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Columbus Ohio Smashfest

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
The thing soul posted was pretty lame minus the free food, I missed signups for it since they only took x number, stole someone's seat (with some byes) and essentially went on a **** 3-stock spree minus some mercy until frenchie and we did DK vs Ike on Pirate ship.

But yeah, things should be fine for tomorrow, I just need to get down there and stake it out, so feel free to give me a ring and show whenever. It will be officially 4-whenever, but I'm done with class at 9:18 and can set up whenever anyone wants for the most part.
wheres the place at?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Mack Hall (Neil and 11th) at 4PM or so. Be there. There is parking on 11th if you drop a dollar in the meter to feed it from 4-6 when it turns off, a lot behind the 11th ave staff garage if you have an OSU pass (any pass works past 4PM), possible spaces on 9th or so, or garages on 9th or where Neil dead ends into the library gate.

PM me with your numbers and I will send you mine so I can let people in.
So yeah Dark go google maps Mack Hall OSU and u'll find it.

I might be coming later on.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
Or google map Neil and 11th.

@Tako: When you say "Later one", does that mean like after 6ish? cause we should car pool this time. Give me a ringer/text!

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
lol oh man its up near OSU? >_> that place gets hella busy

i'll try to make it then if i can find a spot to park. Thx for the fast responses

o yea before i forget, do i need to bring set ups? heres what i got;

1 brawl disc
2 wii's
1 pinnacle studio 11 with S-cable[better capture quality]
and laptop for recording with like 120 gigs freespace [12 hours record time]


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
So, Psy is hosting this? I may or may not be able to go. I sitll don't have everything settled for tonight

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
QQQQQQQQQQQ what's the word on us teaming for MLG? We good? I need to know early.

Also, is it ok if I house with you? I really don't want to pay that high hotel cost.


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
I'm teaming with Jerm. Sorry : (

I still need to figure out whos going to crash at my place. I know Jerm and Gnes forsure. I dont know if I'm housing other Texas players and I said I might house Kansas too. I could more than likely fit you, but no promises yet. I'll get back to you


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
We have three TVs and a wii by default, so make sure that we get some wiis over here.

As a reminder before you head out, if you drop a dollar in the parking meters at 4, they turn off at 6 and you won't have to worry about them again and if you have an OSU pass, you can also park behind the 11th ave garage from 4 on. Call me to be let in, I'm going to shower, eat, and clean a few things real quick, but should be around anytime from 2 on.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
k ill bring over my wiis then

someone else is gonna need to bring another brawl disc since i only have one

and i'll come sometime after 2


i wish i played tako more D: ggs idk why people whine about this MU. However, im not a top ddd player so ..going off me just dont mean nothing yet

glad i got to met all of you <3 now you can legitly say theres girl smashers [omg no wai]

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
tako needs to give me tips on rob. I promised the ROB social peoples i'd play a pink ROB =O

then they said they would reveal the secret of eve to me
One of these days Crow, i will play Ganon....



Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2007
Buckeye Lake, OH
lol @ SoulPech...haha too good! Finally we get some girls up in here, I tried to get my girlfriend into brawl or any game...yeah, most only games she really likes are board games or card games. One time where I really wish the "Asian = gamer" stereotype was true! Or maybe she's just the exception...**** it!!!! :( Ah well, we'll always have Uno <3 Can't wait 'til next school year, I'll be able to actually attend a lot of practice, barring crazy busy circumstances. :bigthumbu


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
Well that means that im gonna have to come next time.
@Dark 3nergy: That means you're showing up next time right.


Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
are you gonna bring your jiggernaught

VVVV i better prepare myself then O_O jiggernaught has a pound hitbox so big it crushes the toughest of steal, and a bair range so massive it can go through two whole houses!!


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
Alright, Kiester, Frenchman and I have discussed preparation for next year's events since we seem to have growing interest in smash around these parts and will be looking for places to hold smashfests, possible tourneys, etc.

It seems to be the consensus that seeking to be listed as an Ohio State University club with funding (mmm . . . free pizza) and resources (yay rooms and projectors) from the university may be the best way to handle things. To do this, we need a certain number of OSU students to sign up as members of the Club, a president, a vice president, and a treasurer.

