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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
I think that there is definitely a slight chance that we could see tom nook in december but i think nintendo was trying to tell everyone that more games will be represented in brawl, not only through characters but stages aswell. Maybe tom nook will be in brawl, maybe not. But I agree that tom nook is straight up from the hood and for that reason alone he deserves a spot in brawl, thats what got luigi in.

slangin' rocks and drinkin' 40's FTW!


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
No flames RAWR but uhh...theres a thread for that, and you'll probably get flamed in the future if you post somthing that has nothing to do with the thread topic, theres a sticky with all of the character threads. check it out.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Nothing Rhymes With Circus said:
Is it just my bad eyesight, or did anyone else notice that Link "charges up" the Falcon Punch in that comic in his right hand, but actually punches with his left?
That's just the difference between the Wii and GCN versions.

twilight_hero said:
Third...yes, that's what I've wanted ever since I met you. I'm sorry, but I have a tiny chip implanted in my brain that makes me tell nothing but the truth. I'm sorry to admit that, but I had to say it to you. I want you to blow up. And I already have seven people haunting me, so you won't really make a difference. Go haunt someone worthwhile after you explode. Someone who will notice.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Two comments. Totally irrelivent to anything (also a little unnecessary and kinda dumb) but I just have to let the whole thread know:

That's just the difference between the Wii and GCN versions.
Hahahaha! I almost peed myself a little reading that! Clever, very clever.

So what? Tom could disappear from the stage if it's selected.

Maybe he isn't the only one in a stage...

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
That's funny, Cheif; I'd have had you pegged as older. I guess on the internet you never can be sure. :p

Twilight_hero, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop on the whole world domination thing. Also, if anyone else wants in, just post some proof of just exactly how evil you are, your previous experience, and favorite color (mainly because anyone who answers 'beige' or 'puce' will be shot on sight).

As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.

On a side note, every so often when I hit the 'ctrl' and the 'b' or 'i' keys for bold or italics respectively, the screen shrinks to near microscopic purportions. Does anyone else ever have this problem or are the pixies in my computer just trying to piss me off?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
Hahahaha! I almost peed myself a little reading that! Clever, very clever.
Glad somebody got the joke.

The rAt said:
That's funny, Cheif; I'd have had you pegged as older.
Yep, just came out of the ol' bio-mechanical womb a few weeks ago.

The rAt said:
As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.

I see no Tom Nook.

...But seriously: the fact that there's an AC stage basically means there will be an AC fighter...the question is: who better than Tom?

EDIT - 'Who better than Tom?'


The rAt said:
On a side note, every so often when I hit the 'ctrl' and the 'b' or 'i' keys for bold or italics respectively, the screen shrinks to near microscopic purportions. Does anyone else ever have this problem or are the pixies in my computer just trying to piss me off?
Can't say I've ever heard of that happening...God must just not like you.

By the way, Eight Sage has the coolest **** sig ever.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
That's funny, Cheif; I'd have had you pegged as older. I guess on the internet you never can be sure. :p

Twilight_hero, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop on the whole world domination thing. Also, if anyone else wants in, just post some proof of just exactly how evil you are, your previous experience, and favorite color (mainly because anyone who answers 'beige' or 'puce' will be shot on sight).

As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.

On a side note, every so often when I hit the 'ctrl' and the 'b' or 'i' keys for bold or italics respectively, the screen shrinks to near microscopic purportions. Does anyone else ever have this problem or are the pixies in my computer just trying to piss me off?
Thank you. Here's my evil example:

I married another man's true love, planned to murder her on her wedding night, and also planned to blame it on the Guilders.

No, wait...I've been watching The Princess Bride too much.

My favorite color is black! The deepest black of the deepest Pit of Despair! Wait, I'm still watching that movie too much...

Actually, my favorite color is yellow. Hmm...can I still be on the Evil Squad?

And yes, the pixies just want to drive you to insanity.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.
The thing you might not have considered is that Nintendo would want to create confusion!
An Animal Crossing stage was randomly confirmed. Everybody who follows the site was like "O_O", immediately followed by various versions of "excitement".
They couldn't possibly update with a complete new character already, it's far too early for that. But that update definitely stirs up the speculation and raises expectations in the players.
And I wouldn't put it past Sakurai to update with Tom Nook clearly in the background only to make every AC fan ask "BUT ISN'T HE IN? :(:(:(", to which he only replies with a sadistic grin.

Then, the game is out, broken-hearted Tom Nook fans play on the AC stage for 5 hours... until suddenly, a tanuki approaches them...

A new challenger is approaching!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Ummm... Animal Crossing stage and item now. I wish we could semi-confirm someone like Tom Nook and have a litte fun here.

I say he's going to make the cut.
But games can be reprogrammed. That's like saying there can't be more than one Mario fighting at a time. Tom Nook has many different costumes (or aprons) that he wears so alternate colors aren't too far-fetched. Also, they could program the stage so that if there's at least one Tom Nook fighting, no NPCs will be Tom Nook.

