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[Circuit Event] **Fuhgeddaboudit 2** 9/29 Oshkosh, WI


Oct 1, 2005
what is it with you wi guys and camping being related to skill there. what r u guys in like 2003?
Lol, the same guy talking about camping, and CG'ing, is the same guy who wanted to wobble. Talk about a hypocrite.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
Lol, the same guy talking about camping, and CG'ing, is the same guy who wanted to wobble. Talk about a hypocrite.
well i didnt do it for one it's called hitting the easy button.

Well, ****. Does anyone know of any downloadable video editing programs/video converter programs? The only program I have that can work with video files is Windows Movie Maker, but the **** thing only takes like ****ing .mpg files. The videos that came off my camera are in .mov format.
there's this magical thing they have now to find things on the internet that you don't have it's called google.


Oct 1, 2005
Or you could just send the file to steve. I think for the most part, people just want the recording, even if it isn't high quality.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
Well, ****. Does anyone know of any downloadable video editing programs/video converter programs? The only program I have that can work with video files is Windows Movie Maker, but the **** thing only takes like ****ing .mpg files. The videos that came off my camera are in .mov format. :(

I am a sad Jigglypuff...
If you want me to take care of it, you could put everything in a zip or a rar and put it on yousendit, and I'll edit everything and put it on Youtube


Smash Lord
May 4, 2006
Madison, WI

Spikes: Very good job on keeping the tourney above water. I wouldn’t have even noticed the problem if you didn’t tell us about it. I had a similar situation at the last whitewater tourney (much less severe), so I feel your pain. Thanks for the soda.

Tink: Grats on the win. You’re falcon is too goood.

Viperboy: Nice job on taking winner’s finals. You were completely destroying me in teams.

Aaron: Grats on 3rd. I’m surprised how well you matched up against the top tier IL players. Those empty short hop – bair locks are too goood.

Eddie: Didn’t play you in singles, but teams were fun. Its always uplifting to see ganon win some matches.

Chexr: Didn’t really get to play you either, except in teams. That was ugly… Nice rests.

BH: I see you playing shiek more and more each tourney. That’s probably a good choice if you don’t get to play much anymore. It’s always good to see more good foxes around though. Come back!!

Crashman: Nice job in teams and low tier.

Yoshii: You’re jiggs is really tough to deal with in teams.

Captain Awesome: Man, that EB games scam story was too good. We’ll ditto next time for sure.

Zjinn: Good choice on luigi, wasn’t expecting that at all. Polish up those trixy ice climbers for next time! GGs.

Lemon: Very intense match. You’ve got a very solid marth. I usually don’t have problems with marths.

Big C: You’ve got a pretty solid looking fox. All that drill-shining the night before must have paid off. Seriously though, I thought I was listening to that for like an our when I was trying to sleep.

5150: Wayyyyy too much shiek. I think I saw you play roy once. Does this mean you aren’t retiring?

Sauce: Sorry for the team name, it was too funny at the time. We’ve gotta smash more, those are always my favorite games.

Fast2: Pretty solid doc. I never played you, but I hear you go to whitewater? We should play sometime.

Ethan: Good ****. No falcon dittos :(

EOF: GGs. Its good to see you still showing up to these, even though you “hate” the game. Don’t worry about that teams match, it didn’t really matter (winner had to play Aaron + Chexr).

KSSB: Fun friendlies. I think you should consider playing falco against space animals. It looked like you were struggling against spacies with marth. I always got destroyed by your bird. Marth is definitely the way to go against non-fast fallers though.

Seanson: Good yoshi’s are my favorite thing to watch. We should play next time.

BZZL: Your ness keeps getting better. Keep it up.

Quaz: Very nice job in crews. Your peach is getting too good.

Sago: You’ve got a pretty good shiek. I was having some trouble with you in teams.

Fade: Your marth has gotten a lot better. Nice counterpick in teams.

Adj: Man, your falcon is really good. Just need to get those suicides under control.

Seph + Edge: Lol, double ganon team. Too good. Hope to see you at White 5.

56k: Fun games. It’s always fun to play someone that plays everybody. Those nair combos were too good.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Well, ****. Does anyone know of any downloadable video editing programs/video converter programs? The only program I have that can work with video files is Windows Movie Maker, but the **** thing only takes like ****ing .mpg files. The videos that came off my camera are in .mov format. :(

I am a sad Jigglypuff...
You could try VirtualDub. It's what I use for recording matches, but it's primary use is editing stuff, I think. It supports most formats, so even if you just wanted to use it to save those movie files as .mpg it should work.

