Seriously i haven't seen a good case for samus gaining a buff from this either, her missliles are weak and she is floaty as hell is there any good samus user out there that thinks she needs a buff also? and another question at 1 buffer why can't i dash attack cancel or has it been removed cause honestly i think that was one of brawl's unique AT that should have been KEPT.
samus is a secondary of mine so i guess im pretty good with yeh she does need to be buffed, but not nearly as much as bowser. i would say her power missles are just about usless. her bombs are completely usless and your more likely to get punished for useing them even if they hit the enemy... that and for all the effort to hit someone they only do 9% wich is just gay, especialy with the faster dash speeds for every one and dash danceing. hardly any of her moves can kill at a decent percent and the ones that can are either 2 slow (Dtilt, Utilt,) or are hard to hit with either because of range (Fsmash) or small, quick hitboxes (bair) she does have her awsome new zair to powershot and that helps but it gets pretty predictable.
also with the hitlag 60% most of her moves get really crappy. her Uair rarely works right her Usmash is worse than it was, and her bombs become worse becuase you cant folow up while there in the stun from them.
now im not complaining. i love samus especialy with hitstun, but theres no denying shes pretty awful compared to faster chars like fox, falco,marth,zamus,toonlink,pit,wolf,falcon,shiek kirb- ... well you get the point
oh but shes great against bowser ( LOL! )
personaly haveing played her so much i would say the best alround fix she could get would be to add 2% damage to every attack in her arsenal... and some other cool stuff would be to make her super missles more durable, make her bombs explode on contact like in melee, and last would be to make her dsmash kill at low percents. a man can dream
EDIT:"Having a character specific jump height for her would work wonders. Besides that, I would possibly think about buffing her super missiles and her fully charged shots knockback. That would be enough to make her beast."
yeh the power shot thing would be cool but she really relys on it to much atm anyway. i would rather buff usless things or give her that 2% damage buff on all attacks.
let me reiderate im not complaining shes pretty good now just not up to par with the "good" chars
hmm mabye not 2% that would break the multi hit moves... mabey somekinda decimal increase like 1.5x damage buff or something.