It wouldn't be hard to do. I took a Computer Programming class in highschool for half of my Junior year. If it can be done on Chipmunk Basic with circles and triangles, it can be done on whatever engine Brawl is running on with characters.
You once again--as expected--reinforce the theory that we really do have the same brain and/or
are soulmates ;)
. Hear, hear! I've been trying to get across the simplicity of removing Nook from the background should someone opt to play as him on Smashville, but it doesn't seem to sink in with some people.

And then once he's reeled them in he can chop their body up with an axe, throw a Pitfall on the ground, toss their body parts in, bury them with a shovel, and water them into a money tree!

Er-hem. BELLS. :p

As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.
But by the same token, Kirby is clearly visible as he floats around in the background of Dreamland 64 (if I'm not mistaken); wouldn't that rule him out as a playable character? I agree that the character comes before the level because characters are the more focal way of integrating and representing a number of series. People are generally less concerned about where the play as opposed to with whom they play. Let us also consider that confusion may never have been intended in the first place. After all, he appears in one screenshot out of five and is never even mentioned by Sakurai. He can control what is shown, but he has no control whatsoever over how we--the Smashboards community--react to his updates. I still think that Nook will almost certainly show up on the playable roster, and if not Nook, another AC character for sure. The stage, the item, AND the icon form an iron triangle of semi-confirmation.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
As far as the Animal Crossing thing goes, I would like to weigh in once again. I will not argue with the premise that it is possible for Tom Nook to appear in Brawl. However, consider this quandry; which came first, the level or the character. I personally believe that the character does (mainly based on what I've heard about levels being generally more easy to construct). Either way, if the level is present, then the idea of what character is going to represent the series had to have been first addressed. So, knowing that they were going to (assumedly, of course) put Tom Nook in as a character, why would they take the risk of possibly creating confusion by putting him in the background when there are plenty of other characters they could have hiding back there? It just doesn't make sense.
Now maybe there's something I'm not considering there. And I certainly don't mean to write him off completely (I hope AC gets at least some representation, because Brawl needs more variety). I'm just saying that what we know now makes it look fairly unlikely.

On a side note, every so often when I hit the 'ctrl' and the 'b' or 'i' keys for bold or italics respectively, the screen shrinks to near microscopic purportions. Does anyone else ever have this problem or are the pixies in my computer just trying to piss me off?
Well let's just look at this from Sakurai and anyone else developing the game's P.O.V.s at one of the board meetings where they decide what to put up on the Dojo:
(a hypothetical dramatization)

[Thursday, July 12th][12:00pm JPN]
Sakurai: "So we've gotten DK into the mix and posted a new trailer. As for tomorrow's update... I say Smashville."
{an uproar from the table}
Worker A: "But sir! Tom Nook's a playable character! We can't just play around with hints like this! As subtle as it may be, it could give him away!"
Worker B: "No! I see now! Let's give the fans something to talk about for a while! 'AC!? What!? Is there going to be an AC playable character!?'. Brilliant sir!"
Worker A: "But everything we've worked for to hide this valuable information, sir!"
Sakurai: "Don't you worry (Worker A). They won't suspect a thing."
Worker B: "...Do you know what would be funny?"
Entire Table: "What?"
Worker B: "If we threw in Tom in the background of one of the snapshots... we could playfully mess with their heads and raise a lot of doubt for Tom. Then when we pull him out... WHAM! They won't know what hit them!"
Sakurai: "I like the way you think (Worker B)! You're getting a raise!"
{applause from the table}
Worker A:
(under his breath) "...son of a b;tch..."


You see? Now that there's reason to doubt Tom's (or anyone else's) association as a PC, it will be just as big of a surprise as if we'd never known AC was involved in Brawl at all!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
But by the same token, Kirby is clearly visible as he floats around in the background of Dreamland 64 (if I'm not mistaken); wouldn't that rule him out as a playable character?
That's Bronto Burt, a common enemy in the Kirby games.

A stage doesn't necessarily require a character to go along with it. Ya, all of the stages in the last two games had their franchises represented by at least one character but this may not be an absolute rule.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001

That's Bronto Burt, a common enemy in the Kirby games.

A stage doesn't necessarily require a character to go along with it. Ya, all of the stages in the last two games had their franchises represented by at least one character but this may not be an absolute rule.
Balls. It sure looked like Kirby to me. :embarrass

True, it isn't an absolute rule. But think about it this way: a stage without a character to match is like wearing a tennis shoe without a sock; sure, it's doable, but it just doesn't feel right and you know it. Seeing as characters are the "main" form of representation, it surprises me that one of The Big N's notable franchises (in this case, AC) would get a stage, an item, but NO character. Who they choose to represent the series is still up in the air--I still say Nook--but it seems clear to me that an AC character is guaranteed to appear on the playable roster.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
That's Bronto Burt, a common enemy in the Kirby games.

