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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Those matches were hilarious.
>_> I saved that last C.Falcon one, because that was too funny.
So many Falcon Fails.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
i miss hanging out with alex


I second this. Melee fun at Alex's....yum.

Good find PC haha

So many Falcon Fails.
Do you mean Falcon Fails as in

falls or attempted kills that were mistakes? or

in how Nintendo made him to be another stupid addition to Brawl? Like the fact that his Knee is the most nerfed move from Melee and that he is now a truly horrible character in that trip and toadstool filled game?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Do you mean Falcon Fails as in

falls or attempted kills that were mistakes? or

in how Nintendo made him to be another stupid addition to Brawl? Like the fact that his Knee is the most nerfed move from Melee and that he is now a truly horrible character in that trip and toadstool filled game?
Uhh... I did a flying Falcon Punch, missed, and went over the ledge and died.
The second stock I lost because oh me doing a flying reverse falcon punch, and then not DIing enough to be sucked in by the ledge.

I actually beat V's MK in the last stock by accidently ledge hogging him while he was gliding and I was stuck under the lip of FD.

Also, most nerfed move is Jiggly's Sleep, iirc.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
It would make me very happy inside if people just play the more rewarding (in ways more than money) game, as opposed to playing just for profit. People should play Melee.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Oh man rest from Melee was so sweet, I'll never forget the first one I ever hit.
Yeah, its quite epic everytime. Along with the game itself. :)

brawl is not that bad but compared to melee it does acuall sucks
Thats the only comparison we need sir. By the way, call me so we can play Melee.

fixed'd .
Haha yeah, that is true. I forgot that her rest now just drains like 10% of your life. Haha stupid Brawl.

Another reason why Brawl sucks-You cant Spike everyone. Pit, Rob, and MK are nearly impossible to Spike.

Another epic fail Brawl.


It would make me very happy inside if people just play the more rewarding (in ways more than money) game, as opposed to playing just for profit. People should play Melee.
I like you, you have a brain. :)

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Another reason why Brawl sucks-You cant Spike everyone. Pit, Rob, and MK are nearly impossible to Spike.

Another epic fail Brawl.
Yeah that whole "characters have differences from each other and you need to adapt accordingly to different matchups" thing is awful.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Everybody shut the fuck up about Melee AND Brawl.

Let's talk about buttsex or something. Anything but Smash.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
It's August 1-3 at the Hartford Convention center.

For more information: www.connecticon.org

Preregister and tag along Nana =]. I've been waiting for it anxiously since February. I'm that obsessed.

I'll have buttsex with you as long as I get to be behind =3.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
It's August 1-3 at the Hartford Convention center.

For more information: www.connecticon.org

Preregister and tag along Nana =]. I've been waiting for it anxiously since February. I'm that obsessed.

I'll have buttsex with you as long as I get to be behind =3.
Nice I'll probably pre-register but I think the only thing I'd go for would be Smash.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007

we're having an all smashers hotel room. :3
it was going to be 2 rooms

your room and my room

idk about my room anymore though, no one wants to chip in moneys =[
And if I do, I'll certainly chip in.
Only I totally get to be on a bed.
No more facking chairs, y'hear?
And Screw the floor.
And I'll want to make a really sloppy cosplay for the lulz.
It'll be great.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Yeah that whole "characters have differences from each other and you need to adapt accordingly to different matchups" thing is awful.
Yeah, it is. It should not be called a "Spike" if you cant spike your opponent straight down. What is a spike in volleyball? Does it float up a little bit after you hit straight down over the net? No.

sup ct. are there any melee players/ tournaments left?
I like Melee. Where are you from?

Why Brawl is crap

-You can jump on peoples heads
-You can go under stages and come out the other side with ROB, Pit, MK, and Charizard.
-You can keep side stepping and dodge most attacks infinitely with most characters. (Ask Noodles416..I demonstrated this to him tonight.)
-Matches take too much time. (Thats why tourney standard is 3 stock, not 4)
-Watching a Brawl match is extremely boring unless its Snake or Icey dittos.
-Online communication is the worst thing ever. When you're in an online match, opponents wanting to play you not in the room CAN NOT communicate with you.
-You have to add a "friend code" in order to play someone you know as opposed to a room like most games have.
-You can only have a good 50-60 people in your "friends list"
-Online is laggy over long distances. Mario Kart on the Wii and the DS system do not share this issue.
-Falcons Knee, Shieks fair, Jigglys rest, Luigis Dair, Marths entire game, have all been nerfed beyond belief.
-Less hit stun
-You cant spike everyone in the game (MK, ROB, Pit, Charizard) if they have some of their multiple jumps saved.
-Less combo ability
-Takes higher % to KO your opponent
-Slower gameplay
-Broken shields (Even marths Shield Breaker takes a near full charge to break the shield)
-The general strategy of the game is to sit back and camp.
-It takes less time to grow and develop as a solid player.
-The infinite death grab that is performed on both Ness and Lucas is too stupid and makes the game look poorly developed.
-It has a story mode that was an epic fail and waste of time.
-The target tests do not have a unique level to suite each character.
-The target tests are too easy to set records
-In the home run contest there is now a border to make it easier.
-You can now do Home run contests and target tests with two people. (Party game anyone?)
-Boss Battles? We are not playing Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance or MGS3 Snake VS Monkey
-When you view a replay there are no tags to identify players.
-When playing with items the most outrageous things happen that make no sense.
-The new Final Destination ( a FLAT level) can now gimp recoveries (Marth and GAW for example)
-There are multiple air dodges
-Less characters can chainthrow.
-Sonic was made into a horrible character after the huge hype that surrounded him.
-Aside from Snakes Mortar Slide most of the glitches found so far are completely useless.
-Certain moves now have "Armor Frames." (Why is this needed?)
-You cant transfer Replays or pictures to your computer via SD Card
-You cant control the direction of your multiple air dodges.
-DI'ing is extremely simple.
-Certain moves such as Ikes jab combo, GAW's bair, Snakes F tilt, MK's D smash, MK's up B, clearly "break" the game and make no sense.
-People view characters such as Snake and Meta Knight as "cheap" Why play a game with "cheap" characters?
-It costs more than Melee.
-The Wii costs more than a Gamecube.
-The Wii is a horrible system.

Brawl sucks and with good reasons. This game was hyped to be one of the greatest things we had seen in years and it clearly was not. Maybe you may like it and think it is a good game but let me ask you this, "Was it everything you were expecting from Nintendo and did it live up to your expectations for the oh so popular series?"

EDIT-I'm not making this post to point at anyone directly or make a whole new set of drama on here. I'm just sick of people playing conformist and playing a game just because everyone else is doing it. Why compete in a game that isnt competitive? Why waste 10-20 bucks when you could just get hammered, high, or whatever the heck you choose to do with friends and play the game? If anything, Melee should still be the tourney standard....but it wont be and I accept that as a player....Brawl is unfortunatly the new thing. We all want Melee back whether we admit it or not.

Heck, I dont know about you guys but I'd go to an N64 tournament!!! Ness for top tier.
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