Two things @ The rAt: first, I thought I was the only one here who got vioces in my head! Good to know that you do too. I have two: the good voice and the evil voice. As I represent Link in this world, the good voice is Zelda's, and the evil vioce is Ganondorf's.
Second, I also probably would have been distracted be somethihng shiny. It seems we have a lot in common.
Oops, I lied, here's a third thing for The rAt: what role do I play in rAt's Doominators? And here's an evil suggestion (coming from Ganon's voice, of course): we should team up and destroy Rhyme. Zelda says no, Dyce is the evil one. Sh;t, I dunno which of them to destroy! HELP!
Ciela? Do you have any advice?
Hmm...she says I should be spending more time buying a Wii and playing it than being on "an elite group of criminal minds with which to take over the world." Obviously I have to take her to the doctor in Castle Town to get her checked. I can do both!
Hmm...I think (and this is purely my opinion) that we should destroy...wait, someone's calling. I'll be right back.
"Yeah...uh-huh...what do you mean? D@mn it, I wanted to kill him!ME! It was my job! Jeez, some people just have no respect! Go simultaneously burn and rot in Hell!" *Hangs up*
Well, d@mn. I was going to say we should kill Aeris, but it appears someone already killed him. That's it, I've got no more suggestions. Any help, anyone? No, not you Ciela. Not you either Navi. You're gonna have the same advice as Ciela. I need to get you both checked.