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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
theres alot to decide from. like 4-5 from ff8 that i really like. i like alot from ff7 minus one winged angel since its slightly overrated imo. even with ff music aside its still hard

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I love Who Dat Ninga so much
true story: I never even realized it was spelled Ninga and not Ninja until now LOL good ****

LOL @ responses =_________=;.

Nah, he couldn't do it.

I then tried with him sitting on me and my neck felt like it was going to snap off; extreme fail.
you're not helping

DD this is good XD


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
There's just way too much on the preceding page for me to reply to all of it.

Link's Awakening was and still is so good.

I think Majora's Mask constantly gets the shaft, but that's a whole other debate.

The GBA port of LttP has one of the most amazing glitches ever. Do you know how satisfying it is to kill the Helmasaur King in one hit with silver arrows? Well, let me tell you it's pretty ****ing great.

To be honest, even though I know Ocarina of Time is a great game, it never really sucked me in the way LttP did.

Everybody seems to forget about it, but Secret of Evermore is amazing.

Also, Illusion of Gaia. There's a game I never got to play quite as much as I wanted to.

I don't know where I was going with this.

Recently, I've learned that I really only like game music as it relates to games. That said, this **** is amazing:


Man I love SNES.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
HEY LIL you know those "Asian Nerd" glasses you and Dustin were playing with last time I saw you? Well I saw a hot asian babe on the bus last night wearing a pair. When she got off she started stretching like crazy as she was walking, doing like calisthenics or something.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah, ZoSo, i agree with you on lttp > oot.
i'm also 1989.
The soul blazer series is amazing. I played the crap out of Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. I didn't get to play soul blazer, but I watched Dylan play it in his room.

I'll agree with ZoSo that the SNES is probably the superior system just because of its capabilities and the games that it brought.

+ the whole nes and snes are different both are good.

as far as my opinions on the other zelda games go, I had a great time with WW, but it got annoying at times.

uhh, I love ff8.

I did not like anything about ffx.

snes is better because it has chrono trigger.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Chrono Trigger is overrated. There are about a dozen other RPG's better than that game.

ocarina of time
links awakening
Golden Sun I and II
FF 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8,
secret of mana
legend of zelda

To me, the only thing that made Chrono Trigger amazing was the ability to combine techniques and frog. That's it. Robo was pretty cool but nothing epic.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Dazwa and SleepyK-How old are you?
21, same as you. My personal preference probably stems from NES games having artificial, unenjoyable difficulty to them, brought on by hardware limitations or awkward controls, while the SNES's difficulty seemed to stem from actual skill-based challenges. The only NES games I can really go back to and think "this isn't pissing me off for the wrong reasons" are Mega Man games (I was very happy about Mega Man 9 for this reason :p) and Super Mario Bros. 3. They're both amazing systems, for different reasons, and I just happen to prefer the SNES.

Everyone's all time favorite VG song/music? You can only pick one.
HMMMM I'll have to try to answer this later. Picking one is too hard ;_;

I think LTTP is overrated. Its a GREAT RPG but its not as amazing as everyone says it is.
I think it's a bit erroneous to list a Zelda game with a FF game when they're vastly different from each other. Secret of Mana maybe, but turn-based RPGs are an entire different game.

FFX's music was incredible, I'll accept most criticism of the rest of the game, but the music was great.
Yes, and (insert story of blitzball theme I posted awhile back here)

The GBA port of LttP has one of the most amazing glitches ever. Do you know how satisfying it is to kill the Helmasaur King in one hit with silver arrows? Well, let me tell you it's pretty ****ing great.
Hate that guy.

To be honest, even though I know Ocarina of Time is a great game, it never really sucked me in the way LttP did.
Same here.


The soul blazer series is amazing. I played the crap out of Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma.
We should tickle Hyuga into playing Terranigma if he hasn't yet

I didn't get to play soul blazer, but I watched Dylan play it in his room.
Awwwww yea

snes is better because it has chrono trigger.
Awwwww yea

I think LTTP is overrated. Its a GREAT RPG but its not as amazing as everyone says it is.

Better RPGS-

Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger is overrated. There are about a dozen other RPG's better than that game.

LMFAO, you go and turn a pretty civil discussion into a pretty terrible troll attempt.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lmao, obvious troll. he ommitted FF4 and FF6 for the sake of pissing off the same people who like chrono trigger, despite the fact that they're the best things to come out of the Final Fantasy franchise.
ya pof try harder next time.

ct> all


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
DD this is good XD
:D KH series has awesome music.
KHII Final Mix+ made KHII a lot better.

hahahahahahahaha, hilarious

the posts are only four and half hours apart too, lmao
lmfao I didn't even notice that in PoF's posts HAHAHAHA
lmfao. It makes me wonder if he did that on purpose or not.

=O Thats hot.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Whatever, doesn't mean we can't still have a civil discussion.

Backtracking a little, I really don't think I could pick a single favorite piece of VGM, but here's a few that come to mind.

