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[Circuit Event] **Fuhgeddaboudit 2** 9/29 Oshkosh, WI


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
You should still make a results thread. A mod will close this one and say, "Move results and shout outs to the results thread."

Also, could we get an attendance count? I opted to go to a local tournament, and I am curious as to whether or not the trip would've been worth it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
This space is reserved for more ****.
k well shout outs... im very tired so this is a pain for me lol...but i cant just leave you guys.

Sago: Hey man I rarely get to see you anymore but it was fun on the way there. IMO we did fair in teams could of done better at least we made it out of pools. HC was fun wish we could of stayed for singles.....Lol NO SUBWAY FOR YOU *****....FOR DAMAGE!!!!!! PS: we have improved so much. I guess i am a worthless freak. I am the dancing bear.

Devy: Wow you are the person that plays smash with me the most we have gone through this game from newbs to this. k u leave ur half drinking mt dew can outiside of the car at the gastation at 8:00am....and some 1 steals it... we walk inside and comeout and its gone.. wtf..(lol). hope you had fun in singles. yea 99 stock damage ratio 2.0 on hyrule teams with gannon. except eof was fox (Y) GG. I guess i am a worthless freak. I am the dancing bear.

Hayate: Thanks for the ride there always fun playing you. your mom made it hard to sleep when you and TJ where getting yelled at. lol hmmm when went the subway that was fun expecially when we walked around the whole building and ended up right were we started. o well we had a nice discussion lol.

Thomas J: first of all I hate samus, gannon and jiggly even tho those are really good matchups for marth. they are my worst. Subway was kool good thing we both made it hope you did good in singles and wish i could of stayed for them.

Zicore:Your house was really fun smash fests before the tourny are always great. Plus i got to meet a lot of kool people there.

C S: those pics you were showing 56k, It, and I were pretty kool. those team matches were pretty kool we owned devy and Eof on Hyrule temple.

Eighteenspikes: i didnt get to play you at all mainly because i couldnt stay for singles. but next time for sure we will play. Great tourny cant wait till HJ5. smash fests at your house are always good =p.

Jamesparrow: didnt get to play you at all but that was funny when you said to sago "just because zicore has a bear dosent make him tough" when they were arguing.

Marth101: well i guesse that 1 teams friendly match as kool cuz thats all we got to play. need to get some matches with you next time.

BZZL: your ness is sick. those team friendys were really fun in the begining. Glad i got to know who you actually are now.

Haus: sago"FOR DAMAGE!" Haus:I LOVE YOU SAGO YOUR MY HERO" Zicore: "Sago shut up!"
zicore dosent know whats hes missing. PS half of those for damages where because of my grabs =p. Team friendlys were fun should of gotten some 1v1s in always next time.

Sync: Crazy *** fox. Our friendlys at zicores werereally intesnse Glad i actually got to meet you. we should do some more 1v1s in the future.

Seanson: Amazing Yoshi wow. Great matches at zicores were also really intense. crazy edge hogs and just everything about your yoshi is wow. you inspire me to play yoshi but, i would fail lol.

Superdoodleman: never got to 1v1 you but team friendlies matches at the tourny were fun and intense. your peach is the has the most tech skill of all the peaches i have faced.

Quaz: Wish i could of stayed for singles to vs you in first round it would have been a close match. But we had to do 1 friendly and im glad i finally got to play you.

Fluxwolf: Great marth looking forward for more marth dittos in furture. I h8 marth dittos tho its always even, even if ur up 3 stocks thought i had you lol.

Zues: really technical marth good matches at zicores

Dr deciple: that was fun teaming against chexr and sync at zicores. and some 1v1s which i think we had lol cant remeber.. anyways great pikachu.\

Puffinator: never vsed you at all need to get some friendlys in sometime

lone jedi: refer to the "Puffinator" section

Nomek: Great running brackets hope you enjoyed Sparrows massage.

???: i didnt catch your name but i was walking with you kevin and hayate to subway: we should of jumped that gap got to know more about you and those 1v1 friendlys were kool.

