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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2006
do u think its possible that we may see krystal in the game?
krystal being the female fox.

i know it probabaly wont happen but i would like to see sonic in the game. reason i dont think he woudl b there is coz he couldnt have enough moves to use. jump on head, spin, spin, jump on head spin, spin


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Puff, just about anyone can make it into the game. Fox/C. Falcon didn't have any moves before Smash64, but lo and behold, here they are as top tier characters.

And yes, Krstyal is definitely a big candidate.

As to GrabB moves, what has always come to my mind when someone says that is the idea of shield grabbing, but with B instead of A. What you guys are saying is cool too, but my idea would allow for 5 (directions and then the 'smack' for hitting B) moves.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Puff, just about anyone can make it into the game. Fox/C. Falcon didn't have any moves before Smash64, but lo and behold, here they are as top tier characters.

And yes, Krstyal is definitely a big candidate.

As to GrabB moves, what has always come to my mind when someone says that is the idea of shield grabbing, but with B instead of A. What you guys are saying is cool too, but my idea would allow for 5 (directions and then the 'smack' for hitting B) moves.
Like doing some crazy move that is totally knew by pushing R+B(essentially) instead of R+A? That could work as long as they didn't pick a move for some characters that was completely overpowering.

As for Sonic, sure he could be in brawl, and with crazy moves. You can make a good moveset for almost any character with a little creativity. Why just this morning during my 20 min commute to Community College, I created an entire moveset for Pacman which I thought was ingenious because everyone said it couldn't be done. Well if anyone is interested in reading it I could post it somewhere and put up the link. Or I could just put it here so long as no one minds an off topic post.

Krystal has high probability of being in. If you read fliptroopa's translation on smash blog, he went over all the reasons that a character might make it in, and Krystal really seemed like she had a high chance of making it. Ver batem: Krystal - I read once somewhere before that Sakurai was astounded by the popularity Star Fox had as a series, and that’s partially why he decided Fox would get a clone in Falco when he had to go ahead and make clone characters in Melee. This time around he wants to keep the fans of Star Fox happy still, and supposedly was asking questions about Krystal the Fox to eager gamers. I don’t know how definite what he said is what I’m saying here, but I heard that he essentially asked who she was, why they liked her, if they would like to see her, and how cool would it be to see her with that staff of hers. He was very intrigued by her after the E3 trailer was first shown, and journalists began throwing him ideas. If anyone is interested on reading findings about other inclusions, you can go to this link.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
do u think its possible that we may see krystal in the game?
krystal being the female fox.

i know it probabaly wont happen but i would like to see sonic in the game. reason i dont think he woudl b there is coz he couldnt have enough moves to use. jump on head, spin, spin, jump on head spin, spin
I think Krystal has a good chance of getting in. simply because she's a popular character. she would be good if they gave her the staff, and moves from StarFox adventure. that way she would be a very unique character, seeing as no one has had a staff yet, it would be something new, and hopefuly interesting.

as for sonic, I personaly don't wan't him in. because; a) haven't seen any good movesets for him. and b) doesn't have any major connections with nintendo. I think the only reason they would put him in, is because he is the most reqested character, which I don't think should be a valid reason. I will still buy the game if he's in, I just think it would be better if he wasn't.

Sensai said:
As to GrabB moves, what has always come to my mind when someone says that is the idea of shield grabbing, but with B instead of A. What you guys are saying is cool too, but my idea would allow for 5 (directions and then the 'smack' for hitting B) moves.
that could work, but the idea I had would also give five B moves, just the fifth one would be done in a different way. I'm also a bit confused as to what your move idea is. is it a grab? or just a regular B move, that dosen't have you grab first? sorry, I just don't know if your adding to my idea, or giving a whole new one. if it's a new idea, I'd love to hear some examples for moves.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2006
Manchester, CT
Thinking about it now, Krystal would be sweet. She could smack people with her staff while holding them as her GrabA..and twirl it ridiculously fast as a directional throw. That would be cool.

I'm sure Sonic's moveset could be designable..if that's a word. His roll should definitely be unique like Yoshi's egg though.

