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Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I'm not arguing for the status-quo. I'm arguing for the exploration of better venues and locations in Norcal -- can I imagine an experience that far exceeds Genesis' simply by daring to dream of a location and venue that is superior to Antioch?? -- **** YES. The hotel's connectivity to the venue was sub-par. Apart from a private charter bus to link the two, your only other option was a 20-30 minute walk from the Ramada to the County Fairgrounds, through what could not be mistaken for anything other than a ghetto.

I don't think you know where I'm coming from, but I don't think you have traveled the world for Smash as much as I have. I'd wager you just don't know any better.
I may not be as experienced as you are when it comes to traveling. I myself have only been to a handful of really large tourneys. But the good thing about this hotel is that it is good quality, without the high prices and fear of getting into trouble. They encourage us to run around outside and have fun. Other hotels get mad at you if you are even remotely loud because you decided to cheer during a hotel MM.

And it wasn't that ghetto getting from the hotel to the venue haha. And just travel with some friends while talking about whatever. it seemed like a 5 minute walk to me the whole time :p

Although coming all the ways from Australia I can understand your dilemma. But the experience will be amazing.


Oct 29, 2004
Nice response, Twin_A, much appreciated.

The Ramada didn't encourage people to run outside and have 'fun' -- not when there were kids jumping/stomping on private vehicles and hotel staff threatening to call police due to overnight noise disturbances. Fun is all relative to commonsense, which some of the Smashers didn't have at the hotel last year. Generally, I'd be weary of promoting obnoxiousness.

To put things in perspective, collectively, the Australian team spent over $20,000 to attend Genesis (and their opinions of the event tilted to negativity), so my constructive criticisms of last year's event shouldn't be taken so lightly.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Let me be the first to say, holy hell thats a lot of money!

Question, is that the AUD or the USD? (Australian dollar or US dollar)?

Either way that is a lot of money to spend on a tourney and not get the most out of it :(
Hopefully this one (if you do attend) will be better.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Apologies for speaking out without the experience that you have. I just don't fancy missing the opportunity that we have with that hotel. As a Canadian whose used to the bitter cold as winter rolls about and dealing with heated conditions like in California (I've been in hotter locations believe me!), I flat-out enjoyed how this worked. I also had no gripes with walking. But I'm just one man compared to your community who comes to these things. Hey, if they somehow landed a better venue with the exact same kind of awesome hotel as last year, I'd be all for.

But yeah. Also DBR is definitely working on making this way better than the last one. So we'll just have to wait and see what's in store!


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I honestly think a tourney being way too hot can ruin the entire thing.

(pound 2, day 1).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2009
Gilbert, Az
727 post first week in a tournament that's almost 11 months away. This tournament is gonna be nuts. Everyone needs to start practicing.............

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
Heh, we checked out a ton of different venues. The problem as a whole when it comes to norcal real estate is that for the most part, it is unbelievably expensive to rent out lol. I recall getting a quote from a local Hilton that renting one of their expo areas for the same 3-day stretch, with less square footage, would run us like $30,000. For what you get with the Antioch venue, it's a steal.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Walking from the hotel to the venue is what you call ghetto?

Lets host a good ol tourny in east Oakland then!


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA

about the venue situation, and location.. its really the best we could do. like king said, any other option weve explored has been either way too expensive, lack of transportation to the venue, or other various details that we didnt think were right for the tournament.

i would LOVE to have this tournament at a nice, climate controlled hotel ballroom, trust me i would.

but the cost of renting something like that, especially here in the bay area, is something that were not down to pay for.

as for the venue in antioch, i know antioch sucked, we lived there for a while and moved for good reasons. its hot, traffic sucks, and not very nice too look at.

