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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I hope I'm not one of those people being referred to as scrubby
Nope. Your mentality is fantastic and this is a huge reason as to why I think you'll go far.

All of your points are true but the fact that SSF IV is everything pretty much every SF fan could ask for I expect the new players to be coming in fast and the old ones to come back strong.

Smash had that opportunity with Brawl but instead it just drew in new scrubby players and let a good half of the melee community not interested.

I'm starting to love how Brawl players are now getting re interested in Melee though. Yummy.

I've come to the conclusion that Brawl is a good game if

No one picks Meta Knight, (because he breaks the game offensive engine and basically makes it possible to approach with tornado or whatever aerial while other characters cannot) Diddy Kong, or any character that planks near the ledge and forces you to come to them. Every other character is fine. The idea of getting combos off of Bananas is a horrible concept and basically re inserts "items" into the match that allow you to combo. At least ZSS's dont last forever and can be avoided. DDD is also really stupid because of his uair planking crap.

As long as Snake, Diddy, and MK are out of the picture along with plankers that can float below the stage and hit you with crap the game is actually pretty decent.

Kirby VS Marth
Sonic VS Ike
Ike VS Bowser
DK VS Kirby
GAW VS Donkey Kong
Wario VS Marth
Marth Vs Snake

are all match ups that aren't ********. I find Brawl is a good game that forces you to out think your opponent as long as its not MK, Diddy, or a planking character such as DDD. When that stupid stuff is present, it makes the match corny and absurdly dumb. "Hey guys, lets insert items automatically to Diddy and let him get kills off his tripping shenanigans. Totally out think your opponent with items! Not to mention he has infinities and loops." Great Concept.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
if people want to see more new faces playin melee whenever you throw a tournament you gotta advertise for it better. theres alot of people who play this game who dont know what a smash world forums is.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
That's why I was trying to avoid having to type anything out if you're not open to changing your view on it.
Everyone's only options really boil down to: play it and form an opinion or decide its stupid and not play it ever.
I don't need to play it to have an opinion on the concept of it. >_>

Project melee is not stupid. Brawl + and -...were. melee version of brawl looks cool and similar to melee. I would only play melee characters though....not ddd or any snake mk bullcrap
Then...why....not...just...play...melee.... ?

At my office there is a meeting on wednesdays at lunch to discuss lost and their theories. One guy takes notes during the show.

I personally do not watch lost. I know I would probably like it if I watched it, but it would be a complete waste of my time.

Therefore I am very excited for it to end in a few weeks.
Why would it be a waste of your time?

Sorry, my dearest apologies.

Capcom has been kicking so much *** lately it makes me cry in joy.

Resident Evil 5
SF 4
Tatsunoko VS Capcom

The problem to me with the Melee scene is that its the same group of kids at every single event and there are no new faces anymore. Is this off? Unless I go somewhere like ****ing Maryland or Florida...its the same kids. (Insert someone quoting me and saying "No Johns")

I'm not johning....I have other things to do (like work, go to school, hang out with my gf) aside from travel to play a video game across the US when I could do it within a state or two. That's stupid unless its a national such as pound 4 or apex. Lately I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much just want to play SPAWN and i'd like to play Cort as much as I can because I love playing with him because SPAWN and Cort I feel are some of the only people close to me that give good advice. Swift, you do too but I think Cort is overall more knowledgable and SPAWN understands my thinking/playstyle a bit more. Plus, hes played me more than you.

I still think Melees a great game but its dying because of the amount of scrubs who don't want to get into it because "so many people are so much better than me right now and it'd take me forever to learn the game." BS mentality. The mentality and mindset of the melee community is also really weak and scrubby.

