Since we're discussing weight classes, I've been wanting to encroach the subject. It's not directly related to competitive impressions, but it does color our terminology when having discussions, so I think it's worth considering.
Why don't we just adapt the term
Cruiserweight already? With how Ridley is often referred to as "that heavy that's not actually heavy", and the fact there are others around his weight class as well as the sheer size of the roster (which will increase in the future), I think it would make sense to have a Cruiserweight category.
According to this We got Balloonweight, Featherweight, and Lightweight on one side, then Medium, and on the other side there's Heavy and Super Heavy. The Light side accounts for 24 characters and the Heavy side accounts for 25, yet the Light side is apparently willing to accommodate an extra category for just two characters. Not like it isn't sensible either as Jigglypuff and Pichu definitely deserve the term "Balloonweight".
If I were to re-categorize the upper end of the weight list, I would suggest the following:

The indisputable long-survivors who often just won't die without gimping or an extremely powerful hit.

Those who can still be considered heavy. The Samuses are pushing it, but they weight the same as Bowser Jr. who's known to survive a good while due to his Klown Kar multiplier.

Still within the realm of increased survivability, but I personally wouldn't consider any of these guys Heavyweights (and by casual word-of-mouth, many fall in line with the sentiment). With Wario's chunkiness and Snake/Yoshi's armor during recovery, they can feel heavier at times than they actually are.
MIDDLEWEIGHT (formally Cruiserweight)

Mulled this one over a bit, but honestly do any of these guys really strike as Cruiserweight let alone Heavyweight class?? It's arguable, but I think it makes more sense.
(The above suggestion also expands the Middleweight list by another three characters. In response I would suggest moving

to the Lightweight category which would make

the cutoff point. Makes sense to me as small Chimpanzee is still easy to picture as Lightweight, and the other two share his weight value)
So having put this out does anybody even think it's worth re-categorization? I mean I'm not just talking about discussion on this thread. I mean this should be a full broad overarching change adapted by everybody, if only to better clarify the survivability of particular characters as well as providing a more ingenuous classification. At least among the heavier characters in the game. Or does anybody think things are fine as is?
Maybe the better question is if weight class categorization is actually important? Maybe it's just convenient fluid terminology that isn't taken too seriously. I just think the subject should have evolved better than this along with the series. I mean Mario Kart adopted the Cruiserweight class and has a large roster, so why not Smash?