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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
sup dd happy birthday dude
:D Thanks Scar!
I wanna techchase your Falcon one day...or just teleport away from knees.

...or get knee'd out of my teleport.

Poffy, if you wanna play against Docs, Yedi's is pretty good.
*waits patiently for a week*


I didn't go to Pound due to monetary issues, I've been getting ***** with car problems, school etc. I'll be at this weeks No Johns tho, so come get ***** there. You don't need "Doc practice" to beat Doc. You just have to space and not throw out random Fsmashes.


I don't know you Dark Dragoon but happy bday . Go to Wes's sometime so I can **** you and demoralize your bottom tier to the point where you never play as him again...or just quit the game entirely. Where was I going with this? Ohh yeah, happy birthday.
D: I play Sheik too. I just really like Mewtwo LOL.
Thanks though! I'll see if I can get to Wes' somehow...no car now =\.
happy birthday DD, neckbeard.
T.T I shave regularly.
:3 Thanks~


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
please, give me a little more respect than to just take what PoF says I say as what I'm saying :p. I do bring up the fact that semi-unknown Falcos beat Falcon more frequently than semi-unknown Foxes when talking about how I think Falco is worse for CF than Fox, but it's far from the backbone of my argument.
ya i figured but i really didn't want to read the rest of the argument after pof's had so many holes.

why does a ***** from the south still not remember PeePee..? :(

he doesn't switch, and he's ****ing beast.
sorry, he went silly characters @ a small SC tournament and that influenced my thoughts. he doesn't change in tournaments.i made that post at 4-5 am, my b.

after i checked the last page and reread my post, i realized i forgot pp and was going to edit it but the conversation has already moved on.

Why I think Falco is the best character in the game in a nutshell:
As humans approach the limits of perfect human play, Falco has no matchups worse than even.

The supposedly "bad" matchups for Falco are all "bad" on the basis that Falco gets punished hard for making mistakes. As Falco starts to make fewer and fewer mistakes, the fact that he can always be in control of the game through a mix of great physics, high priority aerials and one of the best projectiles in the game, lets him control his own destiny better than any other character.

Anyone else wondering how the **** PoF got us on this argument from me making a satirical post about Jigglypuff being stupid? Cause seriously, I was just making fun of Swift's posts about Falcon and that somehow logically made PoF think of my opinion that Falco is the best in the game. are you seriously that much of a mother ****ing ******?
but all of fox's are purportedly in his favor. that would still leave him at best character.

Since when do matchup charts solely determine tier lists..?

i thought it was how easy a character was to win with at early levels of competitive play.

happy birthday, nick! i owe you another present.
when i get some dollars.
probably after next week


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
but all of fox's are purportedly in his favor. that would still leave him at best character.
well, we just have to agree to disagree on that. I think Fox loses to Falco and I also think that there is more room for defensive growth vs. Fox (CC grab coupled with smash DI away grab when he dairs is brutally difficult but gives Marth and Peach and Sheik space to improve vs. Fox's offense, whereas there's no answer like that to Falco's dair).

Call me crazy, but I think Jiggs is the best character in the game right now. I also think she might be one of Falcon's worst matchups.
Jiggs ***** Falcon. You can't combo, she can. You can't edgeguard, she can. The neutral position is probably evenish, but since she can combo and edgeguard, you're working equally hard for 10-30% as she's working for KOs. While Scar sounds silly when he talks about Jiggs, it definitely holds water in the CF matchup.

As to her being the best, it depends on your criteria for what the best is, but anyone who thinks you're crazy for thinking the character that has won every national for the past 2 years is the best needs to pull their head out of their ***. I might not agree that she's the best, but there's a strong case for it.

Whats the Falcon vs Doc match up like?
Falcon should win, but it's probably not as bad as we thought it was back when no one played doc.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Falcon shuts down Docs pill game with nair very easily. Falcon beats Doc on stage w combos and camp ability while Doc has a slight off stage w cape and better edge guarding abilities.

Oh yeah, and he has a CG on Falcon up to around 60% but its pretty difficult to pull off because the timing is different from that of spacies.

Falcons favor though.

im dominant get at the kid.

but yo srsly. this list is kinda suspect. Dunno who j wolf is. hazz doesnt play enough to be dominant. replicate doesn't dominate, cactuar used to dominate, but not anymore, silent wolf kinda does in but only to the extent of his state, lozr isn't dominate in singles. M2k plays marf and shiek. the onl real dominant foxes in that list are like......kels(best in the midwest), remen, lucky. others are colbol(within his region strictly), eggm(within his region but not so strictly as colbol) and jman. Im not dominant yet lol.

edit: i'd say lovage is in the same boat as me as far as dominance goes.

edit2: for the ones that are rly dominant plus the ones that you missed. I could probly name falcos and make a comparable list.
edit3: lets see OFF THE TOP:

calle w

All I'm saying is that in comparison to Fox the Falco representation at pound was disgusting. I don't even count MaNg0 as a Falco. If we're going to count MaNg0 we should also count Axe. My god, have you SEEN his Falco? Its amazing. Zhu thinks its better than his.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Will be sigged.

lol hi scar.

how good is Falco, do you reckon?
just gotta say

falcos combos are literally move shine dair shine dair shine dair shine both moves do like 45% damage and if he misses and fsmashes you lose the game except his recovery blows and his lasers keep yout rapped so he can approach however he wants whenever he wants