Fox players complain about Marth, Falco and the fact that PS is no longer a neutral. LOL, what? Marth goes even with Fox and Falco beating Fox is still up for debate IMO with it going either way. Boo hoo you can't **** the entire cast on PS, get over it.
I thought you quit smash? Stop making posts about it.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
It would be a waste of my time, because I could probably pick any given tv show and be just as entertained. There hasn't been a show on television where I've had to watch every episode since DBZ when I was like 12. (Not including MacGyver)

I'd rather get excited over my soccer game that week or whatever video game I am currently playing, then the conclusions of some TV show. Lost is like a 100 hour commitment to truly enjoy it. That is why it is a waste of my time.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

watching long *** shows is pretty entertaining as long as they're above a certain terribleness threshold. it's just about how comfortable you are setting aside the time to watch it all. to me, I'd rather log a couple hundred games of LoL than watch Lost because I don't like the idea of being so passively entertained. I like TV for when I'm either eating or trying to start getting tired, but most of my free time I like to spend on interactive forms of entertainment.


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA

watching long *** shows is pretty entertaining as long as they're above a certain terribleness threshold. it's just about how comfortable you are setting aside the time to watch it all. to me, I'd rather log a couple hundred games of LoL than watch Lost because I don't like the idea of being so passively entertained. I like TV for when I'm either eating or trying to start getting tired, but most of my free time I like to spend on interactive forms of entertainment.
I totally agree. Only those shows like Burn Notice or House are even the least bit entertaining. Sometimes watching the weather is good, though. :3

On the topic of LoL, though, I get disconnected from every game. I even got disconnected from the tutorial. I haven't even really gotten to try out the game D:

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
It would be a waste of my time, because I could probably pick any given tv show and be just as entertained.
Then you have pretty poor taste lol

watching long *** shows is pretty entertaining as long as they're above a certain terribleness threshold. it's just about how comfortable you are setting aside the time to watch it all. to me, I'd rather log a couple hundred games of LoL than watch Lost because I don't like the idea of being so passively entertained. I like TV for when I'm either eating or trying to start getting tired, but most of my free time I like to spend on interactive forms of entertainment.
Film, and by extension, TV, isn't a passive artform...unless you choose it to be, I guess.
I'm not sure of this argument, tbh. It's not like nothing will make sense unless you watch the entire series right in a row or something. You can take breaks and still be entertained >_>. Hell you could watch one ep a month and be fine. The fact that Lost encourages you to keep watching just speaks to its quality.
But if you view the medium of TV as merely a distraction or literally a sedative (!) then not much I can say will change that.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Film, and by extension, TV, isn't a passive artform...unless you choose it to be, I guess.
I'm not sure of this argument, tbh. It's not like nothing will make sense unless you watch the entire series right in a row or something. You can take breaks and still be entertained >_>.
ok, but that still doesn't change the fact that your involvement in the entertainment is limited to observing. you can go nuts and analyze and get emotionally invested and that's all well and good, but what I mean by passive is that you have no control over what's happening. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but for me personally, I can't bring myself to devote a significant chunk of my time to things that I have no control over. A movie here and there, an episode of 30 Rock, The Boondocks, or Top Chef during dinner or before bed works for me, but with the amount of new material coming out on TV all the time, I'm simply not willing to spend time on serieses that don't immediately draw me in because I only have so much time I'm willing to devote to watching things as opposed to doing things.

Hell you could watch one ep a month and be fine. The fact that Lost encourages you to keep watching just speaks to its quality.
is this really true? I find that so much of modern TV is just focused on leaving you with a cliffhanger to keep you coming back. I always felt encouraged to keep watching DBZ, but I felt like that said less about its quality than it did about how nothing ever happened in the show, yet they still managed to make you think that something just might happen in the next one.

But if you view the medium of TV as merely a distraction or literally a sedative (!) then not much I can say will change that.
again, I don't see passive = distraction or sedative, I just see it as another form of entertainment that for whatever reason doesn't appeal to me enough to keep me coming back. Maybe it's that my girlfriend is 300 miles away and I have no one I really wanna watch stuff with when I could just be a nerd and play vidjo games instead. Maybe I just have no attention span. who knows? point is, that while TV might be something that a lot of people find enjoyable, I can't bring myself to spend that sort of time on a passive form of entertainment without feeling like it's been time wasted.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I'm going to have a get-together on Friday, May 28th.

My house. Smash, SSFIV, any other videogames or boardgames or tabletop games you guys care to bring.

This is the day before Mass Madness 20, and I live about 40-50 min from the venue.