BUT .. the price was right for the venue, the hotel fit and did its job.

all in all, i really think everyone is looking WAY too much into all the superficial aspects of this tournament. sure its a legit reason and everything, but do you really come to a tournament to check out the AC or check out how nice the place is? i know i dont.

ive never really seen so many people stuck on this aspect of the tournament. it should just be about the content of the tournament, and we felt that the same venue and same hotel experience would cater best to make that experience as best as it could be.

im sorry to hear that the majority of the Australian smashers were disappointed in the first genesis, i really am. it bugs me that all of this is coming out NOW, instead of a year ago. just puts a damper on things.

i dont know the specifics as to why they might not have enjoyed themselves, but it could range from a lot of things.

after doing the first genesis, i learned a big lesson, and that is that you cant please everyone.

for every 10 people that you make happy, theres 1 that isnt. it just goes either way, and its all subjective to people.

sure things could have been better, sure the venue could have been nicer, sure the hotel could have had mints on their pillows and butler service, sure it could have had a view, sure the weather could have been nicer.

but these are the cards that we were dealt with and we made the best of it.

i dont know what else to say really, to all these criticisms except that, sorry for last year, and that were doing all we can to make this next genesis as best as it possibly can. we appreciate the criticism, and were making use of it all to know what to fix and make better from last time.

unfortunately, the venue and hotel are locked, and booked. if you think its ghetto, or not as nice as it could be, then im sorry i dont know what to tell you. we just dont have 30-40,000 dollars sitting around.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
sell your body boback

bet you can make 30k easily


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
also, just to chime in about bad locations or bad venues..

i recall OC3, being in a god **** warehouse, with jugs of ammonia, with buzz saws and other dangerous equipment littered around the whole venue, not to mention it was HOT AS BALLS in that place.

and no one seemed to give a ****..

why? cause that tournament was awesome.

sure the conditions sucked, but i dont think it was anything worth mentioning more than once or complaining about..

or what about FC series.. having to fly out into the middle of no where, wait hella long to get a taxi to drive again into the middle of no where..

no one seemed to mind, or cared enough to complain about that.

again,, why? cause the tournament was amazing

or how about super champ combo, being crammed into neals own house, with no where to walk or sit, what horrible conditions!

or how about pound 3, there was a god **** blizzard outside, should have told people about that before they bought their tickets..

theres always going to be something "wrong" with every tournament.. things like this shouldnt be holding you back from going to a tournament this amazing. yes im tooting my own horn because as far as i know, the first genesis was the most hyped, and best tournament to date. the videos speak for them selves, as well as the hundreds of people were went and were MORE than satisfied with the results and their experience.

im just grumpy right now.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I agree with this completely. The weather seemed great. It WAS great compared to New Mexico (which was roughly 100 degrees at the time). Also Apex was way more ghetto in terms of the walk. Minus the long road that was next to party crazed frat houses, everywhere else around it was a ghetto. but the tournament was freakin amazing!

Genesis 1 was the best tournament I have ever been too. By far. I just really hope Australia can come to this one and rep. Hell, hang with me and my bro a bit. We'll have alot of fun haha.

you know what could also ruin a tournament?

puff dittos in grand finals.
This is the truth.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
it really wasnt WAY too hot.

not that i remember atleast.

you know what could also ruin a tournament?

puff dittos in grand finals.
u make a good point!!!

im sure it'll go fine. and yea, i understand how expensive **** can be. DC area is rough too. in the future i may be able to help you guys get venues if you want the help since ill be living around antioch as well, and i've got a pretty good way of getting what i want when it comes to venues and such.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
or how about pound 3, there was a god **** blizzard outside, should have told people about that before they bought their tickets..
Welcome to the East Coast. lmao

It actually snows very rarely in MD/VA to my knowledge.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Oh so thats why Plank has a Nana avatar.

Pound 3 blizzard? all links up.


Oct 29, 2004
PockyD: Wouldn't it also be naive to assume there's not a better deal out there in Norcal? I'll drop it though, because I read Antioch's already locked in.


about the venue situation, and location.. its really the best we could do. like king said, any other option weve explored has been either way too expensive, lack of transportation to the venue, or other various details that we didnt think were right for the tournament.

i would LOVE to have this tournament at a nice, climate controlled hotel ballroom, trust me i would.

but the cost of renting something like that, especially here in the bay area, is something that were not down to pay for.

as for the venue in antioch, i know antioch sucked, we lived there for a while and moved for good reasons. its hot, traffic sucks, and not very nice too look at.

