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Code Geass Mafia: OVAH

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vult because I feel he lied about his intentions

Why [be specific]?

and on top of that hasn't really done anything else besides defend himself this game for the most part (seems like he only interested in self-preservation).
I haven't really crusaded against anyone, but it's extremely, um, wrong for you to say I haven't done anything otherwise. I've given much input regarding Rei/Gustave/Adum. Go fish them up. I didn't just defend myself and then vanish.

Looks opportunistic.

Vote: Sworddancer

@Other people who are suspicious of me [Yoshi, Sephiroth, Adum, maybe someone else]: Please clarify your reasons for me so I can answer them tomorrow.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
In addition to this, he's been inactive until there's been a ton of pressure, and THEN he shows up.
um. What?

If you're referring to earlier: I was completely active during the entire time I was under the radar.

If you're referring to now: I didn't show up at the time you made this post.

So you must be referring to early suspicion of me, and that description of it is a complete lie.

Unless you worded poorly. If that's the case, reword it.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Sword dancer is where we should all be going.

But thats ok let him hop on the Vult wagon near the end of D1 after being a suspect without a lot of reasoning for hopping on it other then he's gotten the most heat.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
um. What?

If you're referring to earlier: I was completely active during the entire time I was under the radar.

If you're referring to now: I didn't show up at the time you made this post.

So you must be referring to early suspicion of me, and that description of it is a complete lie.

Unless you worded poorly. If that's the case, reword it.
Order of operations:

People talk
People say WTF @ VULT
Vult gives his defense
People vote for Vult
Vult disappears
people talk about other things
people talk about vult again
people vote for vult
vult comes back


#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I wasn't being obtuse dude.

You yourself said that the mafia being able to kill mega inactives keeps us in the dark, which is a good thing for them, but then you go on to say that they don't have to do that, as if it is unlikely.

Your own logic undermines that contention. Yes, inactivity is anti-town however that doesn't mean he's the best candidate for the lynch. Yes inactives are not ideal to have around later in the game. But you know what's even more anti-town than an inactive later in the game? Putting ourselves into lylo or close to lylo because we decided that lynching all the inactives was a good idea when instead we're just shooting in the dark, hoping scum flip, and ending up in lylo or close to it literally no closer to actually finding scum through scumhunting that we were on D1.

You have a serious unhealthy obsession with removing what you deem to be anti town from the game which more often than not is just bad general play, not scummy play. Scummy comes first always, bad play comes next in lynch priority.

I'm not willing to allow this mentality of eliminate inactives being the number one priority to run this game because its such a bad excuse for actually scum hunting, and it often prevents us from getting the flips we actually want. If you keep some inactives around, you put the mafia in a situation where they have to choose to either kill and inactive which helps town by getting a poor player out, but also makes this tough on town because the inactive likely has little to no connections with people, OR they can choose to kill someone more active which will hurt the town by removing an active contributor BUT also give the town many more clues.

Ultimately though, LYNCH FLIPS are FAR GREATER IN IMPORTANCE than NK flips, for the very reason that the mafia will actively NK in a manner meant to manipulate and confuse, whereas lynch flips are complete transparent in their origins and NEED town participation to make them happen. You get a LOT more info out of them just on a fundamental level.

So what does that mean? Prioritize lynching scummy people and people with connections over just complete inactives generally speaking. Let the mafia cut the fat for us, or indies, or vigs if we have 'em. We shouldn't be wasting lynches on low info yield targets.

With that, since seph wagon and adum wagon aren't going anywhere, and Sworddancer wagon has the most support of my top 3, I'll move over there.

Unvote: Adum Vote: Sworddancer

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
The reason it struck me, is that whenever you're floated as suspicious or lynchworthy, SOMEHOW you happen to catch it, the previous time it was almost immediately.

That strikes me as you being disingenuous about not following the thread.
Here was my schedule for the past while (all times are Pacific time):

Wednesday (start of Day 1), work from 5 - 9:30, then a smash fest right after (stayed until like 3am).

Thursday, sleep in until like 2, then go to work from 5 - 10.

