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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I think I might just have to go to my Friday morning class hungover...

Yeah, Cort is not really polite to anyone online but we all knew that now....didnt we? :dizzy:
eat a dick
Yeah, maybe if you actually....I don't know.....stopped being a tool I would stop being a jerk back to you. You never stopped against me, so plan on me now always being a jerk to you.

How many times is it now that you've been banned? Like....everyday? You know it's really not that hard to avoid getting banned but you always manage to find a way.

It was funny for like the first two times...but now its just....dumb.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
so this morning i got up half asleep. i stood up on my bed (still half a sleep) and walked off as if i was walking on the floor... yay sprained ankle. atleast i dont have school >.>


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
I think I might just have to go to my Friday morning class hungover...

Yeah, maybe if you actually....I don't know.....stopped being a tool I would stop being a jerk back to you. You never stopped against me, so plan on me now always being a jerk to you.

How many times is it now that you've been banned? Like....everyday? You know it's really not that hard to avoid getting banned but you always manage to find a way.

It was funny for like the first two times...but now its just....dumb.
you guys should bang out...... ofcourse that would be hilarious


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I think I might just have to go to my Friday morning class hungover...

Yeah, maybe if you actually....I don't know.....stopped being a tool I would stop being a jerk back to you. You never stopped against me, so plan on me now always being a jerk to you.

How many times is it now that you've been banned? Like....everyday? You know it's really not that hard to avoid getting banned but you always manage to find a way.

It was funny for like the first two times...but now its just....dumb.
>_> Then why do you expect him to do something you're not willing to do yourself?
All you're doing is perpetuating the cycle of nonsense.
And getting banned is mad easy, just call out the mods on all the BS they do and post a few Shay Laren gifs.

CT! My medication was fun today.
4 needles to my legs all of which hurt like a *****.
But yea, I still feel like crap.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I wouldn't doubt I'd get an infraction for saying the mods do BS stuff.
Which is silly.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I feel like crap today :0/ Do any of you guys feel like playing on wifi? I have some time to kill...

Milktea- Louis and I are planning on doing another tourney soon for late October but it will be cheaper and in a better area so hopefully it won't suck ha. But we weren't sure if we want to do Melee again....Comments anyone?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
Kimbo is probably the miley cyrus of MMA. Really popular, but no talent.
shamrock has been doin this **** for years and he fought the best. kimbo can fight like crazy, but shamrock should beat him easily if he does the right ****. he is only 45 even if hes old he still trains alot and has mad experience over kimbo.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I feel like crap today :0/ Do any of you guys feel like playing on wifi? I have some time to kill...

Milktea- Louis and I are planning on doing another tourney soon for late October but it will be cheaper and in a better area so hopefully it won't suck ha. But we weren't sure if we want to do Melee again....Comments anyone?
I'm already online Nana.

EDIT- Yes milktea, smashfest would be awesome. Also, I'm planning on contacting DM about holding a Melee tournament sometime in November. Would people be interested in it?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
The argument that the chance of life happening as it did as proof of god is a logically fallacy. To be specific an argument out of ignorance. Considering the size of the universe it was only a matter of time before a planet formed within it's own stars habitable zone.

The design argument fails under quick critical thinking:

The universe well specifically our universe as Dr. Lee Smolin has pointed out is really good at producing black holes and not life barring worlds. a little over 99% of the universe is hazardous to life. leaving less then 1% capable of life.

Just look at the volume of space you can't live in, that's a lot!

Not to mention we're on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy, what that means is the milky way will be gone.

Lets look at the earth it's self.

Natural hazards on earth Tornadoes Tsunamis Earthquakes Disease all have been known to wipe out a considerate portion of the population.

90% of all species that have lived on the earth are now extinct.

Hell if we look at humans it's obvious if we were designed we were designed in such a horrible way.

We eat breath and talk thought he same hole, which often times will cause us to choke at least once in our life time. As opposed to dolphins who can breath out of a separate whole and eat through another. I mean imagine if we could do that? the odds of choking would drastically decrease.

We're warm blooded so we constantly need to eat all the time. some reptiles they only need to eat once a month and they're fine.

I mean sure you can look at the universe, earth, our own body and see wow that had to have been designed. But you have to put it into context and see the whole picture. Sure it might seem odd that we are alive and we live on a planet that seems to support us. But that took virtually 3.5 billion years for life to adapt to the earth.
Dolphins don't build spaceships.

Thats my site!!! errr. Do you have a hacked psp or are you a lurker?