BUT .. the price was right for the venue, the hotel fit and did its job.

all in all, i really think everyone is looking WAY too much into all the superficial aspects of this tournament. sure its a legit reason and everything, but do you really come to a tournament to check out the AC or check out how nice the place is? i know i dont.

ive never really seen so many people stuck on this aspect of the tournament. it should just be about the content of the tournament, and we felt that the same venue and same hotel experience would cater best to make that experience as best as it could be.

im sorry to hear that the majority of the Australian smashers were disappointed in the first genesis, i really am. it bugs me that all of this is coming out NOW, instead of a year ago. just puts a damper on things.

i dont know the specifics as to why they might not have enjoyed themselves, but it could range from a lot of things.

after doing the first genesis, i learned a big lesson, and that is that you cant please everyone.

for every 10 people that you make happy, theres 1 that isnt. it just goes either way, and its all subjective to people.

sure things could have been better, sure the venue could have been nicer, sure the hotel could have had mints on their pillows and butler service, sure it could have had a view, sure the weather could have been nicer.

but these are the cards that we were dealt with and we made the best of it.

i dont know what else to say really, to all these criticisms except that, sorry for last year, and that were doing all we can to make this next genesis as best as it possibly can. we appreciate the criticism, and were making use of it all to know what to fix and make better from last time.

unfortunately, the venue and hotel are locked, and booked. if you think its ghetto, or not as nice as it could be, then im sorry i dont know what to tell you. we just dont have 30-40,000 dollars sitting around.
King, Boback: Agreed and understood for most part. Just for the record, I'm glad you accept the criticism, because I only want a better Genesis -- my intentions are good and I'm likely to return.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Genesis. It was easy to, as a Melee player. The simplest way to sum up the disappointment of some of the Aussies in the tournament itself lies in how some of the Brawl events transpired.

In terms of defining my criticisms as 'superficial,' that's entirely a matter of perspective. I wasn't only pitching for a 'classy' place, if that were possible, but moreso a place with higher level of accessibility and amenity. The relative immobility people had at the venue meant that most of them didn't have the opportunity to make a break from the tournament to check out SF, etc, or even leave the area. They could have organized it themselves, but the location made planning difficult.

It's not really your concern to align those kind of interests with which you primarily find most important, but it's a harder sell for other Australians who may potentially want to visit. I know you'd understand where I'm coming from with this -- there's wider appeal to America and Norcal as a destination; if the venue was closer to where the city is, it wouldn't have mattered how beast the venue was in all honestly, as long as it performed its function.

I'd like to think this perspective is in the best interests of everyone that is a visitor to Norcal, but nonetheless I look forward to seeing all the Genesis-related improvements DBR's capable of making... like amping up the food in the venue. The weather was great, America's got nothing on an Australian summer ;)

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
Just want to prefix this by saying that Boback read my mind lol; I was about to write up a post about how awesome a tourney OC3 was even though the conditions were a bit on the grungy side and the weather was pretty harsh. In the end, it's the experiences you get to enjoy and the high level of play throughout a major tournament that really sticks in your mind and serves as the barometer for how solid a tournament was.

Well to start, we definitely do appreciate critique of the tournament, whether good or bad, so long as it's constructive lol. I can't possibly make a case that, strictly speaking concerning location, I would rather have the tournament in Antioch than the gem of norcal as far as tourism goes, San Francisco. You do make a good point that people along the west coast, and norcal primarily, wouldn't especially mind where the tourney was held because most of them have decent exposure to The City already. If this wasn't one of the most expensive places in the nation to live, we would have an easier time finding some sort of venue that could both meet our budget and appear, as Caotic put it, somewhat "classy".

