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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Poffy that's not true (re: Kerry)

Also congrats, you are officially probably the most ignorant poster on smashboards.
Edit: evidenced by: you saying you voted for McCain because you think the other guy will get assassinated, then trying to back up this make-no-sense logic (I literally can't think of anything else to call it, because it makes no sense) by saying that elections and presidents don't matter. To which I say:

I am proud of my country right now.
I'm Thumbswayup, and I approve this post.

**** off Poffy

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

IMO, I feel as if we were kinda screwed either way. But I don't have a right to complain or anything; I didn't vote.

I do agree with what Ryan said, above: Obama did win on the account that he played the better politician. I'm not saying it in a way that's detrimental here; he just appealed to the masses much, much better than McCain did. McCain was too busy flinging mud around and making silly admissions that he should not have made (one example: He admitted to native Floridians that he was going to pick Charlie Crist, the governor, as his running mate before Palin. But he decided to pick Palin because...well, just because it would shock and awe people. Oh, and because she apparently appealed to his ideals. Way to win the Florida vote, bub). McCain should have stuck to his guns and outlined some of the other stuff that he had in mind, like instating line-item vetoes in the Congress.

But alas, what's done is done.

Smooth Criminal

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
The same people who elected Bush elected Obama, do you honestly think people have gotten smarter over time and are now electing a better choice for candidacy? I highly doubt that.
We're all screwed either way. Mark my words, Obama will get assassinated just like how I said Brawl will fade in NE. :)

M2K: Politics, **** gets intense.

superryan: I meant America as a country elected Bush and then Obama, not individual parties. That would be a horrible argument. Some people are undecided as well and do not belong to a particular party. (much like myself.) I'm saying that America as a whole is a **** box. Forget parties.

Now, I'm done. :) I gots to eat and get ready for my Philopshy test tomorrow.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
the same people who voted bush voted obama?

obama is democrat

bush is republican

unless every single person changed their party views thats not true. dont give me that bs about college students either. most of them that were in college for bush election arent in college for this one. the college students now most of them hate bush.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
This election has definitely brought out the ignorance in most people. But it has also brought out the best in this nation. People will differ on views, especially political ones. However, I am hopeful that the future of this country will be bright. Our next president has a very difficult task ahead of him, and I feel we as Americans need to do our part to help, whatever that may be. More than ever, I feel we need to come together as a country.

I'm not going to go into specifics on any particular issue because we've been doing it for a long time. All we can do now is see what our president has in store for the nation and hope, pray, w/e it is you do, to make this country a better place.

A final note, I think it's very sad for people to view each other in different manners because of political views, no matter how outrageous people may view them. My family, as an example, is split literally 5 ways politically, but we all still love each other. PoF, I have different views than you do on certain things, however I don't plan on letting this interfere with my friendship with yo and I look forward to traveling with you this weekend. I hope everyone can feel the same way.

If this election taught me one thing, it is that people need to do their part to help each other and the nation as a whole.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
OBAMA WON!!!!!!!!

Take that ****ing Republicans. **** every single one of you that voted for McCain.
Yeah! Fuck those people exercising their rights and voting for whichever candidate they feel represents them best! Fuck everybody who doesn't think exactly the way I do!


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Lol Biden sucks.

Hopefully McCain helps Obama out so this country doesnt go down the toilet
hey check it out, an idiot.

anyway if you didn't vote, good job sticking it to the majoratative process or something.
i don't even know if my absentee ballot was counted :\
i'm taking a leave from school next semester so if anyone wants to play/chill i'll be around for about 40 days until next september :( just a heads up.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Whats the worse alternative?

because the electoral college is pretty bad.
I came up with the idea that votes should be done in quiz form. You go into a booth and you're handed a 15 question quiz, and based on the answers you give the most compatible candidate is voted for.

>_> This will get around all the "voted for him cuz hes black" stuff.

holy crap pof, that giant wall of text had to have been the most ******** thing I've ever read in my life
=[ I'm sorry you read that.
>_> I'd think you of all people should know when to just scroll down.


Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Whats the worse alternative?

because the electoral college is pretty bad.
Although not legally bound to vote for who their constituents chose, the EC has never broken with that pact. If they haven't screwed up yet, they're not going to do it ever.

Yeah! Fuck those people exercising their rights and voting for whichever candidate they feel represents them best! Fuck everybody who doesn't think exactly the way I do!
lolll I'm going to defend Thumbs right now and say his post was a crime of passion... like temporary insanity.

=[ I'm sorry you read that.
>_> I'd think you of all people should know when to just scroll down.

I need to take your advice...

edit: Gabriel Ragland will grow up with a black man in the white house. How cool is that.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I think Trade made the best post in the last 24 hours. His post clearly highlighted what needs to be done regardless of the way opinions of politics may differ. Politics is probably one of the strongest topics out there and some us will differ but I do not think that any of these views should interfere with what we think of one another.

Let us carry on.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I think Zoso had the best post of the last 24 hours. Either way I don't think anything will change that much to be honest.

edit: Wow I missed a lot. Did anyone not vote?


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Although not legally bound to vote for who their constituents chose, the EC has never broken with that pact. If they haven't screwed up yet, they're not going to do it ever.
There's other problems other then "they might break the pact".

But we should automatically accept it because they haven't yet? shouldn't we be using a system where the possibility for voter fraud is as small as possible?

also electors have been faithless to their pledges. Republican Electoral have jumped shipped and refused to pledge someone in their own party. Back in 2004, a Republican Electoral refused to endorse Bush.

Or how about this? 1960 a Hawaii sent two slates to congress that would have been a disaster if Nixon didn't do the right thing for once.

That same year we almost had another voter fraud when Segregationalists in Louisiana almost replaced the democratic electors to vote against Kennedy.