If I missed anyone Please let me know this took like 30 mins to think and type lol...
Great tourny overall cant wait for the next one

Fade signing off.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Hopefully only a few crew matches ended up fuzzy; last time at FBT1 I didn't realize the first two double-blind matches were out of focus because it's hard to tell definitively on that tiny camera screen... if only I could get a signal when they wanted to start so I could focus in and say "OK Go" :/

I am currently in the process of getting the video files off the memory cards and onto my computer; I'm going to see if I can't use Windows Movie Maker to splice them together to make a couple-part video for YouTube and a full-video for Google Video...

Bzzl, we should work out how we're going to present the double-blind matches between Black Hayate and Aaron. I might be able to do something like put the frontal audio as music over the video so the background noise still comes through while we also hear the commands from both sides. (We can use PMs to coordinate this; I don't know who else might be involved with that, Spikes probably has the perfectly recorded video of it)

I'll post some shout outs after I take another nap while I wait for my slow computer to deal with the USB-transfer of the videos >.> Yeah, we got back to Zicore's around 3 and I slept like 7 hours, but I need more like 14 after a time like this :p (w00t for having only a half hour's sleep b4 the singles tournament)

EDIT: A list of the order of participation would be REALLY nice, since I don't remember the order, and by default the videos are only identified by numbers. Last time I took video at FBT1, I had trouble remembering what Aaron v. Tapion match went where, and I don't want to mix up the order of the crews at all.


Oct 1, 2005
who did lone Jedi punch? Sounds hilarious
I didn't punch anyone. Immature people tend to stretch the truth. But whatever.

I would like apologize to everyone, for how I acted towards the end of the tourney. I was wrong in "pushing" zeus. I let Zeus's words get to me, and I acted the wrong way. As a Christian, I should have never acted like that, and for those of you who make fun of me for it, i don't care. It was a stupid thing to do.

I think MN is a great state, I really had a fun time playing with you guys. But seriously, back up your talk if you're to say it. Back it up. I'm tired of hearing Zeus talk crap, and all he did was get owned by me and vino all day. I think Zeus is a great player. Better than what MN gives him, and I told him that all day, only complimenting him, up until he went way overboard. Smack Talk is fine, I love smack talk. But calling me Gay repeatedly, over and over again is stupid. If you're going to smack talk, at least talk about my game, not about lies that aren't true.

Again, no matter what someone said to me, I should have never reacted like that. I apologize to Zeus, and I apologize to everyone else who saw that. My Bad

Oh and...

how did that crew battle go?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I didn't punch anyone. Immature people tend to stretch the truth. But whatever.

I would like apologize to everyone, for how I acted towards the end of the tourney. I was wrong in "pushing" zeus. I let Zeus's words get to me, and I acted the wrong way. As a Christian, I should have never acted like that, and for those of you who make fun of me for it, i don't care. It was a stupid thing to do.

I think MN is a great state, I really had a fun time playing with you guys. But seriously, back up your talk if you're to say it. Back it up. I'm tired of hearing Zeus talk crap, and all he did was get owned by me and vino all day. I think Zeus is a great player. Better than what MN gives him, and I told him that all day, only complimenting him, up until he went way overboard. Smack Talk is fine, I love smack talk. But calling me Gay repeatedly, over and over again is stupid. If you're going to smack talk, at least talk about my game, not about lies that aren't true.

Again, no matter what someone said to me, I should have never reacted like that. I apologize to Zeus, and I apologize to everyone else who saw that. My Bad

Oh and...

how did that crew battle go?
Sounds like something a gay would say.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
Wisconsin's Heart, Chicago
Fade: haha Great Teams we actualy made it of pools, i was worried when we were 3 down and still had to face quaz but we pulled threw and grabed the 4 seat :D also pimp ** danceing and stylish hat!!!!**** subway!!!