The world map music/main theme from FF7. For a variety of reasons, but mostly 'cause I just melt every time I hear that ****. Highwind Takes to the Skies is a really kickass arrangement of the same theme.

Dancing Mad is amazing. Greatest boss battle theme of all time.

There's this, also from FFVI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGwrbXGq7Tc

This is good too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ4Di2orahA

And this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6HgGxxjyrU


Secret of Evermore and Diablo 2 both had amazing soundtracks. Very intense and ambient. I don't think that style is necessarily better than chiptuney stuff; it's just different. Jeremy Soule is too good.

NES Metroid had amazing music. Better than Super Metroid IMO. Hip Tanaka is three good.

There's so many good ones.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
FF 8 is amazing.

oh and regarding lttp and chrono trigger transitions: Yeah, on that one you got me. Can't argue there. Now that I do think about it though LTTP is better. Definitely.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
the .hack gu series were the only .hack games i really played. i spent alot of time on the first two then my memory card got lost when i decided to play the 3rd one ;_;. havent touched any since


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
i like all the ff games i played so far. cept like dirge of Cerberus and other spin offs. sadly i started 4 like 2 months ago and forgot to play it again XD. ive never played 6 which i kinda want to.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
oh and regarding lttp and chrono trigger transitions: Yeah, on that one you got me. Can't argue there. Now that I do think about it though LTTP is better. Definitely.
*high five*

FF8 is for people who thought ff7 was awesome but have a huge pet peave with liking things everyone else likes.

ff4 is for people who have taste.
You're so cute. I just want to pinch your cheeks.

i like all the ff games i played so far. cept like dirge of Cerberus and other spin offs. sadly i started 4 like 2 months ago and forgot to play it again XD. ive never played 6 which i kinda want to.
6 is amazing.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
omfg you guys are talking about Final Fantasy. Whenever I remember how much I suck at normal games I play that cause you don't need to be good to play RPGs

All of the ff series has great music (I have some complaints about 10-2 and 12 though)
Favorite is probably Aria di Mezzo Caraterre, because it has all the nostalgia of normal VGM but is so similar to a real classical piece.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
mike$ got a steak burrito and he liked it so its probably a good idea.

so i wanted to do a before and after on my weight lost, but the only pictures of myself that i found were pictures before i gained all the weight. this was a few weeks ago. just now i went through my subscribed threads so i can find an accurate # on the money ive made off brawl so far, i found one. i feel like i still have alot of weight to lose but holy **** that was a confidence booster XD. im gonna try to post it up within a week.

Edit:omg i finally found it
I recently won XESTICLE going all Snake, beating M2K's DDD in the winner's final 3-1 and in the finals he took the first set barely 2-3 and then I won 3-2 x_x

I love Snake. I think he's the funnest character to play by FAR.

Anyway, basically all of his moves can kill, he's either the 2nd or third heaviest character, his recovery is one of the best, his projectile game is one of the best (though, I rarely ever use any of it), his tilts are GODLY, his out of shield game is GODLY, his dash attack canceled usmash is GODLY, his aerials are all situationally GODLY, his grabs are actually USEFUL! Wow, what a broken character.

I'm pretty convinced Snake is either the best or 2nd best character next to Meta Knight.

First off, my play style rotates completely around walking around. Yes, slowly walking around. I walk around and spacing myself in front of my opponent and I never use grenades or other projectiles unless the distance between us is quite far. Power shielding (sometimes just shielding is fine too) is another thing I do because it sets up for every Snake tilt/quick move out of shield. I like to randomly mortar slide to approach as his usmash makes him nearly unpunishable unless you like to eat falling bombs.

This was basically one of the only ways I could approach M2K's DDD without getting grabbed every single time. You can also do it instantly out of crawling backwards slowly, it looks hilarious.

His ftilt is downright broken, 21% damage fresh. It has ridiculous priority, comes out almost instantly, and the 2nd part has the most absurd range. It's the main move I use out of shield and to approach randomly, especially after mortar sliding behind them into a quick turn around ftilt.

His utilt has the most absurd range in the game for what the hitbox appears to look like. The range in front of him is down right insane, the utilt can actually reach below him and hit people on the ledge, and it has range above him that isn't too surprising for how long his leg is. The move comes out ridiculously fast and has one of the best KO power/speed ratios in the game. His utilt kills nearly every character at around 90-100%, and the heavy weight characters at around 110-120% as long as it's fresh.

His triple jab combo is extremely useful as well. The first jab comes out faster than ftilt does, and it also provides an interesting amount of stun time. You can actually jab to ftilt people or jab to utilt and it COMBOS. Yes thats right, COMBOS IN BRAWL!!!! OMG I LIKE THIS CHARACTER!!!

Errr sorry, getting a little excited. You can also jab, first hit of ftilt into utilt and it also combos as long as your timing is on. Another use is if you overspace your ftilt (which I do A LOT) and people try and punish you, you can usually just jab combo before they reach you.

I don't use his dtilt often but when I do it's to edge gaurd against people trying to double jump to the ledge, it's sort of hard to not make your character poke their head just barely above the ledge and eat a dtilt. Otherwise, I rarely use this move.

