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[Circuit Event] **Fuhgeddaboudit 2** 9/29 Oshkosh, WI


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
For the record, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you won't get "smited" for swearing. Also, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean that you're perfect. Absolutely every single person on the planet sins. Therefore, D. Disciple, don't try and "trap" Christians for sinning. OMG a Christian swore?! He committed a sin?! Ya...it happens.
The only thing lamer than bringing up you religion in an issue that has nothing to do with it, is ruining a perfectly good tournament talking about Christianity. Let's stop.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
There's a fine line between talking trash and just being annoying. I mean saying stuff when something cool or exciting happens (like when aaron shined crashman's charged shot) is fine, but when people are just playing and nothing much is going on, there doesn't always need to be constant yelling and ridiculing. Do that between people switching or when something exciting/cool happens, because otherwise it throws the players off and just makes the whole atmostphere suck. I mean when I was playing zeus people were yelling about me missing a rollout, screaming about how i wasnt killaOR or something like that, and howi play like a "lame camper" blah blah blah. It got to the point where during the match zeus got up just to yell at lonejedi because lonejedi was yelling and screaming something at him about how he has no skill or something like that. This doesnt just apply to MN but to everybody who felt like they had to constantly yell/scream annoying negative crap while people were playing. It completely distracts the players, and it made the crew battle a terrible experience for me, even though we won. Once again I'm not crying or whining about anything, just saying in general, next time i hope crews isnt as lame as it was at fuhgeddaboudit 2. If it is then im not doing it.

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Yeah, after reading that post again. Me saying that was seriously crossing all kind of lines no excuses on why I said it, just me being an ignorant *******. Lonejedi sorry for saying that about your religion.


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2007
i dont really do shoutouts, but i'll do a short one

D. Disciple: first of all, hope i spelled your name right, and second, good trip to subway

Croudo and Master: it was cool sitting next to you guys during the crew battle, WI ftw.

SDM: sorry i turned into such a beast, those shine spikes were kind of ridiculous.

Jason: good teaming with you, and fun friendlies, although we needed more falcon matches on yoshi's

to all those i missed, gg's and see you at the next tourny


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
yeah really, lets talk about how badly Zjiin lost to chronosquare

I'm kidding really >_>

we can talk about how I 4 stocked tink

...which never happened =( and never will


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
btw I actually do kinda feel bad about the whole trash talking thing now.. even I did a little of it in crews, but I thought we were just doing them for fun, I still love MN

Black Hayate

Smash Lord
Oct 21, 2005
Land of kinkyness
shout out

aaron: yea i'm going to use sheik from now, thanks to you lol i almost make a comback for the first match

chexr: uair is broken, that's all i have to say

crash: that link is top tire lol

sauce: i didn't even talk to you @_@

tink: you little ***** (quote from tapion because you refuse to talk to him) lol

viper tj: thanks for the match in the end, i feel happy that you like me sheik

ethen: too good in crew lol

captain awsome: good match, eventhough there is only 2

eof: we are going to start a band so we can quit smash forever lol

js: you are going to play bass

slayer: you are playing drum with your head (i'm serious) lol

aaron again: you are vocal LOL

yea.... that all


Oct 1, 2005
Yeah, after reading that post again. Me saying that was seriously crossing all kind of lines no excuses on why I said it, just me being an ignorant *******. Lonejedi sorry for saying that about your religion.
Don't worry about, I still think all, as in everyone from MN is too good. Even Zeus, I think people should give zeus more respect. Zeus is good, give him some props.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2004
Roseville, MN
it is time for me to do some shoutouts! (not in any particular order)

Tink - Im glad I didn't get 3 stocked again by you. I hope you liked what you saw from me when I played viper in our MM. I think I actually had you on the run on yoshis story in our marth ditto but ended up falling apart. GG's you are a better player and I respect you for that. I wish we could have done more friendlies because playing you and viper are like the only way I can increase my skill. Good work on getting 1st once again.