Now is there a different design to Fox? Or..was that Wolf/someone different from StarFox?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2006
Wouldn't there have to be some sort of downside to using the B moves after grabbing, since they'd obviously be more powerful? Perhaps there could be greater lag afterwards, preventing you from making a combo out of it. That way there'd still be a reason to use the regular throws (to link combos). B throws would be used to finish people off :)


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Wouldn't there have to be some sort of downside to using the B moves after grabbing, since they'd obviously be more powerful? Perhaps there could be greater lag afterwards, preventing you from making a combo out of it. That way there'd still be a reason to use the regular throws (to link combos). B throws would be used to finish people off :)
a lot of the moves would be used for finishing off opponents, that was my main idea. but not all of them would nessesarily be stronger. one of the ideas I had would be for stunning an opponent, without dealing damage. like Picachu useing thunder wave as a grab B, but then jumping far back afterwards to make distance between them. the faster grab B moves would be weak, so useing them to combo wouldn't add much damage, and just waste time. but the strong ones would either have start up lag, or ending lag. start up lag moves would be a gamble (as Rhyme mentioned before) seeing as the opponent could break the grab befor you got a chance to use the move. making them good for finishing off people with high %. and the enind lag would be the opposite. making the attack start fast, but then leave room for a counter attack from you opponent. I'l come up with some moves for characters to give an example, if nobody minds me getting off-topic.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Yes, Maelstrom, they should.

And my idea for the B moves were grabs, yes. The 5th move being the idea of smacking someone when you have them grabbed.

It actually didn't occur to me that they would be more powerful, but that does make sense. And yes, if they were more powerful, they would have to be balanced...probably more start up time and more lag time afterwards.

Perhaps B moves could be like Smash64 grabs, but with longer lags on both ends of it.

/gasp! Super grabs!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Yes, Maelstrom, they should.

And my idea for the B moves were grabs, yes. The 5th move being the idea of smacking someone when you have them grabbed.

It actually didn't occur to me that they would be more powerful, but that does make sense. And yes, if they were more powerful, they would have to be balanced...probably more start up time and more lag time afterwards.

Perhaps B moves could be like Smash64 grabs, but with longer lags on both ends of it.

/gasp! Super grabs!
First Super Smash Attacks, now Super Grab Finishing Moves, what super idea is next? The grab finishing moves, though, would need to have start-up lag, not ending lag.

The proceding paragraph is just a proof so if you do not require any, skip over it

Did you notice that both characters we thought would be fast and characters we thought would be slow, all seem to fall into the middle-ground in the NWT? It seems as though Nintendo is doing what they said they would, making the glairing differences between the tiers less noticable. Since melee was designed with characters for multiplayer proficiency and one on one combos, the tier list developed so ruggedly. It appears that brawl is being designed with balance in 1v1 fighting in mind. With that said, having ending lag would be pointless because there would be no one around to hit you.


Smash Cadet
Nov 4, 2006
Thinking about it now, Krystal would be sweet. She could smack people with her staff while holding them as her GrabA..and twirl it ridiculously fast as a directional throw. That would be cool.

I'm sure Sonic's moveset could be designable..if that's a word. His roll should definitely be unique like Yoshi's egg though.

Now is there a different design to Fox? Or..was that Wolf/someone different from StarFox?
no, thats the way fox really looks. unfortunately.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Rhyme, I meant ending lag for as if they missed.

And Super Grabs I meant as a joke/was reffering to Smash 64's grabs.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
Springfield, Ga
shouldn't they update the first page and put in fox??
Are you talking about the Dojo?

Additional Comments:
I'm sorry to say that I have to temporarily stop updating this website as of June, 2006.

When Super Smash Bros. Brawl is completed sometime in 2007, I plan to post more information for you. For right now, though, I need to focus on the development of the actual game. Of course, if anything newsworthy comes up, I may decide to post some special notices...

Meanwhile, though, I'll just do my best to complete the game.

Masahiro Sakurai
Edit: Oh! Nevermind, I see what you are saying. Yes they should update the first page with Fox and include Yoshi in the "Semi-confirmed" field.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Rhyme, I meant ending lag for as if they missed.