Yes, this was pretty badass but Dashizwiz's comeback gave me a huge boner...only beause like M2K is the best in the world and such...and he almost choked hardcore.

Yes, it is the ultimate game...but no...if Gizmo is on his game and his Falco is not sucking....he will ****.

That post actually just made me think of something

What do all of the following games have in common?

Street Fighter
Soul Calibur/Blade
Mortal Kombat
Virtua Fighter
Guilty Gear


All of these games are competitive fighting games...all of which have camping...the thing is though Melee is the one and only game that breaks the defensive advantage that exists in all the other titles by means of the overall pace of the game, l cancelling, and the fact that combos arent beyond infinite and broken (smash 64)

YES, there IS camping in Melee but IT CAN BE STOPPED. Due to the speed of Melee if a camper is stopped and is killed....the momentum changes quickly due to the overall speed of the game as compared to the rest of the other games which are MUCH SLOWER PACE than Melee. The other games rely on patience to win for the most part. In Melee, its the same idea.. and regaining momentum back in a match is much easier than getting momentum back in Melee. Melee is more of an aggressive patience meaning, if you get too close to your opponent while dash dancing or wavedashing while "camping" you can or will be punished. An example could be the match that Thumbswayup just posted or the final match of Dashizwiz VS Falco....or Ken Vs Bombsoldier....Did you notice how quickly the match just flipped around with DJ Combo VS Eggz? All it took was a couple of shines and the momentum flippped aorund just like that. Doing something like that in a game like Mortal Kombat, Street Figther, or Soul Calibur is much more rare. Once again, it CAN BE DONE...I cant deny that fact...but the fact of the matter is.....Melee is much more exciting and requires the player to truly be on top of his game at all times.

Basically, Melee is the ideal perfect fighting game. Not only is it the fighting game out there that takes the most skill to play but it also has an EXTREMELY friendly fanbase behind it as well.

Now, lets take a look at Brawl for instance-People get mad while playing Brawl ALL the time. People get pissed off over matches they should not have lossed....does this ever happen in Melee at tourneys? Hardly. Nine times out of ten if a person lost a match...it was their own fault and was not due to lag, tripping, toadstool jumps, or some other dumb Brawl crap that makes no sense. Out of all the Melee tournies I've attended I've neveer in my life seen a player get really pissed off over a Melee match. However, for Brawl i've seen Solid Jake, Vigilante, and a Pit player I played at DM get extremely pist off. I myself have gotten pissed off in online tournies, and in person VS Nana.

I Love Melee.
I'd rather have a 10 hour debate about God with Aesir than read this post.

No one ever gets mad when they lose in Melee. I've seen people throw controllers and punch walls when they lose in Brawl, no joke.

**** you sleepyk.

But seriously. I sat down to play a tournament match with some kid at Mass Madness once and:
kid looks at me warily "what's your name?.."
"cogsmooch how's it going"
"you aren't redsoxfan?"
"what lol no?"
"oh he has a beard too I'm glad you're not him"
"ha why?"
"because he threw his controller at me last time we played"

But actually Derek was a cool enough dude he just needed some help controlling his anger.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Hey, does CT wanna get together for a big smashfest sometime? Like in the summer? Melee and Brawl, dur. No tourneys=I never see anyone!!
>_> Summer?

I feel like crap today :0/ Do any of you guys feel like playing on wifi? I have some time to kill...

Milktea- Louis and I are planning on doing another tourney soon for late October but it will be cheaper and in a better area so hopefully it won't suck ha. But we weren't sure if we want to do Melee again....Comments anyone?
>_> Hey! I'll play Wifi.
<.< I don't feel like playing in tournaments until my cash sluppy thickens up. So I'd show up for friendlies.

I'm already online Nana.

EDIT- Yes milktea, smashfest would be awesome. Also, I'm planning on contacting DM about holding a Melee tournament sometime in November. Would people be interested in it?
<.< I don't feel like playing in tournaments until my cash sluppy thickens up. So I'd show up for friendlies.
Dolphins don't build spaceships.

I'd rather have a 10 hour debate about God with Aesir than read this post.


**** you sleepyk.

But seriously. I sat down to play a tournament match with some kid at Mass Madness once and:
kid looks at me warily "what's your name?.."
"cogsmooch how's it going"
"you aren't redsoxfan?"
"what lol no?"
"oh he has a beard too I'm glad you're not him"
"ha why?"
"because he threw his controller at me last time we played"

But actually Derek was a cool enough dude he just needed some help controlling his anger.
I hate you.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I don't really understand what you're trying to get at, it doesn't really invalidate my argument against design.