Luckily things like this have been thwarted but in all reality the system makes way for a lot of nightmarish things in elections. Remember 2000? yeah it could be a lot worse.

It's not like the EC is the only system of voting today, there a lot of other systems which are more fair and are less open to corruption. Hell you can modify the electoral college and keep the same basic system to ensure it's fairness.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I had a huge number of things quoted and was gonna make a big deal out of what PoF and Xzax said and tell them that I voted for Obama because of both his policies and his views on how politics should be conducted. And then I was gonna continue for paragraph after paragraph and systematically make everyone who agrees with me love me and make everyone who disagrees with me feel stupid.

But then I realized I already spent a good hour on my soapbox in the No John's thread, and I haven't done any work yet today, so I've decided not to.

In closing, after running one of the sleaziest and most deplorable campaigns in recent memory, I have to give it to McCain for his concession speech. It was very classy and I think was exactly what the country needed to hear following this election.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I like McCain alot. I just think the poor guy wanted the presidency so bad that he sold his soul to his campaign staff, and they pretty much ran it into the ground from there. The Republican Party has been narrowing its electoral focus for years now, and it pretty much culminated last night.

John McCain was the only Republican who had a shot to beat the Democrats this year when this all started, but instead of reaching out to moderates and Reagan Democrats like he used to, he decided to solidify his base. Obama is extraordinarily lucky that both Hillary Clinton and McCain's campaign staff had no idea what they were doing.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I like McCain alot. I just think the poor guy wanted the presidency so bad that he sold his soul to his campaign staff, and they pretty much ran it into the ground from there. The Republican Party has been narrowing its electoral focus for years now, and it pretty much culminated last night.

John McCain was the only Republican who had a shot to beat the Democrats this year when this all started, but instead of reaching out to moderates and Reagan Democrats like he used to, he decided to solidify his base. Obama is extraordinarily lucky that both Hillary Clinton and McCain's campaign staff had no idea what they were doing.
I'll agree that Hilary and McCain screwed up, but I don't think you can take anything away from Obama's campaign. He and his campaign staff did a hell of a job, and I really think his campaign has changed the way people will be doing it in years to come.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Along those lines, I was thinking about something. Everyone was so happy that Barack Obama was getting contributions from small donors. It shows that people are invested in the democratic process and are using their wallets to voice their opinions (which is ironic, considering that it's usually conservatives who are opposed to McCain-Feingold, but that's a discussion for another day). So people everywhere contributed, large and small, to help Obama get elected.

They contributed to the tune of $639 million.

Has it come to the point where you have to raise over half a billion dollars to become president? Even though it came from small donors, that's an astronomical number. I'm not sure how I feel about it.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Along those lines, I was thinking about something. Everyone was so happy that Barack Obama was getting contributions from small donors. It shows that people are invested in the democratic process and are using their wallets to voice their opinions (which is ironic, considering that it's usually conservatives who are opposed to McCain-Feingold, but that's a discussion for another day). So people everywhere contributed, large and small, to help Obama get elected.

They contributed to the tune of $639 million.

Has it come to the point where you have to raise over half a billion dollars to become president? Even though it came from small donors, that's an astronomical number. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Until people start educating themselves and caring about the elections, it will always come down to convincing those who will not educate themselves or care, to go out and vote for your guy. So yea, you need to spend an assload of money to win an election these days. I gave Obama money, and I'll probably be doing it again in 4 years. If you believe in something in politics these days, it's not enough to just vote for them. You have to start chipping away at the undecideds and people who wouldn't otherwise vote and get them to care or at least turn out and vote.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
McCain's concession speech was the classiest thing he's done or said in his entire campaign. I could see the pained look in his eyes when the crowd kept booing every mention of Obama... it was like he was thinking "What have I created... this is the reason I lost, you idiots!." It was actually sad.

I too don't think you can take away what Obama did, though. 21 months ago he had little support or money. He had to go up against the biggest democractic machine today in Hillary, who literally EVERYone had already decided was going to be the nominee. And then afterwards face a republican in the general election. I maintain that half the reason he was so sucessful was because he took the high road so often.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah! Fuck those people exercising their rights and voting for whichever candidate they feel represents them best! Fuck everybody who doesn't think exactly the way I do!
Who loves Dave?
I loves Dave.
I think Trade made the best post in the last 24 hours. His post clearly highlighted what needs to be done regardless of the way opinions of politics may differ. Politics is probably one of the strongest topics out there and some us will differ but I do not think that any of these views should interfere with what we think of one another.

Let us carry on.

why don't you ever respond to the posts that destroy your points? just curious.

Darc can now whisper japanese in my ear while we sex.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
McCain's concession speech was the classiest thing he's done or said in his entire campaign. I could see the pained look in his eyes when the crowd kept booing every mention of Obama... it was like he was thinking "What have I created... this is the reason I lost, you idiots!." It was actually sad.

I too don't think you can take away what Obama did, though. 21 months ago he had little support or money. He had to go up against the biggest democractic machine today in Hillary, who literally EVERYone had already decided was going to be the nominee. And then afterwards face a republican in the general election. I maintain that half the reason he was so sucessful was because he took the high road so often.
yes, I agree with this and Jam

I think that his concession speech showed he did not believe what he was doing was right, I honestly think he didn't believe it was right on the moral ground, but his party base and palin kind of made him do it. It's a shame had to take such drastic turn arounds to appeal to them.

I disagree with his war and economic policy but you can't deny mccain was a great man. The campaign brought out the very worst in him and his base, and I am glad that he seems to have come out with his dignity intact, but I am not sure if I can say the same for them.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
entertainment value, plus with each post Pof makes I'm more and more swayed to quote him and call him a moron
D: Your logic just 4 stocked me.


<_< So whats up guys?
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