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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
In conclusion, we should just find a free game, or if you really wanna play WoW or whatever, find a private server XD


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
lawl, cheats. That's like calling DotA cheating for WC3. It's just editing to better fit competitive needs. Or recoding. It's not cheats, though, don't discredit the people doing it like that.

And everything I've heard about WoW makes it sound painfully easy. Why would I pay money for something where I don't even have to try? Already did that once when I bought Brawl.


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
Technically everything is rock paper scissors when it comes down to it, even more so in Smash. You have to do that more times in Brawl due to the whole lack of long combo things (especially 0-Death), but that doesn't mean you can press something or overuse a move still.

Brawl still takes a fair amount of skill, just not as much as was found in Melee.
Mar 18, 2007
idk it seems everyone that i played smash with left....because of WoW... i dind no fun in WoW honestly. then again ive never been one for a computer game


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2004
I'm sorry, but Star Ocean Blue Burst is free now, and I still find it more fun than WoW.

Other MMO games I find better than WoW include, but are not limited to: Asheron's Call, Guild Wars, Final Fantasy XI, and Pokemon Online: Pikachoose your Destiny (if you take this last one seriously I will slap you).

But everyone has their own opinion, mine's just better than everyone elses.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
WoW is really easy for the most part. That's the thing that lets WoW prosper, easy enough so that anyone casual can play it. It doesn't punish losing, and it helps those who have a life outside of WoW by giving them limited 2x EXP depending on how long they've been gone (and are paying for the game, of course.) I managed to make it to level 4x before I realized I just played half an MMORPG (mostly) soloing.

Anytime I got a party, they were stupid, slow-as-hell, 14 year olds who would half-*** the instance because their mommy said they had to go to bed, do chores, homework, whatever. I've only finished one full instance, EVER, thanks to my beefy friends running me through it. As a whole, it was aggravating and not worth my time sitting around for hours for a party to actually GET to the ****ed dungeon.

I made quite a few capped friends only because I wasn't a dolt... And dare I say it, I think the social aspect of WoW is just as bad, if not, a BIT better, than Maple Story.

<3 My Phantasy Star Online Kong. That's a real MMORPG. Eff WoW, you can have it back!


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Some good points are brought up here, highly doubt I'll hate WoW, it's basically a more expansive(and expensive) D2. But 15$ a month can be made in like 2 hours of working.

Local Maplestory had a 1000x exp week, not a typo, ONE THOUSAND TIMES EXP! **** like that makes me happy, the whole point of a private server, to have fun. And really, that's the whole point of any game, WoW is fun to me, Brawl isn't.

Tony, that link to melee 2.0 really gave me high hopes, if they pull it off, leave casuals in the dust, and move the competitive scene into it, then we again make the difference between casual/competitive like we did in melee. Skill with the game will prosper, everyone wins! Casuals can play casually, we can play for money.

A good idea that came up was that if we had to mod a game to make it competitive, then what's the point of playing it? More characters is the only advantage, I'd presonally rather them move characters from brawl into melee instead of bringing melee's competitive aspect to brawl.

Ferdi edit: Let's all get city of heroes/villains.

And kyo when is that gameswirl brawl tourney? For money?


Smash Cadet
Apr 14, 2008
Oregon City, OR
If you guys are really looking into MMOs right now, you should check out the Age of Conan one thats coming out later this year, some places still might have the beta invites that were going around a lil while ago. Everyone I used to play wow with says its the best current MMO out there.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
lawl, cheats. That's like calling DotA cheating for WC3. It's just editing to better fit competitive needs. Or recoding. It's not cheats, though, don't discredit the people doing it like that.

And everything I've heard about WoW makes it sound painfully easy. Why would I pay money for something where I don't even have to try? Already did that once when I bought Brawl.
Wow I don't even remember typing the word cheat lol. It was pretty late , I didn't really mean to imply it like that (though they do say it's the new action replay so...). However I still don't like the idea. DotA is still using things programed into the game, it's not taking a third party device and bending the way the game works. It would be more comparable to making the standard for competative brawl heavy (which I actually might not mind). It's not a horrible idea but I'm not to fond of requiring third party programs to make the competative scene work.

