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Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
BUT. Said fairies are limited, and you can have a limited amount in each game. Not to mention, Samus can absorb enemies (Fusion) to gain more HP/Missiles. What hope do you have? None.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Time stops when a fairy is reviving Link, and I would say that that's more than just a saving game mechanic because The Legend of Zelda features a lot of time flow manipulation.
Good point, again Samus would still only have to rush him down after time stops and power bomb him. Samus would probably not be able to absorb the fairies since they only heal their owner/capturer. Link still has very limited ways of actually damaging samus, Light arrows are a fairly linear attack and slow compared to Samus's arsenal of lasers and missiles.


Smash Ace
Sep 29, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
holy crap i cant believe yall are having this discussion lol.

Link may be able to turn invisible but samus has both thermal and xray visors rendering that ability useless. Link's invincibilty draws on his magic power which he would eventually run out of. Samus has many methods to run away while waiting this off:

Samus has the speed booster which is much faster than the pegasusus boots and more deadly

Her screw attack allows her to float/fly indefinitely allowing her to kill armored space pirates by merely touching them. She is also invulnerable to most attacks while using this move, only certain high powered lasers in the game could beat it. Assuming light arrows can pierce the screw attack keep in mind samus is still very mobile while using this move http://youtu.be/MTMzbbR0e38?t=14m52s making it difficult for link to hit her.

Missiles would destroy any of link's shields, depending on which game we're going off of she can shoot missiles as fast as 2 per second (metroid fusion) or 1 every 2-3 seconds (metroid prime series)

Fairies could potentially save link if samus killed him from far away and had time to recover. In that time though samus would boost ball/ speed boost next to him and use a power bomb which would kill link and all his fairies.

gg, nice try zelda fans.
My life.....has changed...

You know.

Kalas can hurt people with rotten bananas.

I don't think Link or Samus can do that.
Let's do another character matchup! Something that isn't one sided as f*** please lol


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Medallions. 0 frame move. Time stops when they are initiated, and during the move as well. So once Samus is vulnerable, she is susceptible to taking a good chunk of damage.

Light arrows, are just broken, pretty much one-shots almost everything. Link can slow down time as well. Let's say there's a timer, Link can reset the situation with the song of time, so he can stall indefinitely.



Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2010
Yeah, the Ocarina. Slow down time, cause storms, beam sunlight, etc. And I mentione before, his spells. I think Nayru's Love or something like that was a full body magical shield. Samus' attacks turn to pewp.

wario vs Waluigi
Oh my gosh, I gotta go to bed. :mad:

Wario wins. We don't know what Waluigi can do yet, besides basically Peachs' F-Smash. And the Assist trophy had him stomping people into the ground. Which isn't a notable thing for Waluigi. That won't stay. Is Waluigi between Mario and Luigi in strength, Wario and Mario in jumping? We don't know. Unfortunately. I wish they'd put him in a real game. :( Toad's been playable, but not Waluigi, after all this time? Bleh.

Anyways, Wario wins. ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2011
Altadena, CA
Samus> link.
Just saying.

But since were on the topic of moving on, I suggest a new matchup.

MetaKnight vs. Zero(Megaman X series)



Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Medallions. 0 frame move. Time stops when they are initiated, and during the move as well. So once Samus is vulnerable, she is susceptible to taking a good chunk of damage.

Light arrows, are just broken, pretty much one-shots almost everything. Link can slow down time as well. Let's say there's a timer, Link can reset the situation with the song of time, so he can stall indefinitely.

This is an interesting development. Light arrows and the master sword only seem so powerful in the games because they were forged to defeat “evil” meaning they would be less than effective against Samus’ high powered suits. Since we’re assuming that we can use abilities from all of these characters games Samus would most likely use her highest powered PED suit allowing her to enter hypermode at will and overload her suit and the nearby area with large amount of phazon meaning link couldn’t even approach her at close range. In addition I already mentioned the screw attack which none link’s attacks could pierce which would also allow her to fly hundreds of feet in the air and rain down beams and missiles on link.

Assuming this battle doesn’t completely break the law of physics (though it does bend a few) Link would not be able to stop time forever. With the screw attack and phazon induced suit Link now has no way of damaging samus meaning he would either have to stop time before he dies of old age or continue the fight with samus where she would ultimately destroy him.

Samus’s wave beam travel’s through all solid objects meaning one shot would kill link. Her Dark burst attack is even more powerful : “Upon impact, the orb will expand and create a rift to another dimension, pulling any nearby enemies into it with devastating consequences.” http://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Darkburst

Power bombs were also mentioned before which would have nearly the same effect in that Link would have no way of recovering afterwards. Neither the Darkburst or power bomb can hurt samus. The darkburst cannot be reflect by the mirror shield since it explodes on impact.


Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
Finally. It took you a year right?

@Xeven: LOL there is nothing Samus has that compares to the Triforce. GGs, son.

We discussed this last night, Sergio. And you kept saying the same thing, yo. Do we have to direct quote the WHOLE conversation last night or what?

