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Chudatz & Woodbridge VA Presentzs: The Epic of Woodbridge Volume III: June 13th

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community

Omfg yes. I'll quit playing WoW as soon as that game comes out. It's gonna be GODLIKE.

And forte, there's no way it'll be exclusive to PS3/PC. FFXI was on 360, and that was way before they decided to put a game in the main offline series on the 360. 360 is too good of an online system not to have FFXIV, though I'll be playing on PC.

Also, Metal Gear Rising is announced for 360, whereas nothing was said about a PS3 version (as far as I know) so that's another blow to Sony.

Edit: I liked Smash 64 casually. It's gay as hell competitively. Just play Melee or B+ IMO, but kudos to the people who like it.
Your gay. Kirby is Top Tier in Smash 64 which instantly makes it better than Brawl, Brawl+ and Melee.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
too funny i play brawl to hang out with peeps and such and anyways im prolly gonna use snake and mk when i dont think my marth can win lol >_>


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Hey, if I bring 64 Smash to this the night before, would anyone be down for some matches? I played four or five people at Summer Smash and I wanna know who else in MD/VA is good. Is anyone here as good/better than Tant?

I'll bring four controllers, too. DUBBZ???!?!
you don't have to bring it unless you really want to use 64 controllers, I have smash 64 on my wii
oh but i don't have item switch and **** so if you do maybe you should bring yours


Omfg yes. I'll quit playing WoW as soon as that game comes out. It's gonna be GODLIKE.

And forte, there's no way it'll be exclusive to PS3/PC. FFXI was on 360, and that was way before they decided to put a game in the main offline series on the 360. 360 is too good of an online system not to have FFXIV, though I'll be playing on PC.

Also, Metal Gear Rising is announced for 360, whereas nothing was said about a PS3 version (as far as I know) so that's another blow to Sony.

Edit: I liked Smash 64 casually. It's gay as hell competitively. Just play Melee or B+ IMO, but kudos to the people who like it.
considering it was announced during Sony's conference as PS3/PC exclusive, so far I think it's much safer to operate under the assumption that it's going to remain that way rather than going 360 also

i know i know, these are the days of exclusives no longer being exclusive, but until it's actually announced for another console you can't just assume

Rising is coming out on PS3, too, but I don't really care about it because the change of the subtitle from tactical espionage action to lightning bolt action or whatever makes me think it's not going to be very... metal gear

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Since FFXI allows you to play with others cross-platform (360, PC, and PS2 players can all play together) it'd make sense to release FFXIV on as many consoles as they can, especially with the user base of 360

But I dunno how well FFXI did on 360, so you may be right.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
you don't have to bring it unless you really want to use 64 controllers, I have smash 64 on my wii
oh but i don't have item switch and **** so if you do maybe you should bring yours
Yeah, I'm really really used to the 64 controller, and even more used to mine in particular...the control stick is, like, fine-tuned to my preferences after about 5-6 years of playing. My friends and I still play 64 every once in a while, and when we do it's for hours at a time. I'll do my best to bring it.

Teams in 64? Anyone want a really good Ness/pretty good Luigi?


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Alright, just gimme a sec, I have to reset my song codes so that I can actually play online...

FC is 3566 1209 6897!

This is my third time playing online EVER, so don't judge me too harshly!

Also, you make the room


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
OH SO GOOD stuff...sorry I had to go, got stuff to do tomorrow.

By the way, I saved the match of my Falcon Punch activating the C4 and the DDD star gimp on Ike. I wanna play your Weegee in person, I play Weegee too and we have completely different styles!

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
idk probly not jose.....but im working on getting your money anywayz.......


i dont think i owe anyone else?!?!?! im out of debt (after i pay jose...bolt...and azen)

i will be out yay.....

bolt really shouldnt count cause its only 4 bucks >_> but yea i gotchu homeboy...


there you go oath...
Haha word. Thanks.

People should come smash at my place this weekend. I just need setups. I doubt anyone elses place will be open. But I'm down for whatever.
Once summer starts, I will have the Lan Center available during the week and on Sundays. The Tournaments I will be holding may also be held on Sundays because there is no school to worry about for the people still attending highschool.. but still leaves me with the people that work on Mondays to worry about. This is still in discussion with the Owner.

ck's coffee is broken tier.

Lie: Yeah
I want some. :confused:

Since there's no tourney this weekend.