And leveling is pretty easy in WoW but a lot of the end game content gets pretty tough, and when I say end game content I don't mean 5 mans I mean the 25 man raids. Personally I think the service and how much stuff they add via patching makes the fee worth it. You can have free MMO's like Guild Wars but then they release new expansions every year to make up for it being free. WoW has added more stuff in patches then Guild Wars entire expansions do.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Wow I don't even remember typing the word cheat lol. It was pretty late , I didn't really mean to imply it like that (though they do say it's the new action replay so...). However I still don't like the idea. DotA is still using things programed into the game, it's not taking a third party device and bending the way the game works. It would be more comparable to making the standard for competative brawl heavy (which I actually might not mind). It's not a horrible idea but I'm not to fond of requiring third party programs to make the competative scene work.

And leveling is pretty easy in WoW but a lot of the end game content gets pretty tough, and when I say end game content I don't mean 5 mans I mean the 25 man raids. Personally I think the service and how much stuff they add via patching makes the fee worth it. You can have free MMO's like Guild Wars but then they release new expansions every year to make up for it being free. WoW has added more stuff in patches then Guild Wars entire expansions do.
Isn't the making of DotA as well as any other UMS require the use of a 3rd party map maker program? The things you set in those are the numerous variables on units/upgrades as well as scripts for the AI to work. You're altering how the game works using a 3rd party editor. This melee 2.0's the same thing, we're not adding in anything, just altering the variables in order to make it more sped up and competitive.

Doesn't mean you can't still play the regular game, Starcraft and WC3 still have pros playing how the game is meant to be played, although moving at 400+ APM. And yet we have DotA leagues and such. This change to brawl would be the same as if you're switching from a regular game to a UMS, which I would prefer anyways.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Isn't the making of DotA as well as any other UMS require the use of a 3rd party map maker program? The things you set in those are the numerous variables on units/upgrades as well as scripts for the AI to work. You're altering how the game works using a 3rd party editor. This melee 2.0's the same thing, we're not adding in anything, just altering the variables in order to make it more sped up and competitive.

Doesn't mean you can't still play the regular game, Starcraft and WC3 still have pros playing how the game is meant to be played, although moving at 400+ APM. And yet we have DotA leagues and such. This change to brawl would be the same as if you're switching from a regular game to a UMS, which I would prefer anyways.
From what I understand DotA is just a custom game type made in the World Editor. While I guess I wouldn't be 100% opposed to it, I still don' see the problem with Brawl. I get that it's slower and requires little tech skill but at the same time more people are competing then ever. I guess I never competed in Melee, but from what I understand this years CCT"s smash show up was great.

I guess I'd give it a chance but I'm still not too keen on the idea, though I guess I could change my mind. The no tripping part sounds very nice.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Mike, buy me TF2 with your muneyz and I'll play.

Ferdi Edit: I pretty much main DK/Marth when I care enough to play.

Someone who knows, how do I get those tight high level set armors to make my character look cool? I think PvP's one of them, but like the dungeon and tier sets. What is a good cookie cutter build that everyone has? I'm not really into PvP yet since i only have like 2 lvl8 characters which is a Human Warlock and a Night Elf Rogue. Looking into making a Troll Shaman, fun idea?

Now does those set armors here:


Any good or are there better items that outdo the sets? Like how D2 had ok sets like Immortal King and Tal Rasha, but you're better off using cookie cutter uniques/runewords depending on what you need like shako nigma dungos etc.

When I was level 8, I think I knew what Earth Shock was.

Edit: I just read all the recent posts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like it all boils down to one decision by the competitive smasher, such as Ferdi. That is: do you want to have fun playing a higher quality, (or "adjusted-by-3rd-party") game - OR - be bored out of your skull playing noobs like me in a game like brawl, but probably make a lot more money (due to larger pots, more player population)?

....actually, maybe you could do both.


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
I'd get city of heroes/villains if everyone got them and started at the same time. However, I don't wanna waste money on a game that no one plays =/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
I could probably get back into CoH/CoV. I quit because everyone I knew in the game left or was drama. CoV would be fun to have a semi-consistent team.

Also, I'd play altered brawl AND brawl, because I enjoy them boff


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
DID SOMEONE SAY TF2? Goldrush is great fun, and I'm almost to my blutsager or whatever.
What are the sys reqs for TF2?

From what I understand DotA is just a custom game type made in the World Editor. While I guess I wouldn't be 100% opposed to it, I still don' see the problem with Brawl. I get that it's slower and requires little tech skill but at the same time more people are competing then ever. I guess I never competed in Melee, but from what I understand this years CCT"s smash show up was great.