Chexr - Your Jiggly is fun to watch even for me. You were very good at nailing those rests in teams and in singles. Have fun at college <.<

Viperboy - I enjoyed that money match alot. Sorry I wimped out on the double or nothing offer but I didn't want to take any chances. I felt like I was playing myself...
I also felt like I had to win because 5150 was talking alot of crap that annoyed me. I know you heard it...

5150 - you are a nice guy in the long run but because you act dumb on purpose and never stop talking you annoyed a few people including myself. A MM should be a quiet, yet intense, set of matches between 2 people. I never met someone that cared what controller port they were using but whatever. Nice hat.

Eddie - very intense matches. I got very lucky spiking you at the end so sorry if that angered you. You are a nice guy that picks up on patterns very fast. You have more experience than me but I have learned over the years. GG's

Sparrow - thanks for being my eyes. That was very fun and frustrating at the same time! no wonder you didn't place as well. I didn't know that you didn't use falco.

Hayate - GG on that money match. You have some sorta talent for that. Im glad you don't get angry at all. You're just a jolly little asian. =D

Crashman - samus has a very annoying up+b.

KSSB - you marth is hot. Too bad we didn't get to have a ditto at the end. My group wanted out of there fast. The only thing you need to work on is your suicides. lol...

EOF - =).

Zicore - I always thought you were older than me. One day i'd like to hang out with the EOF gang!

zEus - you get angry pretty fast. Try to watch that as it upsets other people. Other then that I thought you did very well and finally proved what you are capable of by placing 9th with your marth. Your marth actually seemed faster than mine when I watched you in crews so good work.

Seanson - JOKES! man you were popping them out left and right XD. Your yoshi is looking better then ever. IMO red yoshi looked really freaken cool in crews. Yeah sorry for almost hitting you with my heelys but some girl named anna wanted to see me do it.

Eci4 - We had such a long drive home because of all the traffic. We left at 1pm and I got home at 8pm... I enjoyed talking with you during that entire time. Im sure we will play again sometime in the near future.

MoMD - so uh I heard your team did good and stuff...

Ryan - ^

Spikes - your doc is looking very good. Keep it up. I now have 2 snakes in my pocket. Beards are fuzzy <.<

SDM - I didn't play =( and you won't read this anyways...

Disciple - that bandana looked very strange. Soulja boy XD. Well you definetly changed things during crews.

Lonejedi - I understand what made you angry but you kinda went a little overboard as zEus always kids around. I think he likes you as a rival so he likes to trash-talk like that. anyways, its just a game and nothing to start a fight over. I wish I could have played you because I know your pretty good.

Aaron - *pats back for getting 3rd*

Thomas Jefferson - I guess your name is just Hayate's brother... You really need more confidence when you play and don't just think "well im gonna lose anyways".

Flux - Im glad you finally got to see how I stand up compared to viperboy.

Deepak - Deeeeeeeepaaaaaaaaaak. You beat big C? wow.

Yoshii/Lucas - once again your gonna go up on the power rankings because I think you placed 3rd from MN as in Me, Chexr, You. Go buy some heely's!

everyone - heely's are very fun.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
Janesville, Wisconsin
The only thing lamer than bringing up you religion in an issue that has nothing to do with it, is ruining a perfectly good tournament talking about Christianity. Let's stop.
Well considering the fact that the post I was referring to DID have a comment about Christianity I think it does indeed have something to do with it. Therefore, I couldn't possibly be the one that brought it up. And the tournament was ruined because someone was talking about Christianity?! I think you're making stuff up now. So to sum it up:

- My comment on religion/Christianity was relevant to the post it was referring to
- I wasn't the one who brought it up
- You're making stuff up

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
Viperboy - I enjoyed that money match alot. Sorry I wimped out on the double or nothing offer but I didn't want to take any chances. I felt like I was playing myself...
I also felt like I had to win because 5150 was talking alot of crap that annoyed me. I know you heard it...

everyone - heely's are very fun.
Chexr wanted to sock him, he was that pissed. I never got to try out your heely's XD. But yeah it was funny that you come rolling up in them at top speed, while we're all doing friendlies.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2006
Central Wisconsin
Tink - good job on 1st, ridiculous stuff I liked your captain falcon in the finals!

