Might as well show off the run-down on who will be in Smash Ultimate Summit 5.
Highest placing non-qualified player at Rise 'N Grind: Anathema
Highest placing non-qualified player at Shine 2022: Cosmos
Here are our 16 players.
There are virtually no "wild cards" in this selection in comparison to past Summits, outside of maybe Anathema.
Everyone here are well known killers at the top of the world rankings, leading to hyper intense sets 24/7.
First thing to note is that this is Sparg0's first major event since Gimvitational back at June. Zackray managed to catch up quickly after a long hiatus from the game, so we will see if Sparg0 will do the same.
Interesting thing to note is that acola and Proto are the only two Japanese representatives of this event. No Tea, no Zackray, no KEN. Just these two. Thankfully these two are some of the finest in the business.
USA is represented by Tweek, Anathema, Cosmos, Kola, Dabuz, and Light.
Canada's lone rep is Riddles.
Europe's lone rep is Glutonny.
Mexico is of course represented by MkLeo and Sparg0.
Final thing to note for me is that this selection is very diverse in terms of character selection.
Only real intersection is MkLeo and Cosmos both bringing Aegis to the table (and MAYBE Sparg0 if he decides to do so).
Proto, Sparg0, and Glutonny are the lone reps of Min Min, Cloud, and Wario respectively, but there is a chance that Dabuz, Kola, and Tweek respectively brings them out.
There might be a very slight chance for acola Kazuya, but I don't think it is very likely.