His usmash. Oh god, his usmash is so good. VS characters that don't have projectiles you can literally just stand in place and spam usmash and you are almost completely unapproachable. The placing of the mortar has a decent hitbox, the bombs coming down come down left or right randomly (only thing I hate), and it's ridiculously fast. I love to edge gaurd with usmash since I can get to the ledge almost instantly via mortar slide and charge usmash accordingly, then wait to see what my opponent does and quickly ledge hog, utilt their double jump to ledge (into the bomb), or run off and fastfall a back air (which sometimes hits them into the bomb or stage spikes them).

His nair does TWENTY-EIGHT % if all the hits connect. I love to use this move, if you full jump nair all the hitboxes come out but you land with landing lag, double jump nair auto cancels (straight into a beautiful ftilt or jab combo), I love to use this move because it has surprising range and priority and deals a LOT of damage. You can also wait for people to land on platforms and double jump up to them and nair at the same time, it completely destroys their shield and shield stabs a great majority of the time. Another use of nair is ledge jump -> instant nair. It completely destroys anyone jumping above the ledge. Oh god what a broken character!

I like his dair too, though I situationally use it the last hit of his dair is his strongest knockback aerial. You can ledge jump -> dair and the first kick or two will hit anyone standing near the ledge. You can also shield drop short hop a dair and usually all of the hits hit, but I prefer to play it safe and just ftilt instead. The move definitely has it's uses.

I rarely use his C4 except to recover. I placed a C4 in the "safe zone" of norfair during the lava wave and left it, and M2K didn't notice and ventured in while I shielded the lava wave, I detonated my c4 after and M2K took the damage. I think I underuse C4 but I'd rather use it to recover just in case I get gimped (Snake's up b can be grabbed if you do it too close to the ledge and he flies off and can't do up b again, unless you C4 recover). I have more consistant results if I just walk around in front of people and space/wait for them rather than fooling around with grenades and C4.

The Nikita Missile/over b... I rarely or never use. I'd rather use grenades or edge guard with Snake's broken hit boxes.

There's a number of grenade tricks I use, but rarely. Against DDD's that are not near perfect with chain throwing you can mash B to pull a grenade then as soon as you get grabbed you'll get dthrown into a grenade and escape, it's not worth it if you're already at the end of the stage, only if you're at the very beginning of the CG at the end of the stage facing the other side.

You can also hold a grenade and shield, it'll drop to your feet. I know most people already know this, but another trick I use is just picking up the grenade and approaching. Just run up to them and shield just before it blows up, the hitbox is rather large and you won't get hurt since you're shielding the grenade that just blew up in your hand... too good.

I rarely use his down smash mine except when I rarely mess up the mortar slide (I dash, hit down on the c stick to dash attack, then immediately press up + grab (z)) Sometimes I get combod into my own down smash and it just doesn't really seem to be worth the trouble.

Stickying people with C4 has to be one of the funnest things to do in Brawl. I have a number of ways of doing it securely. You can wait until people land on a platform, double jump up to them and they expect you to attack so they shield, then you just place the c4 on them because it goes through shields. Fastfall up air or utilt them up and detonate. Usually kills at around 50-60% before the uair/utilt. If you predict someone jumping from the ledge you can also jump with them at the same time and sticky them. If people are dumb enough to approach you then you can just power shield to sticky, then immediately jab combo or ftilt/utilt them into detonate for a sexy combo.

I'll add more as I think of it or just post in a new post, but I love Snake, he's the only reason I play Brawl. Thank God he's broken.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Good stuff Swift. <3 Airman!

FF8 is for people who thought ff7 was awesome but have a huge pet peave with liking things everyone else likes.

ff4 is for people who have taste.
You can go die in a fire because I played 8 before I played seven. Ummm FF 4 is my third favorite FF behind 8, and then 5. Its definitely one of the best ones. Cecil, yang, tellah....rydia...amazing characters. The DS remake is ****ing amazing.

i like all the ff games i played so far. cept like dirge of Cerberus and other spin offs. sadly i started 4 like 2 months ago and forgot to play it again XD. ive never played 6 which i kinda want to.
This makes me sad. Go play four. its sooooooo good.

6 is amazing.

Umm new topic:

PS1 or PS2?

Thats hard imo but I'd have to say ps2.....although ps1 did have medievil, spyro, twisted metal, syphon filter, (amazing) ff 4-9, chrono trigger remake with cinematics, (sleepyk, dazwa) chrono cross, tony hawks pro skater II, metal gear: solid, thrasher, grind session, street sk8er, street fighter EX, so many good titles.

umm wow, after naming all of those i might change my mind lol.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2004
money match?

lttp is an RPG?

I like whale sounds (or similar sounds) in music for some reason

like the whole intro to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR-K4k6tDi4

omg SNES tomorrowwww
**** i forgot that you lived in ct

but yeah we were supposed to mm years ago LOL. pound 4? also i want to mm everyone else in ct that goes (that way if i lose to cort, i'll still make out with 50 bucks)
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