Chexr - amazing matches in singles I loved watching you and aaron team up

Eddie - good games, I probably should have gone FD with falcon instead but I enjoyed playing you!

Sparrow - didn't get to play you sadly

Crashman - haha our teams match round 2. i guess it's never over til the results screen is up. good stuff in crews

Aaron - I really really like playing you, for some reason it doesn't feel super fast paced, rather something more graceful. I almost had you even with the suicide! :p Also: Holy **** your shoes

Tapion - the results may not show it but my marth was rocking hard, ask Aaron about it. Falco sucks :p

EoF - sorry I killed myself in teams sometimes, I killed myself quite a bit today. it happens

Zicore - I missed a lot of the fest oh well it still rocked!

Zeus - thanks for the friendlies at Zicore's house

Chronosquare - you beat zjiin somehow?????

Seanson - you and SDM in teams is such a weird *** team, i have no idea how to beat it. good stuff

MoMD - fun game in crews

Spikes - CREW **** holy god, you kicked ***. thanks so much for putting so much effort into this tournament

Yoshii - I wanted to play you more, oh well

Sauce - No marth ditto :(

Zjiin - repping IC in teams, yay!

Ethan - CREW ****


PS: Perkins was funny


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Easy now, Sephiroth. I didn't like the comment either, but I don't want this thread to get blown up in an argument.
Yes, if religion is a part of someone's life then they'll bring it up when they talk about stuff they do during life. (even smash tournaments, yes) It shouldn't be assumed that talking about it ruins everything.

However, I think we've run the comments about the argument -and the related things- into the ground now. Let's just talk smash, eh?


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
Sorry KSSB, I don't believe you. The placings that show that second and third place were both falco players, and that first was a robot goes to show that marth in fact sucks... not falco


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
Janesville, Wisconsin
Easy now, Sephiroth. I didn't like the comment either, but I don't want this thread to get blown up in an argument.
Yes, if religion is a part of someone's life then they'll bring it up when they talk about stuff they do during life. (even smash tournaments, yes) It shouldn't be assumed that talking about it ruins everything.

However, I think we've run the comments about the argument -and the related things- into the ground now. Let's just talk smash, eh?
Smash it is.

Overall I thought this tournament was awesome. I hold no grudges against EighteenSpikes and whoever else was running the tournament for the delay. (And also I would like to thank Spikes for buying soda with his own money).

Good times everyone, and I'll be seeing some of you at WHITE 5. (might need a teammate for that one :().


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)

Tink - I forgot to ask you for a friendly! I've been to many tourneys you were at and we havent gotten to play a single match

Viperboy - didn't get to play you either =(

Aaron - we only played like 1/4th a match but I think you were just messing with me because I got the 1st stock off and was doing good against your second

Eddie - OMG your marth helped me start doing good against other marths, its always good to play you! next time I'll take off more than 2 stock from your marth!

Chexr - **** you ***** me in singles tourney, but then I managed to handle you somewhat in crews! I think I just got a boot, good games!

Black hayate - we didn't play, but wow 5th place?? awesome WI representation! (it was funny when you lost to zeus though)

Crashman - good stuff in crews against aaron, love the up b stuff! and thanks for the help in the peach VS marth matchup too

yoshii - solid puff man, getting 7th is pretty good I'd say, next time I wont be just another SDM to you

KSSB - we were around eachother for 2 days and we didnt play eachother once! but I agree that your marth is better than your falco lol, **** tapion he didn't even come to the tourney!

SDM - our peach ditto matches are close, but you **** my marth =( ggs tho

puffinator - lost to seanson? **** not too hot, we got to play some ^^ ggs

Lone Jedi - I may have ***** you in the first match of our set, but our 2nd one was intense, you HAD me atfirst, but I managed to get the job done, gg

18 spikes - WOOO you ***** in crews! did a lot more than you expected, that was great, we didnt get to play either but still crews were fun and stuff, you f*ckin hugged me lol...

