First, let's straighten things out.
According to AllisBrawl, Galeon is considered the best Lucas. In debates on the AllisBrawl forums, people often point to Oats and Tyr as the second best Lucases.
I forgot where Tyr lives, but Galeon is from Florida and Oats is from California.
In any case, EVO2K9 took place in Nevada, but people from around the country were there (like M2K, Ally, SK92, DSF, FOW, Tudor, Tyrant, FICTION, lain, t0mmy, t1mmy, etc). Oats was also there but did NOT participate in the tournament segment because it was too pricy.
As for the "best Lucas in California", I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Like Oats said, he can't call himself the best Lucas in CA really, because there's often some amazing Lucas that's hiding somewhere in the shadows. Although, he really is good. And I'm hoping to fight him at BiO3 since we only got a chance to do one 3-stock match at EVO, where I won with 50-ish% health remaining. He beat me in a time match. So I think we're pretty even in terms of skill level unless he was sandbagging me.
That said, you are the best Lucas in California? I'm taking it that you're MikeySAUR. If you really are the best Lucas in CA then, we'll have to fight =) I love fighting Lucases, and I'm always trying to improve my Lucas metagame. Lucas dittos help me a lot with that. Plus, since I'm also in California, I'd very much like to see how I compare to better brawlers.