Let me know if you're interested, I'll make a thread if needed.

EDIT: I live in Rhode Island.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
if people want to see more new faces playin melee whenever you throw a tournament you gotta advertise for it better. theres alot of people who play this game who dont know what a Smash World Forums is.
You can get people to attend your tournament and whatever but the amount of people that do not play competitively that will join are slim to none. They might join and create an account but chances are they are not going to be too serious about playing it. (shrug)

Then...why....not...just...play...melee.... ?

I thought you quit smash? Stop making posts about it.
First off: What did I tell you about responding to my posts? Don't do it because it's clear we both can't stand each other.

Second, ummm because its something new with new levels and different places to play. It's a new experience. It's like playing Melee with more levels. Sounds good to me other than hearing Dreamland music all day at a tournament. Brawl music > Melee music.

Never said I quit smash. I'm just putting more effort into SSFIV because its new, not Brawl, plenty of new players coming to the scene, its more local for me, and the community is overall more appealing as a whole and they don't act like 16 year olds. There are people in the Melee scene that don't act stupid....but a majority of the scene is just........bah.

"Hey, lets not have any moral values and leave hotels a mess, iHOP a mess after we leave, come to tournaments with barely enough money and inconveience the people who drove us to pay for me, not tip our waiters/waitresses, and act like i am special because i am a top player and arrive to a venue late all the time and piss everyone else off."

Thats the general smash scene.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Wes' concept of passive entertainment pretty much hit the nail on the head. When I watch TV or movies, I rarely get anything out of it compared to a soccer game or a video game. I just saw Iron Man 2 last night. Wasn't bad, wasn't great, but I probably won't give it another thought until someone brings it up. LoL on the other hand I constantly think about gaps in my game and what I can do to counter certain characters.

TV and movies may be entertaining a lot of the time, but the entertainment RARELY lasts longer then the episode or film.

EDIT: @POF: Your description of the melee scene can apply to any video game scene if you apply it to the right group. I am not saying you are wrong, but for the most part the melee scene are generally nice people. There just happens to be a few douchbags that ruin certain things. It is much easier to remember and dwell on the douchbags then the actual good times and good people. In my experience, the melee scene is generally more friendly, but less likely to have manners, but other communities can be brutal *******s and you really don't form friendships like you do in smash.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
lost blows

how many things that happened in the first 4 season are even really relevant to what's "actually" important and happening


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
You could miss like 10 episodes of DBZ and come back and discover you hadn't missed anything.
This is so true.

Also, I might be a lil too late for this whole "melee scene is dead" thing, but I just have to point out that the last No Johns had like 4 new players that I've never met before and I know that within my county alone, there are at least 8 - 10 players who DON'T have SWF accounts, but play a lot and want to get good. We just need to tap into these players and give them incentive to play, not just ***** about how it's the same group of people all the time.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
no pof is right.
so pof since the smash scene sucks so much you should just leave.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
the biggest problem with Melee around here is that everyone's so **** good that it's intimidating and feels hopeless trying to get into tourney shape at this point. everyone outside of tristate talks about how they wish they were here so that they could be beast at melee, but it's really discouraging sometimes having the whole player pool be this good :'(

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
ok, but that still doesn't change the fact that your involvement in the entertainment is limited to observing. you can go nuts and analyze and get emotionally invested and that's all well and good, but what I mean by passive is that you have no control over what's happening. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but for me personally, I can't bring myself to devote a significant chunk of my time to things that I have no control over. A movie here and there, an episode of 30 Rock, The Boondocks, or Top Chef during dinner or before bed works for me, but with the amount of new material coming out on TV all the time, I'm simply not willing to spend time on serieses that don't immediately draw me in because I only have so much time I'm willing to devote to watching things as opposed to doing things.

is this really true? I find that so much of modern TV is just focused on leaving you with a cliffhanger to keep you coming back. I always felt encouraged to keep watching DBZ, but I felt like that said less about its quality than it did about how nothing ever happened in the show, yet they still managed to make you think that something just might happen in the next one.