I guess I'd give it a chance but I'm still not too keen on the idea, though I guess I could change my mind. The no tripping part sounds very nice.
You would be wrong in your understandings. DotA, Fastest Maps, and, in general, most custom maps have one thing in common. They all use 3rd party map editors. I know this, because i used to do it for SC. There are certain things you just have to tweak slightly (resource placement, scripting, etc) that you can't do with a regular map editor, or, if you can, it would take a MUCH longer time than if you used 3rd party software.

There were 67 people in the Brawl tournament. Decent show-up, but only 20 more than our normal C3T Melee tournaments. And the only reason so many showed was because it's new, and everyone thinks they're good/it's fun. Two years from now, the scene is going to wane a little, though we'll probably still be left with more than Melee had.

Well, maybe.

NDK had... what? 80-90 people in the Melee tournament? Crappy rules and all. Yet I still managed to take first because I was better than everyone there (except Heibrahi, who just kinda got gayed by me). That would NOT happen in a Brawl tournament. Crappy rules=you lose, unless you get really lucky. Hell, you can lose to a dsmash spammer, if you're not extra campy/careful/able to fight back (hey, TLHM, $15 MM next tournament?).

Because of the lack of punishment options, you're always left playing rock-paper-scissors. Even after you guess right and hit once, it's right back to that. Now, I love mindgaming, and predicting, but that much thinking gets tiring after a while, especially when the rewards you reap are bare minimum (Sonic says hi with all of 4% of damage). I'm not saying Brawl is terrible, or that I'm going to stop. I love the game, I'd just love it more if it had a few more options, is all. If it takes a 3rd party "map editor" to do it, then so be it. I'll drop the $50.

In conclusion, all of CO SSBB scene should agree on, and get into, one MMO. MS is a garbage MMO, but with all of us playing, it was actually a lot of fun.

EDIT: I'd also keep playing Brawl on the side, because it's good money, and a lot of fun. It's just really shallow, and I have nothing to practice right now, so I'm getting bored.


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
What does CoH and CoV offer at end game anyways, I don't wanna get into something that isn't really rewarding at end game

And as for brawl, I do like the game a lot but would have to agree with Tony, that it just gets boring because you really don't have much to practice and learn from. Melee will resurface in a year, and brawl will die.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
This thread is turning into like every other thread in brawl central place and all is brawl
All it is friends talking about stupid **** that has nothing to do with brawl or hell even smash

No wonder we dont see bens amazings posts anymore

And why would you guys get into some ****ty MMORPG
**** just get an R4 and play and endless wave of games

Or play some other competative game

Yall N!ggas are g@y

The only reason i play fighting games so much is cause it always has competition
Im not going to stop playing brawl just because it isnt as good
Hell thats like me not playing alpha because 3rd strike is so much better
Im going to play both its different but meh whatever

And since people are leaving smash and being lame im going to get into several other competative scenes

Nites current games to get into are:
3rd strike (again)
Virtual fighter 9000 =/
and i guess continue playing smash
I would get into guilty gear but the people that play it are either really ****en geeky looking, weeaboos or hella elitist kinda like how victor was not helping people improve and crap

Oh and i forgot something but I dont know what it is
oh well


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
But we are talking about smash, even if it is about quitting it for some other game. Had I won C3, I would've bought a 360 right away, infact, that was my goal, the reason I went in the first place. I wanted to win, quit brawl, and play Halo 3 which in itself is a massive money generator not to mention more fun IMO. But, I had to sandbag and got ****ed cause of it, oh well, its impossible for me not to sandbag. Next tourneys that will generate a good turnout, ima just camp, I don't care, I'll only have to do it in one tourney, then it'll all be over and I can switch to the 360, which holds most of the best games on a console anyways. The Wii has like no games worth playing, PS3 is IMO **** good, the 1k blu ray player itself is worth the **** thing.

Easily, PC >>> Consoles(360>>>>PS3>>>>Wii) for my current standing.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
The prophet has spoken. Everyone go home.

