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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Good **** sleepy.

True story:
We had this online deal to a mexican restaurant around us so we went last night with a friend. We finish eating and he goes to take a piss. He comes back and he tries to smile at me and says "dude go to the bathroom." and I was like "why?" and he goes "just go."
So I go and of course the second I open the door I have to pee really bad. It's a 1 toilet bathroom so I lock the door and it's dimly lit by like 2 candles. There's a wooden head/mask hanging directly over the toilet at eye-level. I get closer and get ready to piss when I really look at it... and stop midstream. It's like a half-fish half-demon with tusks and ****. It has scales on its face. That wouldn't be too bad but it had ****ing human eyes. Like they were perfectly detailed painted glass, like you'd get at the doctor if you lost one. Set perfectly into the head and the area around the eyes was perfectly carved too. I barely finished pissing and managed to wet one hand with the sink before I had to get out of there. Mike Mignola was jealous of this mask's design. It was Cthulhu's dad. omg.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Good **** sleepy.

True story:
We had this online deal to a mexican restaurant around us so we went last night with a friend. We finish eating and he goes to take a piss. He comes back and he tries to smile at me and says "dude go to the bathroom." and I was like "why?" and he goes "just go."
So I go and of course the second I open the door I have to pee really bad. It's a 1 toilet bathroom so I lock the door and it's dimly lit by like 2 candles. There's a wooden head/mask hanging directly over the toilet at eye-level. I get closer and get ready to piss when I really look at it... and stop midstream. It's like a half-fish half-demon with tusks and ****. It has scales on its face. That wouldn't be too bad but it had ****ing human eyes. Like they were perfectly detailed painted glass, like you'd get at the doctor if you lost one. Set perfectly into the head and the area around the eyes was perfectly carved too. I barely finished pissing and managed to wet one hand with the sink before I had to get out of there. Mike Mignola was jealous of this mask's design. It was Cthulhu's dad. omg.
Great bathroom decoration idea.

New ava. :3


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
so yesterday, I was playing some starcraft and I joined a game where my opponent was this guy:


who currently has a rating of 80 on iccup. To give you an idea how terrible an 80 is, the way the scoring works is that you start off with a 1000 and gain or lose points based on the winner/loser and their comparative ranks such that the winner gains twice the points of the loser (if I win 100 points, you lose 50). So needless to say, working yourself down to 80 is quite an accomplishment and indicates that thumbswayuphisownassmirite? would roflstomp you into the ground 100% of the time with his off races.

anyway, so I cluelessly join this guy's game because it has the letter 'D' on it's own in the title and I just reset my stats from D+ so that I can refine my mechanics on weaker opponents. Recently I've been getting rocked in games that get past 15 minutes or so at the D+ level and I'd like to just work up to get my macro at an appropriate level to match my early micro and strategy. So anyway, the point of this is that I was looking for people in the 1000-1500 range to play with so that they like, have some idea of what they're doing and will force me to beat them by the book, and then I join this game, the guy immediately says "hi" "gg" "go", I select my race and scroll up to see his rating and see 500. 500 is pretty abysmal (not 80 abysmal, but low enough to indicate poor knowledge of how to play the game competatively) so I know I'm just going to roll this guy with 3 hatch mutalisks before the game even starts.

So the game starts and I just practice as best I can, knowing full well that what I do is infinitely less important than the fact that I sorta understand the game. I probably could've done 5 pool into 1 base ultralisks if I wanted to, but I decide that I might as well try to practice the build timings of 3 hatch mutalisks while I'm at it. So I go through the build without getting scouted at all and my scouting drone discovers that he is slowly pushing across python with bunkers, apparently under the dual impressions that:
a) I must attack his bunkers in the middle of the map to proceed to his main
b) bunkers don't need marines.

So anyway, no threats there, my first group of 8 zerglings caused immeasurable damage for no apparent reason and by the time my first 9 mutalisks where at his door, he had no turrets, no natural, 1 barracks working sparingly and his first factory under construction. Needless to say, I could've just killed him with mutas, but it was around this time that I realized that on top of him not seeming to understand anything about build orders, micromanagement, macromanagement, tactics, or strategy, he also, apparently didn't realize that he could stop the pain at any moment by typing gg and exiting. So I figured, hey, if I've got a punching bag that doesn't know how to say uncle, why don't I just humiliate him in the funniest way possible ("****, I should've 5 pooled into 1 hatch ultralisks!")?

so I stop building mutalisks and let him lift his Command Center, Barracks, Engineering Bay and Factory and take them down to his patchwork of bunkers scattered around his natural. I kill off most of what he has in his main with my 9 mutalisks before intentionally suiciding them into his turrets (which was shockingly difficult due to his atrocious placement) to give him a sense of the threat being over. Meanwhile, I expanded 6 times to every base accessible without needing drop and powered drones to 100 supply while teching to hive. While powering obscene amounts of drones, I tried to think of the funniest way to kill him. My eventual conclusion was that mass queens with spawn broodling was the funniest way to win, so I immediately set all my rallies into the center of the map and started cranking queens from all hatcheries while researching queen energy, spawn broodling and ensnare for the hell of it.

