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Combination of Domination


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
I don't know why but I just died at this post.

You up for a MM though Cruxis? I probably won't enter the tourney but I might still feel like playing lol.

Anyone wanna team with a scrubby Falco in Melee?
yea im down for an MM why not


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'll be there for brawl, I also would like to friendly people as much as possible (on a hacked wii so I can save all the replays and upload them later lawl)


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
no pools? oh well, idc. You can confirm me for one setup as well in melee (tv+wii+melee)


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Anyone who is getting a ride or are driving to this please offer others a ride!. I'm sure people won't mind helping with gas money and such. I'm assuming this must be difficult for some to reach so it may be what is hindering hype attendance on smash's part so please be kind to others who don't have that privilege, thanks.


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
can anyone pick me googs and mr L from union station and also drive us back there? i know that's asking alot but we will cover gas $$.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
Holy posted the prophecy a few days ago, and now it's about the come true. Montreal's local pigeon is coming to this and is gonna poop on dem GTA players. Holy, GUARD, DarkShadow and Hells will be joining me in this endeavor. Swordgard might also be there (might be coming on his own), but no one cares about him since he gets timed out by 1%.

The Montreal Carpool of Manliness (I would have used "Greatness", but I feel like I'm gonna get slapped with a copyright infringement claim from a certain someone if I do that) will be arriving in GTA on Friday the 8th, where Mr.L is kind enough to house us and we will be departing on Sunday... with GTA's money. :troll:


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

LOL, too good.

And Holy I'd say that should go down. But in case Ally comes, I say "no Ally's allowed" only then is the crew battle fair lolol.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
MTL is smart enough to only challenge Toronto. Even a rusty Sauga with home court advantage would win vs anyone.

Im coming.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
MTL is smart enough to only challenge Toronto. Even a rusty Sauga with home court advantage would win vs anyone.

Im coming.
a SMARTER thing to do would be to challenge hamilton....then again i guess they want some type of fight...i mean losing 3 stocks vs losing none...

but yeah theyre smarter than to challenge sauga, what a joke that would be


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Now guys, when Holy says a crew battle between Montreal and Toronto, he really means Quebec and Ontario.

How many times do we refer to Quebec players as MTL players when a lot of them aren't even actually in the city? I think Stroumbert is the only one, at least the only one I can recall

And even if it was against Toronto only, damn right Peachy is Toronto, Fuddz got it right LOL.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Yeah you got it right xD
BTW add Darkshadow, Stroumbert and Swordgard to the attendee list Gi. Remove Kingkong he won't be able to make it due to work and Mar1 too because found a job and works saturdays :/


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
im not understanding this whole montreal vs toronto vs hamilton vs etc. thing
it all started a long long time ago. in 2008, feuds had already taken place between mississauga and toronto, due to mississauga being jealous of toronto's huge biceps. mississauga was on top of our PR for a long time, due to members such as kingace AKA king of DI, hype AKA he brings a fuckin book of smash info to know how to **** you, and carter AKA why do you always leave midtourney.
members from a place that nobody knew about, called hamilton, joined the community as well. among these members was illiadis, who had recently left greece and arrived to canada on a flating raft with nothing but a sword and his pet pidgeon. these are the subconscious reasons that he chooses to main marth and falco. illiadis assembled many other members from hamilton, such as phiddlesticks AKA the perfect example of a person who should not be allowed to hack a wii, culex who is known for having 13 jobs at once, and for using a different effing character every single tourney OH NAA NAA, WHOS HIS MAIN, OH NAA NAA, WHOS HIS MAIN? WHOS HIS MAIN? WHOS HIS MAIN?, and more recently, meekspeedy for following in boku's footsteps as the ultimate sonic. montreal became rivals as well due to complaining about our laziness that we never reach there yet they always come here, even though they stael our money when they come here anyway so they got nothin to complain about. montreal has gained a reputation of switching to MK once their main just isnt doing it for em. one of our members, tin man, proclaimed that he is the clutchest and most black member of the community. upon hearing this, mississauga argued that their member, hype, was clutcher, though not blacker. a war that made the heavens tremble broke out, a trilogy of epic battles ensued. once it had all finished, the schism had become even greater throughout the GTA, but due to toronto/york being the sexiest we still reign on top.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
I'm looking forward to using all of my COT5 skills (that I optained) on Ontario. lol

I'm gona yiff one side and yiff the other. Yiff yiff yiff.... people won't know where hit em. lol


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2009
Etobicoke, Ontario
it all started a long long time ago. in 2008, feuds had already taken place between mississauga and toronto, due to mississauga being jealous of toronto's huge biceps. mississauga was on top of our PR for a long time, due to members such as kingace AKA king of DI, hype AKA he brings a fuckin book of smash info to know how to **** you, and carter AKA why do you always leave midtourney.
members from a place that nobody knew about, called hamilton, joined the community as well. among these members was illiadis, who had recently left greece and arrived to canada on a flating raft with nothing but a sword and his pet pidgeon. these are the subconscious reasons that he chooses to main marth and falco. illiadis assembled many other members from hamilton, such as phiddlesticks AKA the perfect example of a person who should not be allowed to hack a wii, culex who is known for having 13 jobs at once, and for using a different effing character every single tourney OH NAA NAA, WHOS HIS MAIN, OH NAA NAA, WHOS HIS MAIN? WHOS HIS MAIN? WHOS HIS MAIN?, and more recently, meekspeedy for following in boku's footsteps as the ultimate sonic. montreal became rivals as well due to complaining about our laziness that we never reach there yet they always come here, even though they stael our money when they come here anyway so they got nothin to complain about. montreal has gained a reputation of switching to MK once their main just isnt doing it for em. one of our members, tin man, proclaimed that he is the clutchest and most black member of the community. upon hearing this, mississauga argued that their member, hype, was clutcher, though not blacker. a war that made the heavens tremble broke out, a trilogy of epic battles ensued. once it had all finished, the schism had become even greater throughout the GTA, but due to toronto/york being the sexiest we still reign on top.
Quoted so I will never be forgotten.

I'm looking forward to using all of my COT5 skills (that I optained) on Ontario. lol

I'm gona yiff one side and yiff the other. Yiff yiff yiff.... people won't know where hit em. lol
I'm gonna get tips from Luckay. I won't be so free next time we play! :p
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