A stage doesn't necessarily require a character to go along with it. Ya, all of the stages in the last two games had their franchises represented by at least one character but this may not be an absolute rule.
Also true. I hope it is a rule though. Because that means an AC character will show up!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
True, it isn't an absolute rule. But think about it this way: a stage without a character to match is like wearing a tennis shoe without a sock; sure, it's doable, but it just doesn't feel right and you know it
You do seem to have a way with words.

I feel the same way as well. Hopefully we will get an AC character, and not just some generic boy or girl character. I'm talkin' full out 'created by Nintendo town animal'. Because if they took a generic boy or girl, they would have to think of some silly name for it, and you'd probably have to dress it up yourself... all that stuff is fun, but it belongs in Wii AC, not Brawl. AC animals are just easier to deal with.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Did everyone just log onto Smashboards and start posting at once? I can't take this kind of madness. Also, they're taking too long to do todays update.

Hmm. Interesting objections, but Devastlian said it best; stage =/= character. While I do think we'll see an AC character, I just don't know if Sakurai is as clever as you're giving him credit for, or is as obsessively secretive about the game. I mean, he's giving us daily updates with brand new info in each one. So he's going to go out of his way to keep us from figuring it out today so he can show us next week? I dunno about that. Maybe if Nook is a secret character, but if there was to be one, the guitar weilding dog made more sense to me, based on his hints (given a day and time, and all).

On an off topic note, which one of the three girls were you suggesting as a fighter, Cheif? Cause the one on the left hurts my eyes, which if you think about it, would make her a dangerous foe.

And Dyce, you should write screenplays. I laughed, I cried, I got bored. Good stuff.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
You do seem to have a way with words.

I feel the same way as well. Hopefully we will get an AC character, and not just some generic boy or girl character. I'm talkin' full out 'created by Nintendo town animal'. Because if they took a generic boy or girl, they would have to think of some silly name for it, and you'd probably have to dress it up yourself... all that stuff is fun, but it belongs in Wii AC, not Brawl. AC animals are just easier to deal with.
Aw, shucks. I reck'n that's right kind of ya, sir! You're gonna make a poor man blush. :chuckle:

I am just as against the appearance of the AC humanoids as you are. Funnily enough, a good part of my rationale has to do with the fact that the name would be stupid. Villager? Too evocative of the rampaging huns. Townie? Sounds too much like "yuppie". Animal Crosser? All I can think of is a furry transvestite. As much as I would love to fight as Olive or Maple, I would still thoroughly enjoy seeing more recognizable faces in Brawl (Totakeke, Nook, Resetti).

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one that picked up on Sakurai's excitement about the inclusion of Totakeke. Doesn't he seem like the most logical secret character, given his "special" appearance? Glad to see that you agree, rAt.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
The rAt said:
Also, they're taking too long to do todays update.

On an off topic note, which one of the three girls were you suggesting as a fighter, Cheif?
1. Too true. Tuesday wasn't so bad, but this past Monday, it hit after four...


The rAt said:
I mean, he's giving us daily updates with brand new info in each one. So he's going to go out of his way to keep us from figuring it out today so he can show us next week?
Well, no, he'd not show us Nook at all in the Dojo, but rather, we wouldn't know until we got our hands on the final product. If that were the case, all this sneakiness would have worked out really well.

X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
I'm talkin' full out 'created by Nintendo town animal'.
Bob! Bob! Bob!

The purple indigo Nintendo cat!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Bob! Bob! Bob!

The purple indigo Nintendo cat!
Indigo is good, but I think we should refer to him in the future as "The Mauve Storm"!!!
From "Hey Arnold!"... Eugene's go-kart. Remember?

...ugh... you don't remember do you?...

And everyone was like "Oh, it's just purple Eugene! Call it purple!" and he's all "No, it's mauve." And Arnold had "The Black Avenger"And then he and Arnold get into a crash and have to meld their karts together and they made "The Mauve Avenger" to beat Wolfgang the bully guy who had to have been juicing because he was only a grade above them and about three times their size. And they end up not winning because I think they all crashed or something. I think the Italian kid won.

Come on... I can't have been the only kid to have watched "Hey Arnold!" here.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
Come on... I can't have been the only kid to have watched "Hey Arnold!" here.
No, you're not.

And that all sounds vaguely familiar. But the show's been off the air for close to a decade now, so you'll have to forgive me for not remembering the specifics.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
And about an hour less of sleep from waiting for the freakin' Dojo to update already...

My mind is at the verge of snap, crackle, and popping into a pool of juice on the floor. Ever get to the point where you're so tired you can't control what images your mind sees in the backs of your eyelids? Yea, I'm almost there.
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