36 queens, + 2 melee attack and + 2 carapace later, I decided it was time to do this. I found the hotkey for spawn broodling (it's 'b'!) and got to it. It turns out, he had landed his command center in an utterly terrible location about 4 times as far away from the mineral patches as it needed to be and had been distance mining the entire time, which meant that his total forces, as far as I could tell, were about 8 SCVs, 1 siege tank, and 1 marine in a bunker. sadly, you can't spawn broodling inside a bunker, so that meant that after I had broodlinged his siege tank and all his scvs, he had no more targets for me to broodling, and I still had tons of queens with energy!

next thing I know his bunker's down, and I try to get the marine with spawn broodling, but he is killed too quickly (**** +2 attack!) and i accidentally spawn broodling one of my own broodlings, which works (who knew?). So I spend the rest of my queens' energy on spawning more broodlings out of my existing broodlings and laughing as they tear his pathetic base to shreds. I thought I was done with my fun when his Command Center hit 750 hp (the hp when queens can infest Command Centers) and apparently queens automatically try to infest command centers, so then I loled some more when all 36 of my queens raced towards his burning command center to infest it. then I found $20, ggnore.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
That's pretty much what happens when I play Mogwai in Melee.

I really want to go to Eggm's tourney this weekend but Bernard's car is full... Anybody else going from New England?


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
I suppose this is as good a place to make my first post as any...

I just moved to New Haven and have been playing SSBM casually for about 4 years or so (mostly against my ridiculously awful friends and level 9 computers >.<). I can occasionally play on the weekends, but don't really want to travel farther than Hartford.

Basic Info
Nickname: Vintage
Age: 25
Location: New Haven
Main: Jiggly
Other Characters: Marth, Fox, IC, Kirby

Add me to the list of CT players if that still gets updated, if not, feel free to PM me.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
That's pretty much what happens when I play Mogwai in Melee.
we've been over this, you have ungodly (negative) reaction times and are secretly the best smash player on earth.

that being said, I'm taking your $5 next time. :p

I suppose this is as good a place to make my first post as any...

I just moved to New Haven and have been playing SSBM casually for about 4 years or so (mostly against my ridiculously awful friends and level 9 computers >.<). I can occasionally play on the weekends, but don't really want to travel farther than Hartford.

Basic Info
Nickname: Vintage
Age: 25
Location: New Haven
Main: Jiggly
Other Characters: Marth, Fox, IC, Kirby

Add me to the list of CT players if that still gets updated, if not, feel free to PM me.
zomg, someone older than me! I live down in stamford and am up to play most of the time when I'm around. If there's ever a fest or anything going on in New Havenish, I'll probably swing by, but feel free to PM/IM me if you ever get the urge to drive to Stamford.

PS. don't post in any non-social threads, having "posts : 0" under your name is awesome.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
nothing more heroic than convincing KFC employees to activate the fire containment system, run outside, strip naked, and pee on each other to negate the chemical effects.

p.s. gullible is written on the ceiling.
Don't forget, one of the leaders lives with his mother. Can't get more heroic than that.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I suppose this is as good a place to make my first post as any...

I just moved to New Haven and have been playing SSBM casually for about 4 years or so (mostly against my ridiculously awful friends and level 9 computers >.<). I can occasionally play on the weekends, but don't really want to travel farther than Hartford.

Basic Info
Nickname: Vintage
Age: 25
Location: New Haven
Main: Jiggly
Other Characters: Marth, Fox, IC, Kirby

Add me to the list of CT players if that still gets updated, if not, feel free to PM me.
wow you're like me 3 years ago!


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
and then you get to chase his flying buildings around with spore colonies, and even better, cover the map with creep so he can't ever land and then go out to dinner or something


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
zomg, someone older than me! I live down in stamford and am up to play most of the time when I'm around. If there's ever a fest or anything going on in New Havenish, I'll probably swing by, but feel free to PM/IM me if you ever get the urge to drive to Stamford.

PS. don't post in any non-social threads, having "posts : 0" under your name is awesome.
Stamford, huh? Certainly a doable trip. I'll consider it the next time I'm bored on a Saturday. Possibly this Saturday?

Yeah, I was surprised that my post count didn't go to 1... I love it. :)

wow you're like me 3 years ago!
zomg, someone older than ME! So, tell me, what do I have to look forward to over the next 3 years?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Stamford, huh? Certainly a doable trip. I'll consider it the next time I'm bored on a Saturday. Possibly this Saturday?

Yeah, I was surprised that my post count didn't go to 1... I love it. :)
uh, this saturday my gf is town so doesn't work out so well. Saturdays are also frequently tourney days when they're not gf days, so I'm usually freer to play on Sundays/during the week after the ole 9-5.