Devy: Haha your a lamo, good matchs against Yoshii i was watching you performed well:)

Hayate: THanks for the ride man i forgot to give you some gas money, i didnt even get any friendlys tho :(

Thomas J: Sorry i Missed are MM i lost track off time and had to leave

Zicore:Good Friendlys and stuff like that, that link layd it on the line

C S: haha sorry CS i totaly forgot to do some freindlys after i left to play spikes :|

Eighteenspikes: haha spikes are mm was awsome, i would love to get some more friendlys some time and have you possibly overview my doc, GREAT tourny and GREAT job buying soda with your own money...and giveing my mom directions....i kept my promise and went up that shirt :D

Jamesparrow: Ok, what the **** i still havent played you, i really need to have some friendlys, oh yah and thanks for helping me with my zicore problems

Marth101:tear* i wanted to mm you

BZZL: your ness is sick. those team friendys were really fun in the begining. Glad i got to paly you again!

Haus: haha haus is pretty much my hero all you have to do is get some upb damage and you basicly win, great friendlys and suprisingly good zelda :D

Sync: darn i really wanted to friendly you but i didnt get the chance :(, im glad you could talk this time though. Also i hear a viscous rumour you are the best ever at super monkeyball!!!?!??!?!?!??!

Seanson: Amazing Yoshi wow. I played you my first round of singles at fuhgetaboutit1 if your remember?

Superdoodleman: I had a blast playing teams against you, you and seanson are a great team

Quaz: haha quaz, BigC pointed like right at you, your like" no not me" great friendly your peach kicked me *** you shoulda won in teams against me and fade

SlayerofMe: WOW luigi combos :() that was an amazeing luigi!!!!!!!

Fluxwolf: haha fluxwolf owns, ps wtf is a flux?

Dr deciple: i would have loved to have played a pika

lone jedi: i really wanted to play you, and i agree whole heartdly, keep trash talk game related!!! nice pants contrary to what zicore says

Nomek: watch for my back massage combo video.."Nomek are you Watching" haha

5150- i was geting smoked, i dont know why i was playing so poorly tho i almost caught up on your bowser after that sick tech, haha im gona try to make it to your smashfests now that im in madison

Cra$hman- Wow amazeing samus, you and mundungu was doing very well, me and fade beat you on MK2 tho :D

Mundungu-....what the **** 3 tournaments in a arow and no friendlys??? next time you have to

Yoshii and Teammate- Good matchs that Sheik SHeik ending of the first match was REALLLY CLOSE, i was so nervous



Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Oh Sliq, to answer your question, I think there were 28 teams, and like 54 singles.
Then I'm not to torn about not going to this. GameJukie had 44 entrants, Dope, Drephen, Jiano, and Vidjo.

I would have gone to this if there wasn't a local tournament 20 minutes from my house, or if it was a little closer then 9 hours.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I ****ing love ****.
lol im doing it too

Sago : we owned with ganon against haus and bizzle...UTILT FTW!!!

Fade : EoF and i ***** you at hyrule temple 99 stock 2.0 damage ratio...we had tactix. PS: you suck because you get ***** by coming up on the ledge attacks...lol gg

Hayate: Thanks for the ride and im really surprised you didnt get pissed when zeus started talkin **** during that match...its good you can keep your cool and not get mindgamed into being aggressive...

Zicore: we never got to finish our random match...but anyways nice friendlies.

C S: neutral A to WARLOCK PUNCH...best team combo ever...

Eighteenspikes: i completely forgot about the mm against your supposedly secondary
roy...hopefully i can host that smashfest i was talkin about sometime before christmas..

Jamesparrow: it was just a band tshirt...idk wtf it means...lol the teams match against you was fun.

Marth101: you ***** in crews....thats all i have to say.

Bizzle: lol i never got to mm you....but the teams friendlys with sago were fun as hell...hope to face you again.

Haus: FER DAMAGE!!!! WITH ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah i basically ***** you when i did that...lol...you have a mean *** zelda...i was surprised...anyways gg.

EoF: **** you...you passed the curse on to me... jungle japes Friendly fire off FTW!!!

Fluxwolf: lol i never got to face you..."ps wtf is a flux?"

Dr deciple: that lvl 9 pika *****...it was so pro...it was probly the worst teammate ever though..it saved you and then killed you...

lone jedi: eh the trashtalking at the end was funny...otherthan that nothing else to say.

