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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
If smash teaches us nothing else, at least it teaches us that everything can/will be resolved with MMs :laugh:.

I accept, $1 and the right to say whether or not God exists, best of 3, Melee, Neutrals only, 1 stage ban, and Dave's Stupid Rule :p.
Sounds cool where do you live? Hopefully the one dollar will cover the
cost of gas.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Wow, Eggz? All the best Smashers post in the CT thread.

About God: To claim that an invisible, all-powerful being exists is a pretty bold statement, and therefore the burden of proof falls upon the believers to show that he exists. There must be empirical evidence that proves that God exists. We can measure, quantify and qualify the natural laws of the universe, and then prove them either correct or incorrect through observation and experimentation. The same must be true of God to say that he exists.

What that quote that Moon-Doggie provided states is that God exists outside of what we can measure and observe, which strikes me as a pretty convenient cop-out as to why we cannot empirically observe and test God's existence. Without evidence, how can you make a claim in the affirmative (in this case, the claim is that God is real)?

These are the magical beings that we have been told exist, even though we've never actually seen them:

Santa Claus
The Tooth Fairy
The Easter Bunny
The Devil

How many of those things do you believe in? And if you believe in some of those things on that list, why do believe in some things you can't see, yet discount the existence of others?


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
The argument that the chance of life happening as it did as proof of god is a logically fallacy. To be specific an argument out of ignorance. Considering the size of the universe it was only a matter of time before a planet formed within it's own stars habitable zone.

The design argument fails under quick critical thinking:

The universe well specifically our universe as Dr. Lee Smolin has pointed out is really good at producing black holes and not life barring worlds. a little over 99% of the universe is hazardous to life. leaving less then 1% capable of life.

Just look at the volume of space you can't live in, that's a lot!

Not to mention we're on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy, what that means is the milky way will be gone.

Lets look at the earth it's self.

Natural hazards on earth Tornadoes Tsunamis Earthquakes Disease all have been known to wipe out a considerate portion of the population.

90% of all species that have lived on the earth are now extinct.

Hell if we look at humans it's obvious if we were designed we were designed in such a horrible way.

We eat breath and talk thought he same hole, which often times will cause us to choke at least once in our life time. As opposed to dolphins who can breath out of a separate whole and eat through another. I mean imagine if we could do that? the odds of choking would drastically decrease.

We're warm blooded so we constantly need to eat all the time. some reptiles they only need to eat once a month and they're fine.

I mean sure you can look at the universe, earth, our own body and see wow that had to have been designed. But you have to put it into context and see the whole picture. Sure it might seem odd that we are alive and we live on a planet that seems to support us. But that took virtually 3.5 billion years for life to adapt to the earth.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
Wow, Eggz? All the best Smashers post in the CT thread.

About God: To claim that an invisible, all-powerful being exists is a pretty bold statement, and therefore the burden of proof falls upon the believers to show that he exists. There must be empirical evidence that proves that God exists. We can measure, quantify and qualify the natural laws of the universe, and then prove them either correct or incorrect through observation and experimentation. The same must be true of God to say that he exists.

What that quote that Moon-Doggie provided states is that God exists outside of what we can measure and observe, which strikes me as a pretty convenient cop-out as to why we cannot empirically observe and test God's existence. Without evidence, how can you make a claim in the affirmative (in this case, the claim is that God is real)?

These are the magical beings that we have been told exist, even though we've never actually seen them:

Santa Claus
The Tooth Fairy
The Easter Bunny
The Devil

How many of those things do you believe in? And if you believe in some of those things on that list, why do believe in some things you can't see, yet discount the existence of others?
It has been decided, The fate of how the universe was made relies on
the MM between me and Mogwai.

The ultimate judgement will be made through the ultimate game.


Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
CT is deep.

As far as this conversation goes:

Just how big is the universe, exactly? Do they have numbers for it? 'Cause I'll tell you what, it seems like the individuals immersing themselves in high-end planetary science/astrology pull **** out of their ***** all of the time. It's not that I do not believe in the scientific method; it's just that there's nothing truly concrete when it comes to this sort of thing. It boils down to which theory sounds right to you.

Kinda like religion.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
CT is deep.

As far as this conversation goes:

Just how big is the universe, exactly? Do they have numbers for it? 'Cause I'll tell you what, it seems like the individuals immersing themselves in high-end planetary science/astrology pull **** out of their ***** all of the time. It's not that I do not believe in the scientific method; it's just that there's nothing truly concrete when it comes to this sort of thing. It boils down to which theory sounds right to you.

Kinda like religion.

Smooth Criminal
I agree. Just until someone actually hops the fence, comes back and goes.
'Yap that guy over there was right."


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Lol religion.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear. "

"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent."

-Thomas Jefferson


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
"First there was two sets of footprints in the sand
Then there was one set of footprints in the sand
When times get hard and shit hits the fan
God don't walk with me, he carry me man "
-50 Cent

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
"First there was two sets of footprints in the sand
Then there was one set of footprints in the sand
When times get hard and shit hits the fan
God don't walk with me, he carry me man "
-50 Cent

Is Michael D. Brookman still alive?