again, I don't see passive = distraction or sedative, I just see it as another form of entertainment that for whatever reason doesn't appeal to me enough to keep me coming back. Maybe it's that my girlfriend is 300 miles away and I have no one I really wanna watch stuff with when I could just be a nerd and play vidjo games instead. Maybe I just have no attention span. who knows? point is, that while TV might be something that a lot of people find enjoyable, I can't bring myself to spend that sort of time on a passive form of entertainment without feeling like it's been time wasted.
first of all, this is where I got distraction or sedative:
I like TV for when I'm either eating or trying to start getting tired,
Being a participant in art doesn't require controlling the events on screen. It is everything you said: analyzing, getting emotionally invested, etc. And as fun as videogames are, they are much more of a distraction and I would argue (largely) much more passive than film or (really good) TV. I've never felt slightly emotionally invested in a video game, but many films (and a few shows) have moved me to tears and challenged me emotionally, intellectually and even spiritually.

If you just don't like the medium that's fine, but to say videogames are a much more engaging form just because you can move the colors around on the screen is wrong. And I just feel kind of bad for you :( Especially if you've watched all episodes of dragon****ingball****ingz

Wes' concept of passive entertainment pretty much hit the nail on the head. When I watch TV or movies, I rarely get anything out of it compared to a soccer game or a video game. I just saw Iron Man 2 last night. Wasn't bad, wasn't great, but I probably won't give it another thought until someone brings it up. LoL on the other hand I constantly think about gaps in my game and what I can do to counter certain characters.

TV and movies may be entertaining a lot of the time, but the entertainment RARELY lasts longer then the episode or film.

EDIT: @POF: Your description of the melee scene can apply to any video game scene if you apply it to the right group. I am not saying you are wrong, but for the most part the melee scene are generally nice people. There just happens to be a few douchbags that ruin certain things. It is much easier to remember and dwell on the douchbags then the actual good times and good people. In my experience, the melee scene is generally more friendly, but less likely to have manners, but other communities can be brutal *******s and you really don't form friendships like you do in smash.
I guess I just can't relate to this.
Maybe you guys should watch better movies/tv.

lost blows

how many things that happened in the first 4 season are even really relevant to what's "actually" important and happening
No one asked you, go back to west coast gtfo


edit: POF I responded to you because you consistently insult the melee community. I'm old and have many groups of friends over the many phases of my life and I'm pretty ****ing discerning by now. The melee community around here (NE) is great. So I'll defend them. But I should know better than to feed the flames by now.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
first of all, this is where I got distraction or sedative:
Being a participant in art doesn't require controlling the events on screen. It is everything you said: analyzing, getting emotionally invested, etc. And as fun as videogames are, they are much more of a distraction and I would argue (largely) much more passive than film or (really good) TV. I've never felt slightly emotionally invested in a video game, but many films (and a few shows) have moved me to tears and challenged me emotionally, intellectually and even spiritually.
Video games, mostly competitive multiplayer ones, challenge me more intellectually than anything out there in film or TV. Granted, most games won't hit the spiritual or emotional chords that TV/Film can, but I guess this is part of why there's a divide between how we view these things because frankly, I'm not looking for much emotional or spiritual challenging (not to mention that I really don't think mother****ing Lost would challenge those things :laugh:). I find myself happiest when I'm intellectually challenged and for a long time now, competition through video games has been my preferred outlet for this.

If you just don't like the medium that's fine, but to say videogames are a much more engaging form just because you can move the colors around on the screen is wrong. And I just feel kind of bad for you :( Especially if you've watched all episodes of dragon****ingball****ingz
lol, I haven't watched all episodes of dragon****ingball****ingz, I just went through the standard 8th-9th grade phase of watching Saiyan-Frieza Sagas cause I was a ****ing tard and everyone else was doing it at the time.

and look, you can say that you can find observation of art every bit as intellectually challenging and engaging as good gameplay, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this is true for everyone. I respect your right to disagree with me on this, but I'm giving my perspective here and to me, the fact that I am controlling where a game is going does typically make it more intellectually engaging than a movie or TV show.

again, the main reason that this is coming up is we're talking about the sort of time commitment that comes with a show like Lost. a brilliant 2 hour piece of cinema is a lot more appealing to me because observing art for 2 hours tickles my fancy a hell of a lot more than observing art for 100 hours. we're talking about serious time commitments that come with watching long, drawn-out TV shows and my overarching feeling on this is that if I'm going to set aside that much time, I want to be DOING something, not just WATCHING something.