He has Nado.
I lol'd. Zero isn't in Brawl though, and Nado isn't stupid in the other Kirby games, just sayin'


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Link has Triforce. Samus is the final boss. Triforce gives Link the item that will defeat said boss, Samus. Link then uses the item with his wits and all the other items as well at his disposal to gain victory.

Also, Nayru's Love will reflect everything Samus throws at him. Nice try, bro. Have a cup of salt. :)



Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
Link has Triforce. Samus is the final boss. Triforce gives Link the item that will defeat said boss, Samus. Link then uses the item with his wits and all the other items as well at his disposal to gain victory.

Also, Nayru's Love will reflect everything Samus throws at him. Nice try, bro. Have a cup of salt. :)

Theorycrafting yet again. Besides, Nayru's love isn't active like it is for Zelda, if your saying the OoT version of it. But your still forgetting Wave Beam and Plasma Beam which penetrate anything, yet again. I love how your trying to make me salty by these end comments, yusofunny?


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
We discussed this last night, Sergio. And you kept saying the same thing, yo. Do we have to direct quote the WHOLE conversation last night or what?

I lol'd. Zero isn't in Brawl though, and Nado isn't stupid in the other Kirby games, just sayin'
I repeat the same thing as a reminder that whatever you think Samus can utilize is trumped by that said same thing. You're done. Next.



Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
I repeat the same thing as a reminder that whatever you think Samus can utilize is trumped by that said same thing. You're done. Next.

I'm still saying the same thing, all it comes to is. You played the Zelda series, you haven't played or experienced the Metroid Series as we have, learn both points of the argument before you even try to attempt thinking your right about what your saying. I'll get back on this argument when you play the Metroid games and learn everything. Until then, salty.

P.S: I ain't even mad.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Link has Triforce. Samus is the final boss. Triforce gives Link the item that will defeat said boss, Samus. Link then uses the item with his wits and all the other items as well at his disposal to gain victory.

Also, Nayru's Love will reflect everything Samus throws at him. Nice try, bro. Have a cup of salt. :)

Samus is not "evil" like ganon “As the manifestation of the Demon King Demise's hatred for the Goddess and her Chosen Hero, Ganon is destined to eternally reincarnate to challenge for the Triforce.” http://www.zeldawiki.org/Ganon

Nor is she a "final boss" this is a hypothetical encounter between the two. Your argument is incredibly flawed.

Nayru’s love is also a magic based attack which Link would eventually run out of. Its also arguable that the Sonic boom could pierce any of link's shields it "generate bursts of sonic waves, creating a distortion field with a "shattered" appearance, that damage anything near it until it dissipates." http://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Sonic_Boom

Samus has superior offensive and defensive capabilities:

The Speed Booster allows Samus to move at supersonic speed (above 343 m/s; 1,126 ft./s) http://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Speed_Booster

In metroid prime 2 Samus's light suit is able to actually travel along beams of light meaning even Link's ability to stop time would not affect her at all while she is traveling at this speed. http://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Light_Suit

Link would never be able to catch Samus in real time and he cannot damage her in real or stopped time.

I have class now so i wont be able to respond for an hour and a half or so.


Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
Like I said, play the Metroid games and figure it all out. Can't really argue about something your not educated in, lol.


Jul 1, 2011
Sinners Row
Nayru’s love is also a magic based attack which Link would eventually run out of. Its also arguable that the Sonic boom could pierce any of link's shields it "generate bursts of sonic waves, creating a distortion field with a "shattered" appearance, that damage anything near it until it dissipates." http://www.metroidwiki.org/wiki/Sonic_Boom
Exactly! This was one of the points I brought up yesterday! I didn't say the Sonic Boom because I forgot the name, but I definitely did bring up the Annihilator Beam and how Light Arrows wouldn't affect Samus due to the Light Suit.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Crowley/Fort Worth, TX
I was thinking that maybe Young Link from Majora's Mask might be the best option because he holds 8 bottles (so up to 8 fairies) and has 20 hearts instead of like 6 or 7 like FSA and the fairies in MM heal you completely instead of by 7 like in aLttP. In addition, Young Link also gets the magic upgrade where he takes half damage and last but not least, he has access to the Fierce Diety Mask which makes him Fierce Diety Link, a really huge upgrade that actually doesn't use magic, so there is no real drawback other than the sword becomes his only weapon (the fairies in the bottle still work however).

To describe the capabilities of Fierce Diety Link, first of all, he is twice as tall as Adult Link! He doesn't actually have a sheild, so defending might be a little iffy (he just turns his sword sideways to block), but Fierce Diety is usually played extremely aggressive anyways. Fierce Diety has access to energy blasts that come out of his sword, and unlike other forms where the energy beams/blasts have a fair pace, he can shoot these out at incredible speeds. These energy blasts do use up a teeny-tiny amount of energy, but it's such a small amount it could take Samus a while to make him run out, and he could just simply use them carefully instead. Irrc, his sword is a lv4 sword (so it does 4 times the damage as the master sword which is a lv2 in most games).
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