It's a pretty basic list but looking at it, I've noticed something. Guys...I think I might be from a different dimension. You see in my dimension,
regularly got Top 33rds and 25ths from his primary players in majors and around 2021-2022, he even seemed to show a vastly increase in production, with major placements shown around Europe and Japan. He could be sporadic at times but he always held himself what, in my dimension, always considered Mid Tier, with a real argument being made to get him to High Tier.
I wasn't as keen on that idea, but yeah, he has proven time and time again to at least be Mid. Sometimes it'd be on the upper end, sometimes he'd slow down and get on the lower end. But the thing is he always kind of remained there.
Now that was my universe but it seems in this Universe, Ridley doesn't get those kind of numbers, or maybe those numbers are now the Low Tier number. In my universe, there are players like Mezcaul, Momon and Nair^ (the latter's been kind of quiet) with an Orion status usually in the #40s, but has kind of been improving.
Although I do see that in your universe, you too have Pikachu as one of the absolute best characters. Awww, I suppose some things don't change throughout space and time.
Seriously, get Ridley the f*** out of Low Tier.