Friday, sleep in until like 12, then go to work from 5 - 9:30, then go to a LAN party / hang out with friends until like 6am.

Saturday, go to work from 10:30 - 7:30 (yes, only 3 hours of sleep).

Sunday, work from 9:30 - 6:30.

Monday, I had off completely (first chance to actually read stuff).

Tuesday, work from 5 - 9:30 (read more before work)

Wednesday, I had off (read more, but had a smash fest that started at around 5 (I arrived late to the smash fest... and I was the one with all the TV's... because I was defending myself)). Stayed out until 6 am. I think I posted before I went to bed lol.

Thursday, I sleep in until 12. Had work from 5 - 10, watched sports highlights, and here I am.

There are minor things I didn't include, which took time as well... but for the most part, I haven't had alot of time to read posts.

So that said, I really haven't had lots of time to read posts... I did whenever I could, but... well... life literally got in the way (and sorry guys, life comes before mafia). I'm trying to be as helpful as I can... but yeah... if I didn't have a chance to read posts, then there's nothing I can do.

As for me posting when I'm pressured... I'm too lazy to see when I actually was pressured, but anyone who is accusing me of this, look at the times I was pressured, look at the times I was available to post (time zones being considered), and you'll see that... well... it just so happened to be that that was the only time I could post.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Ninja'd... which makes me want to say more...

I am a very slow reader... in the average mafia game I played, I normally read 100 posts in about 3 hours... so that said, reading all the posts in this thread would take me on average about 20 hours. Looking at my schedule... yeah... I really did not have 20 hours of free time available to me.

That said, I should have enough time during the night phase to read all the posts I haven't read (or at least most of them... enough to finish off the rest during the first few days of day 2).

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, if you are refering to your 'N0 investigator', then it isn't the same thing at all, the people who would have confused it for a cop would NOT have seen the pm (assuming it wasn't just a n0 flavour kill, becasue using a flavour kill as an example would be silly).
Wasn't a flavour kill.

You're dodging the point though. The point is that the name of the role could simply be "town invvestigator", which I'd simply call a "cop" even when it could be a different role.
I feel like this whole argument is going in circles and leading nowhere. You probably try to make some dumb "traps" like you did in Newbie 4 (or was it 5?) to find a scapegoat.

safe claim question was really just "what makes you think he's telling the truth?"
It's not like I just assume he can't be lying. I just don't find that confusion to be that big a deal.

defending response: about his claim or just in general?

Why have you changed from calling people stupid and being aggressive Gheb to a more passive Gheb?
Never called anybody stupid.

This game has staled and I generally play very inconsistent.

Right now I'd be happy with either Gheb (very unlikely today) or Blue Yoshi/Ermac. I am against a Vult lynch.
I'm also against lynching Vult.



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Gheb, he claimed tracker and then linked to a wiki page for Cop, don't you think when he linked it he would have read the page for something that matches his role? If he did read it, he should have mentioned the specific differences so we knew what he was actually claiming. The role he was is called tracker becasue that's what he has AND he has stated the role matches what the wiki has for tracker.

...actually I'm getting the feeling I've misunderstood what you're trying to say. Are you trying to say it could have been a differently named tracker role?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I wasn't being obtuse dude.
1.not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.
2.not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form.

Yes, you were.

You yourself said that the mafia being able to kill mega inactives keeps us in the dark, which is a good thing for them, but then you go on to say that they don't have to do that, as if it is unlikely.
Way to describe what I'm doing through your own lens. How about I just describe what you're doing and put ", and that's exactly what scum would do" and try to pass that off as an argument?

Or hey, how about we ignore lines like this:

me said:
Mafia, at any time, can kill an inactive like Ermac and leave no trace as to who did it or why. If we're in the dark, like toDay, and lynch someone we're slightly suspicious of and they flip town and we get no real leads from it, Mafia can keep us in the dark by lynching someone like Ermac. This is an option, not a requirement, for them.