In order to gather possible community interest and extra members, we have proposed holding a tournament open to campus students hosted by <insert our group name here>. Frenchman and I are currently discussing a $2 entry fee since it is too late in the year to obtain funding from RHAC and any higher fees may deter casual players.

We are currently discussing holding the event on Wednesday the 26th or Thursday the 3rd if we can get things organized on time and the advertising out there. The music room should hold roughly 32, but if we overflow, we could probably use the next large room over as well without anyone really noticing or caring. Since we lack funding, we will probably sell pizza at the event as well.

The plans are to hold pools and separate us Columbus smashers as much as possible to make sure everyone gets a fair chance to play at least 3 rounds, if not more. From there, we will seed a bracket and follow normal procedures. This is where things differ from the norm. Since we will vary greatly in skill level from those that we will probably attract, any and all winnings from our current group will be directed towards "club funding" as a means of making it so we won't just be holding an event to taking everyone's money and leaving. Funds from the first event will be used to pay for pizza, etc at future events.

Things we would currently like to know are:
1. Does this idea sound appealing to our future?
2. Would you be willing to help organize and participate in a tourney event (non-OSU Columbus Smashers are obviously invited to attend and freeload off of events once we obtain funding ^_^ )
3. Will you help publicize the event on campus?
4. Any thoughts on the matter?
5. We need a cool group name and name for the event. Better than something like Columbus Smash Coalition and Brawl in the Hall for instance.
6. Do you have an advisor in mind to obtain club (and room claiming) status for next year?


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
Things we would currently like to know are:
1. Does this idea sound appealing to our future?

2. Would you be willing to help organize and participate in a tourney event (non-OSU Columbus Smashers are obviously invited to attend and freeload off of events once we obtain funding ^_^ )

3. Will you help publicize the event on campus?
...YES? (i go to a different school, but i'll see if people are interested)
4. Any thoughts on the matter?
5. We need a cool group name and name for the event. Better than something like Columbus Smash Coalition and Brawl in the Hall for instance

1. OSU Gaming Lounge - Smash it up
2. Level Up Gaming - 1-UP Tournament
I suck at names -_-


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Columbus, OH
Way to take the initiative, Penguin.

I'm a graduate student at OSU, so I think I can officially participate in student organizations.

Things we would currently like to know are:
1. Does this idea sound appealing to our future?
2. Would you be willing to help organize and participate in a tourney event (non-OSU Columbus Smashers are obviously invited to attend and freeload off of events once we obtain funding ^_^ )
3. Will you help publicize the event on campus?
4. Any thoughts on the matter?
5. We need a cool group name and name for the event. Better than something like Columbus Smash Coalition and Brawl in the Hall for instance.
1. What this would mean is a lot more players coming in, a lot of which will be casual. We would need to be prepared to deal with that, but I'm willing.

2. I'm definitely willing to organize. I'm not very good at PR stuff and getting people's attention, but I should be good at managing the gritty details.

As for your assertion about freeloaders, you might want to look at the rules associated with campus events. IIRC, at Michigan State the policy was that non-MSU participants at any events run by a MSU student organization had to pay something.

3. Probably not; I have neither the time nor the familiarity with the majority of campus to be a good choice for advertiser.

4. What to do about casual players is the main thing on my mind. Perhaps we could run tournaments in a Swiss (or even *gasp* ladder) format, so long as we get enough setups for all players to play simultaneously. Item Standard Play as a side event is also an option.

5. I'm a fan of straightforward, clear names. For instance, "The OSU Super Smash Brothers: Brawl Club" leaves no questions as to the purpose of the club or what goes on during its events.

As for a name of a tournament, I'll put more thought into it.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
@ Soul -- I'm pretty sure we are planning to keep it to just say the people in this thread and people on campus who might be interested in stepping up their game.

@ Crow -- Casuals were the biggest concern that Kiester and I had. That and that in order to obtain funding and rooms, we may have to allow other games, though the plan would be to allow someone else to be the head of those and run everything through whoever the acting president is and generally just keep a distance.

In regards to casual smashers though, I really don't see it being too much of a problem and honestly only see picking up 3-4 new faces tops after we get through trashing people. If anything, I'm afraid of scaring off too many, though we seem to have a lot of retired melee vets and some brawl skill as well just lying around (Frenchman and I mentioned tourney smash at the other event Thursday this week and some asked about around 10 names and if they were still in the scene). As mentioned originally, we are going to have to be clear that winnings go to group funding and not us or we have a feeling people will get pissed that we are taking their money.