I guess I just can't relate to this.
Maybe you guys should watch better movies/tv.
Maybe you should play better video games. :p


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
You can get people to attend your tournament and whatever but the amount of people that do not play competitively that will join are slim to none. They might join and create an account but chances are they are not going to be too serious about playing it. (shrug)

First off: What did I tell you about responding to my posts? Don't do it because it's clear we both can't stand each other.

Second, ummm because its something new with new levels and different places to play. It's a new experience. It's like playing Melee with more levels. Sounds good to me other than hearing Dreamland music all day at a tournament. Brawl music > Melee music.

Never said I quit smash. I'm just putting more effort into SSFIV because its new, not Brawl, plenty of new players coming to the scene, its more local for me, and the community is overall more appealing as a whole and they don't act like 16 year olds. There are people in the Melee scene that don't act stupid....but a majority of the scene is just........bah.

"Hey, lets not have any moral values and leave hotels a mess, iHOP a mess after we leave, come to tournaments with barely enough money and inconveience the people who drove us to pay for me, not tip our waiters/waitresses, and act like i am special because i am a top player and arrive to a venue late all the time and piss everyone else off."

Thats the general smash scene.
you have to be like the worst person ever


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I don't view television as an art form. I am not saying that it cannot be viewed as an art form, I am just saying personally I don't see it as art. The goal of TV to me is 100% entertainment. For the most part, TV rarely has any deeper meaning, or interesting themes. It has twists, explosions, drama, sex, violence and humor, but offers very little that makes me think about anything outside of the show itself. I can view movies as an artform to some extent, but it's goal still overtly screams entertainment over anything else.

When it comes to art, I really like music, and writing. Like TV, these are both forms of entertainment, but compared to TV, musicians and authors infuse their media with themes and subtle imagery that television imo lacks. It is hard for me to explain but there is something more genuine about a musicians and authors compared to actors directors and tv writers.

I have been more emotionally moved by a 3 and a half piece of music then pretty much any television show (including MacGyver) or movie. I prefer writing because you can describe things so much better in words simply because you can describe how the viewer sees them not just what they see.

Also, Cog, my DBZ reference was more saying how young I was the last time I felt that I HAD to watch a tv show, then any kind of homage to DBZ.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I don't view television as an art form. I am not saying that it cannot be viewed as an art form, I am just saying personally I don't see it as art. The goal of TV to me is 100% entertainment. For the most part, TV rarely has any deeper meaning, or interesting themes. It has twists, explosions, drama, sex, violence and humor, but offers very little that makes me think about anything outside of the show itself. I can view movies as an artform to some extent, but it's goal still overtly screams entertainment over anything else.

When it comes to art, I really like music, and writing. Like TV, these are both forms of entertainment, but compared to TV, musicians and authors infuse their media with themes and subtle imagery that television imo lacks. It is hard for me to explain but there is something more genuine about a musicians and authors compared to actors directors and tv writers.

I have been more emotionally moved by a 3 and a half piece of music then pretty much any television show (including MacGyver) or movie. I prefer writing because you can describe things so much better in words simply because you can describe how the viewer sees them not just what they see.
This. Probably a thousand times over.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
I don't really see how you can perceive books as a true art form while denying that same label to tv shows and movies

How can you say "If you give a mouse a cookie..." is art but Citizen Kane is not? Just as much, how can you have Heart of Darkness on one hand and Apocalypse Now on the other?