The way you guys are talking, it seems like the death of smash. I don't know if it is, but that's what people's posts are making it out to be, particularly the ones who are good at smash, which worries me. I typed up a pretty lengthy argument as to how, if brawl should die, people just wouldn't go back to melee like that. But then I hit Go advanced for something and smashboards gay'd and lost it all. So anyway, I'm new. But I'd probably say screw this if people like mikezor, ferdi, nite, and yang (even though I never played him) quit. There'd just be no one to look up to, to see as an example, while playing, and that would be sort of pointless because it would officially be a dead game that all the people who didn't suck left behind with the casuals. (not intended as an insult to "casuals")

I'm just sort of disappointed because I had been waiting for brawl to come out so I could join the competitive scene after marveling at the pros playing melee for years. And then it turns out to be a shallow game? Ah, **** you, Sakurai. Anyway, I've sort of got 3 hours of homework to do and 1 hour to do it in. I'll see you all in halo.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
But we are talking about smash, even if it is about quitting it for some other game. Had I won C3, I would've bought a 360 right away, infact, that was my goal, the reason I went in the first place. I wanted to win, quit brawl, and play Halo 3 which in itself is a massive money generator not to mention more fun IMO. But, I had to sandbag and got ****ed cause of it, oh well, its impossible for me not to sandbag. Next tourneys that will generate a good turnout, ima just camp, I don't care, I'll only have to do it in one tourney, then it'll all be over and I can switch to the 360, which holds most of the best games on a console anyways. The Wii has like no games worth playing, PS3 is IMO **** good, the 1k blu ray player itself is worth the **** thing.

Easily, PC >>> Consoles(360>>>>PS3>>>>Wii) for my current standing.
I have all three systems, and I actually play my Wii the most. The honestly the PS3 is really really meh. For starters, yes it's a blu-ray player a ****ty one though. And it's best games are almost all not exclusive. Really the PS3 is a Metal Gear Solid 4 player. And maybe Final Fantasy down the line. In the end your getting a more expensive console with less exclusive games and a cheap but ****ty blu ray player. It might make a comeback but it desperately needs some more exclusive games. Too bad they lost GTA's exclusive rights, that would have helped it a ton. I wouldn't recommend a PS3 to anyone unless they are a big MGS fan.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
NDK had... what? 80-90 people in the Melee tournament? Crappy rules and all. Yet I still managed to take first because I was better than everyone there (except Heibrahi, who just kinda got gayed by me). That would NOT happen in a Brawl tournament. Crappy rules=you lose, unless you get really lucky.
NDK had 150+ people in the melee tournament. Oh, wait, I was there too. **** you.

And I completely agree with Nite. You guys really should listen to yourselves. Although there is not as big of a skill gap, better players still come out on top 99% of the time. If you want to go play halo, then by God go play halo. Just stop whining -_-

Edit: wow, that came off as harsh XD. Idk, I just don't see a large problem with brawl, so if you think another game is better, then go play it >_>


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
I have all three systems, and I actually play my Wii the most. The honestly the PS3 is really really meh. For starters, yes it's a blu-ray player a ****ty one though. And it's best games are almost all not exclusive. Really the PS3 is a Metal Gear Solid 4 player. And maybe Final Fantasy down the line. In the end your getting a more expensive console with less exclusive games and a cheap but ****ty blu ray player. It might make a comeback but it desperately needs some more exclusive games. Too bad they lost GTA's exclusive rights, that would have helped it a ton. I wouldn't recommend a PS3 to anyone unless they are a big MGS fan.
PS3 gets MGS, DMC, Little Big World(One of the games enticing me to buy a PS3, it's basically animal crossing online but better since it's infinitely changeable), GT5, FF, and really, I see Sony making a comeback, their PSP used to sit on shelves like it was dust while everyone's getting DSs, and look at it now, practically everyone has one. Although most are not exclusive, the Wii doesn't have these. Not to mention I bet it'll be getting a lot of Japan only games, which are usually pretty **** good.

Igneus, how the hell do you have so much money!?!?

Now to the main attraction of my post. I have just played heavy gravity brawl with every character, and WOW! Makes me want to actually play the game! Here's a character break down with the gravity, I'll list some generic stuff before going to that though(important it affects every character):

- Super Shielding is still overpowered
- Combos EXIST
- Due to the gravity, heavy projectile spamming is nearly impossible, as well as spamming previously spammable moves. Like you can double Fair with Marth in a SH before, in gravity you need to full jump(I actually don't remember if he can or not but that's the idea, like TL can't spam double Bairs)
- Everyone becomes faster and usable

Note that unless stated, they pretty much play like regular.