James Sparrow - hey we got to play some! sucks you didnt do too hot in the tourney, but I guess brackets do stuff like that

Captain Awesome - haha ggs man, I didnt think i'd get that close to beating you, but hey, you still won! next time though.. you're MINE

Ethan - good **** in crews, crazy shine spikes

Sauce - I wanted to play you too! but you also lost to seanson! ****...

Seanson - darn that yoshi of yours has such accuracy! I think I only gave you trouble because peach ***** yoshi or something?

sync - hey you didn't do so bad at the tourney! you were kinda eehish in crews first, but you started playing better against Momd, good stuff!

Deepak - taking out big c? wow good stuff

Big C - another person I didnt getto play... we will again soon tho!

zeus - that marth of yours is amazing

D. Disciple - your fox ***** me loool

ECI4 - I was kidding when I called you a scrubby fox in crews.. I swear.. it was one of my bad trash talks I said.. xd.. you're no scrub you're good too, gave me trouble in friendlies, ggs

Master of my domain - ggs and stuff, even if I didnt play your falco

Haus - ggs against zelda, had to try pulling out the marth combos for ****.. I guess it worked out for me <_<

bzzl - I think your ness is improving even more, keep it up =)

5150 - we shoulda played, oh well

Seph - didn't play you...

edge - didn't play you either.. >_>... wow a lot of people I never played

sago - I did better against you than I thought I would,I guess I suck in teams?

fade - sorry you couldnt stay and stuff, but I think I would have had you in the tourney (I think)

EOF - sorry you sucked it up in singles =(

Mundunguu - man I forgot about you! we were gonna play too and then we.. didn't...

zicore - thanks for housing and driving! good times!

Slayer - we sucked it up in teams, but it was fun! ..right? sorry for being a ***** at one point <_<


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2003
River Falls, Wisconsin

yoshii - solid puff man, getting 7th is pretty good I'd say, next time I wont be just another SDM to you

No offense or anything man, but you arnt another SDM to me. I play SDM a lot in tournaments and he is very tough for me, in my opinion his peach is much better then your peach.

But thanks for the props:)


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI

yoshii - solid puff man, getting 7th is pretty good I'd say, next time I wont be just another SDM to you

No offense or anything man, but you arnt another SDM to me. I play SDM a lot in tournaments and he is very tough for me, in my opinion his peach is much better then your peach.

But thanks for the props:)


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
against you his peach might be a lot better.. but I've beaten other people he couldnt beat.. so I dont think he is all THAT better than me.. I still think he's a little better though <_<

edit: okay.. I havent beaten that many people he couldnt beat... so.. you may be right, no offense taken though, haha shut up tapion


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2006
Silver Lake Minnesota
ECI4 - I was kidding when I called you a scrubby fox in crews.. I swear.. it was one of my bad trash talks I said.. xd.. you're no scrub you're good too, gave me trouble in friendlies, ggs
Man, I didn't hear anyone call my fox scrubby... My fox was scrubby in crews though... I was all "What am I doing, and also shorthopped edgehog [most technical or average tech?]"

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Actually I have the scrubbiest Fox in the land. Ask Mundungu or anyone else who played my Fox >.>

My 7x nair combos and my inability to drillwaveshine consistently are 1337.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
P.P.S: Whoever channeled up/down on the TV without the power button on it, you = a dumb piece of ****. It was already set on video, and now I can't change it back because the remote doesn't work for it anymore. Congrats on your stupidity.
Karma strikes back for stealing my couch, pillow, and blanket at Zicore's XD (All I did was press the eject button because I though that was the power button, it sort of turned on but with the cube plugged into the front it gave no video... no one around knew whose TV it was so I tried switching the channels... it was after that we saw some more ports on the backside to try... I'm sorry I messed it up for you :( I didn't see you put it down there...)

