I actually think Seph was making a valid possibility. I disagree, but I understand his reasoning. At his point though I don't mind him being lynched. I would much rather have Adum go though or someone in his 'neighborhood'. All three of them are pretty scummy. Both Riddle & MK have been completely useless.
If Rei was tracker, why wouldn't he use it? And if he used it, wouldn't the mod pass down the results to Riddle?
Seeing that both Riddle and MK are inactive, wouldn't that pretty much leave their 'neighborhood role' to Adum?
Also the reason I've been so caught up on neighborhoods is because something just doesn't sit right. Adum claims that he is in a neighborhood, yet time and time again he has shown to know nothing about them.
Okay fine. Frozen is my Neighbor.
Note Adum and Vult had been going back and forth for a bit, yet when Vult said this,
Adum didn't respond to it at all until Vult explained later what a neighborhood was.
@Vult, Frozen is your IRL Neighbor? O.o Is that what you mean?
What's this? Meta-Kirby doesn't know what a neighbor is? Could this be because he does not HAVE a neighbor? But wait, I thought ADUM was in his neighborhood. ~_^?
Clearly this shows that MK didn't know what a neighbor was, and was confused by what Vult meant.
A Neighborhood is a group of players that can talk to each other.
"Adum said:
Haphazard claims are ALSO a bad town play, and you just essentially did claim mason.
See, that's the kind of thing you keep secret, especially since there's no way it could be useful in reason for suspicion yet.
OK so now Adum responds. Did he not know what a neighbor was before? Now he assumes that Vult is claiming Mason. That is the description of what a Mason is , and it is something he would actually know, unlike neighbor.
No, I didn't. At all. I didn't say anything about a Masonry. Neighborhoods and Masonries are two entirely different concepts. You seem like you're an experienced enough player to know the difference.
This post looks like you're trying to get me to slip whether I'm a Mason faking Neighbor.
Explain. Now.
No results, I've never heard of a neighborhood before this game, and the only power you have attributed to it so far is the ability for people to talk to each other, so the only attributes your claim has is attributes that are the same as masonries.
Anything to get suspicion off of yourself?
The first word I used when I referred to him and myself was "Neighbor". You didn't look up "Neighbor" when you first saw the claim. Just, "Neighborhood"?
If you didn't understand the role why didn't you ask about it?
Vult clearly did word neighbor when he first claimed. How Adum couldn't link two and two together I do not know. Neighborhood-Neighbors. Is this confusing to anyone? If Adum were in a neighborhood, could he not have inferred this?
I'm familiar with "neighbors" as another term for unconfirmed mason, but not neighborhood, and which which is part of the mason page?
now he is now familiar with the term neighbor all of the sudden. Oddly, it's after the fact that Vult has linked him to the page.
Still having trouble linking neighborhood to neighbor though.
Later on after it is found out that everyone (everyone who is town at least) is in a neighborhood, Adum quickly comes up with the excuse that he was trying to keep his neighborhood hidden. If that were the case, why play the confused role? He could have easily said something like this:
Okay fine. Frozen is my Neighbor.
Now that's interesting. Why does this make him mafia to you?
This in no way gave away that Gustav was in a neighborhood, only that he was familiar with the term. So why is it then that Adum had to "pretend" like he didn't know what Vult was talking about? Looking over it, I doesn't really look like much of an act at all to me.
Recently Adum has again shown he is unfamiliar with how the neighborhoods work.
May I just say we have the stupidest townies imaginable.
Also, as promised...
Summoner is a ****ing idiot. Quoting your ROLE PM to show that your NEIGHBORHOOD has no powers...
I'm wondering if summoner even checked... at this point I'm assuming he was just oblivious to the fact that his neighborhood had a power.
Adum claimed that his neighborhood has a power. If that were the case he would know that the roles are given on the opening post to the quicktopic given by the mod. And if he actually bothered to look at Summoner's quick topic like any good townie looking for information would do, he would have clearly seen that Summoner's quick topic had no power what so ever.
I really think it's a possibility that Adum, Riddle, and MK are actually mafia pretending to be neighborhood. The assumed NKs would make sense to. FF and Gheb both were suspicious of Adum. If you look back to where Adum and Vult were having their conversation, you will also see that Frozen was highly suspicious of Adum as well. And the fact that Riddle and MK are hardly active, leads me to believe that Adum is the one calling the shots.