Otherwise if spikes is willing to do it I'm sure he'd do a fine job.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
LoL I just spent like a good hour and a half reading all of the posts from after the tourney for some reason ~_~....

Anyways I'll do a lil' shout out now:

Mastr: Right you are, Ken... x2 trillion lmaoooo...

Sparrow: Thanks for letting all of us stay at your house and feeding us donuts/pizza and stuff, also that little dog bed looking thing was super comfortable to sleep on! PS: I think I just got an F on my math test today, we will see.

Nomek: Happy birthday! Good job doing brackets, I'm glad you can still have fun with all of us even though you didn't actually do singles or whatever.

Croudo: We were kickin tha **** outta each other while trying to make a black hole on the car ride back hahaha...

Baka: I think you Bob Money'd me once in the car ride back xD, also your pink fuzzy pillow was sweet... 3rd strike sometime??

Mag: thanks for the 7$ i owe you, friendlies were fun as well... lol and we kinda stole each others DS games >.>

Okay I'm getting lazy now so I just decided to do shouts to the people I went with this weekend. Everyone else GG's hihi n stuff c u l8rz.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
Janesville, Wisconsin
I agree with Big C, even though I am from Wisconsin. See...I'm a very agressive player. Therefore, I get shield grabbed/camped constantly. For example, I lost to a camping ***** son of a b**** Luigi player that camped the wing on Corneria. (I beat him on FD though...hmm what a coincidence).


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
i mean i saw someone counterpick to onett and WI leaves MK2 on both camptastic stages and onett too good for fox. these stages have been banned for at least a yr. now but yet everyone in one state is like meh we like 'em we'll keep 'em.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
In the last place you look
yeah, you guys are completely right. campers exploit a flaw in your playstyle and use tactics which are effective. they are the lowest form of life, they are the scum of the earth


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2003
EoF here... and i suck at this game...

i'm missing a memory card, its tiny and black.. smash has EoF and Oaf as the first names ....

kssb, you killed yourself more than me wooo i'm gettin' better!...

eci4- you're lucky i was tired and that suck at this game....

5150- you're a bigger *** irl than on the internet... didn't think it could happen... you ever smack talk aaron in the middle of a money match again, and i'll ****ing kill you, you trailer trash piece of ****.... btw, way to **** up teams for eddie... you blow

big c... no johns... deepak did what he needed to do to beat you... you fell for it... (i agree on the stages tho btw... but spikes always has those stages on for some reason)

thats all i got for now... i'm pissed....


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Hey, does anybody have an exact count of the number of people that showed up?


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2006
lol i love how pissed off people get about this game. i think eof needs a smoke.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
EoF passed up an opportunity to hang with his girl all weekend for a smash tourney. You would be pissed to.


Oct 1, 2005
i mean i saw someone counterpick to onett and WI leaves MK2 on both camptastic stages and onett too good for fox. these stages have been banned for at least a yr. now but yet everyone in one state is like meh we like 'em we'll keep 'em.
This was taken straight from Viper Boy's tourney. Which is a IL tourney.

•Stages banned: Yoshi's Island, MKI, , Venom, Big Blue, Flatzone, Icicle Mountain, Hyrule Temple, Fourside, Brinstar Depths, Termina, and Yoshi's Island 64

I nowhere see Onett, or MK2 on that list of banned stages.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
5150- you're a bigger *** irl than on the internet... didn't think it could happen... you ever smack talk aaron in the middle of a money match again, and i'll ****ing kill you, you trailer trash piece of ****.... btw, way to **** up teams for eddie... you blow.
lmfao. Real life threats from a video game? Get a life, seriously. Touch rick and you'll be the one in trouble.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2003
oh **** that... this has nothing to do with a video game... if that little queer bag thinks he can walk around and say whatever the **** he wants, i'm sorry it doesn't work that way... he's not in ****ing JR high, he needs to learn that his actions have consequences, and he needs to pay for them or he'll never learn...... and don't tell me to get a life, i have one thank you very much


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
oh **** that... this has nothing to do with a video game... if that little queer bag thinks he can walk around and say whatever the **** he wants, i'm sorry it doesn't work that way... he's not in ****ing JR high, he needs to learn that his actions have consequences, and he needs to pay for them or he'll never learn...... and don't tell me to get a life, i have one thank you very much
If you're implying that the action of trash talk has the inevitable consequence of physical abuse, then your view on social interactions is pretty messed up. At the venue, there was a whole group that was pretty much obsessed with talking about how much you hate 5150 every time i walked past them. I remember thinking, "don't they have anything better to talk about?"

