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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
The ending basically has the story outlined as this:
The plane crashes, the survivors are survivors, they have no idea what the **** is up, they're just meeting eachother, doing their thing.

Then they discover there are "others", which are basically people who took over the Darma group's camp, and both people were there to research and/or harness the "power" of the island, which is what EVERY SINGLE GROUP is trying to do. Whitmore, Darma, "others", anyone that isn't a "survivor" or related to Jacob.

So there is friction between the groups, they discover all this other **** and history of people who have been to the island, but none of it REALLY matters, its just great story-telling and character development.

The powers inside the island get ****ed with, and all sorts of **** starts happening, between teleportation and time travel, all that stuff. The only reason all that had to go down was because Jacob had chosen pretty much everyone who left the island as "candidates" to replace him, and they realize that they were chosen because their lives off the island is ****.

So now they're back, and they're still separated by 30 someodd years, so the people in the past figure out if you blow up the nuke on the island it will counter-act the powers of the island, and they'll go back to the present. So they do that.

Now they're back in one time, and they're just trying to find eachother. Meanwhile Whitmore and other guys bring people to the island that he finally found so he can take the energy/stop smokey himself, using Desmond to remove the "cork" to disable their powers, kill smokey, and then put the "cork" back and everything is happy.

During that time, everyone is finding eachother and fighting eachother until they come to a combination that makes them happy. People like Dogen and all the people at the temple are ****ing useless because Jacob is dead and they are, therefore, powerless.

So then the "flash-sideways" start happening, and they lead you to believe that its a world where the Island didn't exist, or the plane didn't get ***** by magnets, etc., and this is what their lives would have been like, except all of it seems pretty off...like it wasn't the terrible lives they were supposed to have. Except for like, Kate. But she sucks.

"Flash-sideways" is Purgatory, not the island. Everything that happened on the island "REALLY" happened, and as they died they moved into this "purgatory", and as they met their "constant" they would regain their memories of this super-important part of their lives. Once everyone was in attendance, they would all move into heaven together. Any character that didn't legit die on the island lived out their lives until they met their end, and then moved into Purgatory and got the group together.

Which was the ending, the entire group, ending with Jack, realizing that they were dead. The "flash-sideways" doesn't follow a timeline of any sort, it basically all happens at once after the entire group died.

>_> That's my understanding of it all anyways. I don't mind answering questions or breaking down certain things.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I don't think I'm going to be in this thread the entire summer again lol.

does hakan really have NO crossup at all? does that make him the only char without one?

EDIT: whoops dazwa reminded me of the boxing chars.
why does he have no crossup though? that's stupid.
He does, but its only in the corner. I forgot what aerial it is but its only used in the corner. Hes a joke character. lol.

i like hakan. can be frustrating, but he can get off too.
If your opponent is dumb, yeah.

I think hes fun though because of the way he looks and talks. His moveset is hilarious too. Much funnier than Dan. Dans just dumb.

I beat a Zangief online whos PSN was "Yeah-you-lost" so I thought i'd be **** on a ranked match and picked Dan just to see if I could win and I beat him so then i trolled him and sent him a message saying, "No, I think you lost....to DAN."


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009

>_> That's my understanding of it all anyways. I don't mind answering questions or breaking down certain things.
keep in mind the only episode I've ever watched of LOST was the finale yesterday, but somehow I feel I know just as much about the show as anyone else
I'm of the opinion that the island and the "flash sideways" as you call it are both purgatory.
the island is a mechanism for people to come to terms with the events and disappointments of their lives, and move on. And when they do move on, they die off in the island and into purgatory 2 (flash sideways).

thats why when the bald guy(Locke) got killed by Jack he woke up in the flash sideways.

the flash sideways can't be years after the events on the island and everyone died. when that bald dude cut Jack's neck it occurred simultaneously in purgatory 2.

bottom line is that one of the most popular theories about the show was that everyone's dead and the island represents purgatory. Everyone in the cast, writers and producers insisted that was completely false.

they must have just been pissed that everyone got it right so early in the show despite all their cryptic bs.

the finale revelation "Oh BTW guys you've all been dead lolz" is simply trolling. All of that other mythology Crrap like "the others", dharma, "whuts in the hatch", the polar bears, the numbers, and the source are all filler bs imo.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I thought something was wrong with my phone when I saw all that black crap on that post.

