The rAt said:
Heh, I was just gonna' say that.
I'm not too excited about the Pokemon Trainer though. There are a few problems I have with him.
1: The name. Why not "Red", which is, in fact, that character's name? If we can have such generic names, why not "Space Mercenary", "Protagonist of the Zelda games", and so on.
2: There'll be one Pokemone everyone plays as. And it'll probably be Squirtle. Also, I hardly think he'll be played at higher levels, what with the player being forced to switch Pokemon all the time. You'd think the Zelda/Sheik debacle would've taught them...
4: You don't actually play as him. Seriously, this is a really lame idea. There are other characters they could've spent time making rather than CHARIZARD, IVYSAUR and SQUIRTLE. "Pokemon Trainer" you say? Who's that? You mean the
The flora and fauna?