I feel that you, as someone who claims to enjoy books, are naturally interpreting the "writing" form as the acknowledged higher forms of it; classics like Tom Sawyer or Crime and Punishment... whereas as a casual movie-goer, you see movies as the profit-hunting Spider-man 3 or Avatar (setting aside for the moment that Avatar's visuals themselves may indeed qualify as revolutionary art)

It's very understandable if you choose not to search for the deeper meaning in TV; I personally certainly don't typically listen to a Vivaldi piece and imagine some guy prancing in the meadows with a basket. That doesn't mean it's not there though, and if it's an art form you don't enjoy, so be it... but to denounce it as non-art is preposterous


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
@ pof:
another classic example of u over simplifying everything.
the biggest problem with Melee around here is that everyone's so **** good that it's intimidating and feels hopeless trying to get into tourney shape at this point. everyone outside of tristate talks about how they wish they were here so that they could be beast at melee, but it's really discouraging sometimes having the whole player pool be this good :'(
also everyone seems to be getting better at the same rate. so that new player who gets better, the players above him get better as well. the new player can hang with them, but hes still worse. (save a few exceptions of course)
you have to be like the worst person ever


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
also, @ mogwai:

tv is pure entertainment, but the origins of art were the same for centuries. its only been relatively recently that art has had anything beyond its visual aspects. and it seems to me that most forms of art are still for entertainment, whether said "entertainment" is gotten through the piece looking good or the interpretation the viewer gets

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
"If you give a mouse a cookie..." has to be followed by a number of things, Pocky. Hyperbole, adjectives, metaphors, allegories, etc. :p Otherwise it's just a bare-bones sentence.

("Apocalypse Now" did open and/or close with a line from one of my favorite poems. This is the way the world will end/Not with a bang, but with a whimper. T.S. Eliot's Hollow Men. One could suggest that the two are interrelated, perhaps?)

I believe just about everything can be intellectualized/codified into an art form, so I guess I agree with you there. I am with Pakman (and to a lesser extent Mogwai, though I'm a little iffy on just what video games mean to me on the whole) about what I garner from those particular aspects of media.


Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
Holy **** he can do that?! Off to training mode again when I get home lol
yeah man, it's not practical or anything.. because it's a reeeal hard, 1 framer. You have to hit it off of the VERY TIP of the far standing jab. Also, when you do go to practice.. don't think it's a cancel, where you would have to input the ultra quickly after the jab. Oh and another thing, I'm not sure if you knew this.. but with Rogs ultra, to make it come out 1 frame quicker, you have to input the ultra with punches or kicks, then on the freeze, release the buttons, and holds KICKS. That's another thing you HAVE to do to execute the jab--> ultra.. If i can't find a good video, i'll make a quick vid of a few 12049101 hit rog combos lol


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
When I read the first sentence of that post I thought we were seeing the return of Jump Out Of Shine.

ThreeX is toooo good. When are you coming to a smash tournament? Nobody ever quits smash you know :p


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
also everyone seems to be getting better at the same rate. so that new player who gets better, the players above him get better as well. the new player can hang with them, but hes still worse.
****ing this. I hang with Spawn a bunch to get better, and then ****ing Roman and Yedi go super sayain 4 and I'm like, WELL ****.

and Dave just ***** all day every day.



Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I don't really see how you can perceive books as a true art form while denying that same label to tv shows and movies

How can you say "If you give a mouse a cookie..." is art but Citizen Kane is not? Just as much, how can you have Heart of Darkness on one hand and Apocalypse Now on the other?

I feel that you, as someone who claims to enjoy books, are naturally interpreting the "writing" form as the acknowledged higher forms of it; classics like Tom Sawyer or Crime and Punishment... whereas as a casual movie-goer, you see movies as the profit-hunting Spider-man 3 or Avatar (setting aside for the moment that Avatar's visuals themselves may indeed qualify as revolutionary art)

It's very understandable if you choose not to search for the deeper meaning in TV; I personally certainly don't typically listen to a Vivaldi piece and imagine some guy prancing in the meadows with a basket. That doesn't mean it's not there though, and if it's an art form you don't enjoy, so be it... but to denounce it as non-art is preposterous
I am a casual reader as much as I am a casual movie goer. I don't read a lot, but I when I do I get MUCH more out of a book then any movie.

Your examples were both movies. This conversation starting by talking about Lost, so I probably should have stuck to TV. In my previous statement I should have said, (Revision 1) "For the most part the modern incarnation of cinema overtly screams entertainment over art."