Nomek: where the **** was my back massage?

5150- lol so loud...and so funny...nice shirt btw it *****. eddie van halen FTW!!!

Yoshii - you have a REALLY good puff...it really caught me off guard...

KSSB - really fun playing friendlies with you...

Zeus - Nija or whatever and i ***** you on poke' floats...dont even say anything lol...j/k gg's with you and deciple.

Eddie - REALLY nice ganon...i wanted to ganon ditto you but eh...never really got to it.

Zjinn - REALLY fun friendlies...


Oct 1, 2005
I just want to say, Good stuff ethan in Crews. Nice Job WI, getting the win, without our best player playing.

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
1. My name is Disciple, not Deciple, Disciple! XD

2. Lonejedi you are lucky as all hell that Zeus got held back, because he would've rocked you in the face man. Learn to chill out, Zeus says a lot of things are gay. He says my character sucks, and the **** I do is gay all the time, and tells everyone in MN the same ****, so it doesn't really matter. It's a ****ing a game, and also you went off on him, when you were yelling at me at crews, when all I said was not to start the next round because we were waiting for Chronosquare to get the camera set up, because the vast majority wanted the big screen up. Learn to have some patience so we can get things set up, like you tried to rush crews asap. You weren't running this event, Spikes was. Oh and for the record, all he did was push Zeus, not punch him, and congrats for swearing too. Christians can swear too and not get smited, so please don't bring in religion on why you shouldn't behave like that. I got nothing against religion but I see it beign pointless to bring it up over getting mad about a game and getting trash talked, and just because you beat Zeus, doesn't mean you have beaten me yet. Hope to see you at the next event then we can play one on one. My pika vs your Shiek.

Shoutouts -

Spikes - Thanks for hosting a great tourney I had fun, and those combos on team were annoying, and sorry I had to gimp you. Oh yeah we still have to do our snapple chuggin contest in the future.

Zicore - Thanks for allowing us to stay at your place, it was fun chilling with you guys and re-enacting family guy scenes all weekend. XD

Sync99 - It was fun playing against you, and both getting of us getting frustrated at each other, when we play smash and 2 in the morning.

Tink - It was fun playing against you, I was expecting to get my *** completely handed though.

Adj - Those gimps were some *****es.

Captain Awesome - Most epic first round ever! That Ganon was fast I thought I was gonna come back a few times in our matches. But meh **** happens, I just gotta pick it up next time I see you.

Eddie - That was the closest 2nd match I had on Corneria ever, I thought I had that match but I ****ed up. Ah well you're pro and it was fun playing against you.

5150 - Great Lakes! Land of 10,000 Lakes mofo! It was fun trash talking against you.

Fade/Devi - I still can't believe that **** actually happen. lvl 9 Pikachu ftw!

Ethan - Good **** on going on a rampage in crews, you secured WI with the victory on that one.

Eci4 - ICE CREAM! Good job on being in MN crews and taking off 4 or 5 stocks?

Sparrow - Imma Gimp you, like you Gimped me.

Chronosquare - I hate jigglypuffs, and that was a very intense first match, I would've flipped out if I lost that first round.

Everyone else - Hi!!!!!!!!!

WI - Good job winning crews and beating Vikings. 422 - Brett Favre. Oh and I apologize for going all crazy on the **** talking, but I just wanted to do it. I mean come on it's big event, why wouldn't I trash talk from time to time. It made it more fun too many jokes were going on non-stop. I hope to see you all come in deep when MN gets a tourney set up here. Hopefully I can get, Get Gimped up and running for circuit tourneys, though MN won't be in the Midwest Circuit event though.

MN: 1 - WI: 1


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2006
Little Canada, MN
fun tourney, i got farther than i expected.

my main shout is to crashman, i still cant get over the end of our fight with your tailspike through my down-b. that was sweet.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2003
Winona, MN
Just got back to Winona, I'll post my shout-outs later. Someone make a thread in the Results forum for this tourney.

