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[Circuit Event] **Fuhgeddaboudit 2** 9/29 Oshkosh, WI


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
Trash talk is just part of the game. Some smashers have too much estrogen in their system to be able to deal with that.
no you see there is trash talk and there is talking like an ******* to an opponent, from what ti soudns u guys do B. WHICH IS GAY WHICH IS WHY MINNESOTA IS VOTED AS THE WORSE STATE IN THE MIDWEST GG kentucky ur off the hook


Oct 1, 2005
56k, the next tourney that you're at, that I'm at, that vino is not at, do you want to team. I know this is kind of random. But I think you're one of the coolest MN players.

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
no you see there is trash talk and there is talking like an ******* to an opponent, from what ti soudns u guys do B. WHICH IS GAY WHICH IS WHY MINNESOTA IS VOTED AS THE WORSE STATE IN THE MIDWEST GG kentucky ur off the hook
Umm Watty.

1. MN was at FCD and we didn't trash talk like an ******* to just an opponent, hell, we barely trash talked at all.

2. I trash talked back when 5150 was trash talking Aaron like hell, so I came in and defended him at all cost. More of it was just me cracking jokes, and saying all of our state nicknames.

3. MN general was making jokes, the trash talking started up when things between Zeus and Lonejedi got escalated to a point that violence almost occurred and that was because of Zeus continuing to call him and puffinator gay.

Finally, please don't assume that MN in WHOLE are a bunch of *******s because of two people trash talking at one event, because that seems very shallow and I like your Samus and you were cool in person too. But what floats your boat, it's your opinion of us, but don't try to give the entire MN a rep that bad.

You can say what you want about me, I really don't give a ****, since it's just words and I won't jump the bullet or anything. But it only annoys me when people jump to conclusions right away about a group of people or certain people just from ones actions.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
trashtalk is outside the scope of the game, if play to win includes doing things outside the game as well then i'm gonan start knocknig the controller out of my opponent's hands
lol yes

in fact im gonna go mod my controller


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2003
OK people, what I've been so pissed about lately has nothing to do with smash or 5150. I have a lot of other things going on in my life... but i sort of took out that stress on him because he really DID piss me off. I'm not a physical person and I really wouldn't get violent over a video game... I actually enjoy a little trash talk.... but there is a time and place for it and he crossed the line HUGE doing what he did to Aaron...

Defend it all you want zjiin, but i can name quite a few people besides myself who wanted to punch him on the spot. The reason i took it so personally is because Aaron is one of my favorite smashers, and he didn't deserve that bull****in the middle of a money match that 5150 had NO PART OF.... I didn't want to do anything about it then because it would disrupt the match even more and the tournament as a whole. I simply cheered, "GO AARON" as loud as i could to counter the asshat's verbal jabs... but whatever .... I'm done wasting my posts to go on and on about that kid.... if he wants to continue being an ***, thats his bag... somebody will put him in his place sometime.... and no i didn't mean that the "inevitable consequence of physical abuse" was what should happen, but it has consequences none the less....

sorry for threatening violence... that really isn't cool...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Holy crap, EoF... threats of real life violence are enough to get a permanent ban from most boards, and I wouldn't want to see anyone with that attitude at any tournament I go to. Like theLemon said, you're not the only one away from your girlfriend. Mine's in Stevens Point so I only get to see her a few weekends out of the school year. And guess what - I had to give up her offer to get together this coming weekend! Not even for playing a fun game, but just so I can catch up on schoolwork. GG.

On other notes:

Trash talking is part of any competitive game. As long as it stays in good fun I don't mind it. What I do wish I'd see is more people realizing when something THEY say is getting taken too seriously and knowing when to stop.
I didn't hear anything outta 5150 worth getting upset for, but I do remember thinking "holy crap, how can he possibly be more annoying irl than ON the boards?" (that hat didn't help :p)

Even during matches I don't mind some trash talking, though in a tournament match/crews/mm I wouldn't want to get messed up that way. And with the whole "do unto others" bit, I try not to do anything but beat 'em in the game.

Good, glad that helped. :D

Dang, posted at the same time - sorry to have the ranting bit in after your apology there, EoF.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
I never had a problem with 5150 or anyone else at this tourney. Like I told Spikes, I had a blast in Wisconsin and at this tournament, definitely the most fun I've had at a tourney yet. So many nice people over there, especially Zicore who was generous enough to host all these people! Thanks Zicore! I may or may not do official shouts but Zicore and Spikes are co-MVP in my shoutouts right now lol. Even though we lost the crew battle, I wasn't even upset like I thought I'd be. I was too busy having fun to be mad. I was in a great mood pretty much the entire time and I'd definitely be willing to go to another HJ or Fudge. I seriously felt like I got to know some of the WI peeps more than I know some of my MN players.

One fun part of OOS tournies is that you feel like you're on a team with the other people from your state. It was fun cheering for MN (and sometimes WI) to win, and wanting IL (and sometimes WI) to lose. Like when Aaron/Chexr lost the first set to Eddie/5150, and a bunch of MN and WI just stood around them, silent...it was an odd but cool feeling how we shared each other's feelings after that loss...same when either of them came out on top after a big win, it was like being at the Olympics or something, hard to explain.