Now for some shout-outs, mostly in the order for which I met the people to shout them out while some random shout-out thoughts are entered in between randomly... [/Chrono-speak]

SDM & Seanson:
Those were some great warm-up teams matches, 56k and I did way better than I thought we would. Especially that quad-peach match on Dream Land, that was too good. (Next time I wanna play both of you in a 1 v 1 match)

Fade: Man that was a ****ed up match at 2 in the morning... 2.0 damage 99 stock on Temple, WTF lol. I felt like I didn't really get to play you seriously though... I wanted some 1 v 1

Refer to the above quote and subsequent text

Devy: ****, it was fun playing with you. Both in Ganon dittos (Neutral A to WARLOCK PUNCH FTW) and our money match... lol, you owned me in MKII :p We need to get together to smash like every other week or something like that; you, me, Fade, and Black Hayate.

Sago: You came all this way to spend the night at Black Hayate's and come to Zicore's pre-tourney smashfest, yet we still did not get to smash together. That's not cool. :(

Eci4 - ICE CREAM! Good job on being in MN crews and taking off 4 or 5 stocks?
Eci4: Ice Cream was you? Wow... I'm really sorry, but I honestly don't remember the teams friendlies we played right off the bat. Which makes me a sad puff, considering that you ended up playing in the crews XD I totally want to do a one on one match with you next time we meet.

56k: It was awesome teaming with you. Considering the teams we had in our pool (Yoshimi, Beauty and the BEAST, Crashman and Sauce) I think we did better than expected. You win some, you lose some - I messed up some pounds in the first match v. 5150 and Eddie on Dreamland (Sheik and Roy) where I think we might've won if I hadn't, and in return you got to mess up vs. Nomek and Fluxwolf. Oh well.

Nomek & Fluxwolf:
**** son, those were hands-down the best team matches I have EVER had, bar none. I do not recall ever playing so good... I think I got all the kills the first match, + one of 56k's stock :D (FYI, I think Rollout can only kill vertically if you DI it like that... :p) I don't remember which one of you was the Sheik, but I want to thank you again for the matches... it's like after those matches I learned out how to fight Sheiks.

Riding off the last shout-out, I want to play you in the next tournament, now that I've learned what to do against Sheik. Lol, I remember how scared your dash-dancing and grabbing trixies were the first time I played you at one of your tournaments... I can't remember which one, but it was probably between FBT1 and FC....

Zjiin: I don't think I've ever been as closely matched to someone as it seems I was against you. In all our matches, including the first round of the tournament, it always came down to last stock 100%+ for both of us (I was so surprised that I won that first round my jaw dropped and my gum fell out, lol) Bummer on that weird SD the second match. Y'know what I think? I think next we meet we should MM.

KSSB: I really wished we could've gone something like 3/5 instead of a lame 2/3 for our match, just so I could've play you some more. Your Falcon always could **** me, but now that you're getting better it's nice to know that I still am able to take off 1-2 stock reliably. Lol, I double-stick DI Tech'd both Falcon Punches you threw XD

Disciple: I want a rematch, lol. No johns, that was an amazing first match. (Sing-SDKO 1st stock of the match to taking off your next two stock LOL) And that Thundering on Japes... that was some nice stuff; granted you did it so much that I got two rests from it, but also I fell into it at least once of my own accord. From the sounds of it, you deserved the chance to face Eddie more than me - likely I would've gotten owned if he went Marth or something, lol. (I feel totally bummed by the fact that I didn't get to play you again one on one before I had to leave Zicore's.... I hope we get the chance to try that again within the next year)

Ethan: You went from "Who's Ethan? Is that that 5150 guy?" before Take It! 2 (lol) to "Oh, so that's Ethan... I feel like I might have a chance against him" after it to "Holy **** Ethan how many stock did you take in crews?" after this tournament.

5150: Yeah, just so you don't get the wrong idea or anything about my reference to you above, I was a confused little nooblet still... I didn't know who either you or Ethan were IRL, I heard of different accounts and not posting in all of them and was generally mislead... I know I'll remember who exactly the **** 5150 is from now on, I promise. Also... Sugoi mugiwara! :p

Thanks again man for letting us stay over at your house, especially the second night. That mm was great too... lol, your Zelda out bair/fair-ed my Jigglypuff. I really wish we could've finished the third match as it had started though, I reeeally wanted to see how the battle of Bomb-omb vs. Stichface would've turned out. (That segment's gonna go on YouTube BTW, even though the match's unfinished ;) ) We seriously need to do a Peach ditto; in the 4:36 minutes I played as Peach I pulled 3 Stichfaces. Lol.