You all obviously have watched Lost from start to finish so you're not spoiling anything because the rest of us are not going to watch it.

Icarly and suite life on deck are hilarious minus that stupid asian girl who acts like a ******.

Tv is horrible these days tho minus a few shows. Hey guys let's all watch other teenagers live their life on Jeresy shore when I could just live my life or do things myself.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
You all obviously have watched Lost from start to finish so you're not spoiling anything because the rest of us are not going to watch it.
The finale aired last night, it's safe to assume there's tons of people who DVR'd it and haven't watched it yet, especially considering it ran to 11:30 PM.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I thought something was wrong with my phone when I saw all that black crap on that post.

You all obviously have watched Lost from start to finish so you're not spoiling anything because the rest of us are not going to watch it.

Icarly and suite life on deck are hilarious minus that stupid asian girl who acts like a ******.

Tv is horrible these days tho minus a few shows. Hey guys let's all watch other teenagers live their life on Jeresy shore when I could just live my life or do things myself.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I might watch it. I'm going to be finishing The Wire soon, and after that is Babylon 5, but I'll need something to watch later.

Surprisingly, I haven't had anything regarding Lost spoiled. I guess that's because I don't know anything about the show, so I wouldn't know a spoiler if it bit me.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I thought something was wrong with my phone when I saw all that black crap on that post.

You all obviously have watched Lost from start to finish so you're not spoiling anything because the rest of us are not going to watch it.

Icarly and suite life on deck are hilarious minus that stupid asian girl who acts like a ******.

Tv is horrible these days tho minus a few shows. Hey guys let's all watch other teenagers live their life on Jeresy shore when I could just live my life or do things myself.
What the **** is wrong with you? Holy ****. Keep your fingers on your fightstick and off your keyboard for a little while.

Back to LOST:
The Island events REALLY happened.

The "alt timeline" was not a timeline at all, but events that all unfolded after everyone who was part of the island died and moved into Purgatory, starting with the flight 815 that did not crash.

Christian[guy who was supposed to be in the coffin] pointed it all out in his speech, saying that everyone on the island had their "most important parts of their lives" there, and they did not want to/could not move onto heaven without each other, and they had made their peace in the "Alt".
Like Jack being a good dad, Sawyer accepting that **** happens, Locke being able to walk/trust people, Ben not selling his "daughter" out, etc.

He also said that some died before you, and others died long after. Those who died before him...well...we watched them die. Those who died after are those who lived on the Island[Hurley, Ben, Desmond] or escaped [Kate, Sawyer, Lapidus, Miles] and lived their lives until they died and moved back into the flight 815 scene at the first flash-sideways at the beginning of the season.

Those who didn't appear, had their reasons. Walt was only there for a couple months, then he left, and lived the rest of his life, so the island was just a piece of **** couple of months for him. Michael is living his purgatory on the island with/as the Whispers, Eko wasn't really part of their group, etc.

As for the island originally being Purgatory and writers getting pissed that people found out - I definitely think that's what happened, and they really had no power to write it in any different direction, only modify the ending and add in those "flash sideways", which was the purgatory, not the Island. So when they turned down "The Island is Purgatory", they weren't REALLY lying out their *****.

The finale was still a beautiful 104 minutes of television.


S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
What the **** is wrong with you? Holy ****. Keep your fingers on your fightstick and off your keyboard for a little while.
One of the more funny post in the CT thread I've seen since I've joined.
I didn't see any alternate endings. The ending to lost was okay, thank god they didn't pull a Sopranos.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I think I'm going to stay in this thread now just to see how many times Garrett violates what he just said. I was being serious (about not being in this thread and posting), but I just feel like being a **** to Garrett right now. <3

I can't wait until you respond to this Garrett (or if you don't respond then you're going to be upsetting yourself since you won't be talking to me). No matter what you say, I win because that's a violation of what you just said. God this is going to be so much ****ing fun. Or of course, you can recant your statement, thus evading this entire escapade.