Having a life means not getting pissed off at people who play the same video game of you for the way they act. It also means if you're going to threaten someone like a tough guy, you're going to do it in person. Not avoid the person, wait till you get home, get on the forums and then start crying.


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2006
zjinn is right. grow the **** up. if you dont like someone, tell them to their face. stop trying to sound like a badass on the internet. and zicore, i also spent a whole weekend away from my girlfriend. are you implying that if you arent with your girlfriend youre pissed? cus i was fine. and eof if you dont like trashtalk, then msop isnt the place for you. with all the big names and all of us that love to trashtalk gonna be there get ready for it. trash talk ftw!



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2004
In the COK
I don't know where all this nonsense is coming from. The midwest is typically the nicest and least hostile of the regions. Trashtalk is strangely rare in the midwest, but I guess 5150 is East Coast. . . . .

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
I don't know where all this nonsense is coming from. The midwest is typically the nicest and least hostile of the regions. Trashtalk is strangely rare in the midwest,
Hmm, that would explain why a lot of WI players were upset about the trash talk that was going on. I don't have a problem with trash talk at all, in fact I like trash talk. MN was going 90% of the trash talking :p


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
Hmm, that would explain why a lot of WI players were upset about the trash talk that was going on. I don't have a problem with trash talk at all, in fact I like trash talk. MN was going 90% of the trash talking :p
Trash talk is just part of the game. Some smashers have too much estrogen in their system to be able to deal with that.


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
trash talk doesnt bother me, infact rick was trash talking on my match VS captain awesome, I didnt care.. he is just rooting for his own state is all (CA is IL).


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
zjinn is right. grow the **** up. if you dont like someone, tell them to their face. stop trying to sound like a badass on the internet. and zicore, i also spent a whole weekend away from my girlfriend. are you implying that if you arent with your girlfriend youre pissed? cus i was fine. and eof if you dont like trashtalk, then msop isnt the place for you. with all the big names and all of us that love to trashtalk gonna be there get ready for it. trash talk ftw!

To tell you the truth, I don't really think 5150 would care if you told him in real life that you didn't like him. Lol. And if he does, well, sorry.

Also, trash talk is a good way to mess up your opponent, if you make fun of what tactics they are using in their match, they feel ashamed to use it.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
I must say, after reading those posts where you were putting EoF in his place, it's official. Zjiin is my favorite IL smasher :D (Sorry Eci4, no hard feelings I hope)

You could try VirtualDub. It's what I use for recording matches, but it's primary use is editing stuff, I think. It supports most formats, so even if you just wanted to use it to save those movie files as .mpg it should work.

Otherwise if spikes is willing to do it I'm sure he'd do a fine job.
Thank you Bzzl! That's the kind of thing I'm looking for - the NAME of a software to look for! I do want to give my try at editing it on my own... and I mean beyond just the crew battle I took two continuous videos of MM's that I need to un-splice so I can put the matches separately on YouTube... I wouldn't want to bother Spikes with doing more work like that.

Also, trash talk is a good way to mess up your opponent, if you make fun of what tactics they are using in their match, they feel ashamed to use it.
Case in point - I was mm'ing Zicore, down to our third battle my Peach v. his Falcon on Stadium, I was up 3 stock to 1... it was about that time Zicore mentioned how weird a Peach I have, with staying on the ground far more than any other Peach would; self-conscious then of the fact, my playing style altered almost enough to compensate for the fact, which, combined with Zicore's increased jumping-about let me slip enough for him to win... lol mindgames!


Smash Cadet
May 8, 2006
trashtalk is a mindgame. it makes you nervous and youre not gonna play as well. play to win.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
well it's cool to threaten ppl over **** talk y'know. but if anyone tries to fight any of my friends i will come after you and I'm not such a friendly guy when i'm angry sirz and there is only like one person id be afraid to swing at in the MW community and thats eddie.
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