56k, the next tourney that you're at, that I'm at, that vino is not at, do you want to team. I know this is kind of random. But I think you're one of the coolest MN players.
It's a deal! :) And all this time I thought I never stood out lol. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2004
Elgin, IL
I had to choose between a girl and this tournament, and I chose to go (Wow, kinda sad when you say it, right?). I didn't do too hot at this one, but it's all good. You guys just need to focus on having a good time, because that's all life is really about.

Just chill out, smoke some green, and play some ****ing smash. No need for all this hostility.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
In the last place you look
minnesota, i'm not talking about the cracking jokes during the crewbattle, thats fine if the trashtalk is kept good natured. but someone yelled "you ****ing suck" at quaz right at the start of the match, thats definitely crossing the line. crew battle was recorded with camera so when the vids come out people can decide for themselves if you were just making jokes.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2006
Central Wisconsin
Why Story mode? Are you better at it? We should just do Challenge mode Expert. Die once and you lose.
if we're doing an expert run SMB1 is a lot better for that, more skill levels in that set.

i wanted SMB2 story mode because you can do more insane stunts to cut time rather than playing it careful in every stage

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
minnesota, i'm not talking about the cracking jokes during the crewbattle, thats fine if the trashtalk is kept good natured. but someone yelled "you ****ing suck" at quaz right at the start of the match, thats definitely crossing the line. crew battle was recorded with camera so when the vids come out people can decide for themselves if you were just making jokes.

Yeah saying that is definitely out of line. Didn't someone yell out "Hi Quaz!" over and over when he got up too.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
cheer for your person, dont trash talk the other

whenever someone does it to me, i usually stand up after losing a stock turn around and say "**** you *******" and flicking them off or something. Trash talk is sometimes okay if its funny.

Sliq, tink, and others are a good example how to make trash talk funny. But getting personal with it just isnt cool.

The best way to get people to stop is to yell at them. Prime example: Forward trash talking PC at pound 2

Forward: You copied my style, Im an innovator
PC: Yeah but im a winner

Foward: GTFO PC, you suck
PC: I got a 10,000 check at home and am going to college, what have you done?

Having your crew around helps out too.

There shouldnt be any grudges or real trash talk, i mean its the midwest not east coast, we all love each other.


Oct 1, 2005
I love how hayate just tries to randomly join the argument by trying to lighten it up. Props to you hayate, WI's favorite Asian.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
Things everyone can agree on...

1.) 5150 is annoying

2.) trash talking is fun BUT TO AN EXTENT

3.) no one likes being insulted

4.) not everyone is good at taking jokes.

Trash talking is NOT a part of the game, it's a part of the gaming lifestyle. When playing a game online where no chat is available, I don't know where the option is to trash talk your opponent to decrease damage and accuracy for that round. Keep it to friendlies and crew battles only, and only if you KNOW they can handle it!

Zjinn and eof (more zjinn) saying "get a life" or "I have a life" or defining what a life is at least in my eyes immediately flags you as an egocentric ***. You have no right to determine what actually is a life, what actually is normal, and what is the right way to do anything, especially as far as living someone's life.

This tournament is over. Move on, enjoy your next tournament, learn from your mistakes you made socially and gaming wise at this one, and GET OVER IT!!!!! People are *******s, people don't care, and people are in it for themselves. Others are fun, are like you, can take jokes, others can't. We're all midwest, stop hatin on each other, ****......


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2003
Winona, MN

No real order, just going from people off the the top of my head.

Zicore: Big thank you for housing us Winonans at your place, and the pizza and dough nuts too. You're awesome.

EoF: Just tell me where and when the band practices and I'll be there with my head drums. Haha, you're always fun to hang around with at tournies. Perkins was too good.

Sync: Always nice to play against a Fox as technical as you, even if I lose almost all the time. We'll smash it up on weekends or something.

Seanson: Hope you and Sync weren't too scrunched up back there with my TV. I get chills watching your Yoshi do all sorts of crazy stuff I couldn't ever do. JOKES!

Aaron: You're too good at Smash, plus we never did any friendlies. JOKES!


Chexr: moar liek Sexr M I RITE?? JOKES!

SDM: Thanks for driving us to Oshkosh, even if we did get confused at the beginning. Didn't get a chance to play you though.

zEus: Disregarding any of the stuff people say about you, that conversation on the way back from the tourney kicked so much ***. You killed many Disney childhood dreams that night.

Chronosquare: Stolen couch, messed up TV, etc... All in the past, everything's cool now

Quaz: We could've done better in teams and we know it; just need more practice together if we ever do team up again. I won't go Luigi for teams either, lol. Good Peach in crews.

Hayate: GUITAR HERO! Never played you in Smash though.

D. Disciple: Pikachu for top tier, gg's man.

Bzzl: Ness for top tier too? Possibly. Good games, we'll have to play some more friendlies and stuff.

Tink: Too good, we never played though.

Viperboy: Too good, we never played though.