Izak: You little ****. Why the hell'd you have you mess up our MM? :( That was very uncool... I won't say anymore because A) Zicore already gave you a talking after you did that and B) you're probably not reading this anyways XD

HA HA I placed higher than you XP

Puffinator: Next tournament that we both go too, we need to keep a record of how many rest KOs and Rollout KOs we get. I think I might've gotten more rests than you this tournament, and I have a feeling that I did get more rollout kills than you. For example, I was doing **** like this all day:
*Nomek gets hit by an angled rollout, DI's up and gets star KOd*
Nomek: "You did not just do that."
Me: "Yes, I just did."
or another example would be in my MM with Devy; last match his 3rd stock gets rested, but from above so he DI's it, I wake up with just enough time to hit him with a rollout as he up-bs right onto the platform... I found that few of my rollouts were missing, oddly enough; perhaps I missed 4, 5 tops.

Oooooh, so those were heely's... and here we thought you had figured out how to wavedash in real life, LOL

Bzzl: Even though I saw Zicore and the like matching you, it never crossed my mind to challenge you. I guess I was too tired. Considering how I mysteriously entered a higher level of thinking/gameplay, I'd like to see how I do against you now.

Pretty much the same the Bzzl comment; I need to match you again. Especially how I recall never having much trouble beating Zicore's Zelda, only to lose to it in our first MM... I need to fight another Zelda other than Zicore's.

Sync and Quaz: I am so glad you two rode in my car on the way home. Without your talk back there, I'm not sure I could've stayed awake to make it back to Zicore's. I didn't get to play either of you in matches, but I feel that it's not too bad a loss - you two are Wisconsinites, which means I can find and match you in any old WI tourney :p

From the looks of it, because of how projectors are in general, I think that nobody will notice that a few videos are out of focus (like your match vs. chexr), because even the ones that seemed perfectly in-focus are still slightly fuzzy. Sorry, but with as quickly as I had to focus in the camera, combined with the small screen, I couldn't really tell... for next time, I'll have this larger collection of videos to remind myself that I need to super-focus, and I can also have you guys help me remember...

It's a shame that we couldn't some sort of "We're ready, are you? You are, OK, GO!" system there; it seemed like for a moment there we almost had one going. (That's right, Bzzl gets two shout-outs from me. 4HIZZLE!)

Black Hayate: I gotta give you major props, because without that smash practice the wednesday before, I feel like I wouldn't have done half as well as I did. So thank you much for that.

Thomas Jefferson:
I gotta say, in retrospect, I'm really confused. When you mm'd me at Zicore's your Samus gave me all kinds of trouble; when I saw Zjiin's Samus against Crashman and Mundugu I thought "oh **** I'd have trouble with that", and yet when I played Zjiin's samus it was just as close as it was vs. Ice Climbers... I don't remember who won that friendly, and I don't even want to hazard a guess. I really think you two should Samus ditto sometime to help me clear up my confusion, lol.

Now for some random shouts that I'm not sure who they're to:

If you remember at all, I'd like to know who it was fought 56k and I in team pools where 56k fought as ICs, I as Jigglypuff. I want to remember just who it was that 56k's Nana stagespiked of her own accord; I think it was Peach played by 5150, but I can't be sure.