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
LOL Jam, I only posted that for the facts that

1. it had god in it
2. budai had just posted a quote
3. I hadn't made a post in awhile
4. I couldn't think of anything else.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
LOL Jam, I only posted that for the facts that

1. it had god in it
2. budai had just posted a quote
3. I hadn't made a post in awhile
4. I couldn't think of anything else.
Nah, I'm sighing at the fact that 50 Cent is taking commonly used stories and putting his ridiculous spin on them. What an untalented hack.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Thats my site!!! errr. Do you have a hacked psp or are you a lurker?
Yes, this was pretty badass but Dashizwiz's comeback gave me a huge boner...only beause like M2K is the best in the world and such...and he almost choked hardcore.

It has been decided, The fate of how the universe was made relies on
the MM between me and Mogwai.

The ultimate judgement will be made through the ultimate game.

Yes, it is the ultimate game...but no...if Gizmo is on his game and his Falco is not sucking....he will ****.

That post actually just made me think of something

What do all of the following games have in common?

Street Fighter
Soul Calibur/Blade
Mortal Kombat
Virtua Fighter
Guilty Gear


All of these games are competitive fighting games...all of which have camping...the thing is though Melee is the one and only game that breaks the defensive advantage that exists in all the other titles by means of the overall pace of the game, l cancelling, and the fact that combos arent beyond infinite and broken (smash 64)

YES, there IS camping in Melee but IT CAN BE STOPPED. Due to the speed of Melee if a camper is stopped and is killed....the momentum changes quickly due to the overall speed of the game as compared to the rest of the other games which are MUCH SLOWER PACE than Melee. The other games rely on patience to win for the most part. In Melee, its the same idea.. and regaining momentum back in a match is much easier than getting momentum back in Melee. Melee is more of an aggressive patience meaning, if you get too close to your opponent while dash dancing or wavedashing while "camping" you can or will be punished. An example could be the match that Thumbswayup just posted or the final match of Dashizwiz VS Falco....or Ken Vs Bombsoldier....Did you notice how quickly the match just flipped around with DJ Combo VS Eggz? All it took was a couple of shines and the momentum flippped aorund just like that. Doing something like that in a game like Mortal Kombat, Street Figther, or Soul Calibur is much more rare. Once again, it CAN BE DONE...I cant deny that fact...but the fact of the matter is.....Melee is much more exciting and requires the player to truly be on top of his game at all times.

Basically, Melee is the ideal perfect fighting game. Not only is it the fighting game out there that takes the most skill to play but it also has an EXTREMELY friendly fanbase behind it as well.

Now, lets take a look at Brawl for instance-People get mad while playing Brawl ALL the time. People get pissed off over matches they should not have lossed....does this ever happen in Melee at tourneys? Hardly. Nine times out of ten if a person lost a match...it was their own fault and was not due to lag, tripping, toadstool jumps, or some other dumb Brawl crap that makes no sense. Out of all the Melee tournies I've attended I've neveer in my life seen a player get really pissed off over a Melee match. However, for Brawl i've seen Solid Jake, Vigilante, and a Pit player I played at DM get extremely pist off. I myself have gotten pissed off in online tournies, and in person VS Nana.

I Love Melee.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist

"Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear. "

"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent."

-Thomas Jefferson
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg

No one ever gets mad when they lose in Melee. I've seen people throw controllers and punch walls when they lose in Brawl, no joke.




The list goes on.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
dear ct, i lost 13 pounds in two weeks. it was a combination of ddr and weightlifting. discuss
Woo! Go noodles!

man i wish i lost weight when i played DDR.
Play with weights strapped to your body.

holy ****ing ****, eggz is a beast.

That post actually just made me think of something

What do all of the following games have in common?

Street Fighter
Soul Calibur/Blade
Mortal Kombat
Virtua Fighter
Guilty Gear

>_> I stopped reading after you put a bunch of different fighting games in a list that didn't include Brawl.
Then I scrolled down and saw the sheer size of that rant and breathed a sigh of relief.
=D Thank God I didn't read that!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
>.> I actually get some medicine tomorrow morning, so I may be up to it.
<_< Do you have a tri-wing screw driver? I'm still broken-controller johning.

Mewtwo is a lot less effective without DThrow and DTilt.
And a 50% successful teleport rate.
Like, a lot.

>_> and that certainly is a lot of writing for "People get angry playing brawl. lulz."
<_< Speaking of which, I thought Ace was going to send his controller through the TV after losing to Emmy at RGIV.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I have to admit, I do get super-pissed off when I play Brawl. I have a new reason to rant about that game pretty much every day.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
dear ct, i lost 13 pounds in two weeks. it was a combination of ddr and weightlifting. discuss
Good job dude! I want to start playing DDR again so we should meet up sometime.

Has anyone here beaten Maximum Carnage? I just started playing today for the first time since I was 7 and I can barely get to the part with Venom haha.

Sometimes I get pissed but I would get pissed in Melee too when gay stuff happened but I never really get seriously pissed off just kind of aggitated. If you don't want to get pissed at Brawl just play as Luigi you'll just lugh the whole time.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Good job dude! I want to start playing DDR again so we should meet up sometime.

Has anyone here beaten Maximum Carnage? I just started playing today for the first time since I was 7 and I can barely get to the part with Venom haha.

I've beaten Maximum Carnage, Nana. Amazing game.

Carnage is a ridiculous end boss.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Well you rock. I suck at it haha but it's so fun. I'm not going to stop until I beat it though and then I have to beat Ninja Turtles for NES next which is another crazy hard game. Can any of you guys think of any other obnoxiously hard games for me to waste my time with? :0)
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