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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
I think Nite is higher than tony now.
and i want to play smash so the weekend should hurry up and get here.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
or just assume that every tournament affects rankings that is what i think it should be like.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. My address is 383 Van Gordon St. Lakewood CO 80228. Building 11 Unit 257. Best way to my house is to take 1-25 south to 6th Avenue West. Take 6th Ave. West to the Simms exit. Make a left and go to your first light and make a right. That street is called 4th street. From there go straight. You will get too a fork where you can only go left or right. Make a left on Van Gordon St. Go straight until you can make your first right into Westhills Apartments. From there go straight into the complex until you get to a stop sign. I'm in building 11 unit 257


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Well Duha, every tournamanet does effect rank. It only makes sense. If people play in these tournaments they should be rewarded for taking the time to compete in the tournaments they should be ranked based of ther performance. Saying that a person is "better" than another player based off opinion is stupid in my opinion. Performance in tournaments is the best way to decide who is the clutch player in pressure situation. Also think about like this, if you have nothing to lose and you just play can you truly say that you are the best player. It's easy to win when there is nothing on the line. Also, remember that we do have a chanllenge system setup so if you think that you are better than a player you CAN challege them before or after a tournament and get your points and take some points from some people. All the details concerning this is here:



Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
so you say the current rakings are stupid you think? Cuz I agree After playing everyone except you interm and spirit i think the uber hawt ranking thread is off. So is CCC official Colorado rankings? and if this so has there been enough tourny's to make that accurate. Also if you challenge someone do they have the right to decline. If they do, which would only make sense that they could decline, What if a new player to CCC wanted to be ranked higher and no one would take his challenge because they new he was a good player and they did not want to lose there points. Because even that system seems flawed.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
I want to have a tournament but I dont want to have a ranking tournament
what is it with you guys and rankings just play the ****ing game
Actually, i dont think anyone cares about the rankings but usually our rankings arent updated for a while. So i think your the only one who wants to just play a regular tournament. In fact, you said play the ****ing game and thats what we are doing. Honestly, i think people go to a tournament to win the prize or for fun not to go for the ranking. So honestly i dont know why you said that. if people want to play for rankings then thats fine but if you dont, then go ahead and play on however you see fit. It'll make you happy but when the rankings come around dont expect anything.

DFG- No one cares at all about the ccct rankings. Lol the challenge thing will never work also. The only rankings that have some kind of purpose are our rankings. nuff said and said too many times.

EDIT- I cant come smash it up this weekend because i have to take care of some cat at this lady's house xp. That and i have to help my aunt move out of here old appartment. >.> lameness

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
I want to have a tournament but I dont want to have a ranking tournament
what is it with you guys and rankings just play the ****ing game
Definatly QFT

Well, I can pretty much gaurentee that I won't be able to do anything next weekend. I'm getting my wisdom buds out as well as some of my second molars exposed. So have fun...


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Hey guys, the tourney needs to be moved if we want to have one, a week right after X-Topia seems like madness(not really but w/e).

Also, the rankings posted by us are OUR official ranks, while the ones DFG posted into are the "official CO tourneys" rankings, I don't know how updated they get but ours is basically the current most accurate one. Actually, the one Tony have up now is inaccurate so we'll wait ti'll NM and this tourney to decide where we all stand once again.

Also chap, I don't need you to upload reanimation anymore, got me a torrent client.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Victor, C3 rankings represent tournament play not casaul play. You say people don't care but they do care when they have to play Ferdi, Raph, you, Jeris or anyone really good in the first round. Also, the C3 rankings allow for every Smash player in the NVGA to compare themselves to everyone. This way every player knows that all tournament play that they engage in is being accounted for. Now i'm not saying the rankings that are being kept here are wrong at all because you factor in casual play but like you say people care about prizes and saying that they are the best on one of best around. Opinion rankings don't neccesarily reflect that. Trust, as a soulcalibur player I bus my *** going to Texas tournaments, NM to get my points so I'm one step closer to winning that big money. Also, remember that these rankings will be used at NM or any other big money maker tournament in the NVGA so working your *** off to get your rankings so you get one step closer to the big prize is a big deal based off what you belive people play for. Trust, the best HALo team is not the best HAlo team because of opinion. They are the best halo team because of there performance when there reputation and money on the line. As for the challenge system it works because some of the SC players and 3S players used it but with all the tournaments that go on per month some players don't won't risk losing points. So some people don't do it. Actions speaks more than opinion.