It's not a difficult concept:

We have a useless town member that may or may not be scum. Having him around gives mafia two options at all times at Night (kill him, kill someone else), and while killing someone else might be more beneficial, killing the inactive is near untraceable. No doc ever protects an inactive, no one will track him, no one does anything inactives. Our best hope is for a vig to kill inactives, but we have no control over this or even know if a vig exists.

Saying "well this guy hasn't been scummy at all, let's leave him alone" when he doesn't post is a get out of jail free card. You lynch inactives when you don't have a lead. It's not difficult to follow.

If you're trying to imply I'm ignoring scummy activity in favor of lynching inactives... my #1 is Vult, who is both scummy AND inactive.

Your own logic undermines that contention. Yes, inactivity is anti-town however that doesn't mean he's the best candidate for the lynch. Yes inactives are not ideal to have around later in the game.
Contention, nice word. I like it.

So let's look at your logic here:

Inactivity is anti-town (true)
inactives are not ideal to have around later in the game (true)

I'm going to re-word this for you:

Inactivity is anti-town (true)
Inactives are bad to have around late game (true)

But hey, like you said, it doesn't mean he's the best candidate for the lynch. There can be better candidates than inactives. Afterall, he's my #2 choice, so I basically agree with you on this point.

But you know what's even more anti-town than an inactive later in the game? Putting ourselves into lylo or close to lylo because we decided that lynching all the inactives was a good idea when instead we're just shooting in the dark, hoping scum flip, and ending up in lylo or close to it literally no closer to actually finding scum through scumhunting that we were on D1.
News flash: unless you have strong suspicions, you're shooting in the dark on D1 hoping for a scum flip. Chances are, whoever we lynch toDay will be town. It's rare you catch a mafia member D1. However, if you lynch a guaranteed inactive you're guaranteed SOME sort of boon for town. Plus it means that we don't have to deal with that inactive later.

Riddle me this:

Assume Ermac plays the same way he is now.

When would you consider the best time to lynch him?

You have a serious unhealthy obsession with removing what you deem to be anti town from the game which more often than not is just bad general play, not scummy play. Scummy comes first always, bad play comes next in lynch priority.
...which is why I say lynch Vult, and have Ermac as my #2.

I'm not some zealot going after people who don't post. I want people to post because that's how you FIND scummy behavior. If Ermac continues not to post, we get no info on him whatsoever. He's dead weight and a dead flip if he's town. If he's scum, he gets a free ride if we don't pressure him.

I'm not willing to allow this mentality of eliminate inactives being the number one priority to run this game because its such a bad excuse for actually scum hunting, and it often prevents us from getting the flips we actually want. If you keep some inactives around, you put the mafia in a situation where they have to choose to either kill and inactive which helps town by getting a poor player out, but also makes this tough on town because the inactive likely has little to no connections with people, OR they can choose to kill someone more active which will hurt the town by removing an active contributor BUT also give the town many more clues.
Wait wait wait

You say keeping inactives around is good, because it gives mafia options? Are you high?

Mafia members don't have to follow a set pattern. They set the stage for us to figure out. If you give them a free pass for whatever Night they want, they can take it whenever they want.

Ultimately though, LYNCH FLIPS are FAR GREATER IN IMPORTANCE than NK flips, for the very reason that the mafia will actively NK in a manner meant to manipulate and confuse, whereas lynch flips are complete transparent in their origins and NEED town participation to make them happen. You get a LOT more info out of them just on a fundamental level.
Cool? I'm not sure where this came from.

So what does that mean? Prioritize lynching scummy people and people with connections over just complete inactives generally speaking. Let the mafia cut the fat for us, or indies, or vigs if we have 'em. We shouldn't be wasting lynches on low info yield targets.
*narrows eyes*

If you have a list of mafia, by all means post them. Because otherwise, you're guessing.

With that, since seph wagon and adum wagon aren't going anywhere, and Sworddancer wagon has the most support of my top 3, I'll move over there.

Unvote: Adum Vote: Sworddancer

Whoa whoa whoa


Wait a minute, Mister hippo the crit.

you immediately I asked for your list said:
Seeing as how close deadline is getting, I'm down with lynching Sephiroth, adum, or sworddancer.

