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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
so yeah, at work today:

cute asian tech(karen) - hey alex do you like anime?
me - why yes, yes i do, why do you ask?
karen - you look like the kind of person who would
me - haha, what kind do you watch?
karen - bleach
me - *boner* great, bleach is awesome
karen - yeah, have you ever been to Ct-con?
me - no but a bunch of my friends have
karen - here *gives a registration form*, if we send in 10 we get 5$ off.
me - oh cool

i guess i'm going to Ct-con =O anyone getting a hotel room or anything? let me know on aim: allhighloanshark

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

If I had a melee tourny in NH would you crazy CTers be interested in going? I'm thinking of having a big ol melee shindig up here where we used to have a rock that kind of looked like a face if you saw it from the correct angle.
I'd go.

So I went to Target to buy weights(lol). I bought two of them which were $19.99 a piece. I get to the register and the cashier is like "Hey, do you know how much these are?" and I said "They were $19.99" assuming that he meant individually. He ended up charging me for only one of them LOL.

I felt bad.
This is going to sound gay but at Mass Madness you looked like you were in good shape. :dizzy: Probably cuz you were trying to seduce milktea MIRITE?? *pound*

LOL. 50 >.>. I've spent like 5 grand of PC's wallet LOL.

edit//Yes @ Nana, totally getting my creep on. XD.

more like prince of flame wars m i rite

melee isn't button mashing, it's clack clack clackan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QDJ00jWMRE
lmao @ music, wtf

Wrong .

EDIT- Fun fact: The guy that stabbed Paul Pierce a few years ago is a distant cousin of mine.
we gotz rings.

Nus I'm sorry about your grandfather! I'm going to a funeral today....;_;


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
so yeah, at work today:

cute asian tech(karen) - hey alex do you like anime?
me - why yes, yes i do, why do you ask?
karen - you look like the kind of person who would
me - haha, what kind do you watch?
karen - bleach
me - *boner* great, bleach is awesome
karen - yeah, have you ever been to Ct-con?
me - no but a bunch of my friends have
karen - here *gives a registration form*, if we send in 10 we get 5$ off.
me - oh cool

i guess i'm going to Ct-con =O anyone getting a hotel room or anything? let me know on aim: allhighloanshark
Wow that's hilarious LOL


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
You did? I'm sorry :urg: You're easily the cutest smasher in CT. I just never really talked to you much because I got the feeling that you weren't too fond of me when I met you. (9th esticle I think?) You're really cool, nice, etc.

>_> Where is Darc? Darc would probably have something funny to say here.
LOL I know right? **** work and having to miss posts with potential comebacks. grrr. Too bad I couldn't think of anything and went with a cat face.

I just use the control stick to double laser lewl. Using X is far too hard.
I use Y. Fast fingers fo life.

This is going to sound gay but at Mass Madness you looked like you were in good shape. :dizzy: Probably cuz you were trying to seduce milktea MIRITE?? *pound*
Yarrr. I totally lost like 30 pounds since the last time I saw you. I also wore a shirt that actually fit me and wasn't two sizes too big LOL. also *pound*


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
**** yeah we should. Mostly the taking pictures of our naked bodies. Did I mention naked?

btw guys, Kakatte kina > Kakatte koi

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yes it sucked balls. I really have no clue why everyone is jizzing themselves over it. Horribly paced and edited, totally uneven, and one of the stupidest battle scenes ever. Great acting and cinematography though.

edit: maybe I'm too harsh on it. It really was georgously shot and I was a fan of the job all the actors did.... it was just wasted potential in my mind. It just jumped around and had no cohesive narrative flow. He's a kid, he's homeless for like 10 years, he's a warrior, he's in jail, he's not in jail, he's back in jail, he sexes up his wife while extremely dirty, his wife says "hey man mongolia is pretty ****ty right now"...he looks off in the distance, literally cut to next scene of him leading a 5 thousand man army lol

also why would they not show the one thing Genghis Khan was known for, battle-wise: horse mounted archers? Instead we get dudes holding swords out to the side...oh man that'll totally work...>_>


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great

Oh man, I laughed very hard reading that. I actually enjoyed it somewhat. I thought it was good, not great, and was disappointed it ended so abruptly (it wasn't until later I found out that it's the first of a trilogy). I'm actually looking forward to the next two because, remember, this was the RISE of Genghis Khan. Of course it's going to be slow paced and strange most of the time. I think the next two will be much better now that the characters have been established.

