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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Yeah, Nus explained what I was talking about exactly. The first game ended up being determined by tripping but the trip could have been avoided entirely with a trick that was merely one of those "oh hey, that's neat, but I'm never using it" tricks from Melee. It now has use in the fact you don't move from doing it, so you can't trip, but because you're doing it to avoid like a 1% chance (I don't know the exact number), it's still one of those "LOL, Barlw" moments.

Speaking of Barlw? That clip is going to be the opening of Barlw2.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Barlw fever is spreading!

Rofl, when I went to Bangor to hang out with Bitty, Waffu, and Zaroya, we went to a local gaming store to play smash/yugioh (I borrowed a deck, lols)/etc, and the guy who was running the store has his laptop hooked up to a TV. So what did we do? We watch BARLW on fullscreen with a TV. As it turns out, they watch it all the time there, I felt so happy and proud about it lol. I returned the favor by giving them the original file, non-youtubified.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Barlw fever is spreading!

Rofl, when I went to Bangor to hang out with Bitty, Waffu, and Zaroya, we went to a local gaming store to play smash/yugioh (I borrowed a deck, lols)/etc, and the guy who was running the store has his laptop hooked up to a TV. So what did we do? We watch BARLW on fullscreen with a TV. As it turns out, they watch it all the time there, I felt so happy and proud about it lol. I returned the favor by giving them the original file, non-youtubified.
Pfft, Brawl.

Good stuff Nana, that Marth is nuts.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I doubt you've ever played a match with a few hundred (or thousand) dollars on the line, so I'm sure it's just a game to you.

---Twnety one, texas hold em, go fish, basketball, golf, hockey, bowling, etc are all games as well sir. It is HOW a particular person depicts things that make them what they are.

Are you serious? All of those things are well within the player's control, as opposed to tripping which is a COMPLETELY random factor that can easily cost you a match. It's not the same. Not even close.

What does this have to do with the rest of the post or the issue at hand?

First Part Response-Twenty one, texas hold em, go fish, football, basketball, golf, hockey, bowling, etc are all games as well sir. It is HOW a particular person depicts things that make them what they are. Some people bet on these games....some do not. At the end of the day whether we win $$$$ or lose it....its just a game.

Second Part Response-Ehh I could see that. My point here is that regardless of control....each and every single player has to deal with same old Brawl BS they may or may not like....there are no "disadvantages." Everyone has to deal with tripping at some point.

Third Part Response-People need to stop thinking so deep about something so stupid. Once again, Brawl is a failure in so many ways...but its still a good game and we all know that. We just had such high expectations for the game that it comes off as being a piece of crap. Yes, its not as good or as in-depth as Melee but it is still fun.

Edit-I ****ed up your quote by deleting **** you said and responding to it...i dont know what happened. I'm not in the mood to re edit my whole post etc etc


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
FIt is HOW a particular person depicts things that make them what they are.
That was my point.

Second Part Response-Ehh I could see that. My point here is that regardless of control....each and every single player has to deal with same old Brawl BS they may or may not like....there are no "disadvantages." Everyone has to deal with tripping at some point.
It's not a matter of balance.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Do you know why Smash 64 is a favorite game to people? Because it is FUN. There is NO DI in that game....but do people complain? No. They accept the fact that it is just a fun game. So what if you can Z cancel...it still does not erase the fact that you cant escape 0-death combos.....
what r u talking about here? most if not all traditional fighters dont have DI, so why would ppl complain?

and wouldnt z-canceling be the reason that you cant avoid getting 0-death'd?
First Part Response-Twenty one, texas hold em, go fish, football, basketball, golf, hockey, bowling, etc are all games as well sir. It is HOW a particular person depicts things that make them what they are. Some people bet on these games....some do not. At the end of the day whether we win $$$$ or lose it....its just a game.
i'm pretty sure that people getting paid to do these things dont see it as "just a game." when u put a lot of time and effort into something, it reaches higher lvls of meaning.
I actually got banned from making a completely ridiculous post in there:
hahaha on both links

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I hope you're feeling better, Mike. I'm getting ready to go to a graduation. Who the hell has ever heard of having graduation ceremonies at 10:30 in the morning?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
You realize George Benson has been around since before this kind of music was being played in department stores, right? Wait, of course you don't. I'm not going to bother discussing this with you, as we will obviously never see eye to eye on any matter concerning music, but do me a favor; don't try to talk about jazz and I won't try to talk about whatever shit you listen to.
lol @ thinking because I make one silly comment about one song that I don't know who George Benson is/appreciate him.
lol @ thinking I know nothing about jazz.
lol @ thinking we will never see eye to eye on any matter concerning music.
and finally
lol @ thinking I listen to shit.

I have these kinds of silly debates with my friends all the time and none of us gets this angry...
I can tell you're a guitar snob Dave (not a bad thing in my book necessarily) so maybe we can find some common ground in this: I saw Chet Atkins live. ? Also what kinds of guitars do you have?

edit: WTF @ at that 64 combo. Holy fucknuggets


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
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