EDIT: YES! Transmogrofier Avatar is awesome!


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
uh, this saturday my gf is town so doesn't work out so well. Saturdays are also frequently tourney days when they're not gf days, so I'm usually freer to play on Sundays/during the week after the ole 9-5.

EDIT: YES! Transmogrofier Avatar is awesome!
Ahh, I see. I didn't realize tournaments happened that frequently. Sundays work just as well for me though.

And yes, Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic ever!! I wanted to use my animated transmogrified Calvin, but sadly that wasn't allowed. :(


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
It's cool. I'm a bit too lazy to dig into the official forum rules right now. Plus I think I'll just keep my gaming clan's banner in my sig for the time being. Although I don't think any of them play SSBM. Oh well, someones got to represent. :)

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I suppose this is as good a place to make my first post as any..
I'm from North Haven...like 5 minutes from you. Lets play.

If you play MVC2, SF IV, SF Third Strike, or any other fighting games then you'll be my new best friend. I'm looking for people who play street fighter now as well.

No one around me plays....


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
Yeah, North Haven is mad close. I go there a couple of times a week to go shopping. :)

SSBM is the only fighting game I play. Usually the games I like are turn based strategy (chess, checkers, stratego, othello, TAO) or first person shooters (Quake, CS, CF, Halo). Although, currently the only games I play are SSBM and chess.

However, yeah, I'll PM you cause we should definitely play some smash.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I swear to god its stickied. I swear.



Wheres Dark Dragoon when you need him?

My tournament is in like two months. No johns you dorks.
Me? I'm over in the Smash Workshop building Mewtwo for implementation into Brawl.

I got Teleport fully functioning today! And NAir!

To everyone including myself who think they're good trolls you're all amateurs.

*o*;; I heard about this somewhere else too. I thought it was amazing!

Those are not trolls, sir.

Those are heroes.

Stamford, huh? Certainly a doable trip. I'll consider it the next time I'm bored on a Saturday. Possibly this Saturday?

Yeah, I was surprised that my post count didn't go to 1... I love it. :)

zomg, someone older than ME! So, tell me, what do I have to look forward to over the next 3 years?
=D I live in Killingworth for the next week and a half, then I'm scooting up to college in Worcester. If you need your Wii hacked or anything Brawl+ related, I'm the guy to talk to.

Nice reading the posts here guys, but now I need to go back into the bottomless pit of confusing and unlabeled code that is Brawl's .pac files. T.T;

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
That makes me insanely happy. I seriously want to find someone to play Third Strike with. I talked to Pakman last night and I'm pretty convinced now that SF IV is nothing but camping.

With third strike you are forced to be more aggressive because of parrying projectiles and such. I still absolutely love playing Ken and Zangief in Sf IV though. Zangief is too ****ing stupid not to use. lol, dont get grabbed.

DD-Lets play Brawl + again before you go back. Have they found a wey to implement Roy or anyone into the character selection without removing their so called sub character?


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2009
Cape Cod, MA
=D I live in Killingworth for the next week and a half, then I'm scooting up to college in Worcester. If you need your Wii hacked or anything Brawl+ related, I'm the guy to talk to.
Hmm, well, I don't own a Wii and I don't play Brawl. But thanks anyway. :lick:

Gamecube + SSBM = <3


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Third Strike has its own set of problems. I play a little and I think it's pretty good, but while SFIV is Street Fighter for fans of the series, Third Strike is just something else entirely. Don't play it unless you want to build meter and play footsies the whole time. It also lacks the amazing balance of SFIV (god Chun is so stupid).

All other fighters are equally inferior to Melee in my eyes. *shrug*

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
That makes me insanely happy. I seriously want to find someone to play Third Strike with. I talked to Pakman last night and I'm pretty convinced now that SF IV is nothing but camping.

With third strike you are forced to be more aggressive because of parrying projectiles and such. I still absolutely love playing Ken and Zangief in Sf IV though. Zangief is too ****ing stupid not to use. lol, dont get grabbed.
JV is pretty amazing at Third Strike, you can always play with him.

SF IV is campy, but no more so than any other Street Fighter game (and I would argue less so than 3S). If you want a game that really rewards offensive aggression though, pick up BlazBlue.

I suppose this is as good a place to make my first post as any...

I just moved to New Haven and have been playing SSBM casually for about 4 years or so (mostly against my ridiculously awful friends and level 9 computers >.<). I can occasionally play on the weekends, but don't really want to travel farther than Hartford.

Basic Info
Nickname: Vintage
Age: 25
Location: New Haven
Main: Jiggly
Other Characters: Marth, Fox, IC, Kirby

Add me to the list of CT players if that still gets updated, if not, feel free to PM me.
Welcome to CT! There's a few of us in Hartford who still play Melee, just shoot me a PM sometime.
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