Smash Lord
I think you’re hurting your own cause by constantly comparing these two characters directly, and you’re comparing them in a way that doesn’t properly account for Greninja’s unique strengths. He is not as good at rushdown as Fox, full stop. I know New York calls Greninja “water Fox” but this always struck me as a joke and not something to run with as a serious comparison (definitely sounds like something Deven would say for fun).So overall, I think Greninja's performs better in more relevant matchups than Fox. if there's something I'm not quite grasping about this comparison, lemme know.
Fox’s frame data is unequivocally better and his OoS is godlike. These differences alone make him play totally different since his ability to rush down is far better whilst he is way harder to pressure. Greninja has his own advantages in better kill confirms, WAY better throws, better air mobility, better recovery and better range. Fox works differently for his kills since running Usmash is such a strong option; he is better at nabbing raw KOs but arguably worse at confirming them. Nair Usmash alone is potentially more versatile than anything in Gren’s kit but it’s still one option; Greninja has a wider array of options including that ridiculous Dtilt and eventually gets kill throws.
Hopefully you can see by this point I’ve used the words “better” and “worse” so many times that the direct comparison kinda falls apart. These are fundamentally different characters, bait and punish vs rushdown, with both having the ability to play like the other but being worse at it.
Outside of both characters being speedsters who can juggle I don’t think they’re that similar, certainly not to the point where they warrant repeated direct comparisons.
This is a perfectly appropriate response; comparing them directly just leads to frame data comparisons where Fox clearly has the upper hand and the watered down Fox label seems appropriate.Fox's blaster has good DPS and can force approaches. Fox players just never choose to do this for some reason.
I agree Gren has some things over Fox but in many ways he feels like a watered down Fox. Fox's comparative frame data is better. Gren has a nice f5 Dtilt that leads into Fair, Fox's f3 Utilt combos into its self several times then aerials. Gren's Fair is f16, Fox's Bair is 9. Nair F 4, G 12. Grab F6 G 10 (you sunk my battleship). Fox's Nair is a big advantage over Greninja's air to ground game. Fox vortexes* better. Fox's kill game is better imo with Usmash and Nair confirms. A fast grab means it's less safe to shield vs Fox and Gren's grab is very slow for a non-tether. Like you mentioned Fox has an OoS game.
There are several aspects where Greninja is great but Fox is amazing. Gren's really good but I still think Fox is better.
*it's a verb now: deal with it.
OT, Tweek's YL is looking tight, although with room to grow. The last 3 games support my evaluation of YL vs Palutena being even.
This fails to account for is Greninja having better range on virtually every move, a far better recovery and more agility overall. I could throw your final sentence back and say there are things Fox is good at that Greninja is great at, but their differences are so fundamental that I see little point.
Vortexes (juggling) are one of the only times I think the comparison really makes sense. In this case it’s hard to say who is better. Both have devastating tech chases. Greninja has nothing like Fox’s Utilt at low percents and his Uair is less devastating, Fox is also better at chasing down on the ground with his faster run speed and Nair. On the other hand Gren’s dash attack is better, his combos are more guaranteed (Fox has a lot of 50/50s and setups) and the active frames on Uair plus high jumps and air mobility make it easier to hit with. His raw damage values on everything except Uair also tend to be better and he has a clutch factor in Shadow Sneak (and sometimes early Uair/Fair near the blastzone) which Fox lacks.
As an aside it’s safer to shield against a character with crappy throws than a character with relatively good kill and combo throws unless the latter’s grab is THAT bad (think S4 ZSS), which at f10 Greninja’s isn’t. Shielding against Fox is the best way to stop him from killing you.
FWIW I have no idea where Greninja is going to end up, Fox could well be the better character, I just don’t see the value in directly comparing them too much.
I do think Greninja is a bit overrated by many in both this thread and the wider community, he has a LOT of weaknesses which are not typical of a supposed top tier.
Greninja’s pokes leave a lot to be desired and I worry about the way he can’t always assert himself in match due to his lack of fast, safe, good hitboxes that the opponent is forced to respect (shield dash attack people! It’s a free grab at all but point blank crossup range). He is usually playing the opponent’s game and trying to punish it, which not only takes a lot of effort but is far easier to mess up than throwing out safe combo starters and kill moves. Whilst shielding against Gren isn’t as good of a defence as against other top/highs like Fox and ZSS it still works well due to his slow grab, and his high short hop in combination makes tomahawks unviable. Greninja’s aerial frame data is frankly laughable and his landings are pretty suspect (you need to be able to catch him though).
Other times you’ll make all the right calls and react properly to your opponent’s options and they’ll be dead within seconds, with the whole thing looking insultingly easy to the average viewer.
Like I said, no idea. Top of high at a stab, within touching distance of top 10 but not inside it.
I’ll sign off by saying that as I continue to grow and improve as a player, I do find myself able to play to Greninja’s strengths more and more. The simple factors of his mobility and good projectile afford him the luxury of choosing when to engage against almost every character, which is a game changing advantage. He feels very rewarding to invest time into.
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