But w/e
also you have always pegged me wrong. I make a joke and you insist I was serious or always misinterpret me the wrong way. Maybe this time you have it right. but you know what? Being nice has not gotten me anything. It gets me sorrow heartbreak and just getting ****ed over and over again. I had some real tough and terrible times in Pueblo. I needed to be with friends more than anything. When I needed any of you NOT A SINGLE ****ING ONE OF YOU WAS THERE FOR ME! I even drove 2 or 3 hours to attend things that Denver and others hosted. I have learned since then to keep people at arms length and to not interpret anything they say as a friendly gesture. Because it never was and never is. Even ****ing Reflex came and visited me. HE LIVES IN ****ING GEORGIA! Yet on his excursion to Colorado Springs he was down for smash. He didn't make excuses or anything. So you know what Dylan? **** yeah I am mean. I don't care anymore. My whole life being nice has gotten me hated on, heartbroken, taken advantage of, betrayed, and stepped on. It has gotten me nowhere in life. 23 now jobless living with my parents and nobody to look forward to a bright future with.
When top players outplay someone, time them out and keep track of ledge grabs, yes I would say that it takes minimal effort to play the character. Also the charts and graphs that Ran posted don't lie. neither do any of the tournament results from any of the national tournaments, take your pick. He has ways of punishing things that are nonpunishable for every other character in the game. He creates scenarios that are impossible to get out of.Bees, you've gotten so mean in Pueblo.
Trendy little hipster gamer? Come onnnnnn
K, so I'm not calling being pro-ban scrubby. I'm just saying your posts are extremely scrubby.
"MK's easy mode style of playing." well how many other characters do you know that can beat the majority of the cast with one or two moves?
"just wait for a moment then uAir=shield poke" this is true. with that tech if the mk just baits that AT he can punish the player with a game changing punish. even admitted to a lesser degree in the video.
"Its like fighting Shao Kahn or Ivan Ooze."
moves that have transcendent priority, recovers for free. Can simply throw out moves and punish on reaction. his moves are all safe...Shao Kahn truly is a badass
"such minimal effort on an MKs part is all."
taking things out of context! that is very noble of you! What I said was in that situation the MK requires very little effort. This is true even verified by the video with his frame data as well as the ledge grabs. Now I think in some ways MK does require effort to play. But those situations are few and far between as an MK up on his ATs seldom gets put in those situations
Pretty much just you saying Meta Knight takes no skill to win. Just very little when someone can pocket him and beat people better than them on a CP, or even beat them by practically spamming a single move
But w/e
also you have always pegged me wrong. I make a joke and you insist I was serious or always misinterpret me the wrong way. Maybe this time you have it right. but you know what? Being nice has not gotten me anything. It gets me sorrow heartbreak and just getting ****ed over and over again. I had some real tough and terrible times in Pueblo. I needed to be with friends more than anything. When I needed any of you NOT A SINGLE ****ING ONE OF YOU WAS THERE FOR ME! I even drove 2 or 3 hours to attend things that Denver and others hosted. I have learned since then to keep people at arms length and to not interpret anything they say as a friendly gesture. Because it never was and never is. Even ****ing Reflex came and visited me. HE LIVES IN ****ING GEORGIA! Yet on his excursion to Colorado Springs he was down for smash. He didn't make excuses or anything. So you know what Dylan? **** yeah I am mean. I don't care anymore. My whole life being nice has gotten me hated on, heartbroken, taken advantage of, betrayed, and stepped on. It has gotten me nowhere in life. 23 now jobless living with my parents and nobody to look forward to a bright future with.