There are exceptions, but I still get more out of books then film. The reason I think books are more of an art is because you have a MUCH more intimate relationship with the characters, because you have access to their thoughts and feelings. You can describe the intangible in books, which is something that does not translate well to movies and tv.

Fight Club the movie did a good job of using the main character's internal monologue to describe the intangible and is probably one of the only movies that lives up to the book.

On the other end of the spectrum is the Lord of the Rings. The books captured the world perfectly through imagery and you really got a sense of the desperation and hope of the characters. In the movie, I felt like the animators jerked off all over the screen for 6+ hours.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I ****ing hate arguing with both of you at once. I'm getting like nothing done at work XD
Video games, mostly competitive multiplayer ones, challenge me more intellectually than anything out there in film or TV. Granted, most games won't hit the spiritual or emotional chords that TV/Film can, but I guess this is part of why there's a divide between how we view these things because frankly, I'm not looking for much emotional or spiritual challenging (not to mention that I really don't think mother****ing Lost would challenge those things :laugh:). I find myself happiest when I'm intellectually challenged and for a long time now, competition through video games has been my preferred outlet for this.
Improving at a game certainly is a form of intellectual stimulation... I guess... but it's not really what I'm talking about. No offense, but I do find it pretty sad that you have no interest in being engaged by art in any way other than getting better at games, which is about the most limited form of intellectual stimulation ever, because it ends when the game is turned off. Well, I guess practicing SF can help you... problem solve... irl... ?

and look, you can say that you can find observation of art every bit as intellectually challenging and engaging as good gameplay, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this is true for everyone. I respect your right to disagree with me on this, but I'm giving my perspective here and to me, the fact that I am controlling where a game is going does typically make it more intellectually engaging than a movie or TV show.

again, the main reason that this is coming up is we're talking about the sort of time commitment that comes with a show like Lost. a brilliant 2 hour piece of cinema is a lot more appealing to me because observing art for 2 hours tickles my fancy a hell of a lot more than observing art for 100 hours. we're talking about serious time commitments that come with watching long, drawn-out TV shows and my overarching feeling on this is that if I'm going to set aside that much time, I want to be DOING something, not just WATCHING something.
Watching IS doing. This is what I'm trying to say. But not to you, obviously.

Maybe you should play better video games. :p
Feel free to suggest. >_>

I don't view television as an art form. I am not saying that it cannot be viewed as an art form, I am just saying personally I don't see it as art. The goal of TV to me is 100% entertainment. For the most part, TV rarely has any deeper meaning, or interesting themes. It has twists, explosions, drama, sex, violence and humor, but offers very little that makes me think about anything outside of the show itself. I can view movies as an artform to some extent, but it's goal still overtly screams entertainment over anything else.

When it comes to art, I really like music, and writing. Like TV, these are both forms of entertainment, but compared to TV, musicians and authors infuse their media with themes and subtle imagery that television imo lacks. It is hard for me to explain but there is something more genuine about a musicians and authors compared to actors directors and tv writers.

I have been more emotionally moved by a 3 and a half piece of music then pretty much any television show (including MacGyver) or movie. I prefer writing because you can describe things so much better in words simply because you can describe how the viewer sees them not just what they see.
Basically, what pocky said. You can choose to ignore TV (and film?) as art, but that does not invalidate their status as art. And I think, subjectivity aside, what you're mainly doing is a choice to ignore it. It says nothing about television or film. You're making a judgment on the artistic merits of something you don't even view as art. Say you don't like movies or tv all that much, but don't say they're mindless entertainment filled with "twists, explosions, drama, sex, violence and humor" that offer nothing outside of what's literally happening on the screen.
Personally, I love them both, but there's an argument to be made about the image being greater than the written word because every viewer's brain fills what their seeing with an infinite number of reactions, decscriptions, emotions and feelings.
I'm not sure how you can rag on film that much because it's kind of culmination of writing, painting (visual arts) and music: the three greatest Arts, two of which you say you enjoy immensily.

Anyways, I'm going home so until tomorrow (or maybe tonight if I get bored)
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