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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Dude, I'll tell you my deepest darkest secret for $5.

but seriously, does that mean you think copying games shouldn't be illegal?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Dude, I'll tell you my deepest darkest secret for $5.

but seriously, does that mean you think copying games shouldn't be illegal?
I'm starting to feel this way. It's analogous to you buying a chicken from the store, under the conditions that the only way you can eat it is if you fry it.

Once you buy a game, it's yours. How can anyone tell you what you can do with your property? How does a game company retain any ownership over that disc once they've exchanged it for money?


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Don't you think that would mess up the business industry of gaming and such because of stuff like that?

Edit: I like how I'm arguing for the Company's side when I am one of the biggest piraters ever.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol

Ok, but how is this not messed up? Who wouldn't be upset that a game they poured tons of money and time into just gets pirated to all hell and back? People are making a living off of this. A secret doesn't cost money to make. Information does. This is why people who work for specific companies sign non-competes, because a company can lose a lot of money if trade secrets are let out and other companies use them.

And that's all I'm going to say on the matter.

Edit: And yes, not every one of those is a lost sale, but I'm sure plenty are. I know a lot of people who can definitely afford videogames, but just don't bother ever paying for them. Also, if you can't buy it, then just don't have it. The service a company is providing IS the videogame. Why should you enjoy it without paying due respects?

Now I'm done ;)

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Don't you think that would mess up the business industry of gaming and such because of stuff like that?

Edit: I like how I'm arguing for the Company's side when I am one of the biggest piraters ever.
i was about to defend the companies too and then my torrent finished downloading LOL.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Don't you think that would mess up the business industry of gaming and such because of stuff like that?
Not necessarily. Something that AltF4Warrior suggested is that instead of trying to sell the information on the disc, you sell the SERVICE. That is, you could either:

1) download the ISO for you game, mod your videogame system and then play the game.


2) You could just buy the game and then play it.

Basically, you would be purchasing the convenience. If you don't want to go to the trouble of doing all the things associated with piracy, then you would buy the game.

That's pretty much how fast food works. Yes you're buying food, but what you're paying for is the convenience of someone else cooking it for you and having it available on demand. That's the reason why a hamburger at McDonalds costs more than the ground beef used to prepare it.

Besides, don't all of you guys pirate your DS games anyway? So what would be the difference to you?


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Basically, you would be purchasing the convenience. If you don't want to go to the trouble of doing all the things associated with piracy, then you would buy the game.
I guess, but the convenience is not much of a convenience when pirating is sooooo easy. If pirating was legal it would be even easier too. I pretty much think everybody would do it.

And yeah I do pirate games. I don't even know why I'm arguing

Also, obligatory "A wild Livvers appears!"


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
I don't really care for pirating, but to play devil's advocate, I'd be upset if I worked really hard to make a super cool game and instead of earning the profit I deserve for it, just having it get pirated :(.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Lets put it this way-
Nintendo[and others] know what they are doing. They are always cracking down on pirates and bricking new hardware/software mods, but instead of doing a good job of it[Nintendo's recent patch on the Wii's OS to prevent the twilight hack], they only do it half-***** and it takes the hackers maybe 2 days to find a new way around.

Same deal with the games, it's Nintendo's fault for using old technology. They use DVDs to store their games, and the problem there is that in this day and age everyone and their grandmother has some sort of device that could potentially allow them to rip an ISO right off a DVD like an asian lady pulling hair out of the back of a lumberjack[ah the imagery!]!

If you look for PS3 game rips, you'll be hard pressed to find any. Why? Because Blu-Ray games, aside from being fricken huge, are also expensive to produce at home. You need a really expensive burner and extra blu-ray discs, and then lots of time or T1+ quality internet to download a PS3 game in a reasonable amount of time. If someone tries to open up and put a modchip in a PS3, they have to work their way through like, 3 layers of screws and metal just to get to the motherboard, and if they slip up once they just lost $600.

But then you look at it realistically- who is ACTUALLY making money? Nintendo makes money on every Wii they sell, and then they make boat loads more money by selling games to people who wouldn't know the difference between a PC and a Mac, and are not even close to being pirates. Then there are the legions of fanboys who buy everything that is officially Nintendo, and the people who are against pirating that also buy their products. Nintendo makes more money than sony, and they have a bigger pirating problem.

The handhelds? Nintendo keeps using Weak-*** encryptions. No one has even been able to break a PSP's iso yet, and no one has come close. The only working emulator for the PSP is owned and distributed by Sony to their developers. However, the PSP was made extremely compatible with a PC, and once that happens it was only a matter of time before hackers got their mits on it and made it so you don't need to crack a PSP game, just stick what would normally be on a disc on the memory card and have at it! That was the basic idea backing up what happened with Nintendo's, except the DS was less PC Friendly. However, because the format of disc they used wasn't all that new, and their data encryption was really weak, it was broken in a matter of weeks, and their subsequent patches to strengthen their defenses have also been weak, lasting days, sometimes hours, at best, which is why they moved into legal action, and seizing warehouses full of those Cyclo/R4-type cards.

What could be the only way to prevent pirates and hackers? Obviously, make it so you can't buy the game physically. The system needs to be changed so that you go to the store, you pay your money, get a ticket or a card or something, imput that card into your System, the system connects to a master server with all the games, and these games are transfered WIRELESSLY to your system and stored there. No discs. No external ports for anything but charging/headphones/AV Cables, and it will be at that point that the pirates and hackers need to create their own HARDWARE to hack the systems, which may end up being more expensive than productive in the long run.

