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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009
when I was a senior we had a couple guys who would take college level courses for half of the day. On days where they didn't have college, they didn't have any classes to go to. So they had to carry notes from the offices to classes. They were like the slips for meeting with the principal and stuff like that.

Anyway one day, they forged some of the slips and got a few of us, including myself, out of class. So after there were a bunch of us out we would knock of a teacher's class door and the teacher would open the door thinking we had one of those slips and instead one of us pied the teacher in the face.

We only really targeted teachers we knew were cool. One guy taught his whole class with pie on his face. So after lunch all the teachers knew about the pie-ings and they were trying to avoid it so they were being very cautious about opening there doors.

My favorite on was at my psyc class in the afternoon. We snuck a guy with a pie into the closet before class began. We were watching a video during class and our teacher just had an eye on the closet the whole time. He knew something was up, because he knew he would be targeted and hadn't been pied yet. We had someone raise their hand during the movie and ask a question. He turned towards the class to answer it and the dude creeped out of the closet and nailed the teacher with the pie in the face.
so inventive. in my school nobody came up with an organized plan, so each clique did something different. and since my HS was in a WASPy/Jew area everyone wasted a ton of money on their minipranks

main idea was to hire a $hitload of illegal immigrants the night before to do our bidding

-one group made them build a brick wall to wall off the main entrance to the school.
-one group hired someone with a dump truck full of sand to block off another entrance of the school
-one group did some plumbing/rerouting and plexiglas mods to the stairs to make a waterslide
-my nerdy friends stole nitric acid from the chemistry storage room and burned pen15es into the concrete walls.

needless to say its a good thing Walmart is open 24 hours and has a hardware section.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
my highschool esenior class was drama infested and lame so they made superlatives and *****ed at each other about them for the whole 2nd half of the year.

the only prank that was done, was unplugging the phone(dial up wire thingy) wire from all the phones int he school. so the phone would ring but the wire from the phone to the talky part(receiver) that you pick up wouldn't work. lol we got a 45min school seminar on safety as a reward. my school was pretty lame.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I'm back.
So I just watched Spaced with a friend, in one sitting. Mind = blown. 6 hours of non-stop comedy and it was all amazing. What happens to Nick Frost in the paintball episode STILL has me laughing out loud. SO sad now that it's over, only 14 eps but so much happened. Any fan of Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz should watch it.
Nice. Glad you enjoyed it.

season 2 3 and 4 couldve been cut with the way that it ended.

lets see if i get this right:
season 1 was like, aite gilligan's island all dai then oh snap theres more ppl? then in s2 I was convinced that the logic behind the plot and the whole ordeal with the island was going to be scientific(with the button and all the dharma stuff being discovered.) then like season 3-4 was like hoooo- **** jacob in this bytch and the smoke monster thingy and Ben with like powers and ****. The whole dharma thingy quickly appeared to be a farce and then the more mystical elements of the show were followed. Then towards the near end, dharma **** came back and there was drilling and going into holes and a more logical/scientific theme/objective occured(then juliet died lol). Then WTF jacob and mystical **** happens again and like locke is merked but not really cuz he comes back like 18 times. then like 5 til the end was kinda random...people dying and coming back......lots of the cast getting NO time.....and a japanese dude....lets not forget desmond magically coming back and being pivotal in the storyline outta nowhere
what is this i don't even

I'm going to make a humble suggestion and....suggest... that people who haven't watched all of Lost not try to make judgments on its whole. Examples:
keep in mind the only episode I've ever watched of LOST was the finale yesterday, but somehow I feel I know just as much about the show as anyone else
I'm of the opinion that the island and the "flash sideways" as you call it are both purgatory.
the island is a mechanism for people to come to terms with the events and disappointments of their lives, and move on. And when they do move on, they die off in the island and into purgatory 2 (flash sideways).

thats why when the bald guy(Locke) got killed by Jack he woke up in the flash sideways.

the flash sideways can't be years after the events on the island and everyone died. when that bald dude cut Jack's neck it occurred simultaneously in purgatory 2.

bottom line is that one of the most popular theories about the show was that everyone's dead and the island represents purgatory. Everyone in the cast, writers and producers insisted that was completely false.

they must have just been pissed that everyone got it right so early in the show despite all their cryptic bs.

the finale revelation "Oh BTW guys you've all been dead lolz" is simply trolling. All of that other mythology Crrap like "the others", dharma, "whuts in the hatch", the polar bears, the numbers, and the source are all filler bs imo.
i'm gonna defer to you because you watched the whole series (right?)

why is it that in the "moving on ceremony thing" there isn't a mixture of people who died on the island and old geezers who supposedly died "years later"

Jacks father was an old geezer, so there's no reason all the dead should be depicted in "prime of their life condition"

for instance Claire?'s baby. from the limited flashbacks in the finale i take it she delivered the baby on the island. yet in the moving on ceremony the baby is both significant enough to be included and not grown up at all. he/she must have died as a baby, or in the womb.

Saying that the makers of the show had the Island planned out as "purgatory" all along and then got upset when people guessed is really silly. The Island was a tabula rasa, the ultimate second chance, a place for people to figure out who they really are and who they really wanted to be. It was figurative. What the sideways story turned out to be ("purgatory" is too limiting a term for it, honestly) was a kind of literal interpretation of that, the culmination of all the themes of the show: which, like everything, ends in death.

