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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
yatta OBAMA!!
I love America, for once.
OBAMA WON!!!!!!!!

Take that ****ing Republicans. **** every single one of you that voted for McCain.
At least McCain didn't win LOL.
You're kidding me, right?

You all do realize that Obama WILL BE assassinated, right? I personally hated the flying **** out of Bush and never in my life thought that he made one correct choice or decision in leading our country but I think that everyone went and chose Obama not because what he was saying sounded good or appealing but because he was not from the Republican party. (Bush) Just because someone is from the same party does not mean A-They are the same person or B-Will make the same mistakes that person has made. Yes, they are from the same party, but thats like saying Timmy (follower) is going to be able to do the same skateboarding tricks that John (leader) can who are all skaters. They share the same goals and such, but all have different ways of getting there. Get the point?

America is easily the dumbest ****ing country out there. Plain And Simple. We all know deep down in our hearts that we are the most ****ed up country out there. EVERYONE HATES US and despises everything that we stand for. Take a look around you for a second.

-We are obese.
-Stores nationwide are beginning to close due to the fact that we are all poor and our economy is going to ****. (Circuit City, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Tommy K's, and other small businesses.
-Do you really think Obama is going to A-stick to what he stated or B-live long enough to abide by what he said? Hes black! I'm sorry but hes going to think "Well, I'm black...and I'm president. I made history. I can probably just lay low and do nothing just like Bush did because I'm [cool.]" (I don't mean for that to sound racist) Somewhere in his mind he has to know that his life might be taken by someone, SOMEWHERE.
-The same people who elected Bush elected Obama, do you honestly think people have gotten smarter over time and are now electing a better choice for candidacy? I highly doubt that. We are still incredibly ****ed up and as a society and too ****ing stupid to wake up and face reality. Ask yourself this question, "Do I honestly agree with the people in society about most beliefs?" If you're intelligent, you will answer "No" to that question. We made a mistake again. Wake up and smell the pine. Every election that I can remember, the person who I believe should win, has lost.

Do you guys not see people on their cell phones ALL DAY long lacking social skills? People spending way too much time on the internet? People renting movies from the comfort of their own homes? People who you KNOW are intelligent wasting their time doing something other than focusing on what they should be focusing on? Hiring maids to do housework? Just a few months ago we were all spazzing about gas prices and how "omg our economy is so ****ed up!" Does anyone have any idea why gas prices are so low now or do I have to spell that out for you guys as well?

Everything in society: gas, item prices (cars, stereos, movies, dvd's, video games, etc etc) is all controlled by us. Yes, that's right....we are responsible for what things cost. For those of you who have a brain, it's called supply and demand. We have no one to blame for what happens in our society other than ourselves. Our economy is sucking and in a deep hole now because of each and every person out their who does not have money or any person out there who can not afford to buy things or make purchases. Gas increases when our economy is not spending money. So if you're not running out to Toys R Us or Best Buy to get that new PS3 game once a week or go get your average set of groceries....we're sucking. We're in a ****load of trouble because people are cheap ****ing *******s who cant spare a dime. We are also in trouble due to the fact that THE BANKS do not have money anymore and people can not afford to pay banks back once they take out loans. When we are not buying things its trouble and no longer a profit for companies and the businesses who sell products so its much more of a hassle to import these products into the stores (truckers, and other forms of transportation which includes us going from place to place to buy things, go see friends, get a beer, go buy pot, etc.) The only reason why gas has been decreasing lately is because of election time. Gas prices will go back up eventually. Every year around this time gas prices decrease, it's nothing special. Does anyone here pay any actual REA taxes? Probably not. Incase you did not know Obama wants to INCREASE taxes. Yes, that's right. Increase taxes. Most of us do not pay them now, but you can bet your *** a few years down the road it will effect us. As stated, we are already in a money issue due to the fact that WE ARE NOT FUELING OUR ECONOMY. Oil, electricity, cell phone bills, etc are all increasing because we're cheap. That's the best way to put it.

I chose to vote for McCain because I DO NOT want to see another assassination; which I fear, will happen. I did not believe a thing from Obamas or McCains mouth. They are both tools who have no idea how to run a country. Fact of the matter is the president does not even have that much power in terms of running a country anyway. We do not need more bull**** to deal with as a country. If you believe that Obama will stay alive through his presidency, you are a moron.

I'll put it another way-Do you guys really think WE select our president? Why do you think it's based on electoral votes as opposed to the actual vote count? and why do you think most of us knew ahead of time who the victor would be? It's not like we could speak for other people outside of CT, BO, or RI really. All we know is in our area and what "people look for" in a president. We all knew who was going to win before the ballots were even casted.



Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
I guess I'm a moron then.

Funny thing, even if Obama does get assassinated, we still have Biden, who is a mother****ing badass and IMO is a better choice than Mccain too.

I love living in this "****ed up" country.

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
McCain is one of the greatest americans alive.

Im not a racist or anything but a lot of african americans voted for obama and they didnt even know what obama stood for.

This highest percent of votes he got through all 50 states was 19% by black voters.



Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Same with women and Palin?

I'm pretty sure some people did vote for Obama because he's black, but some people voted AGAINST him because he's black.

Same with women and Palin.

That's the way it works. Sad huh?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Same with women and Palin?

I'm pretty sure some people did vote for Obama because he's black, but some people voted AGAINST him because he's black.

Same with women and Palin.

That's the way it works. Sad huh?
That is pretty refuted due to the fact that the democratics chose Obama and not Hillary and McCain (Palin) lost, eh?