Unfortunately we do have to make concessions though, and considering the big picture (Tournament Venue + immediate surroundings, nearby shopping center with multiple restaurants, a blissfully-lax hotel arrangement, and the price of the venue), we felt that it was the best "Big Picture" venue we were going to find. And while it is inconvenient for most smashers unless you specifically travel as a like-minded group, as the Australian Caravan would have the potential to seeing as how they invested such a large sum of money in a group effort to join us, there is always an option to simply book your stay for a slightly longer trip of an extra day before/after the tournament to see the sights. That's why we so-highly recommend staying at the Ramada Inn; there isn't exactly a booming nightlife in Antioch, and that hotel is as good as it's gonna get within 40 miles (not saying that's a bad thing either, per-se... the hotel experience is unforgettable XD ).

And as we've addressed before - we are aware of, and regret, the visible discrepancy between the "overall quality experience" between the Brawl side of things and the Melee side of things. There were a few factors working for/against each side of that, as Melee had a surreal amount of hype and managed to live up to it due to Armada's showing, and while Brawl still put on a great show, it had its moments of being dogged by issues such as an early lack of setup commitment and some rules flubs later on, that (with our sincerest apologies and regret) resulted in the finals having to take place off of venue grounds.

While we can't 100% prove this next statement to any of you until the day of reckoning, July 15th comes around, in the meantime you can take our word that we our putting our absolute dedication into not only increasing the efficiency of the tournament as a whole, but also improving the Brawl experience at Genesis 2 to the same high level of standards that Melee lived up to last year.

Oh and about the food lol... While I'm not going to spoil anything early on until I can get it confirmed, there are some plans in the works to provide a more than ample amount of incredible food at Genesis 2. And while the Prosu (Creepyfinger's) Burgers have by no means been ruled out, right now the sky is the limit and we're exploring some pretty sick options as far as food goes. =D


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Oh and about the food lol... While I'm not going to spoil anything early on until I can get it confirmed, there are some plans in the works to provide a more than ample amount of incredible food at Genesis 2. And while the Prosu (Creepyfinger's) Burgers have by no means been ruled out, right now the sky is the limit and we're exploring some pretty sick options as far as food goes. =D
The only thing going thru my mind right now is Nachos and In n Out... for the love of everything holy and awesome, I hope I am right hahahaha.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA

trust me if we had the opportunity and time, as well as funds to secure a better location, closer to the best place on earth (san francisco =D) we would.

the distance from antioch to sf is something that bugged me from the get go from the first genesis.

the only thing that soothed my mind a bit was BART, and that you could just hop on and end up in SF in an hour.

its little things like these that ultimately make the whole experience better, i know.. i wish more that you that the venue was cleaner, better, bigger, and in a better location. but we have to work with what we got, and to us, this venue isnt really that bad. coupled with the hotel factor, and close food options, i personally think it was a great deal, compared to a lot of other scenarios that could have panned out.

but like dan said, we cant prove anything until the time comes, and i'd hate to not have people come based on the first tournament. the only thing that is the same from last year, is the venue, and hotel.

<3 chaotic

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
The winners would be like, millionaires.

And with all the excitement that's bound to build up with that many ppl during matches... you'll probably see more than just 1 random guy lifting chairs lol. Have people body-surfing in the crowds during finals.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Lol if 1000 people came to this for melee.... Wow. I would ask for $10 to be the winners body guard ;)
I'll kill for ya hahahaha.

And during finals I'd probably find some random cute girl to go on my shoulders and flash everybody like at an awesome rock concert ;)
What? One could only imagine right?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
the burgers were unique and amazing
They were overpriced, but the greasy/sloppyness made them so delicious!
Okay the taste was good, but that's it. =P

Alex, you tryn'a muney match? Our friendlies were all pretty close last time iirc. Would be fun ^__^

Axe... friendlies? lol

Also, King. The more food options the better *thumbs up*.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
lmao adam. I remember chillin' outside with you when we tried to eat our burgers. You had to run off somewhere private to snarf it down so no one would see. LOL
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