Everyone at Zicore's, after I woke up it seems like someone put their stuff on the couch I was sleeping on, and I accidentally took your light-blue pillow instead of my darker blue pillow. I didn't even realize it until I got back to the dorms. So.... yeah XD

On the whole, I think this was the best tournament I have ever been to, because it feels like I actually participated and didn't just go and get knocked out for nothing (Zicore was knocked out by Bzzl, oh em gee!) I mean, I almost went so far as to have a big-name smasher like Eddie take me out of losers. Even though Disciple might've been more deserving of fighting Eddie, I kinda wish I did win, just to see the look on Zicore's and EoF's faces when they learned I'd have to fight Eddie. (Seeing you freak Disciple would've been cool to see as well XP)

The videos I will get to probably at the end of the week... I sacrificed a lot to come to this, and it was so worth it. In return, I need the next few days to make sure that I've got my homework done and so that what I had to sacrifice wasn't done so in vain. (I missed anime club on Friday yet again... T_T)

LOL I think I started typing this about 8:30. I'm going to bed.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2007
Central Wisconsin

Tink - I was hoping to remain on the same stage as one of your characters for a little longer, not just the two matches I played against you in teams...

Viperboy - You have a cool smash name.

Aaron - Your Falco is my idol, and it is the reason I check the skies for laser-wielding birds every time I go outside.

Eddie - Watching you beat Quaz was VERY satisfying.

Chexr - It was fun hanging out with you and Slayer all weekend! We did good on teams but never got to fight each other. Sadness.

Black hayate - You were my first loss. GG's, I really gotta work on Fox dittos.

Crashman - You rocked in crews man! Way to fight that imba Falco with "the Feminist".

yoshii - You took me out of the tourney! ****, I need to learn to dodge grabs, but I'd say those were pretty close when I didn't get rested at 35%.

SDM - I want my Peach to be just like yours when it grows up.

puffinator - We jumped right into the most intense team battles, didn't we? You can get your revenge on me and Ethan once you switch to a less demanding partner XD

Lone Jedi - It was awesome seeing you again, too bad we didn't get to do any friendlies.

18 spikes - Watching you in crews was better than jacking off after not being able to do so all weekend.

James Sparrow - I'd say I'm getting better against Falco, but that's right you play Fox too you cheapass *******--if I get better at smash you always get MORE better... ah well. Good friendlies!

Ethan - Team Where's My Money shall strike again with a vengeance. My Peach was rockin' in teams, I'll go home now and play 5000 hours of Peach ok?

Seanson - I need to watch more smashers like you. It helps me realize that low tier characters can actually be good too if you use em' right. Good ****, also very fun chillin with you and the tv in Slayer's back seat.

zeus - Fighting your Marth is really fun. Gotta work on predicting and punishing those grabs :/

D. Disciple - That's one psycho Pikachu. I've literally decided that from now on if I ever fight a Pika I'm sitting in the middle of the stage with my reflector up until you come over to hit me.

Master of my domain - Nice Falco, that PS crew match was just weird.

bzzl - My Kirby itches to fight your almost-as-round-headed Ness. Till' next time!

5150 - You're so crazy man. I mean that virtually and for real.

fade - Your Marth was fun to fight.

EOF - You shoulda played instead of me for crew matches. Nervous and wet finger johns.

zicore - HI ZICORE! Thanks for letting us stay over. I got 2 hours of sleep on Friday night and 10 hours Saturday. Weird. The dishwasher FTW!

Slayer - You partnered with Quaz, huh? Tough isn't it? LOL Pick up Falco again and then come over and play me and Buttonsmash haha. But seriously, I'm gonna get some ridiculous Luigi practice from you.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
If you remember at all, I'd like to know who it was fought 56k and I in team pools where 56k fought as ICs, I as Jigglypuff. I want to remember just who it was that 56k's Nana stagespiked of her own accord; I think it was Peach played by 5150, but I can't be sure.
It was vs Eddie and 5150. I think it was 5150 who got killed by my Nana because he yelled something about Nana lol. I didn't even notice, I assumed she was dead. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2007
Central Wisconsin
Sync: darn i really wanted to friendly you but i didnt get the chance :(, im glad you could talk this time though. Also i hear a viscous rumour you are the best ever at super monkeyball!!!?!??!?!?!??!

Why yes, YES I AM! I got the XBox version and it was a lot harder for me but I got it down. Stupid XBox controllers... I haven't played the new Adventure yet and I'm not very good at the Wii version yet either, but at SMB1, 2, and Deluxe I kick *** almost as much as I do in SMASH.

