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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
omg, i decided to play ff8 again, and this time to have an even more perfect file than last time. im 4 hours into the game and im still in dollet just about to leave (the part where the robot spider thing is like chasing you) and all 3 of my chars so far have 100 of every available magic. this is gunna take awhile to beat lol. the doubles and esunas took the longest to draw id get like 0-3 each draw unless it was selphie, shed get like 2-6 each draw.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Does that REALLY matter?

I'll put a good 1,000 dollars on the fact that I have bigger movie collection (of purchased movies, not burned) than both of you so just because people download movies does not mean they do not support running to their local Wal Mart or whatever to purchase them. That aside, half of the people out there today are so concerned with "special features" and "Blu-Ray quality" so you bet your bottom dollar that they run out there and pick up the movie too. Aesir is the same as me, you download something...you like it...you buy it....if not....whatever.

I don't know about you but I'm not too willing to drop 30.00 for a blu ray or go to blockbuster and pay 5 dollars for a movie rental. Buying new movie DVD's at this point is pretty pointless. Used old movies is pretty much all I buy now.
i don't care about the size of your e-penis dvd collection, it's truly besides the point.

if you don't want to pay money to watch a movie in the theater or to own it and watch it in your home that is your choice, but I will disagree with you. studios and distributors make product and sell it to you. there are sometimes literally thousands of people in that chain from the first typed word of the script to the set carpenters to the sound mixers to the people who deliver the film reels to theaters. as someone who will be a part of that process (at some point), I find it disrespectful to take the finished product without paying for it. if you think movies are too expensive, in the theaters or on dvd, TOUGH ****. the end.

anyone want to wifi? i haven't played in a while.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Wow, I didn't know $5 for a rental was a lot of money.
Holy ****, $5. I could have purchased a box of strawberry fig newtons for $5!

also lol, you support all the industries that helped produce the movie (actors, directors, special effects and make up companies) not just your "local walmart"
man, if I ever made a store, I'd only sell things that I got for free that there was no demand for. That way I'd make an infinite profit and defy the whole concept of supply and demand!


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2008
You can call me Riddler.
omg, i decided to play ff8 again, and this time to have an even more perfect file than last time. im 4 hours into the game and im still in dollet just about to leave (the part where the robot spider thing is like chasing you) and all 3 of my chars so far have 100 of every available magic. this is gunna take awhile to beat lol. the doubles and esunas took the longest to draw id get like 0-3 each draw unless it was selphie, shed get like 2-6 each draw.
That's a good game. :) The best.

i don't care about the size of your e-penis dvd collection, it's truly besides the point.

if you don't want to pay money to watch a movie in the theater or to own it and watch it in your home that is your choice, but I will disagree with you. studios and distributors make product and sell it to you. there are sometimes literally thousands of people in that chain from the first typed word of the script to the set carpenters to the sound mixers to the people who deliver the film reels to theaters. as someone who will be a part of that process (at some point), I find it disrespectful to take the finished product without paying for it. if you think movies are too expensive, in the theaters or on dvd, TOUGH ****. the end.
Regardless of what YOU think....a majority of people now download movies. Haha, perhaps you would like to bring up the topic of Music while we are at it? Haha Why do you think CD's are now irrelevant and out dated? People pirate music too. Artists/bands still make money though along with actors, actresses, producers, directors, writers, etc. I am sure every single actor and actress out there knows that there material is subject to pirating. It's no secret or anything anyone can really stop. Lets take a look at Napster for instance, Metallica sued them for hosting illegal copies of there music and revealing it to the public to download at no cost. Napstr was shut down but plenty of other music file shares still ran for years. (Scour, Kazaa, Bearshare, etc) Each and every aspect in the entertainment business is pirated whether you support it or not. Video Games, Music, Movies, Video Game systems, old video games such as nes or snes, and so much more. Heck, a good half of the people on this thread pirate. (Noodles, myself, PC Chris, Nus, SPAWN, Dazwa, Darc etc) Maybe you're points are valid and they are what people SHOULD BE doing be doing but you are still beyond wrong. People are ****ing ******* with no respect for anyone but themselves. People will continue to pirate for years.

Wow, I didn't know $5 for a rental was a lot of money.
Holy ****, $5. I could have purchased a box of strawberry fig newtons for $5!

also lol, you support all the industries that helped produce the movie (actors, directors, special effects and make up companies) not just your "local walmart"
man, if I ever made a store, I'd only sell things that I got for free that there was no demand for. That way I'd make an infinite profit and defy the whole concept of supply and demand!
Just Stop.


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2008
You can call me Riddler.
No, definitely not.

If anything, I'm probably one of the more intelligent people in this thread. How is anything that I just said stupid? Seriously.


His sig is also stupid and inaccurate.

Silly brawl scrub.
It's from an old Batman episode. You're not supposed to know what it means unless you've seen the episode.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
I have 420 GB of pirated music, movies and tv show seasons. does this make me an A$SHOLE LOL

zoso you should probably cool it on the torrents if thats how you got caught, but I know people who have got the same emails and have had no charges pressed, because the ISPs usually give the MPAA the big middle finger, and warn you to scare u off pirating. it's funny, the RIAA catches up years after a downloading method becomes obsolete. they have detroyed limewire and the like (lol if anyone still uses it, you will get caught soon enough), but we used torrents. now they are nabbing people for that hardcore, but I am sitting pretty with megaupload links from a site that doesn't exist. YOU know what I'm talking about!! or if you don't... forget i said anything


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
get peer guardian if you download via torrent. it blocks a lot of addresses so its harder to track things back to you.
That was nearly as good as my 2k post.

Also, I'm one of the most intelligent posters in this thread!


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
You're Asian. You rock anything better than anybody.

Edit: I'm pretty sure Khaly would pull off skinny jeans well too, so GG LOL


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
everyone is still going to call you price, pof, poffy, other things you're usually called.

once you make a name, thats it.
try telling everyone to call you by you're government name instead, that works


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
once you make a name, thats it.
Not how it worked for me. I just had everyone call me Tom at tournament instead of Yang, started entering them as Tom, and then changed my SWF name. Though it helped a lot that I was now having people call me by my real name as opposed to a new gamertag.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Also run your torrents through a proxy if you're paranoid.
PoF, your argument of $5 for a movie rental being too much was a little ridiculous. I can understand not wanting to pay $30 for a blu-ray, since that's more than three movie tickets, but $5 for a rental?
That's like one pizza mia from pizza hut; it's not that much money.

Also, Tom, most people knew your name when you went by Yang anyway.

edit: yeah, Garrett is easier to say than PoF. And real names are always more fun.
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