I feel they're all pretty scummy but a major reason is that I feel I'll learn by far the most from any of their flips. Mostly Sephy and adum on that point, but sworddancer is the worst inactive at this point IMO so I think he should go if we can only agree on lynching an inactive (which is not what I prefer).
So you've chosen Sephiroth, Adumbrodeus, and sworddancer....

and you choose sworddancer because he's the worst inactive

even though he's posting large chunks at a time

and then you go ape**** on me for having Ermac as my #2 because he's an inactive.

And in your last post talked about how you "weren't going to stand" for going for inactives.

I can see how each of your choices could be good lynch choices for toDay, but your reasoning for sworddancer shouldn't be "inactivity"... because he's not.

I think you have good intentions with what you're posting, but you're putting on horse blinders and it's making you sound pretty **** scummy.

I wanna give you another chance, Flame. Answer my question the same way everyone else did. Two, no more no less, lynch candidates from you and your reasoning... as if no one has said anything about them before.

Why exactly do you want to keep Ermac alive, but push for sworddancer? I'm curious.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm also curious as to what made Vult claim you were scum on D1 due to the neighborhood.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I'm pretty suspicious of Gheb. He seems pretty anti-town to me. I completely interpreted his early push against adum as a quicklynch type of thing, and, as VR would put it, he just has a scummy "vibe". I don't have a lot of concrete evidence though so I couldn't really make an appealing argument against him. I wouldn't mind voting for him however.

Voting in terms of inactivity would come second to me. I'd rather vote for someone that could give us information about the other players upon flip. I think I could get info from a Seph, Vult, or Gheb lych. I originally leaned towards the idea of Vult being more town, but his change in gameplay bothers me. At first it was as if he had some master plan by voting for frozen early on, but then all the sudden he switched to playing in a reserved way and hasn't contributed much. This could just be because he is busy but idk. I'm kind of surprised that so many people would like to lynch him.

If we were to vote simply based on inactivity I would go for wither Sword or Ermac. I would not vote for Blue Yoshi, yet. He seems as if he is genuinely attempting to keep up with this. I do feel, however, that he is posting way to much about his schedule, taking up time that could be used to read/post. Majority of his post have been about his schedule and not about the game. I do understand how hard it is to catch up though. So I would give him another day.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'll start reading eventually on what's going on.

Really tired atm =_=;;
You might as well wait for the flip and read with a fresh head. 17 pages at 40 pages might take you a while, haha

I'm not going to make a "scum list per se", but I'm definitely wondering about quite a few players. Flame, I'd like to hear responses to my previous questions.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
No, I ALREADY KNOW you are connected to people insofar as MY READS are concerned. I want to lynch you because I have a scummy read on you AND, regardless of what you flip, I'll be able to learn a lot about other players from that flip.
It's still all connections, I would like some evidence concerning why I'm scummy.

So you seriously just want lynch him based on the fact that he's been the most inactive and he probably won't say much in the next two days?

He said he'll be more active after those few days. I'm willing to give him that chance. If he isn't lying then he WON'T BE INACTIVE ANYMORE.

If he still isn't inactive then we get on his case tomorrow and take care of business.

The point is if we lynch Ermac today we're gonna get basically NOTHING out of it.

Lynching Ermac JUST because he's the most inactive is like the worst reasoning of all time.
Like OS said, you wouldn't vote for Ermac because he's inactive, but your voting for Sword because he's inactive? Why go through all the trouble of defending him?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Exn, you essentially said you think I'm scum because I take clear stances, play agressive and try to play efficient as well. Is that not so? How is that anti-town at all?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
That's the one thing I can see standing out about me so far. The "quicklynch" nonsense has been debunked loooooooooooong ago.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Not really, more just ignored.

Regardless, my opinion on Gheb is determined mostly on other people's flips, which will happen in due time. Until then, Gheb gives us information in one way or another.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
That's the one thing I can see standing out about me so far. The "quicklynch" nonsense has been debunked loooooooooooong ago.

