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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
me too
(wow, I actually typed "mew too)

also nus i miss when i could kiss you and it wasn't gay


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
NUS I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trade hates me. T_T


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
lol commentaries too good

curse u all.
im not going to get the post cuz i need to sleep or i wont wake up >=[
you're all evil
so evil
that i love you alll !!!!! >=oooooooooooo

who ever gets that post, better make it epic, and do it in my name DX


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007

yeah thats pretty gay.
sorry mogwai =[

download my video =]
tell me watcha think ^_^
but yeah i really have to sleep lmao,
night ct thread :D


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
Who is actually going to genesis? I'm thinking about going but I don't want to drive my car there I put enough miles on it driving to Fl and back every year. Anyone already car pooling?

meh, I might fly there, just have to find a cheap hotel or something.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
truf, but I'm in college right now so my budget is kinda low >.> and car pooling is less monies. If i can find a cheap plane ticket within the next month or so I'll be going


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
I work over the summer, but I do way to much at school to have one with a decent schedule. I am budgeting really well this year to make up for all the money I spent my freshmen year, so I should be able to afford it. I just hope I can get an internship this summer cuz that would make it a definite yes for going.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I hadn't read any of the posts in like the last 4 days so forgive the late respones. I was at Katsucon this weekend, which was actually pretty disappointing compared to last year. Still fun though cause a bunch of us got completely wasted and messed with a lot of random people at the con. Plus PC Chris came to the game room a few times and ***** us all in Melee. **** was mad fun.

Earlier on Saturday, we decided to go to the Maid Cafe, which is some pathetic attempt at making a restaurant more Japanese and anime like I guess, since all the waitresses are dressed like maids and act Japanese.

Anyway, the line for this was around the hotel. Seriously musta been a 2 hour wait. One of my friends says **** that and walks right up to the front of the line and attempts to walk into the cafe. The guy watching the line asks, "Do yu have a reservation?", to which my friend says,"Yes" (he didn't), and the guy let us all in no questions asked LOL but it was all stupid anyway. It sucked cause the maid we got looked like she was in her mid 30s and was pretty ugly. Everyone at the table except me openly stated this loudly and I think she may have heard them lol

And after we got drunk my friend says,"Hey, let's go complain about the maid cafe!", to which I clearly answer yes since I'm trashed and all. So just the two of us head over there and he asks to speak with the manager. She ended up being a short, semi-attractive girl and something was up about her (I later found out that she was a **** LOL and a *****). My friend goes on this long *** rant and in my drunken stupor I do nothing to stop him. He says something to the effect of, "You know, when you come to something like this you expect things. Like your maid to be hot and asian for instance. Instead we get this no so good looking woman who looks like she's 40".

During this, a very cute asian maid came up and stood by us because she also need to speak with her manager and was waiting patiently when I said, "Forgive my friend, he's very drunk." And the cute asain maid said, "REALLY!? So am I!" And I high fived her right in front of her manager LOL

I also played Melee while I was drunk and it was quite interesting. The match just started and I blinked and suddenly had only one stock lol But for the most part the game room sucked because the Melee and Brawl tournaments were run HORRIBLY. Both had 3 stock 2 minute timer and 95% of every match went to sudden death, how ********. I only entered both because the prize was free entry to Katsu next year.

But I got to play Guilty Gear for the first time and it was ****ing awesome. Like WOW it was so much fun. I didn't even have time to mess with every character. I was having too much fun playing with 3 of them.

Cort, I'll play you sunday if you like.

Thumbs post looked fun so this is what i did at work the other day while bored, good luck guessing these ones guys:

1. Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza"

2. Wise man say, "it never rain everyday", if this is good news give it heed...I bet your lunch!

3. You tell him to be in the designated place, at the designated time, and I will gladly designate his a$$...for dismemberment.

4. You tell the angels in heaven you never saw death so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you.

5. Your mama sure does care about your education boy.

6. It's kinda like space without the stars.

7. Those are the guys that stole our suits!

8. Not even MILK can stop me now!

9. I'll make you a prince! Prince of the land of stench!

10. How many miles? Would you say...ten million?

11. "You put your sword right throught his head!"
"oh dear, is he all right?"

12. WE are the music makers, and WE are the dreamers of dreams.

13. We got this! We got this by the a$$!

14. That's "fried rice", you plick!

15. I kick a$$ for the Lord!

16. Mother is the name for God, on the lips and hearts of all children...morphine is bad for you.

17. I think I'll start a paper route right now!

18. Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi.

19. It's like I told my last wife, I says "honey, I never drive faster than I can see, besides that it's all in the reflexes."

20. Aw kids, get the turtle outta the bathtub.

21. Kick him in the nards!

22. I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug!

23. "What's your favorite subject?"
"Really, well maybe you can help me straighten out my Longfellow."

24. Let's show this prehistoric ***** how we do things downtown!

25. I dig the bungee. For me, it's just the way I live my life. I grip it and I rip it.
2. The Fifth Element (bet you thought no one would get that LOL)
7. Spaceballs
15. Dead Alive/Braindead
22. Aladdin

that's fine =\

in the real world, i don't get a day off between MLK day and memorial day
Same :(

I spent my Valentine's day playing Street Fighter IV

Why am I sad?
ROFL SO DID I. Played it at Katsucon, the line for that was pretty long. I'd never played a Street Fighter game in my life so it was pretty interesting. I actually had some fun with it.

After reading the Brawl boards I've come to the conclusion they're all babies =[
You read the Brawl boards?
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