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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Yeah, I'm up for AZ, maybe NM.

Now for a limerick!

In smash bros my DK will glow,
smoke of a charged punch, you know
And should I hit with side B,
I will yell out with glee,


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Yeah. and they took spectator mode out. It doesn't really matter, but now that screen feels empty :(

edit: page 700.

I added ryuddo, evoz and the irish dude, you guys can add me whenever you have the time, if you want... (it's hard to keep up with everyone.) 1/4 of the people that first posted their friend codes you don't even hear from anymore

It's funny that some people here play WoW. I thought it would be one or the other, SSBB or that. I could never play both. I'd never see the light of day.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
Also, the poem on Sakurai Combo is great. We need Ferdi to main DK and make a combo video called Sakurai combo.

TF2 got updated with a new map and new medic achievements that lead to weapons. Oh joy!


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Mike, buy me TF2 with your muneyz and I'll play.

Ferdi Edit: I pretty much main DK/Marth when I care enough to play.

Someone who knows, how do I get those tight high level set armors to make my character look cool? I think PvP's one of them, but like the dungeon and tier sets. What is a good cookie cutter build that everyone has? I'm not really into PvP yet since i only have like 2 lvl8 characters which is a Human Warlock and a Night Elf Rogue. Looking into making a Troll Shaman, fun idea?

Now does those set armors here:


Any good or are there better items that outdo the sets? Like how D2 had ok sets like Immortal King and Tal Rasha, but you're better off using cookie cutter uniques/runewords depending on what you need like shako nigma dungos etc.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
What does that mean? A horde server named Sargeras? Note, I'm still only on the trial 14 days from my D2 thing, so its not burning crusade/forever. I also saw a switch server option a while back, can I just do that? Will it transfer my characters?


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2007
No, you would have to make a new character on the server Sargeras, and to talk to me on that server since i'm horde you would have to be horde. And you should go out and buy wow, it's only 40, F MKWii


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2004
Buying WoW is a bad idea. I have it, and it's been collecting dust because I don't want to pay money to play a crappy MMORPG.

Also, you have to buy the expansion as well as WoW, which I doubt equals 40 dollars.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
What does that mean? A horde server named Sargeras? Note, I'm still only on the trial 14 days from my D2 thing, so its not burning crusade/forever. I also saw a switch server option a while back, can I just do that? Will it transfer my characters?
yeah ferdi don't start playing wow i beg of u


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Buying WoW is a bad idea. I have it, and it's been collecting dust because I don't want to pay money to play a crappy MMORPG.

Also, you have to buy the expansion as well as WoW, which I doubt equals 40 dollars.
I would borrow yours, but realize I need like a diff key. I could probably get one out of a keygen though =/


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Buying WoW is a bad idea. I have it, and it's been collecting dust because I don't want to pay money to play a crappy MMORPG.

Also, you have to buy the expansion as well as WoW, which I doubt equals 40 dollars.
Not really WoW does cost money, but it is by far the best MMO out there. If your gonna invest time in an MMO WoW is the best.

As for Armor sets don't even worry about them till 70. And even then class and spec pending they might not be the best choice. But if your to the point where you can aquire that guild you'll probably have a guild that can inform you better than I could.

As for spec again depending on you class you'll probably use a different spec for leveling then you would doing instances and stuff

A game should never have to use cheats to be competative even if it does get rid of stuff like tripping. If it were to take that direction I'd stop trying to become competative.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
WoW is the best mmo like Brawl is the best smash. Shiny, purdy, anticipated, and kinda simplistic.
Are you serious or is that sarcasm? Hard to tell on the internet....

Anyways at least IMO WoW is by far the best MMO.

Though I still think I might like Melee better than Brawl even though I never played with Advanced techs. Though I guess I'd have to think about it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
WoW is just painfully easy. There isn't really a penalty for dying. You have to get to your body and do a little repair, or not get to it and do more repair. Back when I was really into MMOs, you screwed up, say goodbye to 10% of a level!

Granted, exp debt is a fine penalty, so long as it's sufficient. City of Heroes did it rather well. Shards of Dalaya did too, but that's an emulated everquest server. I just think that there are far more balanced/well done MMOs, but Blizzard's name/Warcraft's name/timing made it so WoW will devour the MMO market whole.

I'm not saying WoW is bad, but games like Pirates of the Burning Sea are struggling, and Auto Assault flat out died. MMOs that did things very differently, and rather well, but just can't fight WoW.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
WoW is just painfully easy. There isn't really a penalty for dying. You have to get to your body and do a little repair, or not get to it and do more repair. Back when I was really into MMOs, you screwed up, say goodbye to 10% of a level!

Granted, exp debt is a fine penalty, so long as it's sufficient. City of Heroes did it rather well. Shards of Dalaya did too, but that's an emulated everquest server. I just think that there are far more balanced/well done MMOs, but Blizzard's name/Warcraft's name/timing made it so WoW will devour the MMO market whole.

I'm not saying WoW is bad, but games like Pirates of the Burning Sea are struggling, and Auto Assault flat out died. MMOs that did things very differently, and rather well, but just can't fight WoW.
Honestly that's what makes WoW good IMO. I remember my friend used to play FF XI and you could lose hours of work from a single death. I dunno about you but in a game where you already have to invest hours to get anywhere that's just plain bull****. I like the challenge to be in the strategy, not in the grinding.

edit: dammit I don't even play WoW why the hell am I defending it. And now I've made myself want to play it


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO

I wouldn't defend Everquest's xp loss, it was excessive and painful. I know that FAR better than most people. But there should be A penalty when dying, and not just "whoops, guess you slipped up, that'll be 3 gold, tee hee!"

As for strategy...well, most all MMOs have highly evolved boss and pvp strategies. By which I mean someone eventually figures the secret to the boss out, and pvp players figure out which classes work well against which. City of Heroes strategy was very interesting to me, because they didn't have 3 cookie cutter builds per class. My blaster could beat counter classes because of how I'd made him for PvE, just because I figured out some sneaky tricks.

In conclusion, we should play City of Villains.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007

I wouldn't defend Everquest's xp loss, it was excessive and painful. I know that FAR better than most people. But there should be A penalty when dying, and not just "whoops, guess you slipped up, that'll be 3 gold, tee hee!"

As for strategy...well, most all MMOs have highly evolved boss and pvp strategies. By which I mean someone eventually figures the secret to the boss out, and pvp players figure out which classes work well against which. City of Heroes strategy was very interesting to me, because they didn't have 3 cookie cutter builds per class. My blaster could beat counter classes because of how I'd made him for PvE, just because I figured out some sneaky tricks.

In conclusion, we should play City of Villains.
If your in an end game raid it can cost a lot more than that. But I guess thats where just difference of opinion comes in. I don't like having to be heavily penalized for death, especially when the bosses are made so it's pretty much impossible to beat them on you first try (unless you've read other people's strategies and just copied them, and even then in end game raiding you'll be dying a lot.)

I played City of villains a bit, it wasn't bad but didn't hook me nearly as much as wow did.
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