Garrett- 2 posts (double posts count as 2 posts just in case you try and argue that.

This will be done on a weekly basis (or daily, depends how busy I am on a given day). If anyone would like me to read what they say, be sure to put either "Spawn" or "p. o. f." in their posts (pof has to be done with the spaces because I'm going to be counting his posts).

I'm willing to ctrl+F through things very quickly starting now.

Also, I do realize that I could just count from when his last post was, but this makes it much more enjoyable to me...

if you don't feel like reading my responses since they are going to either be counting garrett's posts/responding to people, PLEASE BLOCK MY POSTS.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I beat a Zangief online whos PSN was "Yeah-you-lost" so I thought i'd be **** on a ranked match and picked Dan just to see if I could win and I beat him so then i trolled him and sent him a message saying, "No, I think you lost....to DAN."
You really can't do anything gracefully, huh?

Spawn/Marc: Seems like a lot of wasted effort, but... enjoy that.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Zoso, it takes 5-10 minutes out of my day. I can do 5-10 minutes. Notepad is **** also.

Joey-No. Going to MoFo's for the weekend. ^_^

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
lol nick / tom / pakman(!?!) @ your schools has there been any legit senior pranks or things they've done?

prep fails @ senior pranks soo bad but things like halloween are so legit when you have all the seniors dressing up. -_- @ getting jumped by 2 border patrol freshmen year.

today seniors has a slip & slide outside on a hill basically from lunch to end of school (seniors last day of actual classes was friday, basically studying for finals now)


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Halfway to level 61.

Just beat Knoxx, about to try my hand at Crawmerax.

Opened at least thirty Lance Chests.

STILL no Pearlescents. But I picked up my FOURTH Volcano today.

This game's algorithms are all messed up.

:) @ Borderlands talk that no one cares about.

SPAWN!!!! Got'ems.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
DD kinda helped clear the air a bit with lost thx.

fav chars?

I fuggen love ben. His relationship with locke really made the show for me.

After him and locke I liked Sun-Hwa.(dat aint Dr. Yang!)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009
Back to LOST:
i'm gonna defer to you because you watched the whole series (right?)

why is it that in the "moving on ceremony thing" there isn't a mixture of people who died on the island and old geezers who supposedly died "years later"

Jacks father was an old geezer, so there's no reason all the dead should be depicted in "prime of their life condition"

for instance Claire?'s baby. from the limited flashbacks in the finale i take it she delivered the baby on the island. yet in the moving on ceremony the baby is both significant enough to be included and not grown up at all. he/she must have died as a baby, or in the womb.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Swift you've played the modded version of Dreamland with the Streets of Rage theme, right?

It's kinda beast. G$ is apparently bumping Streets of Rage musics quite a bit in the G-Whip.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
lol nick / tom / pakman(!?!) @ your schools has there been any legit senior pranks or things they've done?

prep fails @ senior pranks soo bad but things like halloween are so legit when you have all the seniors dressing up. -_- @ getting jumped by 2 border patrol freshmen year.

today seniors has a slip & slide outside on a hill basically from lunch to end of school (seniors last day of actual classes was friday, basically studying for finals now)
Well, because of the class of '06, '07, and '08, '09 could not pull any pranks, because the Senior's last day is basically "school lockdown day".

The class of '06[while I was a freshman] made a game where they would collect as many shirt pockets as possible, and whoever had the most at the end would win a prize. There was also a $100 bounty on several of the administration's shirt pockets.

The class of '07 just set off a ton of stinkbombs. That kinda sucked, and it wasn't fun for anyone. It was a bunch of homemade stuff they let ferment in a small glass container that they threw against the walls at various points in the school.