As for the policy on non-OSU participants, we haven't found anything listed (though I could find it at MSU), but will certainly ask about the policy when the time comes.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
To solve the "C-bus crew stomping these nubs problems" just have use use our alts.

Also you can throw Smash casual events. (Like the Default tourne/AllBrawl)

@Crow: Yes you can enter clubs as a grad student.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
Alts won't solve much Keist. I three stocked somebody with gannon at a campus event while ******* around =p.

1. Does this idea sound appealing to our future?

Absolutely. We need to find places to play next year.

2. Would you be willing to help organize and participate in a tourney event (non-OSU Columbus Smashers are obviously invited to attend and freeload off of events once we obtain funding ^_^ )

Yes. I really think that it's important to communicate the idea that any money won by regulars is going toward club formation. We do need to find a few more people, and we don't want everybody sour toward us. We all started off as casual players.

3. Will you help publicize the event on campus?

Yes, I've been bouncing the idea off of people, and quite a few seem interested.

4. Any thoughts on the matter?

I don't think we should limit ourselves to strictly brawl. It's our current focus, but who knows where we'll go over the next few years.

5. We need a cool group name and name for the event. Better than something like Columbus Smash Coalition and Brawl in the Hall for instance.

No current thoughts.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
Are we on for Friday again? I can reserve if so.

@Kiest -- We need to do an all brawl mini-tourney one of these weeks for the hell of it, it has been forever since I played around with some of those silly antics.

@Frenchie -- I'm getting the old ad from two years ago from dom and will update it a bit since it makes a good template. Would you be interested in running the facebook side of this? I have no desire to log into facebook and haven't since June.

I'd like to hear from a few others yet, but it sounds like we have a good start to this. Now is the waiting game where we wait to see how many we have to prepare for and how many people actually are interested in stepping up their game. I'm still the newbie around here, so I'll remain optimistic about who turns up since I'd never stopped into a tourney until about a year ago in the first place and went until about winter before I played regularly against people other than hunky and frenchman. We should be about good on members for the first year, but will need a few more to maintain status and obtain rooms after the first year is over. After this, we will just need an advisor to sign off if anyone knows a faculty member cool enough.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
Thursday the 27th is unavailable, so dates would have to be Wednesday the 26th or Thursday the 3rd. Any suggestions for start/end times to list?

On another note, I was shocked that someone else reserved the room on Fridays for the rest of the quarter . . . when I asked who, we were listed from 3-10 XD


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
Either of those should be doable for me, but Thursday would probably be better. I'll be in class until 4:30 on Wednesday, so I don't know how much I can help with setup on the 26th.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2009
Columbus, OH
Yeah, I have class until then as well, but that should be more than early enough to come here and set up for something as early as 6PM.

@Kiester, how long do you think it would take to run an event with roughly 32 participants? I'm guessing that it would use pools of 4-6? You're the expert TO, so format and time estimates are all you, mate.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
This is only slightly off-topic, but what's the plan for when OSU is out of school? I know, naturally people that go there from other areas aren't going to be there, but what about for the homebodies (like myself when I come back) who still want to enjoy the Columbus Brawl scene?

Are there there plans for smashfests during that time?

Also, Dark 3nergy, you mentioned that you live in the Hilliard area. If you plan on coming to area smashfests in the summer could you help me, along with Keist I guess, with the DDD matchup? It's not one I see outside of Keister (rarely) and Fizzle (even rarer).


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
@ Juu:

You know me. I am almost always available to smash (just seems that...when smashfest happens I get busy -_-). Also, due to my horrible Snake skills, I though I read somewhere on the forums that DDD has a good matchup against snake (I think? i need confirmation), so I was working with DDD for that reason only.

Also, I wouldn't mind if some people come over and we just have some fun (playing smash, drink, etc.) I just need want to check in with my other roommates.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
This is only slightly off-topic, but what's the plan for when OSU is out of school? I know, naturally people that go there from other areas aren't going to be there, but what about for the homebodies (like myself when I come back) who still want to enjoy the Columbus Brawl scene?

Are there there plans for smashfests during that time?