edit- LOL that's really all the Mongols did. Steal and kill. I agree that particular battle scene was a little ridiculous, but I was having too much fun watching it to care. I also thought the acting was fantastic, especially from his blood brother (whose name I cannot remember). He was just spectacular. All the actors were perfectly cast and gave better performances than we normally see from American films.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

Oh man, I laughed very hard reading that. I actually enjoyed it somewhat. I thought it was good, not great, and was disappointed it ended so abruptly (it wasn't until later I found out that it's the first of a trilogy). I'm actually looking forward to the next two because, remember, this was the RISE of Genghis Khan. Of course it's going to be slow paced and strange most of the time. I think the next two will be much better now that the characters have been established.

edit- LOL that's really all the Mongols did. Steal and kill. I agree that particular battle scene was a little ridiculous, but I was having too much fun watching it to care. I also thought the acting was fantastic, especially from his blood brother (whose name I cannot remember). He was just spectacular. All the actors were perfectly cast and gave better performances than we normally see from American films.
lol thanks.

Yeah his blood brother (the bald one) was really really good. He was my favorite probably.

If it was about the rise of Genghis Khan then it would have shown the RISE OF GENGHIS KHAN. Instead it was about love stories and blood fueds and subplots that go nowhere (remember the dude who kept trying to kill him when he was a kid??) And most if not all of this was not historically accurate.
I have no problem with slow paced movies, but this was not a slow paced movie...it was a no-paced movie. "Epics" rely very heavily on a through-line to get them to connect with the audience and with the rest of the film. Often it's just a main character with a motivation (see: Laurence of Arabia, Gladiator, Braveheart ect) or sometimes it's just a theme or motif. Mongol had neither.
As for this being the first film in a trilogy and therefore it's okay for it to kind of suck, don't john for the filmmakers :p (and: star wars, fellowship of the ring, ect)


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
First of all, Fellowship of the Ring was the best of the three.

Yeah, I'll admit I was very disappointed when it quite literally cut to him having a huge army behind him out of nowhere. I really wanted to see how he acquired such a force, but then that movie would have to be 4 hours long. I expected historical inaccuracies because there are some parts of his life that are not known and the details become sketchy. Just look at Braveheart, not much is known about William Wallace's life so they had to make a movie based more on the legend than the actual person. Turned out ****ing perfect. A movie doesn't have to be historically accurate to be good. Except for Troy, I can't forgive that despicably awful excuse of a film for it's crimes against history and cinema.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I was saying that both Star Wars and Fellowship were great so no need to make a crap first out of three movie.

Well they could have cut out some of the useless crap and put in how he got the army...

Braveheart is terribly historically inaccurate.... and yes it's a great movie. But it's a great movie because it's a great MOVIE, not a great history lesson. Unfortunately it seems the makers of Mongol set out with one purpose in mind: dispel the myth that Genghis Khan was a ruthless evil man. Instead they should have thought: let's make a great movie.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
lol that's not such a bad idea, especially when you consider how hard it is to get a film made these days. They have to consider what people will pay to see, and therefore make a movie that will sell, as opposed to a movie that will teach. I think, however, that Mongol tried to do both, and was somewhat successful in both regards. Yes, they could have improved upon a lot of things, but as it is it's a good movie. Btw, Cog, where did you go to school?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Yeah so my friend Bret fromt he Navy just came home. Im really excited in all seeing as hes my best friend...missed him....and yeah.

Anyway, I brought him to help me clean at my first job today (the buisnesses and apartments that i clean for 10 smacks an hour under the table) and then bought him lunch at Chilis....it was nice to catch up with him. We went back to my house to play Metal Gear 4 and he asked me to put Brawl in first because he had not played the new one yet and was a fan of Melee. Hes not a competitive smasher, but hes not bad for someone who does not play competitively...hes a smart player. Doesnt l cancel, wavedash, etc...but he had good spacing for a marth main. He was actually the person who told me that he thought Marth was better than Roy. This was back in the early days and I didnt believe him at the time...so props to him for being smarter than me haha haha

Anyway we popped in Brawl in this is the conversation that took place

-- = Me
- = Him

-Lets put Brawl in, I have yet to play that game. You kept talking about it before

--Alright yeah, sounds good.

