Wow well i'd love to enter myself, but i have no form of recording equipment :'(
But if you guys need some original ideas i've got a few i started using.. As far as i'm aware no-one else has ever used them - throughout the countless video's i've watched i've never seen a few of these done...
But yeah as for showing off a bit of the old tech skill:
-Ledgetech (NOT WALLJUMP) into a shinedash > drillkick infinate on peach is something i've never seen anyone use - and to be fair its the best looking thing i've ever done lol.
-Shinedashing dead people lol. Not exactly as it sounds, but if you use a true perfect wavedash you can actually get to them before they get up. (When you shine somebody on the floor)
-Enhancements on Thunder's combo. (Using the drillkick after a uair to continue a cycle for example)
-Instant walljump > shineturn around> Shine cancel > Bair. (Looks amazing if it hits :D)
But yeah there's a few ideas if you wanted some inspiration or anything lol.
Sorry i can't enter myself