Also, Dark 3nergy, you mentioned that you live in the Hilliard area. If you plan on coming to area smashfests in the summer could you help me, along with Keist I guess, with the DDD matchup? It's not one I see outside of Keister (rarely) and Fizzle (even rarer).
yup! NOTE; my DDD is NO WHERE never the level Atomsk's and CO18's DDDs are. However, i and studying up on both of them and applying some of their style/technical skill to mine.

I do still need to get more Snake/ Diddy Kong/ MK/ IC experience. Especially for IC because i'll need to use a secondary for them.

If you main is Mario, i can talk to you about the MU when we see/play each other. If you dont like the Mario vs DDD mu, i can offer some suggestions for you secondary wise.

@ Juu:

You know me. I am almost always available to smash (just seems that...when smashfest happens I get busy -_-). Also, due to my horrible Snake skills, I though I read somewhere on the forums that DDD has a good matchup against snake (I think? i need confirmation), so I was working with DDD for that reason only.

Also, I wouldn't mind if some people come over and we just have some fun (playing smash, drink, etc.) I just need want to check in with my other roommates.
you should watch some vids of CO18's DDD then. Yes DDD does have a slight advantage over Snake. If the DDD can get past the walls of nades/C4, he can do alot of damage with bair/chain grabbing. DDD also juggles Snake very well and can kill Snake out of a Dthrow>dtilt [150%-200%?]

CO18 vs Hrnut's Snake

[this match ends early because Hrnut rage quits]


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
It depends on the amount of setups.

But most singles tourne with pools (average of 2-3 setups per pool with an average of 45ish players) go about 5 hours.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
This is only slightly off-topic, but what's the plan for when OSU is out of school? I know, naturally people that go there from other areas aren't going to be there, but what about for the homebodies (like myself when I come back) who still want to enjoy the Columbus Brawl scene?

Are there there plans for smashfests during that time?

Also, Dark 3nergy, you mentioned that you live in the Hilliard area. If you plan on coming to area smashfests in the summer could you help me, along with Keist I guess, with the DDD matchup? It's not one I see outside of Keister (rarely) and Fizzle (even rarer).
I don't know if there are any solid plans to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if Q hosted some occasionally, but I don't even know about that for sure.

This goes to everybody, but hit me up if any of you want to play sometime. I can't host more than 2-3 people, but I'm almost always up for a few rounds. I'm in the north campus dorms until June 11th, and then I'll be in the Westerville area (slightly northwest of Easton) for the large majority of summer (I might be able to host smash fests in the basement once summer rolls around, but no guarantees there).

I'm currently maining DK, DDD, snake, and working on picking up Peach.

Send me a PM if any of you want to exchange numbers. In particular I really want more experience with the MK matchup, but I'm open to playing anyone.

(Also, I'll be able to play online once summer starts up, but generally prefer not to. The lag screws with me so badly).


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
@ D<3nergy:

Yeah, don't sweat it. Any experience is good experience and I'd like to know my options by playing against some DDD's to know what I want to do. My main is Mario (and I would consider myself one of the good ones in the Midwest
I want to be the very best, that no one ever was...
) but I play a good handful of characters, ranging from Falco all the way down to Yoshi and used to main Tink/Pit so I know a fair bit about them too.

(Truth be told, if I ever ran into Atomsk! or CO18, I'd still probably play Mario because I'm dumb.)

I might be able to give you some Ice Climbers experience.

@Frenchman: I wouldn't mind talking with people that are going to be in the Columbus area about when/how to meet up during the summer/breaks. Columbus area needs to grow, anyway. I'll exchange my number with anyone who wants it (Keist and SoulPech should already have it.) also.

Extraaa: What Ohio/Columbus needs is an IRC channel or something.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
Well if you hit me up on aim i can probably tell you abit more. And yea if you ever did go up against them your still better off using your main. However a secondary is always good option if you can do really well on it.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
This goes to everybody, but hit me up if any of you want to play sometime.

SAME HERE! I have AIM, yahoo, and MSN on my profile if anyone wants to hit me up. PM me for my number or ask Juu if i don't answer back (he has my number).

If anyone is doing nothing and want to play sometime, they can come to my place..just PM me for my address and time.

Due to my lack of mobility (low on gas )and low income (unemployed...project got cut), I won't be able to attend smashfests for a while, which is why i extend the invitation to play at my place

...however, I do have a job interview this weekend so let's hope I get a job and start making money again!
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