact that you have to click everywhere to find what you want proves EXACTLY what I'm talking about. :p


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
Lolz, no. :p First off, "unless it's a Waddle Doo"? I'll need confirmation, but aren't Doos stronger than Dees? :confused: Secondly, thrown Dees and Doos alike simply don't kill anyone until well past 150% (walking Waddles are a different story ENTIRELY). That's neither 'good' nor "practical". Yes, they can lead into juggle situations, but they don't kill off of juggle situations nor are you guaranteed a follow-up off of a hit with one of them (although they can 'combo'/frame-trap into some nice stuff on-hit). If you're so close that the opponent is trying to avoid the fair/bair, just go with the fair/bair, lolz! They cover each other. Bair is fast and safe when spaced. Fair punishes ADs meant to dodge bair and it frame-traps into bair if you do it 'through' the opponent's AD. Waddles are extremely unsafe at anything closer than mid-range.
I can't speak for damage, but I believe that Dees have more knockback. I don't believe that Utilt should hit unless the opponent makes a mistake or rolls into you (which people should know better than to do but still don't). I love Fair, but I generally use it to frame trap and zone rather than to hit with it.

You mis-read the situation in which I said to kill with Side-B: When people air dodge to DI outside of Fair range, because many characters can zone out by simply drifting just outside of :dedede:'s Fair range until they reach a zone where they can use a fast recovery option (which is often realistically punishable, but not for every character). To help you picture what I'm talking about, I'm referring to when you get a Fthrow/Bthrow/Bair by the ledge that almost kills and you can go in to pressure them at the top quarter of the screen. At that point fresh Fair/Bair can kill most of the cast ~60%, but this situation rarely occurs outside of :peach: and spacies. This situation occurs for me pretty much every game, which results in me killing with Side-B pretty much every game. I'm not suggesting to use Side-B at neutral; I think that it's a garbage move and I pretty much only use when I'm going to be turtling someone who has a single projectile (e.g. :falco:, :snake:, etc.).


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
I didn't say the page isn't (still) poorly designed, but you claimed you hadn't found a way to go to the OP, and I did :p

I want to believe in Bionic and friends, and hope for the site to fix many issues and be almost as good as it was before...


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
About the headphones, yea I talked to zero about it and purchased a splitter on amazon. I'll tell ya guys how it is once I receive it. It was like ~20$ so price wasn't too bad.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
I don't believe that Utilt should hit unless the opponent makes a mistake or rolls into you (which people should know better than to do but still don't).
First of all, this actually isn't true. You can catch the opponent off-guard by performing a quick maneuver like FF (AD, if necessary)/Spot-dodge/roll > utilt. The FF > utilt, in particular, is VERY effective because of how fast DDD falls. At this point, the maneuver goes from the opponent "making a mistake or rolling into you" to you simply outplaying your opponent through reads and mix-ups. Sure, if all opponents were smarter/had more common sense, utilt would be a lot less effective, but it would still be a useful kill move in many scenarios (assuming the DDD knows how to use his traits in mix-ups).

Secondly, even if what you said is true, basically half the game is just making/taking advantage of mistakes and rolls. This is Brawl. Defensive play is the name of the game. Falco is going to try to Phantasm through you sometimes if you corner him. If you read that, you get a free utilt. Yes, the Falco essentially "made a mistake", but it's a reasonable one that can be expected to happen during some matches because of how the MU works. Same thing goes for Fox Illusion, Snake's DACUS, etc. DDD is a read-heavy character. If you're playing him, then you have to be able to catch those mistakes and thus land utilts or grabs or bairs or whatever action you have lined up to punish said mistakes. One of the reasons DDD is a High Tier character is not because he gets 'free' stuff, but because the severity of a punish from one of his reads is unusually large.

You mis-read the situation in which I said to kill with Side-B: When people air dodge to DI outside of Fair range, because many characters can zone out by simply drifting just outside of :dedede:'s Fair range until they reach a zone where they can use a fast recovery option (which is often realistically punishable, but not for every character). To help you picture what I'm talking about, I'm referring to when you get a Fthrow/Bthrow/Bair by the ledge that almost kills and you can go in to pressure them at the top quarter of the screen. At that point fresh Fair/Bair can kill most of the cast ~60%, but this situation rarely occurs outside of :peach: and spacies. This situation occurs for me pretty much every game, which results in me killing with Side-B pretty much every game.
You're going to have to show me a video example of you or someone else utilizing this strat you're mentioning to kill someone at such low %'s. As I'm understanding your wording, it seems like you're nailing your opponent with a read (of his drifting AD) that gets him killed (because he's) near a blastzone. That makes Waddle Dee Toss neither "reliable" nor an actual "kill move", since lots of attacks can achieve similar results with similar reads near a blastzone. In addition, you admitted yourself that "this situation rarely occurs outside of Peach and spacies." That hardly makes this move "practical" overall, since it applies only to specific scenarios in a few select MUs. In general, I can see how Waddle Dees/Doos could be useful in the regard that you are stating, but I don't think that makes them 'better' or 'more practical' than his established kill moves.

I'm not suggesting to use Side-B at neutral; I think that it's a garbage move and I pretty much only use when I'm going to be turtling someone who has a single projectile (e.g. :falco:, :snake:, etc.).
I surmise that you must not do so well against Diddy... :p
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