And Super Grabs I meant as a joke/was reffering to Smash 64's grabs.
No I wasn't calling it a Super Grab as a bad thing, just as a joke. But weren't we agreeing that a B move grab would involve charging up while grabbing?...and therefore assuming that you are not going to miss(either hit or loose the attack)?

Also, how come Samus isn't shown in a character picture at the end of NWT if she is confirmed? It even says in the Dojo "don't worry, you'll still be able to play as regular Samus, too." So is Samus confirmed or not?


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
Samus is confirmed...but wasn't featured in the trailer, so they didn't include a portrait.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Samus is more or less confirmed, but in what state, we're not sure of.

And I was thinking of the super throws as more of like a Link/Samus grab ATM in lag time, but with more lag on the start up. Therefore, if you miss, they've got a free hit on you.

Big House #1

Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
There's too many pages, what are the confirmed characters besides:
Mario, Link, Kirby, Pikachu, Fox, Wario, Pit, Metaknight, Samus/Zamus, Snake?


Smash Cadet
Nov 14, 2006
in the newest trailer who is behind snake while snake is crawling? at first glance i assumed wario, but i froze the frame and im retracting that thought...


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
in the newest trailer who is behind snake while snake is crawling? at first glance i assumed wario, but i froze the frame and im retracting that thought...
Well reinstate that thought for those are in fact the purple pants of Wario.

Here is a link for the trailer on youtube, although I would recomend looking for somewhere else to downoad it. Youtube is laggy and low resolution.

By the way, when Mario does his Fair to Pikachu, doesn't he fly unusually slowly for how far he goes? Speed not related to distance, are we going to see a slower paced game, or just increased floatyness and lag to make for some amazing comboage?


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2006
Anchorage, Alaksa
its not normal, characters got there dynamics changed in this game!! too much evidence in the second trailer, like when link performed his up smash in one of the fights scenes in the trailer and it looked like it had more range and when kirby shows off and he does his little triple kick thing on mario and his short hop looked shorter!!!!


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2006
Houston, Texas
in a recent publication of nintendo power and EGM it was announced that ALL characters would be returning. they also noted that they want the roster of the game to be a little more than 40 chars deep. This was from an interview that nintendo power had with the director of the game and a press conference that EGM attended. Both magazines are leading in quality, and information. Nintendo power also released some pictures apparently taken having to with smash and one of which is sonic holding a Wii remote rendered much in the same way brawl characters are. The Image had a caption that was a quote directly from the director saying that he felt that sonic would be a perfect character for the game. I hope this has cleared things up a bit.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
That wasn't the director, that was Miyamoto saying 'Sonic would be perfect for Smash Bros.'

What issue of EGM was it? Was it the December one?


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
It wasn't in Nin Power either. Dunno what he's talking about. NP doesn't arrive for another week to ten days. The lastest one simply had an ad for Sonic Secret Rings, wich is what I assme he means. There was an interview with Miyamoto a while ago, and we already discussed it. Nothing with Sakurai.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
in a recent publication of nintendo power and EGM it was announced that ALL characters would be returning. they also noted that they want the roster of the game to be a little more than 40 chars deep. This was from an interview that nintendo power had with the director of the game and a press conference that EGM attended. Both magazines are leading in quality, and information. Nintendo power also released some pictures apparently taken having to with smash and one of which is sonic holding a Wii remote rendered much in the same way brawl characters are. The Image had a caption that was a quote directly from the director saying that he felt that sonic would be a perfect character for the game. I hope this has cleared things up a bit.
So, we have concluded that it is safe to ignore the contents of this post?

By the way, when can we expect to see the next Nintendo World Trailer?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I wasn't sure about it...I have heard, from sources which may or may not be reliable, that they were going to introduce a new character every month at the end of the NWT. Just keep everything we have seen and add a new 15 second segment every month. My brain must have liked that idea because it stuck and I can't get the thought to go away. Still, if it does not allude to what is mentioned above in the Nintendo magazines or on the dojo, than I guess it isn't true.
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