And Yoshii... harsh! I think Quaz's Peach > SDM's Peach


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2006
shoutouts(for the horde of course)

yoshii - you had me sweatin man. good **** with that puff. had me hangin back spammin those fairs.

tink - ouch.

viper******* - why am i shouting out to you? youre in the room next to mine.

captain awesome - good **** sir. we'll have to double ganny again someday.

hayate - watch those waitin for your opponent to pick their character before you pick yours, no johns tho.

18spikes - doc = ouch

and if i forgot you - gg

and on another note, trash talk is going to happen. people are gonna yell and say things you dont wanna hear so the person they want to win is going to. outside the game mindgames ftw. youve just gotta step back and think the wonderful line "its just a game". if youre gonna play in the midwest, be ready for the trashtalk and represent. MN and WI need to represent the midwest spirit. Like i said, its just a game. take a chill pill!


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2003
Winona, MN
Karma strikes back for stealing my couch, pillow, and blanket at Zicore's XD (All I did was press the eject button because I though that was the power button, it sort of turned on but with the cube plugged into the front it gave no video... no one around knew whose TV it was so I tried switching the channels... it was after that we saw some more ports on the backside to try... I'm sorry I messed it up for you I didn't see you put it down there...)
At least you're honest about it which is nice. I'm sure I can find a universal remote for it so I guess it's not THAT big of a problem. I should've tried to set it up myself too, to avoid what could've and eventually did happen.

Sorry again for stealing your couch. Call it even?

Oh yeah, my pillow is still at Zicore's. Lol, **** it.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
You guys are lucky I didn't show up, because everyone would have finished one place lower.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2006
Little Canada, MN
Additional shoutout to zicore and his parents, for housing us and being so accomodating. it made the tourney that much better.

lol @ 4 years later match.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
ok...after almost 24 hours of sleep...this is going to be hard...so this is what I do. THANK YOU ALL PEOPLE STAYING WITH ME THOSE 2 NIGHTS! I had a great time, and everyone was nice about keeping it quiet both nights for my parents sleeping. They didn't care about the noise much. I had a lot of fun playing everyone that I played. This was a lot of fun and my parents said that I can do it again! WOO!

To everyone that I played at the tourny, I know I suck. No johns. I just sux. Oh well, I had fun.

Thank you spikes, for everything you did to make this one of the best tournies I have been to. (hard to beat FC's...but CLOSE.) Thank you Nomek for running teh brackets, and for being the funniest thing since...ever. You punching Crash was a great sight to see.

To all MN people at my house...Perkins was AWESOME. The gay waiter wanted EoF. lets all make fun of him =P




and thats all...


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
At least you're honest about it which is nice. I'm sure I can find a universal remote for it so I guess it's not THAT big of a problem. I should've tried to set it up myself too, to avoid what could've and eventually did happen.

Sorry again for stealing your couch. Call it even?

Oh yeah, my pillow is still at Zicore's. Lol, **** it.
Yeah, I'd say it's even. BTW have you tried auto-searching for channels with a menu button (don't know if there's one on there)? I had to do something like that for my TV, but that was so we got more than just video/3/6/9/11... I dunno, it might work for you.

Also... about the pillows... I think I might've taken the pillow of someone who put their stuff in my trunk; I think I accidentally took yours out when we got back instead of mine... it makes sense, since I don't recall my pillow being that comfortable XD

One last shout I forgot to mention... THANK YOU SYNC, THANK YOU QUAZ'S FRIEND for giving me some gas money... I put $20 in, and I think I used $20 exactly worth of gas to get to Oshkosh and back... of course with the trip to Perkins, it was a llittle more, but eh :p (At least with that now I have enough gas to go get money when the chance comes. Oh, I will be so screwed if for some reason they deem me unfit to donate plasma... ><)

Oh, and Zicore, if you notice a small grey headphone covering around the small couch/that table we had to move, I'd like to know, because I think mine might've fallen off again there during the night or something. They were doing that the whole weekend, but I'm pretty sure I had both coverings when we got back...
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