P.S.: I'm missing a normal gray Cube memory card with a white sticker on it that has Smash data, some PSO data and other game stuff on it. I'm almost positive that someone may have picked it up on accident, but I'll keep checking at my place.

P.P.S: Whoever channeled up/down on the TV without the power button on it, you = a dumb piece of ****. It was already set on video, and now I can't change it back because the remote doesn't work for it anymore. Congrats on your stupidity.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
Just got back to Winona, I'll post my shout-outs later. Someone make a thread in the Results forum for this tourney.

P.S.: I'm missing a normal gray Cube memory card with a white sticker on it that has Smash data, some PSO data and other game stuff on it. I'm almost positive that someone may have picked it up on accident, but I'll keep checking at my place.

P.P.S: Whoever channeled up/down on the TV without the power button on it, you = a dumb piece of ****. It was already set on video, and now I can't change it back because the remote doesn't work for it anymore. Congrats on your stupidity.

You obviously overestimated the IQ of your fellow smashers. I got of out that habit long ago.

[shout outs to come later when i feel like thinking]


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2004
East Coast Sucks, Tink+Viperboy 1st place -- $340
Team Teflon needs a bigger afro - Aaron&Chexr - - $180
Beauty and the BEAST - Eddie and 5150 - $60
crashmaniacs - crash/mundungadoodledoo $0
Dog Law #7 - Eighteenspikes, JamesSparrow - $0.00

Tink - $400
Viperboy - $200
Aaron - $100
Eddie - $50
5th - Chexr/Black Hayate

Way to pay attention Spikes XD


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
In the last place you look
East Coast Sucks, Tink+Viperboy 1st place -- $340
Team Teflon needs a bigger afro - Aaron&Chexr - - $180
Beauty and the BEAST - Eddie and 5150 - $60
crashmaniacs - crash/mundungadoodledoo $0
Dog Law #7 - Eighteenspikes, JamesSparrow - $0.00

Tink - $400
Viperboy - $200
Aaron - $100
Eddie - $50
5th - Chexr/Black Hayate

Way to pay attention Spikes XD
my team name was crashman and sauce, way to pay attention chexr


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Hmmm shout-outs always take so LONG... >.>
I loved the tournament, just wish Haus and I coulda made it out of team pools. Losing the round to Nija and not winning the round vs spikes/sparrow are the closest combined john I can think of...

Spikes: Fun tournament, thanks for hosting it. Sorry I couldn't work out a genius plan for the crew battle setup. :p

Sparrow: Why the hell won't you DIE!!! Argh those matches were so close! Good games as always :D

Haus: <3

Nija: zomgwtfbbq how did you beat us that round? Totally scary.

Zeus: Nice matches in teams and singles. Always good to play against new smashers.

D. Disciple: Hey, I can spell your name right! And for what it's worth, I enjoyed most of the trash-talking. Lone isn't bringing up religion "over and over" though, he's just saying why he realized his actions were out of line.

Fade & Sago: fun games, guys!

Lone: Losing temper = not cool. Being able to realize it was wrong and apologize, though, is cool.

Mundungu: Fun friendlies as usual. :)

Nomek: Nice job running the pools/brackets. Give me a better pool next time. :p

Chronosquare: Yeah, I'll send some PM's soon. If I forget and don't within a week or so, just toss one my way so I'll see it.

Anyone I forgot: Sorry, gg, see you next time!

Also, I have the videos of the matches Haus and I played during the pools. If you don't normally check this area and want to see them when they're up, send me a PM.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
Congratulations to tink and viperboy for their slaughter of this tournament. Glad to see the trip was worth it for you two :).

Sounds like the tournament went well except for a lone jedi catastrophe. The only problem I have with that isn't that zeus was calling him gay or whatever was happening, but he was flippin out over the fact that 5150 uses *****. What if lonejedi was gay? basically mocking him for the way he is.

Anyway, point bein, everyone needs to chill out. If you're gonna talk ****, talk **** but be able to take the **** talk. If you're gonna mock a lifestyle, race, mamma, then do it, but be able to take the same.