I thought it was a ballsy way to end the show and wrap up the sideways story. It was a very sentimental way to do it, too, which unfortunately is frowned upon in this day and age.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2007
porno mustache
You say in the article that you're angry, but it seems like you're just annoyed with the ignorance of Colin McEnroe's hasty generalization of the residents of Hartford. Perhaps anger wasn't the best word? I do think that people should have sufficient evidence to back up what they say before they make an outrageous statement such as the one he made about the citizens of Hartford. It's troubling that in our times we still have people who hold these deep prejudices for groups of people (especially African Americans and other minorities). For example, just because one black guy gets paid by welfare and sits on the couch all day doesn't mean they all do this. Racism, sexism, and all types of isms are born from these simple and stupid prejudices and assumptions that people make, like the assumption made by Mr. McEnroe that all citizens of Hartford don't care about their city. Such absurd discussions should be looked at with a critical eye and not so easily accepted.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009
coming over to Stamford June 1.

lol i play smash in the midwest so lets see if East Coast is as good as the hype implies

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
You say in the article that you're angry, but it seems like you're just annoyed with the ignorance of Colin McEnroe's hasty generalization of the residents of Hartford. Perhaps anger wasn't the best word? I do think that people should have sufficient evidence to back up what they say before they make an outrageous statement such as the one he made about the citizens of Hartford. It's troubling that in our times we still have people who hold these deep prejudices for groups of people (especially African Americans and other minorities). For example, just because one black guy gets paid by welfare and sits on the couch all day doesn't mean they all do this. Racism, sexism, and all types of isms are born from these simple and stupid prejudices and assumptions that people make, like the assumption made by Mr. McEnroe that all citizens of Hartford don't care about their city. Such absurd discussions should be looked at with a critical eye and not so easily accepted.
I was angry specifically because it was Colin McEnroe. Here's a guy who went to Kingswood-Oxford high school and Harvard for college, so he's a smart guy. He's the host of a radio program that gets broadcast across the state to thousands of people who know even less about Hartford than he does, yet he feels it's okay to just paint an entire city with one negative brush stroke. I don't think that comment came in a heat-of-the-moment exchange, unless Mr. McEnroe walks around with voter turnout statistics floating in his head on a daily basis.

Is it any wonder that this is what people think about the citizens of Hartford (the following was quoted verbatim from the online comments on my article)?

If McEnroe came to Hartford in the 1970's what does he know about the real Hartford or the letter writer for that fact? In the 1940's and 50's Hartford was a great city, you could walk anywhere without fear, the area off Blue Hills Ave that the letter writer mentions was all Jewish and then Italian, that was before the exodus. It is not the same Hartford any longer, people don't care about the city, many have never been employed and live on welfare, this is what brought Hartford down. Out of over 100,000 people haw many go out and vote, most are still in bed and can't be bothered, to use a quote, "What ye sow ,so shall ye reap" and that in this case is nothing.
And as you pointed out Sean, the racial overtones shouldn't be understated. When the city was "Jewish and then Italian," everything was hunky-dory.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2007
porno mustache
I read that comment also, people should really think before they speak. It's a shame that McEnroe decided to talk about Hartford's people in this way. Like you said, he graduated from Harvard so he's probably a very smart guy. It just goes to show that even the brightest of minds can be prone to bigotry and social poison. Mr. McEnroe should definitely be held accountable for his actions. We can only hope that his listeners aren't so impressionable to believe everything he says.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
I'm back.
Nice. Glad you enjoyed it.

what is this i don't even

I'm going to make a humble suggestion and....suggest... that people who haven't watched all of Lost not try to make judgments on its whole. [/SPOILER]

I jokingly poked fun at its roller coaster like nature. I wasn't trying to **** on the series with that post, especially when i haven't seen every ep. If you want judgement......

"LOST was a roller coaster when it came to themes and settings"


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
This thread has been horrifically lacking in biz markie recently

o wait

i'm a mod

i can fix this


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/r6a-AHLRoAw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/r6a-AHLRoAw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
EDIT: really ****ing gay that the real video got pulled.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
It's terrabad compared to Hold Your Colour, but it's still better than In Silico.

It's hard to top Hold Your Colour, though, when you love drum n bass.
Think so?
I thought that all the single digit tracks (So everything before, and including, The Island - Pt. II Dusk) were all very solid and in some instances beat tracks on HYC


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
hey darc, you should check out this thread on TL


the opening post is hilarious.
for people who are too lazy to click:

{88}iNcontroL said:
Kpop Discussion Thread
Rules that need to be adhered to please:

1. No good music please. We don't want it mucking up our narrow and ignorant world where regurgitated and unclever beats mixed with terrible simplistic lyrics sung by hordes of plastic girls is the preferred music.

2. Must be socially inept and critically awkward on the forums. We prefer explosions of lame facial gestures and terrible choreographed group dancing.. being social or sharing space with people that isn't internet based does not interest us.

3. I like shiny things.

4. post image macros and random videos of kpop with limited descriptions and shallow discussion.

5. This is critical: Must be able to withstand tremendous criticism. We are strange, low people with base interests. If we are found (god help us) we will be mocked.

That being said here is a video I like:

<object width="384" height="231"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/q0_KMaqqbPk&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/q0_KMaqqbPk&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="384" height="231"></embed></object>

Notice the amazing choreography, they kick AND sing while wearing heels.. ****ing amazing. Also the outfits are adorable. Makes me wish they were younger.

this post is not just another excuse for me to show off that I can embed vids as a mod



rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
mad bored. where do ppl in new haven play smash (or ****ing anything, i don't care at this point)?
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