For me the rankings kinda give me a visual idea how close I am to being one of the best if not the best. I'm just a numbers kind of guy though. I like the opinion ranking up here as well because it gives you and idea what other players think about you so you know where you stand in the eyes of your fellow players. Something that you really don't know with the C3 ranking. Respect, I love it!!

Duha: If you have the points to challenge them then they cannot decline. It's your right as player to challenge. In order to challenge you must have at least 5 points to wager. Also with that you can only challenge people within your points range. So if you have 2 points you can't challenge anyone but if you have 5 points to wager you can't challenge the number one player if they are not in your range. For example, right now SpiritDragon (Ferdi) is number on in tournament play. Now right now the only person that could challege Ferdi is Jeris. If he challenged Ferdi Ferdi could lose 5 or more or gain 5 or more.

Here another example, let's say that Tony wanted to challege someone. Since he has 5 points he can challenge Devid or Brown_Nite. Let's say that Tony challenge Nite. He could go from 7 to five in one shot or he could drop to not having any points at all. It's a clear way so establishing who is better than another player without any opinions involved. It works!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
Aurora Co
Actually, i dont think anyone cares about the rankings but usually our rankings arent updated for a while. So i think your the only one who wants to just play a regular tournament. In fact, you said play the ****ing game and thats what we are doing. Honestly, i think people go to a tournament to win the prize or for fun not to go for the ranking. So honestly i dont know why you said that. if people want to play for rankings then thats fine but if you dont, then go ahead and play on however you see fit. It'll make you happy but when the rankings come around dont expect anything.

DFG- No one cares at all about the ccct rankings. Lol the challenge thing will never work also. The only rankings that have some kind of purpose are our rankings. nuff said and said too many times.

EDIT- I cant come smash it up this weekend because i have to take care of some cat at this lady's house xp. That and i have to help my aunt move out of here old appartment. >.> lameness
I dont want to have a tournament like the one we had at Davids house that was gay to me and i'm sure some people support me on the rankings tournament thing


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
spirit if you want to have the tourny one week after nm then do it i just am pretty sure durango players are not up to traveling that much. that is about 24 hours of travel in one week that is nuts specially for college students. But we are nobody's we are pretty much newbs so if you are changing the tourny for us we appreciate it a lot we really do and if it is not for us we still appreciate it but if it is a hassle to push it back a week don't do it. Cuz it really isn't madness for you guys cuz you don't have to travel like we do.

If you are ranked number 1 and vic is ranked number 2 you will probably 3-4 stock us anyways so there is no rush to play us we are not impressive, besides are few moments like when i beat jeris at mushroom kingdom 2(sorry jeris i am not going to let that one go).

DFG in durango we are planing on holding biweeklies are we suppose to report those or are we suppose to report bigger tournaments if so what is the minimum size requirements?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
Aurora Co
spirit if you want to have the tourny one week after nm then do it i just am pretty sure durango players are not up to traveling that much. that is about 24 hours of travel in one week that is nuts specially for college students. But we are nobody's we are pretty much newbs so if you are changing the tourny for us we appreciate it a lot we really do and if it is not for us we still appreciate it but if it is a hassle to push it back a week don't do it. Cuz it really isn't madness for you guys cuz you don't have to travel like we do.

If you are ranked number 1 and vic is ranked number 2 you will probably 3-4 stock us anyways so there is no rush to play us we are not impressive, besides are few moments like when i beat jeris at mushroom kingdom 2(sorry jeris i am not going to let that one go).

DFG in durango we are planing on holding biweeklies are we suppose to report those or are we suppose to report bigger tournaments if so what is the minimum size requirements?
I dont think Jeris really cares or post on Smashboards

Imposter Professor Ken

Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2006
Hey guys, the tourney needs to be moved if we want to have one, a week right after X-Topia seems like madness(not really but w/e).

Also, the rankings posted by us are OUR official ranks, while the ones DFG posted into are the "official CO tourneys" rankings, I don't know how updated they get but ours is basically the current most accurate one. Actually, the one Tony have up now is inaccurate so we'll wait ti'll NM and this tourney to decide where we all stand once again.