Well don't assume that's what I see.

Had I been here long ago I would not have let it been. As I said, I don't have anything substantial against you, so there's no point on trying to call you out on anything else.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.

Overswarm= Vult, Ermac
Blue Yoshi= Vult, Ermac
Sephiroths Masamune= Vult, anyone inactive.
FrozenFlame751= Seph, adum
Sworddancer.= Vult, Blue Yoshi
-Rei-= Vult, sword dancer
KevinM= sword, Seph
Adum= Vult, Blue Yoshi
Meta-Kirby= vult, Seph
Gheb_01= Ermac
SummonerAU = Gheb, Blue Yoshi
Vult Redux = Sword
Exn = Gheb, Vult, Seph


*=Seph thinks they are inactive.

So far, Rockin, dark_ermac have not posted their views.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
vote count

blue yoshi (1) - rockin
adumbrodeus (1) - exn
sworddancer. (3) - -rei-, vult redux, frozenflame751
vult redux (3) - sworddancer., overswarm, adumbrodeus
overswarm (1) - summonerau
exn (2) - kevinm, sephiroths masamune
dark_ermac (1) - gheb_01

not voting (3) - meta-kirby, dark_ermac, blue yoshi

deadline is last second of 5/23 est
with 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Rereading. I noted this before but forgot to bring it up.

Rei is my neighbor (yes, I was attempting to draw this out).
Okay. So you knew about Neighborhoods from the start.

I'm familiar with "neighbors" as another term for unconfirmed mason, but not neighborhood,
My liedar is going off. My role explicitly uses the word "neighborhood". I don't see how you couldn't know what Neighborhood meant if it is part of your role.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Still OK with lynching adum because I think he's scum. It'd help town. But it'd also hurt the game overall so I'd rather lynch somebody who's hurting the game for now.



Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
My liedar is going off. My role explicitly uses the word "neighborhood". I don't see how you couldn't know what Neighborhood meant if it is part of your role.
You missed the entire conversation where I explained well before I actually claimed neighborhood that I wasn't suggesting that I wasn't part of a neighborhood with my earlier comments, and I would reveal one way or another when the time was necessary.

And then my later response to Xonar where I explained that I chose my comments to avoiding giving the impression I was in a neighborhood to avoid telling scum that before I knew how widespread it was.

Also the fact that OS explained why I might have chosen to withhold the information before I made a comment.

And Rei confirmed me as his neighbor in case you didn't notice, you know, the other guy I applied heavy duty pressure against toDay.

If you're gonna latch onto random comments in a desparate last-ditch attempt to save yourself and throw suspicion to somebody else, at the very least READ WHAT WAS ACTUALLY SAID, so you don't trod on the same ground for the millionth time.

Scummy, useless, inactive, AND no reading comprehension, *sigh*

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
It's not just Adum being weird with the Neighborhood deal. If no one remembers the weird stuff Rei had held against me regarding the Neighborhood...

i don't really understand what neighbors are other than being masons that don't know each others alliance. does your neighborhood have a goal?
like. wat. srsly?

I thought it was peculiar that he said something like this, but I dismissed it as being unfamiliar with the Neighborhood concept.

However, there would be plenty of reason for him to ponder this if, for example, HIS neighborhood had a separate goal.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
So you intentionally exaggerated?
"This man robbed a bank!"

"I did not!"

"Yes you did!"



Vult, try saving yourself by talking about... yourself. You've been grabbing onto random players and trying to shift the focus to them since the start. What have you got to say to defend yourself?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
You missed the entire conversation where I explained well before I actually claimed neighborhood that I wasn't suggesting that I wasn't part of a neighborhood with my earlier comments, and I would reveal one way or another when the time was necessary.

And then my later response to Xonar where I explained that I chose my comments to avoiding giving the impression I was in a neighborhood to avoid telling scum that before I knew how widespread it was.
So you pretended to not know what a neighborhood was to avoid giving the impression that you are in one.

Do I have that right?


Each to his own!

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