Eddie: Too good, I'm glad I got to play you, even if it was in the first round. It seems you always know exactly what to do in each situation, and it's freaky. I'll take my two stocks off you and be happy with those. Good games.

Nomek: Holy **** you are one funny guy to be around. All those random phrases were too awesome.

Spikes: Great tourney, I had fun even with some mishaps that happened (memory card, tv). Hope to go to more tournies you host

Everyone else I didn't mention: GG's/Never played you/Too good/You're awesome.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2007
Central Wisconsin
if we're doing an expert run SMB1 is a lot better for that, more skill levels in that set.

i wanted SMB2 story mode because you can do more insane stunts to cut time rather than playing it careful in every stage
Yeah I agree with the SMB1 thing, but there are ways to screw any level. (My term for "skipping" it) There are some awesome tricks in some of the last stages in SMB1.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2006
Trash talking is NOT a part of the game, it's a part of the gaming lifestyle..
Very interesting take on that. I like it.

Ness for GOD tier :D
Just watch out when Haus and I whip up a Ness/Lucas team in Brawl


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
Zjinn and eof (more zjinn) saying "get a life" or "I have a life" or defining what a life is at least in my eyes immediately flags you as an egocentric ***. You have no right to determine what actually is a life, what actually is normal, and what is the right way to do anything, especially as far as living someone's life.
It wasn't a definition of a "life" nor was it a generalization of what the norm of people's behavior should be. It was merely stating that if you're having a bad day because of how people play and act in a video game, then you need to re-evaluate and prioritize your life. Have fun dealing with real world problems when you can't even deal with 5150. If it's outside factors that make you that mad, then don't bring it to the video game. Simple as that.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
Zjiin said:
Having a life means not getting pissed off at people who play the same video game of you for the way they act. It also means if you're going to threaten someone like a tough guy, you're going to do it in person. Not avoid the person, wait till you get home, get on the forums and then start crying
You're stating what one should do when having a life. You're telling people to not get emotional over something they may be emotional about. People take things very seriously that you may not. You have a right to think what you think a life should be, but you have no right to tell someone the proper way to react to something, which yes, YOU DID SAY!

I'm not trying to argue, I'm just saying everyone needs to chill out. Apparently trash talking IS a problem, so knock it off! If you seriously want to be that much of a **** and keep doing it even though you know it bothers people, then you need to grow up and realize not everyone thinks the way you do.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
You're stating what one should do when having a life. You're telling people to not get emotional over something they may be emotional about. People take things very seriously that you may not. You have a right to think what you think a life should be, but you have no right to tell someone the proper way to react to something, which yes, YOU DID SAY!.
You're right. i'm telling everyone to stop being so sensitive and use some logic when using emotions. Video games RL anger is illogical. Especially when directed towards others.

then you need to grow up and realize not everyone thinks the way you do.
That works both ways. Some people just don't care for to tend to other's people's feelings. Welcome to the real world.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
You're right. i'm telling everyone to stop being so sensitive and use some logic when using emotions. Video games RL anger is illogical. Especially when directed towards others.
Human beings are driven more by emotional actions than logical ones. I think just saying the word "relationships" is enough to describe that. Just because it's a video game doesn't mean it's not something people won't get emotional about..

That works both ways. Some people just don't care for to tend to other's people's feelings. Welcome to the real world.
No, it doesn't work both ways, it works one way. If you know it bothers someone and keep doing it (5150) then you're a **** and you need to grow up.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2003
zjiin, its ok man... i over reacted... i'd like to be more mature than 5150, so i'm sorry for the way i acted... i'm sorry i let him get to me for even a second and i'm sorry for gettin' all pissy...

and my response had nothing to do with a VIDEO GAME... it has to do with 5150's blatant disrespect for WI/MN and its smashers


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
that tapion guy.... hes good lol (im not talking about his falcon of course)


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2005
Janesville, Wisconsin
Everyone needs to stop doing the following things:

1. Telling others what to do.
2. Trash talking.

And since I already broke the first point this post is COMPLETELY irrelevant.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
that tapion guy.... hes good lol (im not talking about his falcon of course)
you sayin my falcon sucks? last time I remember playing you, I single handedly took out you and mathos on rainbow cruise... got a comeback for that one? ;-)

Edit: Seph... your post was hilarious

Edit 2: I love you watty :) I still won't forget our FC6 teaming opportunity... that was fun even though we got pwned


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
Eh, this isn't even about you anymore EoF, and i'm not about to debate semantics of choices here. This is Smash World Forums, so let's quit all the drama. People can do what they want, but don't expect others to do any favors back. Want to make sure you don't get your feelings hurt? Play single player tetris and stay indoors.

[EDIT] Tapion, you avatar made me think i quadruple posted back there.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
i do not remember the beating u gave us but i do remember owning ur ***** at FC6 that was like the easiest teams match we did all tourny =)

nah tapion u need to get that fat *** samus player that fat *** marth player and ur fat *** falcon traveling again its the end of melee and u guys are gonna spend it in wisconsin. I better see u at MSOP or a thumping shall occur

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