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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
And you didn't answer my question: Is it necessary to have an understanding of World War II to appreciate Casablanca?
You didn't answer Dave's question: DO you think The Beatles are worse than modern recording artists because the technology was worse back then?
Anyways, we need to work on our definitions of "appreciate". Which you do down here:

I didn't bring up Casablanca originally, CogSmooch did:


but I ran with it because I think it proves my point pretty well.

As to my two statements, they're not incompatible, they go together.

A film can't be appreciated without its context. So if you view an older film without its context, it doesn't stand up well to current films. We're steeped in the current context, whether we realize it or not. We're not necessarily steeped in World War II-era North Africa (Casablanca) or Great Depression/Dustbowl era Kansas (The Wizard of Oz). What I'm saying is that if you do not know those things about those two movies (that is, the context they are set in), then it becomes much more difficult to understand them and compare them favorably to contemporary movies, which we understand by default. I strongly believe that context is necessary to understand art. CogSmooch has said that he does not, and that's where the question about Casablanca comes from.

Mogwai's example was the case study of this: viewing Akira without the context of what made it special in its day reduced it to an average movie in comparison to a modern classic like Spirited Away (if I'm putting words in your mouth Mogwai, please correct me).

EDIT- I should say also that I'm assuming in this conversation that when we use the word "appreciate" or any synonym thereof, we mean more than just "liking" the film. Sure, you can like a film without understanding it. But to "appreciate" it (that is, engage with it on a more intellectual level), I think cotextual understanding is crucial.
Basically, what Cort said. Once Art is released to the ether, it can be analyzed a million different ways by a million different people. All of them right and all of them wrong. I wasn't aware we were holding "like" to a Columbia University film theory doctorate level. But in that case, you are right in that understanding the contextual aspects of a film are fairly crucial to a serious, deep understanding of it.
I'm not really a fan of film that demands you to understand ancillary content in order to enjoy it, but I am a fan of film that encourages it.
Anyways, I'm not sure why you assume just because current context is the one in which we're living, people would automatically be aware of it. A lot of people watch films from 4 or 40 years ago with the same amount of contextual knowledge. People are pretty dumb.

If she's just the most beautiful girl, then it's not worth it.

If she's mad chill and you can see yourself having a meaningful relationship, then do whatever the HAYLL you have to in order to be able to talk with her. Sacrifice your dignity by talking to your ex-girlfriend, consider finding her on Facebook or whatever, be humble, be yourself.

was going to post the same thing. beat me to it.

Darc's favorite Korean song??: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgeGBse5XDw

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Good to know Smashboards is still fail and has search disabled.

5 more days till I go on smash hiatus. CT's going to eat a lot of JC into Ultras from me once I learn Ibuki. I'm probably going to get ***** for a little bit due to her steep learning curve but I'll **** kids once I learn her. Codys going to be fun to learn too. :)

Anyone going to Groat? I'm heading up to Mass today and my friend Kurt is housing me. I'm mostly going to hangout and chill with him because I haven't seen him in a a while.

I MIGHT enter Brawl. (for Dazwa's eyes)

I won the last two tournaments I entered (they were locals) by not losing a single match. LOL.

I know Marths match ups like 10X better now so I should be decent still.

Definitely entering Melee.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
So I heard I'm hosting a smashfest on Saturday? Who from CT is going to that?

Marc, Andrew and Herman want to chill, LOL.
if i could get a ride maybe
i just got wombo combod by my ex-gf.

girl was not single. girl was married. to a girl.
made an *** out of myself.
i'm not falco.

well played, ***** who mutually hates me...well played.
thanks for the advice anyway, pals...i will use this if i am ever in a similar situation. but i need to recover after this ****. ****ing ex has top tier mindgames.
recover from what? i mean she was married, not much u couldve done unless shes the cheatin type

but look at it this way whenever speaking about girls:

1. u werent with her b4
2. ur not with her now
3. nothing changed really

as for making an *** out of urself, at least u tried. better than going on wondering what if and missing chances. plus ur not gonna get a girl to say yes, if u never ask

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
So I'm thinking of taking a teaching job in Fairfield.

Anyone know the school system there? I've heard it's pretty godly.
What are you gonna be teaching? Please, come to Fairfield Prep and take over my Geometry teachers position . . . I HATE this lady and she can't teach for anything.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Good to know Smashboards is still fail and has search disabled.

5 more days till I go on smash hiatus. CT's going to eat a lot of JC into Ultras from me once I learn Ibuki. I'm probably going to get ***** for a little bit due to her steep learning curve but I'll **** kids once I learn her. Codys going to be fun to learn too. :)

Anyone going to Groat? I'm heading up to Mass today and my friend Kurt is housing me. I'm mostly going to hangout and chill with him because I haven't seen him in a a while.

I MIGHT enter Brawl. (for Dazwa's eyes)

I won the last two tournaments I entered (they were locals) by not losing a single match. LOL.

I know Marths match ups like 10X better now so I should be decent still.

Definitely entering Melee.
bring kurt to groat and make him enter


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
What are you gonna be teaching? Please, come to Fairfield Prep and take over my Geometry teachers position . . . I HATE this lady and she can't teach for anything.
Ain't no positions at Fairfield Prep. That place is way too godly for a lowly first-year teacher like me.

Secondly, I'm a social studies teacher. Get *****, Slox.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
i just got wombo combod by my ex-gf.

girl was not single. girl was married. to a girl.
made an *** out of myself.
i'm not falco.

well played, ***** who mutually hates me...well played.
thanks for the advice anyway, pals...i will use this if i am ever in a similar situation. but i need to recover after this ****. ****ing ex has top tier mindgames.
Like Trade said though, no loss.
And I make an *** out of myself daily. The trick is to look like you did it on purpose, to prove a point or something.

I generally despise teaching rich kids, but these days I can't be picky.
Dude. Rich kids are not that bad at all. At least if you can get honor-level classes. If you're at the low-end classes then you just have to be untraditional in your methods.

Either way you're making bank and get summers off, plus you have 0 chance of being stabbed.


Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT

Dude. Rich kids are not that bad at all. At least if you can get honor-level classes. If you're at the low-end classes then you just have to be untraditional in your methods.

Either way you're making bank and get summers off, plus you have 0 chance of being stabbed.



Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Like Trade said though, no loss.
And I make an *** out of myself daily. The trick is to look like you did it on purpose, to prove a point or something.

Dude. Rich kids are not that bad at all. At least if you can get honor-level classes. If you're at the low-end classes then you just have to be untraditional in your methods.

Either way you're making bank and get summers off, plus you have 0 chance of being stabbed.

cuz rich kids never stab/hurt anybody?

stole this so hard
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