I once read a comment on a website dedicated to the remembrance of the people who died in Nagasaki as a result of the atomic bomb. It was written by somebody from Malaysia, who told the story of his/her grandfather being killed by Japanese soldiers during WWII. This person stated that it had always been hard to feel sympathy for the Japanese casualties due to the knowledge of what the Japanese soldiers did when they went rampaging throughout Asia. The post ended by saying that it had taken this person a while to finally acknowledge the casualties on both sides, to say that "their innocents didn't deserve to die, but neither did ours." It's the kind of statement that comes from someone who feels that someone else is getting more sympathy from an audience while their own pain is being ignored, but it is someone who was finally able to overcome it and gain some degree of empathy for the other side.
I am an American. My reaction to 9/11 was intially the same as this anonymous poster's. At first, I could hardly bring up any sympathy for those who died at 9/11 because I knew the things my own government was guilty of. After all, no one built a memorial or held a moment of silence for the people killed by our air raids in Iraq during the Clinton administration, or the ones killed by our economic sanctions. And every time someone brought up 9/11, I wanted to remind them of these facts.
In this way, N9NE, your need to speak up on the Assyrian plight in direct conjunction to the "mosque" at Ground Zero seems similar to my need to speak up about the Iraqi economic sanctions in direct conjunction to 9/11.
But after a time, I came to abandon my initial position. Those who died at 9/11 share common ground with those who died as a result of the sanctions; they share more common ground with each other than with their own leaders, who are always crying out for war and retribution. The line between perpetrator and victim cuts right through nations and ethnicities and religious affiliation. All communities, as a whole, are victims and victimizers. Japan may have been the aggressor in the last century, and China the victim, but tomorrow those relationships may change. And if it does, would I still dare to bring up Japan's history of war atrocities? Or do I choose to stand, again, with the oppressed?
I am an American. And as I struggle for equal rights as a member of a minority, what would I do if someone were to enter into a discussion about my struggle and bring up instances (whether past or current) in which other members of my group were violent or oppressive towards others? There'd be nothing I could do. I don't control the actions of other people, but if you bring up their crimes before me as I fight for my rights, I will be forced to realize that no matter how I conduct myself, you will still group me in with them anyway. Otherwise, you wouldn't have brought it up to me in a discussion about my own struggle. It seems that no matter what I do as an individual, I am still being judged as part of a group, and that group is one solid unit, and the crimes of others like me will be put before me, and even if I am not condemned for their crimes, I am still expected to say something, to give something, in answer to their crimes in a way that I would not be expected to do for someone with whom I do not share a common label. After a while, the more you keep pressing me, the more you will push me toward them, those criminals, because I now realize that there never was a chance of me distinguishing myself from them; you would, in the end, see us all as the same anyway. Push me hard enough, and then I will be forced to draw a line in the sand, and I will have to side with them because I can't expect any sympathy from you, and I also can't handle your accusations. The burden of guilt which is placed on me will be received as a threat, and that will make me look elsewhere for acceptance and security. Communities under threat bind together, but under extreme circumstances, this becomes nationalism.
That is the basis for race wars, ethnic conflicts, and religious wars. Maybe, in the end, we are all just gears in a larger machine we can't control. Maybe all our discussions are useless after all.
tl;dr - Your last post could have been its own thread, you know.