Am I saying hacking/pirating is good? Not at all. I'm just saying that the big 3 aren't doing anything to make me think it is a huge problem for them.



Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
What could be the only way to prevent pirates and hackers? Obviously, make it so you can't buy the game physically. The system needs to be changed so that you go to the store, you pay your money, get a ticket or a card or something, imput that card into your System, the system connects to a master server with all the games, and these games are transfered WIRELESSLY to your system and stored there. No discs. No external ports for anything but charging/headphones/AV Cables, and it will be at that point that the pirates and hackers need to create their own HARDWARE to hack the systems, which may end up being more expensive than productive in the long run.
Wow, I need to stop pirating because that sounds AWFUL.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
I don't really care for pirating, but to play devil's advocate, I'd be upset if I worked really hard to make a super cool game and instead of earning the profit I deserve for it, just having it get pirated :(.
being a hopeful video game creator in the making this statement does hold some water with me, but in this day and age (lol i actually said that anyway) pirating in some shape or form should be expected, it just the way of the world. Someone is always looking for a way to cut corners and there will always be a way to do that, however hard or not that may be, i do pirate games but i also buy the ones i like so, i guess you could call it a free rental lol, anyway i dunno how i really feel about it

edit- wow DD nice post


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Then someone would hack the servers for the games somehow LOL. Did y'all hear about the NEC incident? Prolly did. That was ****.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
DD, someone will find a way around it. Someone always will. Some people just do it for the challenge.

The basic point is this: even if I don't put it on the internet, why can't I rip the iso from a game that I purchased? That's illegal as well. There are rootkits that brick songs once they've been moved three times or more. Does it really make sense that I can't put a song that I BOUGHT on as many computers as I want?

Is it illegal to let a friend borrow a CD you really like? I mean, they're getting the music without purchasing it.

EDIT- Crap, I just saw Livvers post. I totally missed that. Has it occurred to you that maybe selling information isn't a valid business model? All of these restrictions are after-the-fact, to make selling games/movies/CDs profitable. I love to write, but I respect the reality that it's ludicrous to tell someone what they can do with a book after they purchase it. That's part of the reason why I'm not planning to become a writer as a job, because frankly, it's really not one.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
DD, someone will find a way around it. Someone always will. Some people just do it for the challenge.

The basic point is this: even if I don't put it on the internet, why can't I rip the iso from a game that I purchased? That's illegal as well. There are rootkits that brick songs once they've been moved three times or more. Does it really make sense that I can't put a song that I BOUGHT on as many computers as I want?

Is it illegal to let a friend borrow a CD you really like? I mean, they're getting the music without purchasing it.
also getting songs and ablums from a game soundtrack is illegal in most cases as well, unless the company releases a soundtrack with the game, the music would also have to be ripped, which is sad because a lot of that music is good


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Wow, I need to stop pirating because that sounds AWFUL.
I know, right? Too bad it'll be several generations before that happens. ~10 years at the earliest.

Then someone would hack the servers for the games somehow LOL. Did y'all hear about the NEC incident? Prolly did. That was ****.
LOL! Yes. Those crazy asians pirated an entire company.

DD, someone will find a way around it. Someone always will. Some people just do it for the challenge.

The basic point is this: even if I don't put it on the internet, why can't I rip the iso from a game that I purchased? That's illegal as well. There are rootkits that brick songs once they've been moved three times or more. Does it really make sense that I can't put a song that I BOUGHT on as many computers as I want?

Is it illegal to let a friend borrow a CD you really like? I mean, they're getting the music without purchasing it.
xD Exactly. Obviously, someone is always going to find a way around it, but the trick is making it too expensive for it to be practical.

To hack a Wii, you need a game you probably have already owned since launch, or a $40 chip and a sodering iron.
To hack a DS, you get a $20-50 chip.
To hack a PSP, you read a bunch of tutorials online and follow directions.
To hack a PS2, you buy a modchip.
To hack a XBox, you buy a modchip.
To hack a 360, you buy a modchip.

To hack a PS3, LOL YEA RIGHT.

But yea Jam, you're totally right. The way they restrict what we can do with our physical property, CDs, makes downloading music, iTunes, appear much more viable because it can be transferred to wherever we like after we've purchased it.



Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
The basic point is this: even if I don't put it on the internet, why can't I rip the iso from a game that I purchased? That's illegal as well. There are rootkits that brick songs once they've been moved three times or more. Does it really make sense that I can't put a song that I BOUGHT on as many computers as I want?
You know, now that I think of it. Why isn't putting music on your comp illegal? It's basically making a copy

Also, DD. Daz reminded me that they have something like that server type transferring of games. It's called Steam. Works pretty well too.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
You know, now that I think of it. Why isn't putting music on your comp illegal? It's basically making a copy

Also, DD. Daz reminded me that they have something like that server type transferring of games. It's called Steam. Works pretty well too.
Exactly! How often does Steam get its games pirated? Almost never. I know, I tried.



Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
I don't really know the details because I didn't personally mod my Wii, but it's a program called Starfall


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
The RIAA has to much power, that's the problem. It isn't companies they're just trying to save their profit which is perfectly fine. If they don't want to adapt and find ways to make downloading work for them then they should suffer. (welcome to the market place.)

It's the federal government has become RIAA's *****, the laws that are enacted as punishment for pirating are insane.

To put it bluntly it's like this; you get caught pirating you get charged some arbitrary amount. A person who shares 3 songs is likely to get charged nearly as much as someone sharing 100 songs.
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