Also chap, I don't need you to upload reanimation anymore, got me a torrent client.
so another ranking turny ?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
I'm calling but its not working...

Anyways, well its really up to you Chap/Nite since its your house, push it back a week? thats fine, keep it a week after NM? thats fine too. But I still think this should be a rankings tourney ONLY because the past month MAY have shaken the über hawt ranking a little and so we all want to see how we place. Although round robin is the most time consuming thing ever its the only way to get accurate rankings. What if you went up against me in the first match Chap? Then LoVo in a double elimination? When you could've probably done better against Yang/Ben/Jeris/idk. Either way, until we can get an "all of CO smashers massive round robin tourney" we can't really find out who's where. But I guess double elimination gives us an idea of where we can place.

Duha, your Wario avatar made it easier for me to identify you, mainly because it matches with your sig as there is blue on both the wario avatar and your sig. Plus that jiggs one is overrated.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
lol i don't like any of the avatars they all suck but ill go look again i really didn't like it either.

edit: there is my old grandpa glasses that is for chap and erg.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Duha, all tournaments count. The only difference between bi-weeklies and large tournaments is the points that you gain. So for example at the Fall Fighter Frenzy people who played got double the amount of points that they would normally get a tournament. The breakdown for points is here:


Minors tournaments our considered bi-weekly or monthlies. Major tournaments our considered every six months or year.

Once you start your bi-weeklies just let me know by posting the results here or in the Durango thread. Just let me know. Note: Please let me know all the people that compete because I feel that everyone deserves points no matter if you get first or last.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
DancingFighterG. said:
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Just updated the info on the prize for the best logo for NVGA. We are giving away $100 to the winner and 10 ranking points for 1st. All other prizes our highlighted on here:
im glad to see that your guys Smash Power Rankings are partly based on who can draw the best :p


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Zoap, typcially those players that participant in these type of contest our those players that cannot play as much in tournaments. Just another way to active in the Smash community if you can't compete that much. We don't do these type of contest all the time and so far these contest have not skewed the rankings at all. Trust, the players here earn every point that they get thus being some of the best Smash players around. Trust that!! :) Come to one of tournaments possible our regional CCCT and see for yourself.

My bad on the triple post. I got on trouble for that!! My bad!! Forgot that the post before had info concerning the art contest.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
DFG im just saying cuz what if i drew the dopest thing and won? then i have 10 pts and Im now 5th best in colorado??!? Not that I can draw so I guess your all safe for now lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
i don't think ill ever place 4th or higher in a tourny so to challenge someone i would neet to play in at least 5 tournys but if i draw a sweet logo then i can challenge someone and get a lucky win and next thing you know i am 3rd or second and i don't deserve that. I see where zoap is coming from.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2005
Magnolia TX
Alright, I'm going to be in denver from this sunday till the 9th, so does anyone wanna MM/play smash? I wanna play you guys ;P if no one can get in touch with me, my cell number is 832 768 6776


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
You're right, Duha! And then you'd be invincible, because those people to beat by luck, your term, would pass you again by having been in the tourneys they're getting points for. So I'm thinking it'd be maybe 2 months of boosted, then you'd be back in a position that didn't really matter. They can challenge you just as easily, if I remember rightly.

Besides, we all know the DDR kids are tons better at art than Smashers, so it isn't as though it'll matter!


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
Alright, I'm going to be in denver from this sunday till the 9th, so does anyone wanna MM/play smash? I wanna play you guys ;P if no one can get in touch with me, my cell number is 832 768 6776
Just go to Nite's house on whatever Saturday you'll be here on. That's where most of the smashers are.

Oh yeah Tim I play DDR and I r teh Suxx at art.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
bloshiben can you send my controller with someone going to the new mexico tourney please. and ill send yours back with one of them.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Alright, I'm going to be in denver from this sunday till the 9th, so does anyone wanna MM/play smash? I wanna play you guys ;P if no one can get in touch with me, my cell number is 832 768 6776
I would definatly offer, but it wouldn't work this weekend. I'm getting not only my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, I'm also having my gums stitched open over my 2nd molars. Mabe the next weekend after that...
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