Mario - Not very many changes, cape helps recovery, Fludd is more useful.
Luigi - Combo god, like melee but better =(
Peach - Incredibly fast, the second jump might confuse you though since the jump doesn't go anywhere really.
Bowser - Much faster.
DK - Juggles easier
Diddy - Recovery is reduced, not much, but will get you killed unless you charge it more
Yoshi - Suprisingly awesome
Wario - Not much differences
Link - Pretty much the same
Zelda - Same, din's fire not as spammable since we can shield much faster and close the distance easier
Shiek - She's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :chuckle:
Ganondorf - Usable
Toon Link - Cannot spam as well, combos the **** out of you though
Samus - Much funner to use
Pit - Not many differences
ICs - Pretty much the same, although through some testing I found a technique which involves chaingrab to ledgehog...
Rob - **** good recovery still, so he's pretty much same
Kirby - Same
Metaknight - So much faster he's ridiculous
DDD - UpB is horribly nerfed
Olimar - Same
Fox - Same
Falco - Lasers are one of the better projectiles
Wolf - Same
Falcon - You can control your UpB more after using it, before, as soon as you pull back, you're ****ed, now you can kinda do fakeouts like in melee
Pikachu - Same
Ivysaur - Same
Charizard - Same
Lucario - Same I think?
Jigglypuff - Same
Marth - Same
Ike - Same
Ness - Jumps are floatier, meaning they kinda keep them in the air longer, still can't DjC
Lucas - Jumps also floatier
GaW - Same
Snake - Gay, he's the same
Sonic - UpB horribly nerfed vertical startup, but now you can UpB straight into a Dair which gives you the high as hell bouncing property still

This game just got a whole lot better!


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Heavy gravity gimps some characters recoveries (such as Sonic). It's different. You shouldn't play Brawl like this or you should go back to Melee.



Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Heavy gravity gimps some characters recoveries (such as Sonic). It's different. You shouldn't play Brawl like this or you should go back to Melee.
...So? 3 characters get gimped recoveries from heavy brawl, DDD, Diddy, and Sonic. Not a heavy price to pay considering we get combos, less spam, and faster competitive gameplay. I WOULD rather play melee, but everyone else is playing crappy brawl, and this is so far the easiest and fastest remedy to moving brawl closer into melee's metagame, which was and still is far superior.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Hell thats like me not playing alpha because 3rd strike is so much better
Isn't that why people play 3s instead of Alpha? I could be wrong, but...

I would get into guilty gear but the people that play it are either really ****en geeky looking, weeaboos or hella elitist kinda like how victor was not helping people improve and crap
Most of them will help you, you just hafta show that you're actually serious about getting better, and not some weeaboo that wants to get good at it.

Poking fun aside, the only one "quitting" Brawl is Ferdi. So he says, anyway. I don't think Ferdi will be taking first in tournaments if all he does is camp, so I don't see him quitting anytime soon. He's just butthurt from getting owned by Sinz on WFC, which shouldn't even matter, given how much Snake ***** when lag is present. Tim already proved that, even WFC, his Lucario strat is hardly sound, despite amazing lag helping.

The rest of us are still playing Brawl. Tim and I just finished playing like... 3 hours worth of Brawl. All of us still play it, and probably will, but we ARE looking for other things to do, since there's nothing to practice. If you're serious about getting into 3s, lemme know. I know some of the better players that can help us, and I'd really like at least one smasher to get into it aside from me. Same goes for GG.

Personally, I'm still looking to travel some for Brawl. Sure, it's lacking, but it's something to do, ya know?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
I don't see anyone else taking first either unless they camp somewhat or use Snake. Jeris is the only exception, mainly in the fact that he didn't get to play any of us and that he adapts way fast. Like C3T grand finals first set he just got owned, then 2nd set he just started seeing what Leo did, frankly, so did me and Yang, and probably the rest of you guys(he waits until we get into hit range then dodge, thats it, cept Jeris started to punish with fast falled aerials).

I also wanted a friggin 360 so I can travel for Halo >_<

Ferdi edit: I used to play Go all the time when I was a kid, and I COULD play TF2, I just need to buy the game...

Heard from a couple of WoW peeps Age of Conan beta is tomorrow. What is it again? Official site? I guess google gotta help.
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