The class of '08 had the coolest one. Every senior was loaded down with like, 20+ rubber bouncing balls from like, vending machines. When the final bell rang, they burst into the hallway and just let them all run loose. It was especially funny because the teachers were instructed to not allow stuff like that to happen, but because of some pay/union issues, several influential teachers just ignored it and let the seniors do as they wanted.

i'm gonna defer to you because you watched the whole series (right?)

why is it that in the "moving on ceremony thing" there isn't a mixture of people who died on the island and old geezers who supposedly died "years later"

Jacks father was an old geezer, so there's no reason all the dead should be depicted in "prime of their life condition"

for instance Claire?'s baby. from the limited flashbacks in the finale i take it she delivered the baby on the island. yet in the moving on ceremony the baby is both significant enough to be included and not grown up at all. he/she must have died as a baby, or in the womb.
I'll have to look at it later, but I didn't think Aaron was in the church at the end in any way shape or form.

Anyways, there are 2 ways you could think about it.
1) Everything about that purgatory was Jack-Centric. As in, everyone was depicted as Jack remembered/identified them, which explains why his dad was the way he was.

2) Because this was the "crowning moment" of their life, they reverted to how they appeared then, which was "2004". This also explains Christian's appearance There is no "when", so its just how it be. Ya digg?

I'm buying into option 2, personally. Aaron grew up and lived his life off the island, so it wouldn't make sense for him to be there.

Aaron being born in the "alternate" is no different than Jack magically having a son. Its just there as one of Purgatory's devices to keep them together/relive 2004.

Favorite lost characters are Ben, Sawyer, and Lapidus. They are such beautiful characters.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT

hey, jamil...
can you only submit 1 entry each wwyp? i got 3 really good ideas from the prompt and i am very motivated to write 2 of them.

You can submit more than one, but you have to choose which one will be submitted for a score. The judges will probably comment on both, but only one can count for the contest.

In other news,

Interesting article, and while I don't agree with everything he says (particularly #3 and #1) he still has some good things to say.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Favorite lost characters are Ben, Sawyer, and Lapidus. They are such beautiful characters.
how do you not have desmond here!

and eko, was just amazing. if only he didn't die. My favorite episode was ekos first flashback ep

John Locke + Eko were my favorite characters. s_s @ eko dying so early.
good ****.

i think jack is my least favorite character in any form of entertainment media


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
how do you not have desmond here!

and eko, was just amazing. if only he didn't die. My favorite episode was ekos first flashback ep

good ****.

i think jack is my least favorite character in any form of entertainment media
OH ****.
Well, I liked Desmond, but
Grim-Reaper "I hit cripples with cars" Desmond was the best one. Eko was also the man, but he didn't live very long. =|

Jack was just awesome for making really funny faces.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
lol nick / tom / pakman(!?!) @ your schools has there been any legit senior pranks or things they've done?

prep fails @ senior pranks soo bad but things like halloween are so legit when you have all the seniors dressing up. -_- @ getting jumped by 2 border patrol freshmen year.

today seniors has a slip & slide outside on a hill basically from lunch to end of school (seniors last day of actual classes was friday, basically studying for finals now)
when I was a senior we had a couple guys who would take college level courses for half of the day. On days where they didn't have college, they didn't have any classes to go to. So they had to carry notes from the offices to classes. They were like the slips for meeting with the principal and stuff like that.

Anyway one day, they forged some of the slips and got a few of us, including myself, out of class. So after there were a bunch of us out we would knock of a teacher's class door and the teacher would open the door thinking we had one of those slips and instead one of us pied the teacher in the face.

We only really targeted teachers we knew were cool. One guy taught his whole class with pie on his face. So after lunch all the teachers knew about the pie-ings and they were trying to avoid it so they were being very cautious about opening there doors.

My favorite on was at my psyc class in the afternoon. We snuck a guy with a pie into the closet before class began. We were watching a video during class and our teacher just had an eye on the closet the whole time. He knew something was up, because he knew he would be targeted and hadn't been pied yet. We had someone raise their hand during the movie and ask a question. He turned towards the class to answer it and the dude creeped out of the closet and nailed the teacher with the pie in the face.
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