The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
You made Chun-Li and Akuma sadWhen Street Fighter III only kept Ryu and Ken
Being fair, a lot of the specials in Splatoon either had an amount of invincibility that was way too generous (Kraken, Bubbler), simply couldn't work as well without a dual screen layout (Inkstrike) or were EcholocatorConsider also something like Splatoon 2 where they completely removed all specials from the first game and instead opted for new ones. Nintendo is an innovation company that will not be afraid of tossing away the old for the sake of the new if they feel it will be more fun.

And a LOT of the specials in 2 clearly have some inspiration from the first game;
- Baller puts the player in a bubble, like the Bubbler
- Ink Armor takes the overall concept of the Bubbler and turns it into armor rather than outright invincibility
- Splashdown is basically a close-range version of Inkstrike
- Inkjet is the Inkzooka with a jetpack
- Sting Ray has the same gimmick of going through walls as the Killer Wail
- Bomb Launcher is literally Bomb Rush