LOL. To be honest that would be pretty fun LOL.
>_> Hes saying that Dolphins don't need to build spaceships, because when they're ready, they'll fly out of the ocean into space.

<_< Also, talking in circles for 10 hours would not be fun.
You wouldn't last 30 minutes.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Smashfest like the one we had in the summer*

@nana, melee if there's time i guess o_o though...if you hold melee, you will get a large number of participants that you wouldn't have normally XD. but brawl first because thats the most popular as of now v_v;

sorry if that didn't make sense XD about to go to class, ja matta!

edit: Hell if we look at humans it's obvious if we were designed we were designed in such a horrible way.

I love this.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I don't really understand what you're trying to get at, it doesn't really invalidate my argument against design.
Jokes are fun.
Dolphins don't paint pictures either.

LOL. To be honest that would be pretty fun LOL.
lol yeah. I think the one we had in the pool room had to have lasted 10 hours total? That was fun.

edit: I did a search for my name and the Utah thread came up >_>?? How do I find the post/s with my name in them?
edit edit nvm

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
So what were people doing 7 years ago today? Most of you were still in like elementary/early middle school right? I was a junior in college >_>

It's weird for me to think of kids today growing up and not really remembering/comprehending what happened when it did.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I was in 5th grade.
>_> Principle came on the loud speaker forbidding the teachers from turning on the classroom TVs.
<_< So I took the remote when she wasn't looking and did it anyways.

>_> Needless to say, a room full of panicking 5th graders was uh...a sight to behold?

I personally wasn't shaken at all by this, **** happens was my attitude I guess.
I dunno, it just didn't shock me for some reason o.o.
I wasn't happy about it, I was a bit angry over the sheer amount of wasted life, but yea.

Well, not wasted, just life cut short.

Yea, so that's what I was doing.



Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I was a freshman in high school. I was walking down the hall to my US History class taught by Mr. Perry when a friend told me. Strange that US history changed forever on my way to that class. I even remember what I was wearing and much of what happened on that day.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
actually i was a freshmen in high school. I was in math class when 9/11 happened we got an announcement and listened to in on the radio for the remainder of class. I wasn't aware of its severity until i got home and saw it on the news. I knew it was serious later that night when the news caster announced that he had been up with nothing to eat since it happened and that "it has been a hell of a day". (u know cuz news pplz can't swear and must follow and script etc)


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
WOOOO finished three assignments, about 3 more to go and 3 finals!!!
About that smashfest that would be crazy awesome.

As for me, I was in 7th grade, in the middle of science class when it happened.
We didn't know until parents started to pick up there kids. Then the teachers
told us of what happened.

It really didn't affect me until I saw on the news later that day what had


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I was in high school gym. We were playing basketball and joking around for "team sports."
My friend Adam took a shot and was about mid-court, laughing and such.
Then Coach Ballard (a balding, fat guy in his 40s)
walked out of his office, stopped right next to Adam, grabbed his ***, and left as if nothing had happened.
I was the only one who saw it.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
**** my spacing against Marth sucks on Wifi.
I literally placed myself in front of 3 tippered FSmashes.
<_< Nana didn't even have to move, just tilt the CStick!

Its like what would happen if Pizza Hut delivered Tippers! It'd just come right to your doorstep and then you just have to tilt the CStick at the delivery boy!


Clearly, Adam's *** is good luck when grabbed, and your coach knew it
At least that's what my priest told me about this kid I confronted him about for the exact same reason.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
So what were people doing 7 years ago today? Most of you were still in like elementary/early middle school right? I was a junior in college >_>

It's weird for me to think of kids today growing up and not really remembering/comprehending what happened when it did.
I was in my high school sophomore honors chemistry class. I just remember it taking a couple explanations for the reality of the whole situation to sink in. Scary stuff...

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Funny thing is I had an 8am class, Intro to Philosophy, that day. We were settling down to get started when a classmate came in and told everybody the news and that a 2nd plane had hit and there might be an attack on the Pentagon too. ****ed up thing is: the teacher was like Ok now let's have class! When I got out like my whole college was packed into the college cafe watching the big screen TV... the buildings had already collapsed. I saw my suite-mate and he was like "dude the WTC collapsed while you were in class" To which I said "are you ****ting me? are you ****ing ****ting me?"
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