Would anyone be interested in a suicide livestream of me?
I lol'd to this.

someone team with me

(Potentially) Awesome PS3 exclusives: FFVSXIII, FFXIV, White Knight Chronicles, Last Guardian (New Ico Game), Gran Turismo 5, Demon's Souls, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet
Oh and lol to the "Awesome Ps3 Exclusives".. because MGS4 is going 360 with new features and that one is the best from that list. That has been leaked and E3'09 will announce that as well.

Oh and I know that you have no intentions of teaming with me, but I wanted to put it out to anyone that I still need a team mate. Holla back, don't hate. :psycho:

we did so good! haha
I'll get back to you soon. basically if chu doesn't wanna/can't team I'll team with you

nah VS isn't going to 360. I guess 14 could but at least for now they're saying PS3 and PC only. i don't think it'd sell in japan on 360 and america isn't their target demographic with a game like that.
conversely, what good exclusives does 360 have? the only games i have for 360 are fable and star ocean, although I can see how like Halo and GoW are a big deal lol

pretty much every console sucks right now to me lol. i like them all and wish there were lots of good games but there aren't going to be a lot of good exclusives for anything until like mid 2010. ;( plus i ain't nevah payin' for online play grrr I won't forgive them
Final Fantasy is coming to the 360. Square originally announced it as a following release after the PS3 Debut but later changed to same day. Sony can't hold on to any exclusives anymore.. surely people should know this by now.


Youtube proof I suppose? Read the description.

Also.. taken from Joystiq.com.

"Sorry, Sony. The Xbox 360 is finally going to get a blockbuster RPG. Square has announced at the Microsoft press conference that Final Fantasy XIII is going to be released on Xbox 360 the same day as PS3 in North America and Europe. What a huge coup for Microsoft, and what a great piece of news for Xbox 360 owners who also happen to be great console RPG lovers."

http://gaygamer.net/images/final-fantasy-xiii-360.jpg (no homo on html)

Xbox360 ftw. Sorry Taj, I'm one of those Fanboys. :chuckle:

Also I this is the year of fighters and that FPS's are taking a break. The Wii is attempting to make a comeback as far as it goes for Fighters. Great fighters are to be released for the wii that are all Classic Controller compatable (which actually makes a great fighting stick) and also arcade stick compatable. Guilty Gear: Accent Core (Wii Exclusive) is amazing. If you haven't played past Guilty Gear games, I reccomend looking into them. Very fun, very competitive, very balanced. Tatsunaku vs Capcom (Wii Exclusive) is coming to the states and will be released sometime this winter.

Xbox 360 is coming out with great fighters as well.. Street Fighter 4 is already out, King of Fighters 12 is coming soon, Fight Night Round 4 (garbage in my opinion, but many will like), and Blaze Blue which looks absolutely amazing.

Blaze Blue (Watch in HQ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6jovd2r7fI

Twilight Princess was bad. I'd rather play Zelda II: Adventure of Link.

This game looks extremely good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_8qkC2KUQ

2D parts, Team Ninja development, ZSS, and a black guy all in one game?

Can't go wrong.
I'll have to disagree. I think Twilight Princess IMO was better than Ocarina of Time.. bold opinion.. but I rather enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, Ocarina was amazing, but I like how dark Twilight was along with the final fight with Gannondorf, too **** good..


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Oh and lol to the "Awesome Ps3 Exclusives".. because MGS4 is going 360 with new features and that one is the best from that list. That has been leaked and E3'09 will announce that as well.
I dunno lol, people have been saying mgs4 would go to 360 since the game came out and still nothing. I haven't heard anything about mgs4 at E3, but Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony's conferences are all over and it still hasn't been mentioned. (You'd think it'd be announced at Microsoft's conference if it is going to 360) Then again, Konami's conference is today so if it's going to happen, today's gonna be the day to say it. Are you sure you're not thinking of metal gear rising and not mgs4?

best is subjective. ;P mgs4 is like my least favorite game on that list lol

anyway it's best for everyone if the game does come out on 360. i'm not a fanboy or anything, but right now it is a ps3 exclusive and i just don't think it's going to go to 360 if konami doesn't announce that today.

