It's obvious that such a course of action is highly inflammatory and serves no positive purpose. It will only incite anger and hatred and I would recommend that anyone who were to do this to sincerely evaluate their actions. I strongly disagree with their actions. I also near fear for their safety as a result of any repercussions.
I do however find it grossly hypocritical that the media regularly highlights these cases and brands anyone who criticises Islam as irrational Islamophobic fear mongers. No one can criticise Islam within a public forum without being branded Islamophobic. It's a conclusion that people overzealously jump to. Criticism of Christianity, Judaism and other religions is anyone's game though. We have to get rid of this fragile climate and allow for open, free discourse about Islam.
To those who deem such behaviour ridiculous, compare it to the reaction to the Danish cartoons of Muhammad in 2006, when at least 100 people were killed in retaliation. Remember the retaliation towards Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses. Remember the murder of Theo Van Gogh for his film Submission.
I do however find it grossly hypocritical that the media regularly highlights these cases and brands anyone who criticises Islam as irrational Islamophobic fear mongers. No one can criticise Islam within a public forum without being branded Islamophobic. It's a conclusion that people overzealously jump to. Criticism of Christianity, Judaism and other religions is anyone's game though. We have to get rid of this fragile climate and allow for open, free discourse about Islam.
To those who deem such behaviour ridiculous, compare it to the reaction to the Danish cartoons of Muhammad in 2006, when at least 100 people were killed in retaliation. Remember the retaliation towards Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses. Remember the murder of Theo Van Gogh for his film Submission.
Muhammad had a poor grasp of both The Bible and Christian theology. Most of his knowledge came from heretical Christian communities within Arabia and so the accounts told in the Qur'an are grossly inaccurate when compared to the corresponding Biblical accounts.Let's have a Bible burning day the next day. :D For as all of you know, many of the stories in the quran are derived from the bible.