(He picks Marth, I pick marth...we head to final destination)

-This is much slower than Melee, but it looks a lot better.

--Yeah, it does.

-I dont like Marth too much in this game (attempts neu B) What? Its a stab now? Thats pretty gay dude.

--Yeah, pretty much. It's good in the air though for recovery

(Match ends....he picks pit)

-Pits actually pretty cool but this game is not as fun as Melee was. Do you want to just put Metal Gear on?

Swear to god that was pretty much word for word.

Even he figured out in two seconds that Brawl sucks.

Going to Noodles' house to play Melee now. Bye

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Yeah so my friend Bret fromt he Navy just came home. Im really excited in all seeing as hes my best friend...missed him....and yeah.

Anyway, I brought him to help me clean at my first job today (the buisnesses and apartments that i clean for 10 smacks an hour under the table) and then bought him lunch at Chilis....it was nice to catch up with him. We went back to my house to play Metal Gear 4 and he asked me to put Brawl in first because he had not played the new one yet and was a fan of Melee. Hes not a competitive smasher, but hes not bad for someone who does not play competitively...hes a smart player. Doesnt l cancel, wavedash, etc...but he had good spacing for a marth main. He was actually the person who told me that he thought Marth was better than Roy. This was back in the early days and I didnt believe him at the time...so props to him for being smarter than me haha haha

Anyway we popped in Brawl in this is the conversation that took place

-- = Me
- = Him

-Lets put Brawl in, I have yet to play that game. You kept talking about it before

--Alright yeah, sounds good.

(He picks Marth, I pick marth...we head to final destination)

-This is much slower than Melee, but it looks a lot better.

--Yeah, it does.

-I dont like Marth too much in this game (attempts neu B) What? Its a stab now? Thats pretty gay dude.

--Yeah, pretty much. It's good in the air though for recovery

(Match ends....he picks pit)

-Pits actually pretty cool but this game is not as fun as Melee was. Do you want to just put Metal Gear on?

Swear to god that was pretty much word for word.

Even he figured out in two seconds that Brawl sucks.

Going to Noodles' house to play Melee now. Bye
Why do you keep posting this kind of stuff? :"|

Every other day... Brawl sucks... but here's who I main.

Even my friends agree! But how do I beat DK, Metaknight, and Snake?


Heck, I know who I'm going to for a review of the next Smash installment!

hes a smart player. Doesnt l cancel, wavedash, etc
Thisssss guyyyy.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
lol that's not such a bad idea, especially when you consider how hard it is to get a film made these days. They have to consider what people will pay to see, and therefore make a movie that will sell, as opposed to a movie that will teach. I think, however, that Mongol tried to do both, and was somewhat successful in both regards. Yes, they could have improved upon a lot of things, but as it is it's a good movie. Btw, Cog, where did you go to school?
I went to college @ Gordon College in Wenham, MA. 1 year as a music ed major but I graduated w/Communications BA with a minor in Art

I prefer the Old Hollywood studio system, sure it produced just as much crap as today's system but at least everyone had jobs Lol.
yeah but no independent films were made. I'll take the trade.

lmfao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUVbv-nSV2U&feature=related


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
V I wanna play you sometime and Wes I forgot to say before but it's cool about the mall thing. I actually didn't remember to call you until like almost 8 so oh well. You still coming over this weekend?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Superhero story update #1:

I'm still in the planning phase, and already the story is getting pretty convoluted (in the good sense of the word, if such a sense even exists). So, since I would like everyone to have some say in this project, I will put it up to a vote.

I plan to do the majority of the writing in July (I'll have plenty of time due to work), but I'm thinking about changing the direction of the project into an RPG. That woud make it easier to accomodate the large cast and the diverse powers, although I'm confident I could do the same with the original superhero story.

This wouldn't necessarily become a game, in fact I'm fairly certain it wouldn't. But it would be written as an RPG (I'm not sure yet if it would be more of a Japanese RPG or Western one). All the people who signed up would remain, but I would change around the powers you requested pretty radically to fit into an RPG universe.

So what do you guys think? Let me know if you support the original idea or if you'd rather see an RPG. You can post here, or drop me a PM or leave me a comment on my Smash Wall (I don't know what else to call it).
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