Oh and I know that you have no intentions of teaming with me, but I wanted to put it out to anyone that I still need a team mate. Holla back, don't hate. :psycho:
sorry I'm teaming with either chu or meep

Final Fantasy is coming to the 360. Square originally announced it as a following release after the PS3 Debut but later changed to same day. Sony can't hold on to any exclusives anymore.. surely people should know this by now.
uhh we're not talking about the same game lol. Final Fantasy XIII is coming out on PS3 and 360. Final Fantasy Versus XIII is coming out exclusively on PS3. (the kingdom hearts-esque one with the bluehairguy main character, not the one with the chick) Final Fantasy XIV is coming out on PS3 and PC.

i'm really not excited about ff13 at all, i don't like any of the character designs so far except for one character. looks like a combination of ff10 and 12 in terms of style and to that i say no thanks <:3 but versus 13 looks really cool if not a little generic in design and i luvvv action rpgs


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
poyo just bury it with you.....so kirby can swallow you and fly up to the heavens of dream land where you and kirby will team up to fight metaknight and king DDD....


Btw Coney I stepped it up in 64 and I am back to playing good lol. So lets do some team friendlies


II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
I dunno lol, people have been saying mgs4 would go to 360 since the game came out and still nothing. I haven't heard anything about mgs4 at E3, but Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony's conferences are all over and it still hasn't been mentioned. (You'd think it'd be announced at Microsoft's conference if it is going to 360) Then again, Konami's conference is today so if it's going to happen, today's gonna be the day to say it. Are you sure you're not thinking of metal gear rising and not mgs4?

best is subjective. ;P mgs4 is like my least favorite game on that list lol

anyway it's best for everyone if the game does come out on 360. i'm not a fanboy or anything, but right now it is a ps3 exclusive and i just don't think it's going to go to 360 if konami doesn't announce that today.
Metal Gear rising? Ah E3 Started I take it.. : ( I'm slacking. I could be wrong, but I'm willing to say that it will cross platform today. :)

sorry I'm teaming with either chu or meep
It's cool man, I know you team with greats. I was just putting it out there for others to know that I'm available. If no one bites that strikes my interest, then I may just not come.

uhh we're not talking about the same game lol. Final Fantasy XIII is coming out on PS3 and 360. Final Fantasy Versus XIII is coming out exclusively on PS3. (the kingdom hearts-esque one with the bluehairguy main character, not the one with the chick) Final Fantasy XIV is coming out on PS3 and PC.

i'm really not excited about ff13 at all, i don't like any of the character designs so far except for one character. looks like a combination of ff10 and 12 in terms of style and to that i say no thanks <:3 but versus 13 looks really cool if not a little generic in design and i luvvv action rpgs
I completely forgot about Versus.. My bad. I know that is exclusive to Ps3.


Ooooo Forte and any other RPG fan out there, I want you guys to check this out and telll me what you think. Add your input!




Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA

lol worst wiki.

Description copy/pasted from YouTube xD
I don't even know who made that..
but mind your own business poyo, have fun staying home lol
a good team doesnt show if u can beat anyone a good team just shows how well you know your teammate and what his next move will be how you will back him up etc......

thats why h2yl know each other so well....

there isnt an I in team either....if one messes up it isnt his fault its both to blame....
:o ...hmm who blame me at COT4 ? lol after we lose to Atomsk+Inui ?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
It's true, I saw the end of that match Cafe. You guys would have won had you not forward b'd back onto the moving platform on Smashville and gave Inui a free up b kill on you off the side at around 50%. You guys should have won that set :(


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Wtf is your problem? You were around 50% BEFORE the up b, so yeah you'd have been at like 70% when you died. But when you got hit it was in the 50s. Point is you put yourself in an easy place to die and you guys would have won otherwise. Don't tell me I don't know anything when I watched it all from right behind you guys. And you know you made a dumb mistake because the look on your face after you died was terrible. I saw how sad you were after it happened and I saw how mad Boss was afterwards. Don't go around blaming others when you're at fault.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
WTH forte? You don't like the character designs for FFXIII? The only thing I think is weird is that the chick looks too much like Ashe/Yuna. Surely you'll get FFXIII if you got Star Ocean 4. Edge Maverick......(shudders) Anyway, I didn't like the fact that FFXIII was announced for 360, but surely it's a good move business wise. I'll still get the PS3 version. Though I may get both for achievements......

Also Versus XIII will be great, but I'd rather have KH3, though I will get both.

But yeah regarding FFXIV, the only reason I want it on 360 is more people to play with. I'm getting it on PC regardless.

I could honestly care less about Metal Gear Rising.

BTW you should get FFXIV, MMORPG's are the best form of online gaming, period.
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