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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Who watched the GFs?

Who agrees that that West Coast ****** is a total ****** for trash talking him. I almost ****ing screamed at that douche.

I forget who he was.
I only saw some of it but I was like...passing by, the rest I was told of by a friend.
Marth is gayer than Puff IMO. I think Puff matchup is pretty fun when I use Ganon / Sheik. I'd rather play Puff than Marth any day because Marth is that gay. (Although Marth is obviously more fun to watch. I dont see a problem with Puff dittos to the point where people need to be douches)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Who watched the GFs?

Who agrees that that West Coast ****** is a total ****** for trash talking him. I almost ****ing screamed at that douche.

I forget who he was.
o.o I don't think it was the guy on the stream, cause I didn't hear anything like that.

Plus HBox and Mango were pretty even, I wouldn't have been surprised if HBox won.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Well, you see Swift, when you suck, its exciting to win friendlies. Its basically like Krillin beating Goku with one arm tied behind his back. Yeah, Goku wasn't really trying, but considering how much Krillin sucks, its impressive he was able to at least beat Goku at that much power.

Then Krillin runs off to tell Tien, Yamcha, and Chaotsu, and they all get excited.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Well, you see Swift, when you suck, its exciting to win friendlies. Its basically like Krillin beating Goku with one arm tied behind his back. Yeah, Goku wasn't really trying, but considering how much Krillin sucks, its impressive he was able to at least beat Goku at that much power.

Then Krillin runs off to tell Tien, Yamcha, and Chaotsu, and they all get excited.
I came into this game being pretty ****. Like I picked up the controller and was like beating scrubs and hanging with the pros since day 1.

When I sucked back when MLG was around and there WAS such thing as "pro"(which ppl use so loosely now) I wanted them to go hard every stock or at least appear to be. I saw sandbagging as disrespect and got motivated to beat people even more. If I beat someone who tried to falcon punch me 5 times in a game and lost 2 stocks because of it, I didnt get excited about it. I got up and played someone worth my time. luckily now im at the level where I dun have to stand that from anyone(i'll just rapem and make them look silly) but like, when i was a scrub i felt that playing a bunch of people little better than me(around my skill level) was time better spent than waiting in line to have like 1.5 friendlies with some pro smasher who was all mlg'd out and **** and rly didn't want to play you anyways.

How else did I get to play the goku's with the one arm behind their back? I money matched them(2 dollars or something like that). I'd lose but I'd get goku to to use that other arm. I'd get rock lee to take of them weights, even if it were only for a stock or two. Thats what it was like for me being a scrub that aspired to be good one day.

The lower level players who get all hype about friendlies like the ones mentioned to me are selling themselves short. There just seems to be a huge rise in people with those kinda mindsets. The era of scrubs i came up with just seemed to be more hungry than the ones coming up now.

EDIT: also to be clear. Someone spacing 2 moves against me and winning is not sandbagging imo. someone flat out killing themselves mulitple times trying stupid **** for 4 stocks either is an idiot or sandbagging or just dickin around(which is okay in some cases of course

Ah, my bad, Swift. I misunderstood.

you do bring up a good point tho. I heard that question about m2k/jman as well. What wouldve been their buyin price?. A lack of consistency on planks part there, cuz i thought pkm was done for.

mad late to the party on the response lol my bad dave


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
just because swift will most likely see this,

i just got like 1 burrito from chipotle before they closed, and there's like 9 pounds of meat.


no plans on converting yet, acceptance, yes.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
lol rocklee.

Bragging about friendlies = ...

I didn't get to play any OUTSTANDING good players or as far as I know, anyone in the top 48 (including swift) but I played people a lot better than me. (in which I learned and eventually put that to use in friendlies/MM)

I learned so much in those three days and I've already limited my character size from like 7 to 3. (Which will eventually go down to 1 when I figure out the matchups for each)

I still need to play some CTers.

Oh and sox if you see this, play marth/sheik. (:


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, thats why I tend to do lots of MMs with my Mewtwo...and Tournament matches. I lose, yeah, but its all valuable EXP.



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
does anyone know what the european consensus on chipotle was? i heard they liked it but that was from one person.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
trade that isn't true. the better player can just explain what they should be doing and thus they get tons out of it.
also dave in general is a very smart smasher so he'd be able to pick up on things even without being near the same level.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007

but dave, dont u think that if someones THAT much better than you, theres not much to get out of it? you have to kno why ur getting ***** to be able to do something about it.
>_> When I get massively wrecked by good players, they usually point out what I did wrong, even if I picked up on it. I tend to try lots of different DI combinations during friendlies to see what happens. I extend that favor to the people I pick up to join the community as well. Its a good practice for building a strong community both on a friendship basis, but on skill/knowledge basis too.

Like that movie...uhh...****, what was it? With the help one guy, helps 3 guys, each of the 3 help 3 more, etcetc.



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Bernard, I agree, but once you reach a level where you're actually able to minimize your bad habits enough that you aren't just getting ***** by everything, people like that, who will consistently punish you for whatever bad habits you DO have, are the best practice because they force you to learn or get *****.

This is all really obvious so I don't know why I'm even bothering to point it out, but... whatever.

To clarify, I do think that it can be difficult to learn from somebody who is way, WAY out of your league, particularly if it's somebody like KDJ who is really bad at explaining things.