Wished I didn't miss it, but looks like Wisconsin didn't need me or Sauce anyway :-P

Tapion... out!


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
Lonejedi you are lucky as all hell that Zeus got held back, because he would've rocked you in the face man. Learn to chill out, Zeus says a lot of things are gay. He says my character sucks, and the **** I do is gay all the time, and tells everyone in MN the same ****, so it doesn't really matter. It's a ****ing a game, and also you went off on him, when you were yelling at me at crews, when all I said was not to start the next round because we were waiting for Chronosquare to get the camera set up, because the vast majority wanted the big screen up. Learn to have some patience so we can get things set up, like you tried to rush crews asap. You weren't running this event, Spikes was. Oh and for the record, all he did was push Zeus, not punch him, and congrats for swearing too. Christians can swear too and not get smited, so please don't bring in religion on why you shouldn't behave like that. I got nothing against religion but I see it beign pointless to bring it up over getting mad about a game and getting trash talked, and just because you beat Zeus, doesn't mean you have beaten me yet. Hope to see you at the next event then we can play one on one. My pika vs your Shiek.
ur right disciple its a ****ing game so talking **** to people is just dumb. play the game don't be like people on the east coast, i was having a discussion about this YESTERDAY with someone about how things are so diffrent in the MW and we dont have that crap.

so ya becasue of hearing how ******** u minnesota people are im never coming up there cause i woulda flipped a biatch on u people woulda been ugggggggly

play the game talking trash in a video game is dumb and immature, ucan cheer on ur friends what talking down to someone is ****ed up

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
It was more like zeus was saying the way he played was gay. Zeus hates campers.

Watty - Sorry if **** talking takes offense to you, but it was fun to do some **** talking now and then. It's not like I do it 24/7, so my bad if it offends you or not. You can give me the finger all you want I would just laugh at it, because I would think it'll add on more to the fun, and seriously don't judge the entire MN just from how Zeus and I acted man. No need to for MN to have a bad rep. Ah well see you never again I guess.



Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
It was more like zeus was saying the way he played was gay. Zeus hates campers.
I wasn't there, but my statement still stands. If you're gonna smack talk or talk ****, be able to take it. But believe it or not, people can't take or hate smack talk... you might wanna know who these people are because you may be talkin **** to the wrong guy and get ****ed up.

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Yeah I feel you on that, I know that lesson for sure, I've seen it happen a lot too. I have been to tournies around the country and different areas and I've seen what can happen. Hell I was one of the people that would be turning onto the person that was **** talking me, then I look on and realize what I did was dumb as hell, for getting mad over some words.

Edit - I mainly was cracking jokes at the tourney, but the entire crew match I was **** talking.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
Bracket as promised.

Tink I thought you had me at that match but somehow I made it through. GG all of you it was a good tourny.

Translation: Sorry guys I f-ed and ended up not saving the brackets and full results. Somehow I feel like this was all Lone Jedi's fault but that's neither here nor there.

I'll do shout outs later on in life when I'm not so lazy.


Smash Master
Dec 9, 2004
Charleston Illinois

1. PC Tink
2. Korean TJ
3. aaron
4. sephiroth eddie
9. lemondude829
17. Big Dat

DA Dane was in there somewhere too...

fun tourney to all, had a good time.

good friendlies/tourney play all.

gg on that $10 aaron :p


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2004
Me and Aaron dont trash talk Watty :( Please dont hate me <,<


Eddie: Currrssseee you I should have had that last rest but I got jumpy and used it early during your shield. No johns though you beat me fair

Tink: You turbojerk I know you told Eddie to play Shiek the second time I faced him. Also, you rock.

Nomek: You rock too even though you didnt save the brackets

Everyone else: Oh yeaaa

PS. Im a jerk when it comes to shoutouts


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
Janesville, Wisconsin
For the record, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you won't get "smited" for swearing. Also, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean that you're perfect. Absolutely every single person on the planet sins. Therefore, D. Disciple, don't try and "trap" Christians for sinning. OMG a Christian swore?! He committed a sin?! Ya...it happens.
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