OK, here's my deal -- I'm currently in Scripps Ranch (at my house). I came here to swap cars w/ my sister (giving us one more seat), but she isn't here. I believe she'll be getting back at some point tonight, meaning the swap could happen. AKA, we may or may not have a fifth spot in my car. What this *does* mean, however, is that I'm almost certainly going to be a little late to the Triweekly tomorrow -- oh well

Another relevant event is that Nuke isn't going to be making it as originally planned -- this means his spot opens up. So we've got myself, PBS, and 2-3 open spots (depending on the car). Those spots could easily be filled by Awex, Nicktendo, and Mario -- works out nicely. Though Ghetto seems to want to come, so maybe it doesn't.
I tried, ****it.
Anyway, I'm game for hosting a small smashfest tonight post-tourney, but my Wii's making really ugly noises... it's a bit troubling, honestly. If people could come to the campus tomorrow (Sunday) morning for the trip, that might be easier (plus it would give me a chance to tackle some of the CSE work I have to do for this coming week... probably a good thing

). I guess it'll just be easiest to discuss this today, see you @ the tournament.
Oh, contact information (should probably say that):
Cell: (858) 449-8211
AIM: SubWinged
And, even though this goes without saying, I'm gonna say it: All passengers are helping pay for gas, proportionately. Mini gets about 26 MPG with 4 people, Jetta should be about equivalent.
Looking forward to this trip.