John, I'm not smart. I just push buttons. Lol.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
EDIT: Oh hey look at that it's Jan 20. Anybody else remember POF saying he guaranteed Obama will be assassinated within one year of being in office?
I give Brawl about a year and than it will be over.

I'll bet $200.00 bucks on that one.
he does that a lot, its cool

Who watched the GFs?

Who agrees that that West Coast ****** is a total ****** for trash talking him. I almost ****ing screamed at that douche.

I forget who he was.
Such insanely bad sportsmanship. He's not worth remembering.

...I still haven't had Chipotle.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Yeah, but seriously, he plays Jigglypuff.


"ewwww" ? (shrug) Says the Mewtwo main. :ohwell:

Marth isn't nearly as good now as he once was.

*would get off on garrett for not ever knowing what he's talking about, but wont*
Get off on what? The fact that I realize that this community does nothing but whine and complain after every tournament that is held and there is always drama? Go get off. I don't care. My points are valid.

Ya know all Jman or anyone who was with him had to do was probably call someone at the tournament and let them know what their situation was if that "key" excuse was legitimate. I'm not saying his story was not true but any decent intelligent person would call someone if something came up. Not Hard.

Jman and all other top players aren't stupid. Some of them (not all) think they are "too cool" and can stroll in whenever the heck they feel like it. Jman DEFINITELY knew that he had to show up at 10:30 because I heard Plank announce it a good SIX times before we left Saturday night. No offense, but NY is a prime example of this and they have a history of showing up late. Not to mention, G Money is a horrible driver. lol.

You know maybe I troll on the boards pretty hard and I say stupid stuff but I'm smart enough to respect someones authority in a tournament regardless of whether or not I agree with it or not. TO's are doing the COMMUNITY a favor by giving them a place to play and compete with little to no effort from them. They are in charge for a reason. I'm also smart enough to recognize the effort and time put into that event. I really dont think people realize everything that TO's go through. Multiply that by a good 15 for this event.

-Making sure to pick an accurate weekend to host event
-Picking out legit stages to produce the most accurate results (took a while too)
-Getting people to sponsor the event (food, TV's, transportation)
-Making sure everyone safely gets to event and is picked up from the locations.
-Doing EIGHT events in THREE DAYS (Brawl-sing and doub Melee-same. Brawl + same, and crews for melee.)
-Getting assistance from other smashers (Alex Strife, Juggle Guy, Twin A.)
-Making sure quality matches/material is live streamed.
-Dealing with peoples complaints prior to events and making sure everyone is settled
-Watching over TV's to make sure no one plays friendlies and we get out on time.
-In charge of the money and properly paying everyone on time.
-Rides back upon return and get the same or different help w driving people
-Posting results

I can go on forever.

Honestly, I believe Planks side of the story to the fullest because we know we have heard this kind of BS from Jman before.

Thats all i have to say on the matter.


Pound 4 350 Melee compared to 150 Brawl

Genesis 298 Melee to 300 Brawl at Genesis

Much bigger defecit if you ask me. And I'm pretty sure Ally hates Brawl now and wants to start playing Melee but no one is near him to play. When a games top players play the game to make $ you know the game is not doing so hot.


once you reach a level where you're actually able to minimize your bad habits enough that you aren't just getting ***** by everything, people like that, who will consistently punish you for whatever bad habits you DO have, are the best practice because they force you to learn or get *****.
I notice my mistakes and bad spacing faster than I do against someone slightly better than me because I literally CANNOT edge guard top level players and they force me to constantly adjust. I'm wonderful at seeing my mistakes and where I suck....my execution is just horrible. I see everything in this game and know why I lose a stock or where I went wrong but I find I grow faster by playing really good people. Playing someone like Cort to me is a good 5x better than playing lets say Mike $ because once I stop playing Cort and then go play Mike I'll feel more relaxed and confident because his pressure and reactions are not better than Corts so I'll be more comfortable and confident. It's like playing through a game on EXTREME difficulty first and then going to HARD. You know you'll do better because you've seen the best and beat it before.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
"ewwww" ? (shrug) Says the Mewtwo main. :ohwell:

Marth isn't nearly as good now as he once was.
:D I was kidding. Mewtwo is generally more exciting to watch though...although the "WTF" factor is the only reason half the time. The other half of the time is because its Taj.


Pound 4 350 Melee compared to 150 Brawl

Genesis 298 Melee to 300 Brawl at Genesis

Much bigger defecit if you ask me. And I'm pretty sure Ally hates Brawl now and wants to start playing Melee but no one is near him to play. When a games top players play the game to make $ you know the game is not doing so hot.
D: But it was more than a year, that's the point ;P. And I'm pretty sure M2k has stated several times he only plays smash period to make monies.



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
1) pof, the year is over. most of the brawlers also decided to go to Viridian city next month instead.
2) i'm pretty sure mew2king was in contact with jman about why he couldn't come and complained to plairnkk. since the melee community seems to enjoy whining and complaining so much (particularly TooCoolKing aka M2K) i'm sure he whined to plank about it.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
pof is correct but in the wrong way.
the best marth and the current marth metagame is m2k.
m2k has not added anything significant to the marth metagame still, so the marth metagame is frozen while other chars are moving along.
well, some of them.

because sheik's Dthrow in PAL doesn't permit chaingrabbing or follow ups in general.

if you watch amsah i don't think he knew how to hit peach with uair out of a dthrow
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