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
well, we just have to agree to disagree on that. I think Fox loses to Falco and I also think that there is more room for defensive growth vs. Fox (CC grab coupled with smash DI away grab when he dairs is brutally difficult but gives Marth and Peach and Sheik space to improve vs. Fox's offense, whereas there's no answer like that to Falco's dair).
agree to disagree i suppose. this boils down to opinion at the level of play we are at.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
im dominant get at the kid.

but yo srsly. this list is kinda suspect. Dunno who j wolf is. hazz doesnt play enough to be dominant. replicate doesn't dominate, cactuar used to dominate, but not anymore, silent wolf kinda does in but only to the extent of his state, lozr isn't dominate in singles. M2k plays marf and shiek. the onl real dominant foxes in that list are like......kels(best in the midwest), remen, lucky. others are colbol(within his region strictly), eggm(within his region but not so strictly as colbol) and jman. Im not dominant yet lol.

edit: i'd say lovage is in the same boat as me as far as dominance goes.

edit2: for the ones that are rly dominant plus the ones that you missed. I could probly name falcos and make a comparable list.
edit3: lets see OFF THE TOP:

calle w
i dont even dominate my state lol


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Falcon shuts down Docs pill game with nair very easily. Falcon beats Doc on stage w combos and camp ability while Doc has a slight off stage w cape and better edge guarding abilities.

Oh yeah, and he has a CG on Falcon up to around 60% but its pretty difficult to pull off because the timing is different from that of spacies.

Falcons favor though.
Please don't talk about matchups for characters you don't playl, it's way more complex than that. If Doc had a better recovery he would **** Falcon SOOOOOO terribly it wouldn't even be fair.

Jiggs is best character in the game based on tourney results, but I still think she sucks. Sue me wes.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
so far imo my best characters are like fox jiggs falco doc / falcon pichu

so whos going to n0 johns?


lol ctdrama.

maybe i shouldnt have hung out with the best person in ct

as my first smashing experience

that way id have low standards

same goes for tournys


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Doc's CG against Falcon isn't hard, but it wouldn't matter even if it was. As long as it's not something beyond human capability like Ganon's CG on Fox, the difficulty of executing a technique has nothing to do with how good it is.

I think the matchup is pretty heavily in Falcon's favor, for what it's worth.

I'm glad Garrett has started to dislike me more openly. I guess I'll just continue to act the way I've been acting while he continues to suck up to me in person then talk **** about me on SWF.

LOL. I'm really interested to hear this dirt Garrett purportedly has on Wes.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I've been playing a lot of Doc recently. It took some time to get used to the fact that Falcon can basically ignore 90% of your pills. :(


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
@POF: i thought out **** was squashed but apparently u still have problems with me? ok.....

and lol @ u trolling. u dont troll us. u come at us with stupid scrub logic that gets habitually shut down by everyone on that list.

u say u care about how u are in person? i gave examples of when u were a jerk in person and u said u coudl say mad **** about me, which u didnt say anything actually. just said "blahblah lets stop holdin grudges"

if u really have problems with me we can settle it as long as u stop bein a little ***** and every time u get called out on u try and squash it.

like i said, i never had any problems with u. but if u have issues with me its w/e really. cuz we can settle it many dif ways

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
That was an error I made while sending an email in another tab at school.....

Yes, that made no sense. I know.

Trade-I'm a tool to you because I get the idea that you hate me. I really don't go out of my way to be disliked...although it does appear that way. :psycho:

Holy ****ing crap it was sunny like four seconds ago...now its snowing hardcore again. Blah!

sorry....lost my train of thought but yeah man, I'll basically mellow out as long as you do the same. I feel like you dont ever feel like playing w me or anything and its a waste of your time....

Not to get all emo but I pretty much look to you for the Peach assistance man. :)

No one in CT plays Peach and Swift pretty much just is free on weekends due to work (when hes free he goes tourney)

Dave-Yeah, I sucked up to you at pound. I said "Hello" because I was ****ing standing right next to you waiting for my round 2 pool. Definitely sucking up.


I told Sleepy this but I'm gonna say it again. He has the best FB pics (aside from Lil) and best youtube account ever.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah...I'm picking up Peach.
Shes pretty cool.

Probably gonna ride around town a little. Then we might head back to my place. I dunno, I'll play it by ear.



Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
:D Thanks~

Hows the controller remake coming?

Or are you not doing that anymore =[.
I made it! But it ended up not being a Gamecube Controller :\

The bosses of the gamecube controller (the things that hold the components together inside of the shell) where to intuitive to grow in our 3D printer, so I just did a NES controller and it came out ******

Here is a hand rendering of it, although the final model doesn't use the gamecube controller

This is a CAD rendering of it, it doesn't look like much but there is a lot going on inside of it. I don't have an exposed view picture on hand, but is pretty cool.

I wanted to make it this really radical looking thing but my teacher wasn't feeln it. he just basically wanted rounder corners and a better finger placement


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
he just basically wanted rounder corners and a better finger placement
Yeah, most men would like that from their women.

But ****. You couldn't have made it as small as possible and then used your own craftmanship/sandpaper to make it fit? The design was too sexy DX.

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