I didn't vote and don't care much
That makes me cringe. I understand the argument of "Well, my vote does not count so I wont vote" bit but, look at this way. A good 20% of our society says that (AT MINIMUM) now if all those people decided to vote could that make a difference? You bet your ***. That's like saying as a student, "Well; I'm already going to fail this test I might as well not study." Or an even better example as a smasher saying "Well, I'm not going to win this Melee tournament, so I'm not going to enter. It's a waste of my time and money."

I guess I'm a moron then.

Funny thing, even if Obama does get assassinated, we still have Biden, who is a mother****ing badass and IMO is a better choice than Mccain too.

I love living in this "****ed up" country.
Are you seriously making jokes about something so serious? Really?


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
I'm pretty sure that's not the reason why Obama won though. As you can see Obama won Maine and Vermont, the whitest states in the country by a landslide.

Not to mention winning by about 180 electoral votes. I know some some blacks voted for him him because he's black, but don't give me that bull**** that he won because of it.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
so prince of fire

you voted mccain

not because you agree with his policies and views

but because the other guy would get killed?

yeah, and you wonder why everyone thinks america is so ignorant, lol

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
so prince of fire

you voted mccain

not because you agree with his policies and views

but because the other guy would get killed?

yeah, and you wonder why everyone thinks america is so ignorant, lol
Do views REALLY matter? Did you believe everything you heard in the debate? Did you honestly believe that crap? I sure as hell did not. Sure, they can say "I will do this! I will do that! etc etc" but thats like saying to your mom "I'll go to the store in a minute" or to a friend "I'll be there at 5:50 with the alcohol" etc etc. People say **** and lie and bluff it up all the time.

I'm done discussing politics right now. I don't want to get tooooooooo spastic.

Xzax's sig is amazing BTW.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
dude honestly if Obama won by that much then I take back most of what I said. I had it in my mind that it possibly made the difference. I heard the popular vote was mad close though. I don't much like the idea of electoral votes, only because if there's tons of barely-wins then that's just stupid.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I want to be Darc when I grow up.

People voted for John Kennedy because he was handsome.
People voted for Jimmy Carter because he was southern.
People voted for Ronald Reagan because he was an actor.
People voted for Bill Clinton because he played the saxophone.
People voted for George W. Bush because they wanted to have a beer with him.
People voted for Barack Obama because he's black.

People vote for stupid reasons. Get over it.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
dude honestly if Obama won by that much then I take back most of what I said. I had it in my mind that it possibly made the difference. I heard the popular vote was mad close though. I don't much like the idea of electoral votes, only because if there's tons of barely-wins then that's just stupid.
Yeah, I agree. I'll have to check the Popular vote.

Barack Obama (Dem) 50,953,689 51% 338
John McCain (Rep) 47,160,522 47% 156


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
Do views REALLY matter? Did you believe everything you heard in the debate? Did you honestly believe that crap? I sure as hell did not. Sure, they can say "I will do this! I will do that! etc etc" but thats like saying to your mom "I'll go to the store in a minute" or to a friend "I'll be there at 5:50 with the alcohol" etc etc. People say **** and lie and bluff it up all the time.
you dont have to go by what they say

you go by their voting records and what they do in campaigns

I judged obamas beliefs by getting his senate record and comparing it to what he says, it is pretty consistent

mccain I did the same thing, he had alot more dignity before the campaign which is quite sad, since bush and rove basically destroyed the republican party imo, he realized he had to play dirty and it didnt work. he also contradicted alot of his past views during the campaign, plus him nominating palin is definately a question to his judgement

say I didn't have this contextual evidence, mccains campaign was pretty much "obama sucks" instead of "I am better" which is not convincing and just shows that he has nothing solid to go on.

the fact that mccains campaign admitted the economy was the weakpoint is not very good

politics is obviously dirty business and saying otherwise is naive but to say it's completely hopeless is just stupid and why everything is always the same

of course obama wont be perfect, no such thing as a perfect candidate, you just choose which one you think is better for the country as a whole.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Btw guys I learned Japanese during my break at work today LOL. Playing My Japanese Coach on this comfy chair. I was bored lol >_>

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I fully support the electoral college. What people fail to realize is that while the EC isn't perfect, the alternative is worse.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I want to be Darc when I grow up.

People voted for John Kennedy because he was handsome.
People voted for Jimmy Carter because he was southern.
People voted for Ronald Reagan because he was an actor.
People voted for Bill Clinton because he played the saxophone.
People voted for George W. Bush because they wanted to have a beer with him.
People voted for Barack Obama because he's black.

People vote for stupid reasons. Get over it.

But the fact of the matter is we will never vote for the right reasons and that is why I get pissed off. People are stupid.

wow @ the 51 to 47%s even though electoral votes were so different. Does anyone else think electoral votes are stupid? You can barely win them repeatedly and get tons of points while other person gets none, it just seems dumb to me.
I agree. There was an issue with this I think during our last election with John Kerry. I believe he won the popular vote but lost electoral votes.

I'm done.


Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Poffy that's not true (re: Kerry)

Also congrats, you are officially probably the most ignorant poster on smashboards.
Edit: evidenced by: you saying you voted for McCain because you think the other guy will get assassinated, then trying to back up this make-no-sense logic (I literally can't think of anything else to call it, because it makes no sense) by saying that elections and presidents don't matter. To which I say:

I am proud of my country right now.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Did you know a lot of republicans vote for republicans...and a lot of democrats vote for democrats.

It is crazy.

Happy me day!!!! Go do revolutionary stuff!
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