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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
I'm very uneducated to tournament rules. (and tournaments in general)
•Double Blind character pick can be called at anytime : How does this work?

I guess it'd be easier to explain what happens(the process) after both players are called to a station or setup and get there controllers hooked up.

It seems simple enough but I just want to be sure.
Gonna see if I can plan this(tournament) out all before hand, if my dad will be able to drop me off and pick me up etc...

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Basically, double-blind works by you and your opponent either saying out loud which character you're going to use at the same time, or by both of you whispering your character to a third party, and then that person makes sure that you pick that character.

It's to prevent one player from counterpicking the other before the match starts.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
My Marth plays so awkwardly in tournament. Not to mention I have more experience vs Chris than probably anyone..

What are you talking about PoF?

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player

i notice ur marth isnt corts marth........
Yeah, no kidding.

What are you talking about PoF?
I remember talking to you about how to get better and what works and you told me "watch footage, dont make mistakes, and do what they do."

My Marths style is very similiar to yours. I think its maybe because I like to watch your Marth so i've applied a bit of your style into my game. When I watch matches I generally try to think to myself, "ok, what would i have done in that situation?" and in most cases I would agree w your decision. Obviously your Marth is faster, reacts better, and spaces better but I think our styles are alike.

To me, Marth is one of the most distinctive characters in the game. There are so many creative ways to play him and edge guard effectively.

reverse up b, jab, d tilt, f tilt, f smash, neu B, dair, nair, third side b, etc. are all useful spacing and edge guarding moves. You look at Fox, Falco, Shiek, and Jigs everything is so predictable and so routine. fox and falco just do a spike/shine, wait for you to come up and space bair perfectly or regrab. Boring. There on stage game is beyond predictable too. Its more effective...but its so boring.

That is just me rambling on....I think Marth can be played in sooo many different ways while other characters are much more strict in their playstyle.

I also think this is a big reason why people like to play Falcon and Falco often and make Fox their serious character or there "main." Falco, Falcon, and Marth can be played so many different ways while Peach, Jigs, Sheik, and Fox are just so boring and straight up textbook. Fox technically really doesn't even "combo." He just runs around you and goes, "you made a mistake, time to **** that."

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
So what are CT's plans involving Pound 4???????

You guys are sooooo last minute alll the time.

I've seen way more variety in Jiggs and Peach players then Falcon and Falco ones in my day

Why are there more Falco, Falcon, and Marth combo videos among the community more so than Peach and Jigs? Why do more people also play those characters? Why do Peach mains rarely play Peach in friendlies? Why does MaNg0 like to use Falco more?

Jigs is pretty copy and paste as well. Get them off stage and don't let them come back. If you did.....you failed. Half of her moveset is pretty much pointless.

jab, f tilt, upB, neu B, dair, and u tilt are all pretty bad with maybe the exception of u tilt.

It's just my opinion. You don't have to agree with me nor do you all have to constantly be tools for no reason. You all constantly give me **** for saying stupid stuff when in fact half of the time I'm not even doing anything wrong.

Good stuff.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Weeee! My Mewtwocario is almost done! Just gotta wait for some model importation and WHAMO! I got a Mewtwo!

Video later!


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Who gave you ****? I just disagree...apparently the opinion thing doesn't work both ways?

By the way, why are you using Falco in your argument now, when you claimed him to be cookie-cutter above?

I'm confused

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I was referring to him being dull in terms of edge guarding.

Falco is fun but hes still very dry in another sense. He shoots lasers and puts you where he wants you to go and then does stuff.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
marth just grabs you and then hits you.
fox just nairs and then shines
falcon just techchases.

summarizing things like that doesn't work because you can summarize anybody and make them sound boring.

soccer is boring because all you do is kick the ball
football is boring because all you do is hold a ball and run
baseball is boring because all you do is hit a ball with a stick and then run
movies are boring because all you do is watch things happen
life is boring because all you do is do stuff

man, existential crisis. life really is boring in the grand scale of things.
everything i do is some kind of insignificant over millennia.


ganon is so boring because all you have to do is forward air
rock paper scissors is so boring because all you have to do is win
winning is so boring because all you have to do is not lose
living is so boring because all you have to do is not die


Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
Mur-mur-murder Capital Awesome Level: 9000+
marth just grabs you and then hits you.
fox just nairs and then shines
falcon just techchases.

summarizing things like that doesn't work because you can summarize anybody and make them sound boring.

soccer is boring because all you do is kick the ball
football is boring because all you do is hold a ball and run
baseball is boring because all you do is hit a ball with a stick and then run
movies are boring because all you do is watch things happen
life is boring because all you do is do stuff

man, existential crisis. life really is boring in the grand scale of things.
everything i do is some kind of insignificant over millennia.


ganon is so boring because all you have to do is forward air
rock paper scissors is so boring because all you have to do is win
winning is so boring because all you have to do is not lose
living is so boring because all you have to do is not die
This kinda reminds me of CTCon with the "Why bother" comments.
unless I can get a ride idt i can make it
**** manny for getting a ride and not me.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
That's cool PoF. Now all you have to do is never mess up and play many ridiculously good people for hours and hours and hours.



notice what's going on, then click the up arrow thing to progress up the street
God****. Too good.
Where is that? Amsterdam?*too lazy to zoom out*

Welcome to Super Smash Bros.

There are variations in style with all characters. Look at Cort, Vidjo and Armada's peaches. SS, Darkrain, and Scar's falcons. M2K and QueenDVS's marths.

I'm not sure what the point was. Somebody want to remind me? I lost it. :urg:
D: Brush your teeth, twice a day. Floss your teeth, once a day.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
So what are CT's plans involving Pound 4???????

You guys are sooooo last minute alll the time.


Why are there more Falco, Falcon, and Marth combo videos among the community more so than Peach and Jigs? Why do more people also play those characters? Why do Peach mains rarely play Peach in friendlies? Why does MaNg0 like to use Falco more?

Jigs is pretty copy and paste as well. Get them off stage and don't let them come back. If you did.....you failed. Half of her moveset is pretty much pointless.

jab, f tilt, upB, neu B, dair, and u tilt are all pretty bad with maybe the exception of u tilt.

It's just my opinion. You don't have to agree with me nor do you all have to constantly be tools for no reason. You all constantly give me **** for saying stupid stuff when in fact half of the time I'm not even doing anything wrong.

Good stuff.
jab, dair, and utilt are useful.

you can't use the defense
"it's just my opinion" when it's flat out wrong.
"The earth is the center of the universe"
"that's wrong"

it doesn't work.

and sure, half of the time you're not doing anything wrong, but most of the time you post about melee.... and most of that time you're wrong.

or you just post your opinion like it's a fact. is it really that hard not to post your opinion like it's the correct one?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
I remember watching cort 4 stock pc in friendlies 2 years back. It was right after i watched
pc vs ken @ mlg ny and i thought cort was the best in the world.
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